500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 380 Threw Up A Rainbow

"I enjoy having a big family, but I hear that you are much the same," Lutha said with a sigh, and then she smiled at me. "But you have nothing to worry about from us."

"I never said I was worried," I said quickly, and Lutha chuckled as she stood up from her chair. "I am always just interested in the reasoning of other people that have multiple partners."

"Good. Now, I will let you get going, but I will have Connie go with you to make sure you don't get yourself in trouble. We don't fight in the city, and it is seen as something that will turn you into an outcast. Better to have Connie with you, and you can get to know her better," Lutha said as she gestured for one of the girls to come over, and the same woman with long black approached her mother shyly.

"Yes, mother," Connie said in a quiet voice before she turned and walked out of the room ahead of me, and I followed her reluctantly.

This girl was shy, but it seemed to be more than just that. It was like she was nervous and excited at the same time, but she seemed to be an expert at hiding her feelings. From the way that all the girls seem adept in hiding, their control of emotions must be another trait they were working on mastering. It was a good thing to be able to control your emotions if you were doing a job like protection.

As we headed out of the building, Connie followed beside me silently, and for a few minutes, I thought she was going to stay that way. But soon enough, she started asking questions about me and the things that I had been doing. She seemed genuinely curious about where I came from and what kinds of things I did there, so it didn't take long before our conversation became more natural as we walked through the city streets together.

The building I had been in was in one of the Quieter parts of town, but Connie led me away from those areas towards some very extravagant-looking buildings near the edge of the south section of the city. There seemed to be a lot of women on the streets, and they all seemed to be dressed very well. I felt like I was going to stick out like a sore thumb with my black ears and tail, but no one gave me so much as a second glance.

"Is this where we are going?" I asked Connie skeptically when she led us towards what appeared to be an enormous building in the shape of half a dozen domes that were stacked atop each other and connected by walkways. It looked big enough that it could rival a small town like Lorient for size easily enough, yet there didn't seem quite enough height for it inside those domes without cramping everything badly if anyone wanted anything beyond having a standing room at best from floor space edition.

"Yes," Connie said, but she had a worried look on her face. "This is the Balishire. My sister was going to try and talk to them about something, but we weren't sure what that was. Hilda is just like the rest of us, but she thought that mother was a bit overbearing with knowing her business, so she kept it to herself unless it was important."

"Did she talk to you about whatever it is?" I asked her, but Connie shook her head.

"No, we weren't really close. I can't come in there with you, but I will be waiting outside for you. Just try to be polite. The Balishire women are very prestigious, so you need to make sure that you do not make them angry. They have ways to make your stay in Torrain very uncomfortable, or the exact opposite if you treat them properly," Connie explained, and I stopped and looked down at her, but she looked away shyly.

"Why aren't you coming with me?" I asked curiously.

"They make me uncomfortable, but I will only wait until full dark hits; then, you will have to find your own way back. I will assume if that happens that, you will not come back to the manor," Connie said, still looking away, but she was fidgeting with her hands. I knew this cuteness, but I think she might want more from me than I could give.

As much as I liked having fun with these girls, there were some that seemed to want more, and I didn't want to promise them anything I didn't know if I could keep. I would have tons of room on the boat, but the question was where to start drawing the limits.

"I will be coming back tonight, and we can talk more if you want, but I can find my way back. You can get going for now," I said, and Connie nodded and then ran away at high speeds.

I turned back to the strange domed manor and let out a sigh. That girl was going to be something, but now it was time to focus on this Balishire family. From what I remembered, they were in control of the processing and distribution of most things in the city, and they were fancy people with a strange house. That really wasn't very much to go off of, but standing here wasn't going to help me, so I walked up to the front door.

It was a bit shorter than normal, to the point that I thought that I might have to duck to get in. As I reached to knock on the door, I was surprised to see the door swing open on its own; a bit eerie since no one was there. It opened into a room that looked like a giant greenhouse, but instead of plants, there were women in all sorts of different dresses that ranged from outlandish to conservative. All the colors one could imagine also made an appearance here; it was like they threw up a rainbow and just hoped for the best.

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