80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1407: agree to the invitation

   Chapter 1407 Agree to the invitation

   Jiang Zhiying glanced at the amount on the cheque, but her expression did not change at all.

   It has to be said that the Bai family is quite generous, with a check for 10 million yuan.

   is more lavish than Yunfeng.

  Jiang Zhiying is not the kind of rookie with no experience. She knew very well that the money was not easy to get.

   Don't look at the 10 million written on the check. In fact, if she didn't get things done, how could the other party give her so much money?

   "I said, I don't save damned people! You know very well what you do! I won't touch this kind of **** money!"

   Of course, black eating black is another matter.

  Bai Shao's face became extremely ugly. He stared at Jiang Zhiying, not only did not retreat, but took a small step forward, leaving less than a foot away from Jiang Zhiying.

   "Why does Mr. Da have to be so decisive?" Bai Shao's face tightened, his eyes fixed on Jiang Zhiying, "Everything is negotiable, Mr. Da can't wait for help, right?"

  Jiang Zhiying hooked her lips coldly: "Since you said so, then I will come with you!"

  Dog thing, you invited me to go!

   Since she came to this world, she has rarely devoured people. Even if she devoured it occasionally, she only devoured some vitality and would not kill people.

   She had just been promoted not long ago, and she was worried that she had nowhere to perform, but this surnamed Bai actually brought her up by herself.

  Since this is the case, then there is no need for her to be polite.

   Bai Shao's heart froze, but he didn't know what to think, so he held back abruptly. He respectfully made a gesture of invitation to Jiang Zhiying: "Mr. Da, please here."

  The driver of the Yun family got out of the car in fright when he saw this, and looked at Jiang Zhiying worriedly.

  Jiang Zhiying glanced at him lightly, and explained, "I'll go with them and go back to the villa later, don't worry."

   After saying that, he followed Bai Shao into the car.

  Bai Shao let Jiang Zhiying go up first, then glanced at the driver of Bai's house disdainfully, and then bent over to get into the car.

  The interior of his luxury car is very spacious, Jiang Zhiying sat in the best position and ignored Young Master Bai.

As the master, Bai Shao had to sit on the side aggrieved and asked cautiously, "I don't know what Mr. Da has figured out? Since Mr. Da has a way to bring the old lady of the Yun family back to life, there is a way to think about it. Can you cure my father?"

  Jiang Zhiying looked at him coldly, and sneered disdainfully: "He has committed too many crimes, it is not easy to survive."

   Bai Shao's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

  The Bai family is a philistine and has made a lot of money over the years. He is the old son of the Bai family, and his biological mother is a female star. After being attracted by the Bai family, he wrapped it up.

   Later, he gave birth to him, and Patriarch Bai was very happy to have a son, so he made her the concubine of the fifth room.

   When he was born, the head of the Bai family was in his sixties. Now he is only twenty years old, but his father is already very old, reaching the age of more than eighty years.

   He is still too young, and compared with the older brothers and sisters, the gap is too great.

   Once the father dies, let alone the property, he keeps the things in his hand, I am afraid that even his life will be involved!

   So when he heard about the Yun family, he couldn't wait to find the mysterious Mr. Da, and wanted him to save the life of the Bai family.

  Only if the Patriarch Bai is alive, can he survive and even get more benefits!

   But this Mr. Da's speech is too ugly!

   Bai Shao tried his best to control the anger in his heart, and squeezed out a smile: "It's not easy, which means that Mr. Da has a way, right?"


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