80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1420: more and more shocked

   Chapter 1420 The more you look, the more shocked

Bai Shao pursed his lips nervously, lowered his eyes and didn't dare to look at Patriarch Bai, and said honestly, "He can dodge bullets and hypnotize people... Daddy, I found him at first, I just hoped he would I was able to take care of my body for Daddy, but I didn't expect him to be so strong!

   It was not until he came to Changchun Garden that he showed his terrifying strength. I am afraid that he will be detrimental to Daddy, but I am worried that once he annoys him, he will kill him. I... Daddy, my son is wrong, you punish me! "

   At the end, he knelt on the ground with a "bang".

   Patriarch Bai gave him a deep look, then turned back to look at Jiang Zhiying on the screen, and laughed sarcastically: "You said he could dodge bullets? Did you see it?"

   Bai Shao said quickly: "I... yes... at the door, two bodyguards suddenly shot at him, and he actually avoided all the bullets, nothing happened!"

   Who knows, the Patriarch Bai said, "I have seen everything you said."

  Bai Shao raised his head abruptly, subconsciously wanting to ask how you saw it, but out of the corner of the eye, he saw those screens.

   He then remembered with hindsight that there were surveillance cameras installed at the door.

   Patriarch Bai wanted to see it, so naturally he could see it.

   Shao Bai suddenly felt a little stupid, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but wonder: "Daddy, what have you seen?"

   Patriarch Bai glanced at his stupid son, and said lightly, "You should have been hypnotized by him. Before the bodyguards fired, the others ran away."

   Having said this, the picture of that time reappeared in Bai Patriarch's mind, and his heart tightened slightly.

   He saw it and remembered it very clearly.

   That Mr. Da's speed was unbelievably fast!

The    camera even captured a blurry afterimage, not even how he moved.

   It was because he saw this scene that he decided to meet Mr. Da.

   However, he was also worried that the person who came was not good, so he didn't dare to go out directly, but instead let someone arrange a temptation.

   Who knew that the man didn't even taste it, he just smelled it and put it down.

   Patriarch Bai was very curious: how did he find out? Did you actually smell it, or guess it?

  Thinking of this, he looked at Jiang Zhiying on the screen again.

  I saw that Zhou Xian suddenly appeared in the living room with an old man in a wheelchair.

   When Bai Shao saw the screen on the monitor, his expression changed suddenly.

   He stared at the old man on the screen, and then turned to look at Patriarch Bai. The more he looked, the more shocked he became!

picture! It's so similar!

   Not only are they mostly white-haired and wheelchair-bound, they even look alike!

   Shao Bai was stunned: "Daddy, who is that person? How could he..."

   Patriarch Bai didn't answer this time, but gave him a warning look: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

   Young Master Bai's expression changed, and he hurriedly bowed his head, not daring to ask any more questions.

   After a while, he raised his head again and continued to stare at the monitor on the screen.

   Meanwhile, in the living room.

  Jiang Zhiying was sitting on the sofa, holding a tea bowl in her left hand and holding the lid of the tea bowl in her right hand, gently stirring the foam on the tea.

   She didn't even look at the old man, her attitude was free and easy, but she showed a bit of arrogance and arrogance.

   Zhou Xian pushed the old man into the living room. After seeing Jiang Zhiying's movements, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle, and his face was a little unhappy.

   Immediately, he said displeasedly, "Mr. Da, the owner of the house is here."


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