500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 373 A Different Beast

"I am not trying to hide. I will hang Carrie out a window by her panties if the woman doesn't tell me where Hilda is. As long as they don't try to fight back, I will likely just let them live," I growled, and Ezra giggled at me.

"You say that now, but trust me when I say you aren't going to be able to kill those girls in cold blood. Yes, Carrie is a snake, a complete bitches, and badly needs a reality check, but... She is still a person with family and friends. If you just go out there swinging your fists around all, you are going to end up doing more damage than good. There is also a very good chance that it might not even be Carrie that took her. Both women have multiple partners with large families. There is a very good chance that someone other than Carrie would have done this," Ezra explained, and I rubbed my hand over my face.

"How do you know so much about this?" I asked curiously as I listened to my day keep getting more complicated.

"Me? You can ask anyone about this. There are actually three to five times a day that the Vine gets really animated, and we get reports of things that are going on in the city. We all talk about them since not very many interesting things happen out here besides you," Ezra explained as she sipped her ale again, making me chuckle.

"Well, I guess it is a good thing that we are talking about this now. I need to brush up on my intel if this is something that happens regularly," I said as I stood up and took a few coins from the pocket of my coat and set them down before buttoning it back up. "I think that today's work day just got extended."

I dropped Ezra back off at the bakery, and she thanked me for taking her out, and I thanked her for all the information she had given me. I wasn't too happy about what I had learned, but I should have assumed that this wasn't going to be easy.

While I was a god, and I could fix most problems, I could only do that when they were problems I could get my hands on. Politics were not something that magic would really help.

Sure, magic could help sway the way people thought, but that would only go so far. I really needed to get a feel for the economics of the city and see how everyone felt. In my mind, I just assumed that everyone would want Hilda to take over, but there looked to be more just below the surface as usual.

It looked like I was going to have to put my claws away for this next task and take a more refined approach to things, but it really wasn't my style. My style was to go in swinging, but there was no crazy villain or overwhelming foe to take on. This felt more like Tallia's work, but I was not going to solve every problem with my fists or my magic, and pushing the work onto Tallia wasn't going to help me in the future.

I was going to start hitting these blocks more often than not in the future, and I had been told just as much by numerous people since I came to this world. Smashing and forcing were not going to work in most situations, but thinking it to death wasn't getting me anywhere either.

I opened a portal and stepped out on what much be the central manors room since it was the tallest building that was very similar to

The first thing that needed to be done was to go into the city and scout it out since I didn't have a full outline for the city of Torrain yet. My robin and squirrels were scanning the scan to get a layout, but the place was as big as Ezra had mentioned. Northwall seemed smaller than Bramma, but there were much taller buildings in Northwall. The place was just held in with walls, so it couldn't spill out like Bramma could.

Torrian was a different beast, and from what I had gathered so far, it was nearly two and a half times the size of Northwall, and there were two sides of the city. One was wealthy, and the other had moderate living conditions, but there was nowhere that was anywhere nearly as bad as Elloria had been. There were a few places that looked rough, but with the size of the city, I was either going to have to wait a few days or tame more animals.

I looked around, but the city was much different than in Northwall, and I really didn't even know where to start. All the houses and buildings seemed to be attached to each other, making some streets much longer than they needed to be. I wasn't sure if that was intentional, but it was not conventional for the people walking around, and I could also smell the ripe smells of shit and piss. It wasn't overpowering, but it was still there, meaning that this city might not have a great drainage system for waste.

I looked around until I saw an alley that was empty and then created a portal to it, hopping through. It closed, and I almost stepped in a pile of shit, but I cursed and then jumped out of the way. I was about to lose my own shit at what I thought was a massive pile of human shit, but it turned out just to be horse shit. While it still shouldn't be left here, it was dramatically better than seeing a pile of human shit, and now that I sniffed, I realized that all the shit had that fibrous and ripe smell of animal shit.

I wasn't sure why that was important, but knowing that these women weren't just dumping their shit in the streets made me feel relieved. I could fix bad drainage, but having to stop people from shitting in the street would take time, and I didn't really didn't want that job, but it seems my worries were confounded.

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