A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 265: Humiliation, Making enemies

Chapter 265: Humiliation, Making enemies

Apart from the brilliant blue glow that emanated from his fist, rumbles of thunder could also be heard coming from it.

Then seeing the attacks in slow motion, as he had permeated his eyes with speedforce energy, Alex punched out with that fist that had terrifying peals of thunder continously ring out from it.

"Storm Breaking Lightning Fist"

Alex said immediately he punched out.


A deafening explosive sound which caused the platform to shake terribly and gave the feeling that it would shatter into smithereens in the next moment rang out. Then an astonishing amount of electricity which instantly discharged from his fist and produced the loud, devastating boom sound, abruptly shaped into a dense and solid fist which continually produced terrifying thunderous rumbles as it went on at a blazing speed to heavily impact the energy-attacks shooting towards Alex.




All the attacks sent out at Alex immediately shattered into smithereens, while the lightning-based attack that Alex sent out went on with a great momentum to impact his many challengers.




Numerous bang sounds rang out as many of them were launched to the edges of the battle platform immediately they were struck by the lightning-bound energy-attack, while a few others were shoved off the platform and into the distance, like about four to seven feet away from it.

If not that they had quickly worn body armor, they would have been severely injured or killed off by the attack that Alex sent out.

However, despite wearing body armors, their skins had seriously burned from the amount of tribulation-type electricity that roamed about in the armors and on their surfaces. And because of the immense kinetic force that the immense fist struck them with, the blood in their bodies violently roiled, making them to cough out many mouthfuls of blood and even bleed from areas where pieces of their shattered bones jutted out from.

As soon as the powerful fist condensed from arcane-level electricity destroyed the incoming energy-attacks and damagingly hurled Alex's challengers away, the fist went on with great momentum into the distance. And from the high velocity that it moved with, it was like it met with no obstacle in it way.

Still mind-linked to it, Alex quickly broke off his mind connection to it before it could hit the audience in it path and result in their instant deaths by shattering them into bits and instantly burning their pieces to cinders.

Immediately he did so, the energy-attack lost it fist form and reverted to slivers of lightniforce energy that returned to the realmverse.

"Woow!!!" one of the great multitude of people that constituted the large audience excitedly watching the battle, shouted out in great shock.

He couldn't believe that Alex could destroy all the geniuses' massive energy-attacks with only an attack, knock them all away and terribly wound them in the process. And who were these people, they were all geniuses who were at the late-phase and peak-phase, Earth Adept cultivation stage.

But he wasn't the only one who was shaken to the core by the incredible feat that Alex just pulled. Every other person that were watching the match were extremely amazed. 

Such devilish battle prowess! 

It was simply an unbelievable sight that they all witnessed.

And they became tremendously surprised that Alex cultivated lightniforce energy. The most tyrannical energy in the realmverse that sought for the total destruction of the cultivator that was trying to cultivate it.

They were simply unbelieving, despite seeing with their eyes that Alex shot off lightning from from his fist, which then transformed into a huge, solid fist that looked like it was the illusory lightning fist of the juggernaut God of thunder.

They felt it was an illusion, so they were disbelieving of what they saw.


- On the battle platform - 

Alex didn't do anything except stand on the platform and look at the remaining people that were still on the battle stage.

Smoke could be seen emitting from the armors that they wore, and cries of agonizing pains and intense suffering could be heard coming from them.

However, after swallowing healing pills which were of course, average-quality healing pills, they began to heal, albeit slowly. Also, the intense pains that they suffered slowly abated.

Not long, they stood to their feet.

"Still interested in fighting me?" Alex asked.

Then he continued "You aren't my match. If you don't want to suffer more injuries, you should get off the stage."

Although Alex had decided in his heart that he was going to seriously humiliate all of them for having interest in someone that was going to be his wife. However, he felt that this kind of humiliation was enough too, as for the rest of their lives, they would continue to think about him. The way that he disgraced all of them on the battle stage, like they were all trashes, would be permanently ingrained in their memories, and this would forever haunt them.

