A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 55: Ruoer is really sensible

Chapter 55: Ruoer is really sensible

Chapter 55 Ruoer is really sensible

"Miss Wei doesn't have to worry about this. If I want to send someone to help Miss Wei, I will naturally send a nanny to hand over to Miss Wei. She won't let Miss Wei deal with me or other men." Chu Lan explained.

Seeing that men and women are different, this excuse did not dissuade Chu Lan, Wei Ruo looked up at Wei Mingting, hoping that Wei Mingting would help her refuse.

Wei Mingting seems to have received Wei Ruo's distress signal, he turned his head and looked at Chu Lan, "Loving the people is a blessing for the people, but my daughter has no experience in dispatching large-scale personnel, let her take it slow..."

Chu Lan interrupted: "Master Wei, don't need to say too much, Miss Wei is the most qualified to improve the wasteland in the south of Xingshan County. If she says no, no one should be able to say that she can."

Wei Mingting had no choice but to say: "Since it is the son's kindness, you should accept Ruo'er. The son has a kind heart, so I hope that the people of Xingshan County can have enough to eat."

"Then I'd rather be obedient than respectful." Wei Ruo had no choice.

After talking with Wei Mingting, Qian Zhixian, Chu Lan and others, Wei Ruo ordered Agui and Xiaoba to pick up the seedlings and prepare to transplant them.

When raising seedlings, the sowing is relatively dense. When transplanting rice seedlings, in order to ensure that each rice plant can fully receive the light and nutrients in the soil, the interval between seedlings will be larger.

So there must be a lot of seedlings grown from the two-acre seedling field to plant the two-acre paddy field.

"Father, did some seedlings die in the rice fields we planted on Mantou Mountain this year?" Wei Ruo asked Wei Mingting.

The Wei family and other families in Xingshan County grow early rice, which has passed the transplanting period long ago. The growth is normal, and it is already taller than a child at this moment.

But Wei Ruo heard that due to the weather, the rice of many families in Xingshan County did not grow well, and some of them died directly.

"Your mother did mention it to me."

During Wei Mingting's short stay at home, Yun's would not bother him with ordinary trivial matters at home, but a lot of rice in the family died. This matter is related to the family's harvest in autumn, and Yun's did not dare to hide it from Wei Mingting, so he informed Wei Mingting early. He, get ready early.

"For the extra seedlings that will grow here in a while, please ask my father to find someone to send to the Mantou Mountain in the north of the city to make up for the dead parts." Wei Ruo said.

Wei Mingting was stunned for a moment, then happily said: "Ruoer is thoughtful!"

I can't help but feel that my daughter is delicate and considerate of her family.

What Wei Ruo thought was that if she sends the seedlings to the north of the city later, she can drop by Xiaoyang Mountain.

As for the seedlings, if you dont give them to the Wei familys own fields, you can only give them to others. There is no time to plant other wastelands before they are reclaimed. She doesnt know the situation of other peoples homes.

In any case, it is the seedlings they planted with hard work, and it is always a pity to throw them away.

After all the seedlings were planted, Wei Ruo ordered Agui and Xiaoba to plow the land again and prepare for transplanting.

And Wei Ruo went back first, and some of the seedlings that were going to be sent to Weijia Mantou Mountain in the north of the city were going back with Wei Ruo.

On the way back, Wei Ruo lay in front of the carriage window, looking at the scenery along the way.

Xiumei squeezed Wei Ruo's shoulder and calf.

"Miss, should we choose a few reliable people and give them the method of improving the land, so that no one else will know." Xiumei asked.

"No, I can directly disclose this method, which is more efficient." Wei Ruo said.

"Then what if the apprentice dies of starvation after teaching?" Xiumei asked.

This is not Mojiashan. The villagers of Mojiashan have a good relationship with them. The lady taught them not to worry about anything. They are not familiar with the people here, so they are afraid that a few mouse droppings will get mixed in.

"Don't worry, they have learned it, but they have only learned the surface. They have not learned the underlying logic, so they will not really teach the disciples to starve to death of the master. What's more, the good skills of Miss Ni and I are not bad for this one. "

Some skills Wei Ruo wants to keep for himself to make money for a living, but some skills can be shared to help those innocent people who are suffering.

For example, this method of improving the land is not very useful for her to keep, and there are not barren lands everywhere that need her to improve, and she is unlikely to make too much money by relying on this method.

Moreover, she does not teach others the methods of improving wasteland, because the improvement methods of different wastelands are different, and each barren soil has its own method of impoverishment, so there are different improvement methods.

Even if it is all saline-alkali land, the method of neutralization and improvement is not static. How much to use and how to deploy are all particular. She only shared the improvement method of the wasteland in this area. If someone uses it elsewhere Go, is not going to work.


Soon, the matter in the south of the city reached Yun's ears, and Yun was very excited to hear it.

Improve the land and successfully grow crops, and have rice seeds that can be planted later. Not only have I won the praise of the adults, but I am also thinking about the yield of the terraced fields at home.

Everything that Wei Ruo has done has entered into Yun's heart.

Praised Wei Ruo several times, and every time she praised Wei Ruo, Wei Qingwan's mood sank a little.

Wei Qingwan's change of mood Yun didn't notice, she got the news and hurriedly arranged for people to go to Mantou Mountain to replant the seedlings that Wei Ruo took back.

When Wei Ruo arrived at the Wei Mansion, the Yun family greeted Wei Ruo at the door for the first time.

"Ruoer, you have worked hard these days!" Yun's face was full of joy.

"I won't go back to the mansion for now, I'll take these seedlings and go directly to Mantou Mountain. Have you arranged the manpower for transplanting here?" Wei Ruo asked, with no expression on his face, it was just a routine.

"It's been arranged. I set off for Mantou Mountain 15 minutes ago. I can start planting the rice seedlings only when they arrive." Yun replied.

"That's good. I'll follow along and take a look at the growth of the crops on Mantou Mountain." Wei Ruo said.

"That's fine, but Ruo'er still needs to pay attention to her body, and don't tire herself out too much." Yun said with concern.

"Yeah." Wei Ruo didn't continue to gossip with Yun Shi, and immediately asked Uncle Liu, who was driving, to go to Mantou Mountain in the north of the city after getting her approval.

When facing Yuns, Wei Ruo said to see the growth of Mantou Mountain, but in fact it was to see her Xiaoyang Mountain justifiably.

Wei Ruos real thoughts are unknown to Yuns family. She just thinks that her daughter is very sensible and considerate of her family. She used extra seedlings to make up for the dead rice fields at home, and went to the familys terraced fields to check the situation in person.

Yun's heart was very touched. Although there are some small conflicts in the family, my daughter is still very knowledgeable about the family business!

Wei Ruo: Its a pity to throw it away. Plant it wherever you have time. By the way, use it as an excuse to look at my own property.

Wei Mingting, Yun Shi: My daughter is really sensible, she really cares about her family!

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