80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1409: Too arrogant!

   Chapter 1409 Too arrogant!

  The man watched Jiang Zhiying vigilantly for a while before taking out the walkie-talkie to contact him.

  Jiang Zhiying sat in the car without moving. After a while, she heard the man use the walkie-talkie to open the door.

   So the vermilion door slowly opened, the car window was rolled up, and the door was slowly opened.

  Jiang Zhiying glanced at Shao Bai with a half-smile, but didn't say anything more.

   asked her to say that the defense of the Bai family was really tight enough that even the young master had to go through some cross-examination and confirmation before he could enter the door.

   I am afraid that it can be more tossed than the ancient palace.

Bai Shao noticed the disdain in Jiang Zhiying's eyes, and he was so angry that he was so angry that he took a long time to say: "My father has been working hard in Taoism for many years, and inevitably he has formed some enemies, so he is more cautious. It's not just me who needs this, other people If you bring people back, you will have to go through this."

   "Young Master Bai doesn't need to explain to me." Jiang Zhiying hooked her lips, "I'm not interested in knowing this either."

   Bai Shao: "!!"

   He clenched his fists in anger, and couldn't help but ask, "Did Mr. Da always talk to people like this?"

   So arrogant, how on earth did he live so big without being beaten to death?

  Jiang Zhiying smiled and scolded her back: "I have always talked about people and ghosts. As for those who are not people but ghosts, I can only say things that are not people but ghosts."

   Bai Shao: "!!"

  Mad, you are quite yin and yang!

   He suddenly regretted having invited Jiang Zhiying over. This kid's words are too ugly, will he really not make his father alive?

  The car drove slowly for a while before Jiang Zhiying finally saw the residential complex in front of her.

   She was a little surprised to find that those houses were actually built in the appearance of classical gardens, with glazed tiles on the roof, and carved balustrades under the eaves, with bright colors and unique beauty.

   I didn’t know, I thought which park or film and television base I was in.

  The gate in front of the house was also closed, and there were uniformed bodyguards guarding the gate with live ammunition.

  Jiang Zhiying glanced at the nine rows and nine columns of golden rivets on the door, and once again felt the inhumanity of the Bai family.

   There was also a checkpoint more than ten meters away from the house, and the car stopped in front of the checkpoint.

   Bai Shao looked at Jiang Zhiying and explained nervously: "Mr. Da, get off here, and then we need to walk in."

  Jiang Zhiying couldn't help but tease: "I didn't see that the Bai family is actually a descendant of the royal family."

   This is too sarcastic.

  The Bai family is of course not a descendant of the royal family, but they have made such a big show.

  Bai Shao clenched his fists in anger, gritted his teeth for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Father likes classical culture, and there is no other meaning."

   Jiang Zhiying twitched the corners of her mouth: "This hobby is quite unique."

   Enough to burn money.

  Bai Shao couldn't listen anymore, he hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car, then stood next to him and invited Jiang Zhiying to get out.

  Jiang Zhiying came here today to meet the head of the Bai family. At this time, the place has already arrived, so she doesn't need to get in trouble with Bai Shao.

   He simply got out of the car and prepared to pass the checkpoint with Young Master Bai.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, the black-clothed bodyguard standing at the checkpoint suddenly said: "Ninth Young Master, according to the rules, everyone who enters Changchun Garden must be searched, which will offend you."

   After saying that, he waved his hand, and the two bodyguards walked towards Bai Shao and Jiang Zhiying respectively.


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