Although this could create great enmity between them, one in which only one of them can live under the sky. But he just didn't care about it. He would even love it if they came with the motive to kill him so that he could kill them. He could have killed them on the stage right here, but he didn't want to be too daring. Even though he had an extremely powerful uncle, he wouldn't want to venture into that kind of thing that would result in many ugly events.

However, being stubborn people who wouldn't back down until they were beaten into a coma, they all stood back to their feet. And with gazes that shone with coldness and emitted sinister light, they looked at Alex with unbreakable resolve, which was to simply take him down by any means avaliable to them.

Alex looked at them as they gazed furiously and resolutely at him.

"So, what's with the look? Do you think that you can beat me?" Alex asked curiously.

Although he sounded arrogant, he wasn't. They were just not his match. So, he wondered why they were looking at him in that manner. Like as if there was something they could do to round him up and knock him off the stage.

However, he didn't break his gaze. He only continued to stare at them as they looked at him.

Suddenly, one of them shot a needle at Alex.

But Alex who was seeing in slow motion and was accelerated greatly beyond normal by the speed-perception energy that saturated his body, perceived the needle shooting towards him and speedily caught it with his index and middle fingers

Then with a full spin of his body, he hurled the needle out of his fingers towards the person that shot the needle at him.


A low piercing sound rang out as the needle that was thrown with a lot of force, easily penetrated through the body armor that he wore and into his body. However, it didn't penetrate into it deeply as it immediately lost the kinetic force and speed that it moved with upon impacting the body armor that the boy wore.

But a substance that was used to coat the needle's sharp tip which had pierced into his body, quickly melted into his blood and began to cause a lot of damages within his body.

That substance which had dissolved into his blood actually released poisonforce energy, which then began to cause his organs to ruin within.


This person screamed out in pain and then suddenly collapsed to the ground. And once he fell to the ground with a loud bang, he began to roll about, as an intensely excruciating pain racked his entire body which then became green and caused steaming-hot blood to ooze unstoppably out of his mouth and nose.

This new ugly sight caught everyone's attention as they began to look at the genius from the Scarlet Fire academy who wriggled on the ground like a worm that was about to die.

In the next instant, Sky Lord-stage students from the Scarlet Fire academy flew quickly to the stage from where they were seated. Then once they landed, they immediately carried off their junior with them to where their instructors were seated.

At the moment, the principal of the Scarlet Fire academy was exceedingly furious. But he didn't let his emotions reveal on his face. He was surprisingly calm, and even smiled at the principals that looked at him pitifully. 

After the boy from the Scarlet Fire academy was lifted away by his seniors, the rest of the geniuses from other cultivation academies looked at Alex with a light of mockery in their eyes.

"You are doomed man. You actually dared to hurt the genius of the Scarlet Fire academy? Do you even know what those guys are? Apart from wicked rogue cultivators who behave like fiends in the society as they have nothing to lose except for their miserable wretched lives, the pupils of the Scarlet Fire academy are the most vicious student-cultivators in the city. Now, I am certain that you have been blacklisted. If miraculously you make it out of here alive, don't expect to live long out there. Except you choose to live in the wildernesses. But still, you would be eliminated. There is no escaping from these unforgiving, fiendish guys" One said, gloating at Alex's misfortune.

Alex gave a smile.

"Come tens, hundreds or thousands of them, I would slay all of them and bathe myself with their bloods." He said confidently.

Then he continued "Do you think that because of what you just finished saying, that I would be scared of the pupils from this academy? Of their seniors or instructors? Do they think they have seen my full power? Do they know where I am from and who I am? Haha! I am simply someone that the academy wouldn't dare to mess with once they know my origin"

With his entire body now producing bright blue light, and furious electricity arcs which moved ragingly about on his entire body like they were violent beasts of lightning and then generated frightening peals of thunder, Alex said with an ear-aching booming voice that was greatly amplified by the rumbling thunderous sounds emanating from his body and evoked the feeling that he was a God of Great Thunderous Might.

"So, do you still want to fight me, or you would get off the stage this moment?"

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