A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 261: Contest II

Chapter 261: Contest II

Alex's eyes turned bright cyan, then he immediately sent out his two palms which also glowed luminously in cyan. Then the instant that he did so, the air before him actually compacted to form a thick and solid barrier that was as hard as a wall.




Numerous bang sounds rang out as the sword struck the six feet-thick wall of air that Alex created.

However, being a huge barrier created from extremely compacted air, it couldn't withstand the several energy-swords of myriad sizes that struck it hard and tried to penetrate through it.

But in the next moment, the massive solid barrier of compacted wind turned into a powerful blast of air that raged into the distance, while the swords that reduced the barrier form of the wind to air went on to strike Alex.

With eyes now permeated with speedforce energy, Alex saw the swords shoot towards him in slow motion. In his vision, it took the swords of different forms and sizes many seconds to cover an inch as they shot towards him. While in the eyes of others, it was super-fast.

Then with a massive leap into the air, he evaded all the blades shooting towards him. And immediately he got to his peak height in the air, he entered into a cartwheel and then changed from that to a Tuck, which he did by bringing his knees to his chest and then rolled like a ball towards Sky Sword.

Once he landed before Sky Sword, he immediately went into a crouch and then rotated his entire body counterclockwise on his left toes. And as he did so, he powerfully swung out one of his leg to deliver a backward sweeping leg attack at Sky Sword.

But his leg attack wasn't successful as Sky Sword did a back flip to evade the backward sweeping leg that was raging furiously towards him.

However, Alex whose body was permeated with speedforce energy, was accelerated beyond normal by it. Therefore, with Sky Sword still in the air from his back flip, Alex due to his movement-speed enhancement by the speed-perception energy that had saturated his body, instantly halted the sweeping motion of his leg and rushed towards Sky Sword who was just about to land back to the battle platform from his flip.


He got to Sky Sword's front like a ghost and then brought his knee to his chest, which he then powerfully kicked hard out like he wanted to break down a massive, thick gate with his foot.



Once the powerful kick connected, Sky Sword who wasn't expecting Alex to be that fast or to do what he did, screamed out in great sudden pain. And before he could be launched into the far distance because of the tremendous force that the feet which connected to his chest impacted him with, Alex who was still seeing Sky Sword move in slow motion because of the permeation of speedforce energy in his eyes, immediately put out his two hands to grab Sky Sword by the leg, and then pulled him back towards himself.

Once Sky Sword's body arrived in front of Alex because of the pull, Alex sent out an uppercut towards Sky Sword's chin which caused him to be launched more than fifteen feet above the ground. And while shooting straight up into the air like an arrow that was shot upwards, Alex too jumped into the air towards Sky Sword.

Then upon reaching the height that Sky Sword reached in the air, Alex forced his body to rotate and then swung out his leg to deliver a heavy kick at Sky Sword's chest.



Once the kick was delivered, Sky Sword who screamed out in pain again was launched horizontally into the distance like a spear that was furiously thrown.


He landed on the ground many feet away from the platform with a heavy bang sound and instantly fainted.

Alex landed on the stage from his great jump and then looked at the rest of the boys that had gathered to battle him. And when he looked at them with a light of ferociousness in his eyes, some of them couldn't help but have their body turn cold from intense fear.

Few of them had become like this because of the way Alex finished off Sky Sword in only a few seconds. And who was Sky Sword? He was a genius of the Heaven Soaring Sword academy. He was a young sword-cultivator that was widely known in the city. But now, without using energy-attacks, this person they were about to battle had quickly and effortlessly defeated one of them. His punches and kicks, from the sounds that was produced when they struck out, invoked the feeling that they could shatter immense rocks and break a large area of the earth open. They simply sounded like furious dragons when they moved out to strike. They began to wonder if their bodies would be able to receive such powerful punches and kicks that seemed like they wanted to totally annihilate or completely shatter something.


At the high table...

"Hahaha. See how my Daughter's lover rapidly ate your genius like the tiny, delicious cake that he is" The principal of the Immovable Mountain Academy laughed joyfully and said.

The principal of the Heaven Soaring Sword academy gave a mtcheew and faced away. While the rest of the principals from other academies looked at the principal of the Immovable Mountain Academy like they wanted to retort. But there was nothing that they could say. They could only leave him alone to talk and laugh with great pride in his tone. However, they believed that very soon, they would be the one laughing. They would just be patient and keep observing.

"Wow! He's really good with close-quarters combat." Olivia's mom said in an impressed tone.

Olivia smiled.

"I told you mom. His strength does not commensurate with his cultivation level. The level of his abilities simply can't be fathomed or scaled using the standards that we already know." She said.

"Hmm. You must be right. And he's incredibly fast too. I don't think I can move half as fast as that when I was at his cultivation stage. That astonishing movement speed alone makes his battle power more overwhelming. I am beginning to like your lov... friend" Olivia's mom who was Stacy by name said.

Olivia smiled.

"Mom, why are you finding it difficult to accept that he's my lover? Yes, he's my friend. But he's someone that I am deeply in love with. It's better you accept the truth now." She said.

Stacy laughed.

Of course she wanted Alex to be with Olivia, but she was still upset with the shaming deeds that they carried out.

"Well, that is just his first battle. He still has many more to fight. And if eventually he wins, he would still be punished by me for what he did to you. And you too, don't think you have totally escaped punishment because of he won the battle for you. You would still be dealt with. Now, shut up and let me watch the battle. I don't want to hear a word from you. Besides, if I see that your friend is winning the battles, then I would change the competition rules to make it extremely hard for him. I want to make it exceedingly difficult for him for messing with my daughter's holiness" Olivia's mom, Stacy said harshly.

But deep in her mind, she liked Alex and had accepted him to be the husband of daughter. She was only saying those to make Olivia feel really bad for what she did. However, she was still going to carry out all that she said.

Why she wanted to do so was because she wanted to know where Alex's amazing abilities stopped at. She could arrive at this because of Olivia's absolute confidence in Alex. If her daughter could trust this boy's abilities this much, then she must find out her strong he is.

After Stacy said that, Olivia's mood instantly shattered. And there was nothing she could say as her mother had told her not to speak. Then after staring at her mother for sometime who totally ignored her, she turned her gaze away to look at Alex in the distance. And when she saw him, she couldn't help but smile. The initially bright and happy expression in her face instantly returned upon seeing Alex. He was simply like the radiant fiery sun as it illuminated the darkness in her heart and vaporized away her worries. Then when she remembered what they did together in the stream back at Nailah's village, she felt like having such an intense amorous session again with him. She giggled inwardly upon thinking that.

Stacy saw her daughter's bright and ecstatic expression and began to wonder why this guy was so much loved by her daughter. She even started having a feeling that if Alex was knocked off the stage and her hands was given to another in marriage, she would totally refuse and then revolt, which would then absolutely lead to many grievous injuries and even death among all the members of the parties that are involved. But she hoped that Alex would win.


- Battle stage -

The host who was now standing at the edge of the battle platform said "Now, which of you want to battle The Godly Punisher? If you are up to the task, climb on stage now"

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