A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 67: Sibaozhai's "Blind Box"

Chapter 67: Sibaozhai's "Blind Box"

Chapter 67 Sibaozhai's "Blind Box"

"If you beg me to give you a chance to correct, shouldn't you first show your sincerity to correct? Instead of begging others to take you out while asking the other party to give you a chance to correct, you will take advantage of it?"

With no one else around, Wei Ruo didn't need to care about his own image, and just rolled his eyes in a rude manner.


"No, but, put away your thoughts. If you need someone to accompany you, go to your own good sister. Didn't the Miss Qian family ask you out? If not, go there by yourself, don't look for me, I don't have time."

After finishing speaking, Wei Ruo bypassed Wei Qingwan, not wanting to waste a moment, and quickly walked towards the door, leaving her with a decisive and unrestrained back.

Wei Ruo arrived at the place that he had agreed with Xie Ying, which was the Sibaozhai that Wei Ruo often went to.

This location was decided by Xie Ying. Generally, women go to the Rouge Jewelry Store for appointments. Xie Ying has a different idea.

"Are you going to buy something here?" Wei Ruo asked.

"Well, buy some paper, my brother is coming back soon, there are many good things in the capital, and I don't need to buy him other things, but this paper is not even in the capital, I will buy some for him, let him see See the world!"

Xie Ying walked into Sibaozhai with big strides as she spoke.

"Shopkeeper, I want to buy a hundred." Xie Ying took out a silver coin and placed it domineeringly on the counter.

Shopkeeper Jia explained with great embarrassment: "I'm sorry, miss, you see there is a notice posted at our door, each person can only sell 50 sheets a day, if you want to buy more, you can only buy our suits, the suits contain Paper is also available, but unlimited."

"What kind of broken rule is this? I can't just buy your paper if I have money?" Xie Ying asked.

"Miss, calm down, it's like this. The daily output of paper in our family is very limited. If there is no limit on the purchase amount, I am afraid that some of them will be bought all at once, and others will not be able to buy them." Shopkeeper Jia patiently explained.

Xie Ying could barely accept this explanation, but she was still a little unhappy.

"I want to give my brother a gift, how can I only give such a small gift? How petty?"

"Shopkeeper, I'll buy fifty too." Wei Ruo stepped forward and said to the boss.

The shopkeeper immediately rolled up fifty sheets of paper for Wei Ruo.

After receiving the paper, Wei Ruo handed it directly to Xie Ying.

"For me?" Xie Ying asked.


"Then I won't be polite to you, and I'll give you the money later." Xie Ying didn't hesitate and accepted it directly.

"Don't be polite to me, this is my gift for you for the Qiqiao Festival."

"Alright." Xie Ying didn't say much.

Then Xie Ying looked at other things in the store, and she planned to buy some more pens, ink, paper and inkstones to give to her brother.

Xie Ying saw wooden boxes of the same size and shape placed on the shelves on one side of the store, and each box was **** with ribbons to fit perfectly.

Xie Ying asked: "Shopkeeper, what are those wooden boxes in your house?"

"It contains the products in our store. It may be paper, it may be inkstone, or it may be a combination of several things. Some are of better quality and some are of average quality." The shopkeeper explained.

"Everyone is different?" Xie Ying was puzzled.

"Yes, each one is different, but the selling price is the same, five taels of silver for a wooden box." The shopkeeper replied.

"Then can I open it and take a look?" Xie Ying asked again.

"No, you can only know what's inside after you buy it."

"Selling the same price for different products, isn't it true that some people lose and others gain?" Xie Ying asked.

"It's like this. Whether you win or lose depends on luck. In one of the wooden boxes, there is also a pair of calligraphy by Tibetan monks. Those who buy that pair of calligraphy also only need to pay five taels of silver." The shopkeeper continued to explain.

"It's Tibetan Layman again? I heard that you gave away a pair of Tibetan Layman's calligraphy on the first day you opened. Why do you have so many Tibetan Layman's calligraphy? I heard from my mother that Tibetan Layman is not very good. I like to give away my calligraphy and paintings to others."

"Girl, please don't worry, the Tibetan Layman's calligraphy in my store is absolutely authentic. My boss Heyou and the Tibetan Layman are old friends, so they have obtained many Tibetan Layman's calligraphy."

Shopkeeper Jia only learned in the last few days that his boss is a man named Heyou, not the simple and honest farmer who lives in the back yard.

So he felt that it was more reasonable, otherwise he would really doubt his ability to see people.

"What if I want to buy directly the calligraphy of Tibetan Layman? How much do you want?" Xie Ying asked.

Her brother likes calligraphy and painting, and he should be happy if she gave him the calligraphy and calligraphy of Layman in the Tibetan forest.

"This calligraphy cannot be purchased directly, it can only be bought by luck." Shopkeeper Jia explained, "In addition, we will register the customers who buy the 'blind box' launched by our shop this time, and then our boss He You will randomly select a lucky one The guest wrote a letter of recommendation for him to the Tibetan Layman."

This letter of recommendation doesn't attract Xie Ying very much, because her brother is studying in an academy in the capital, so she doesn't need to seek others as teachers.

But Xie Ying knew that there must be many students in Xingshan County who wanted to get this letter of recommendation, if it was true that the relationship between his boss and Lay Lay Tibetans was as good as the shopkeeper said.

"If that's the case, I'll want all the boxes on that shelf!" Miss Xie Ying was very generous, asking for all the boxes as soon as she opened her mouth.

Shopkeeper Jia apologized with a smile, "I'm sorry, girl, but each person can buy at most two of these blind boxes."

"Why? I will pay if I want to buy it, why don't you let me buy it?" Xie Ying asked.

"It's like this, if someone buys all the boxes, then he will definitely be able to get the Tibetan Layman's calligraphy, and he will definitely be able to get the letter of recommendation promised by Mr. He You. In this way, the fairness of the game will be lost. Sex has become that whoever comes first and whoever has the money will definitely get the reward."

The same explanation has been given to several people by shopkeeper Jia in the past few days.

Xie Ying thought it made sense after hearing it, and nodded: "You make sense, if it's true, it's really not fun."

"Yes, yes, thank you girl for understanding."

"Well then, I'll buy two." Xie Ying said.

"Okay, these girls on the shelf can be chosen at will." Shopkeeper Jia said.

Xie Ying went to the shelf and picked up this weigher, and then the other one.

She didnt really like the calligraphy of Tibetan Layman, but because of the blind box gameplay, she has a competitive spirit.

If she only bought two and could buy the box containing the Tibetan Layman's Calligraphy, she would definitely be able to brag to her brother later!

After looking around, Xie Ying asked: "Is that all? Is there anything else? I want to see them all."

"No, we started this activity on the first day of this month, and there are only a few boxes left after selling it." Shopkeeper Jia replied.

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