500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 351 Bring The Girls Home

p "You are very welcome," I reply as we pull away from each other, and Linda looks at the clothes that I had slung over her shoulder like Brittney did. "These are all for you too! You might want to wait until you have lost some weight before you use them all, though."

"Oh, I will!" Linda said as she looked at the clothes with excitement before turning back to me and giving me one last hug. "Thank you so much! This has been the best day ever!"

"I am glad that you enjoyed it," I say as Linda steps out of the way, and I start to clean up. Once everything was done, I created a portal to where Olivia was and stepped through.

"How did everything go?" Olivia asked as she looked at me, and I grinned at her.

"It went great! Everyone loved the clothes, and I even managed to help one of the women lose weight!" I exclaimed, and Olivia's eyes widened in surprise.

"That is amazing! I am sure that she appreciated it," Olivia said, and I nodded.

"She did, and everyone else did as well. They are all going to sleep well," I said as I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. "I wish that I was going to bed too."

"You should! You have done enough for today," Olivia said as she walked over to me and gave me a hug. "I am sure that everyone will appreciate everything you have done for them."

"I hope so," I said as I returned Olivia's hug before stepping back and yawning again. "But this yawn is just for show. Morning is coming now, and I really didn't like the way that Elloria looked. I am going to tame some more animals and get them to help me scout out each town and then start fixing things."

"That sounds like a good idea," Olivia said as she nodded her head in approval before yawning herself. "But I think I am going to bed now; even if you don't need it, I do. Last night was tiresome."

"Yeah, I will come and check up on you when I feel you wake up. I am going to go bring the girls from the Watch Tower back to town and then over to Elloria," I explained, and Olivia came over to hug me, and I wrapped her in my arms for a little, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head before Olivia looked up at me.

"Be careful, Galio. I don't want to see you getting hurt," Olivia said as she stared into my eyes, and I nodded.

"I will be careful," I promised before pressing my lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Once we pulled apart, both of us were smiling, and I gestured for a portal to open outside the Watch Tower, making Olivia jump back.

"Get going! You are letting all the heat out of my room! I will see you when I get up!" Olivia teased as she pushed me through the portal, and I chuckled as it snapped closed behind me.

Once I was outside, I Turned to the tower and looked around, but I saw no paw tracks, so I dispelled the protection from the tower and went over to open the door. The moment I did, I was greeted by screaming women. I quickly reassured them who I was and that they were safe to calm everyone down.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked once everyone had quieted down, and the woman that had been so eager to get started, Lana, stepped forward.

"We were wondering if you could take us back to town? We don't really have anything here," Lana said, and I nodded as I gestured for a portal to open and for everyone to follow me.

"Of course. I was just about to go there myself," I said as I stepped through the portal, and the women followed. The first thing that they saw when they stepped out was the new towers and massive walls that surrounded the town.

"What happened here?!" Mona asked with shock, and I chuckled after my portal closed. I decided to bring us to the west gate that I had set up just outside of Calham so I could see how things were going there.

"I decided that the town needed a little bit of an upgrade," I explained as we started walking towards the gate, and the women oohed and aahed at everything that they saw. I had made some other changes as well since they had been gone.

"I am glad to see that you all made it back safely! Have any of you been harmed?" The guard at the gate asked as she eyed the women, but they all shook their heads. This was one of the women, Cheryl, that had waited up, and she had asked for proper guard attire.

"No, we are all fine," Lana said as she stepped forward and flashed her teeth in a grin. "We are just a bit hungry!"

"I am sure that we can find something for you to eat at the mess hall or the inn," The guard said as he stepped aside and gestured for us to enter as the portcullis was lifted up on the other side of the wall.

"Make sure that you aren't out here all day, Cheryl. There will be others that can switch with you in a bit," I said, and the guardswoman nodded.

"Of course, your highness. Have a good day," Cheryl said with a smile as I led the women into the town. The moment we stepped in, people started to notice us, and many of them gasped in surprise while others broke out into applause.

"The Cat God has returned! And he has brought back more people!" Someone shouted, and then everyone was clamoring for attention as we made our way through the streets. I waved and smiled at everyone, but I didn't stop until we made it to the inn, where I knew that they would have food ready.

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