A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 401: The Alliance Marches Forward!

Chapter 401: The Alliance Marches Forward!

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 0] to [Level 3]

Attributes have increased due to level up

M-m-mercy The pitiful death rattle of a freezing man, aware his health was slowly dropping down to zero. His eyes could only stare up at me, having fully forgotten about the two other people he was fighting alongside just moments ago.

Those two were already dead. Frozen in place like a couple of statues, destined to turn into nutrients for this dungeon. This same fate would soon grace the last of these scoundrels in a few moments. I could only watch him slowly die in anger, not in satisfaction, pity, or glee that I was able to right a wrong. This man and his random allies only wanted the worst for me. To harm me.

They earned this death; I believed it was good they would depart to Goddess Death. Sadly, I was angry not at them, but at myself, for I killed them not because they were scoundrels but because my hatred for humans resurfaced for a moment. I should have grown out of it. This was, undoubtedly, embarrassing.

Get a grip. This is extraordinarily embarrassing. I should be better than this. Kill them because they are scum, trash.

I shot an ice dagger into the mans head, ending his life before my ice could.

Experience has reached a breaking point. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 3] to [Level 4]

Attributes have increased due to level up

I then turned around, letting out a long sigh clear to see from the icy mist. [Frost Body] gave me a body as cold as ice, so a little bit of frost whenever I cast an ice spell was to be expected. Although, considering the state of this situation, maybe I should consider [Elvenize (Moderate)] to gain access to [Fae Frost].

Yes, my own unique skill in [Fae Frost], a gift given to me by Princess Hestia after she acknowledged me as her first imperial guard. A prestigious role and something I hoped I could live up to which I blew after letting my old hatred for humans resurface. Damn me! Urgh, whatever, the point was that I now had a reason to finally go below [Elvenize (Major)] for combat prowess instead of the occasional evasive maneuver.

I had to consider this new tool in my arsenal.

Where did the others end up, I wonder?

The Event Quest had finally begun, but the moment I stepped into the dungeon, I was teleported to a random position away from my allies in this forest. I did wonder how large this floor exactly was, but I was too wary of exposing myself by flying up in the sky. I had to play it by the ear and also ask a few of the little people.

I turned my eyes towards the ground, noticing a few yellow mana bundles flying around. I approached them, waving at these faefolk. As a faemancer, I could see and speak with them.

Little gnome, could you tell me how huge this portion of the floor is? I addressed one of them, hoping they would help me.

Thankfully, this faefolk wasnt a mischievous little bugger. Very, very large. Many homes for MANY gnomes! Fairy, fairy, play?

It always fascinated me how lesser faefolk were able to see right through [Elvenize] and [Humanize]. It even happened to Princess Hestia and Miss Saori once.

Regardless, I nodded to the little guy, accepting him. It was quite rare for a lesser faefolk to act this accommodating and cooperative. I couldnt act ungrateful, otherwise when I needed help next, it might ignore me. Such was the fickle nature of a fae. Such was the personality of a common fairy, if they hadnt experienced what I had.

I cant play, but how about you join me? I have many friends I would love to introduce to you! Hearing me say the magic word friend, the little yellow fae flew up, moving around energetically before resting on my shoulder. The other gnomes, though, waved goodbye and stayed where they were.

Scout gotten. Now, lets check on the others.

I pulled up my party bracelet. It was clear in this hide-in-seek stage, as the dungeon master liked to call it, that the most efficient method to clearing this place was to use one of the functions of the party bracelet: the party search function.

Once the blue screen was projected in front of my face, I scrolled through the party menu, grimacing a bit at how many people there were.

Too many Jobs to look at Lets just skim through it for now.

Party Leader

Name: Tasianna Marina Silverpond Level: 100

Name: Ellaine Fiero Helvas Level: 90

Name: Grimnir Luedbrumdar Level: 93

Name: Shayatierus Level: 104

Name: Bethlieranha Level: 103

Name: Fargryneill Qilinus Kargryxmor Level: 116

Name: Nishio Kudo Level: 84

Name: Misaki Kawamo Level: 83

Name: Kohaku Kobayashi Level: 85

Name: Kazumi Hoshino Level: 81

Name: Kushlekzar Level: 111

Name: Krim-Slak Level: 115

Name: Caszcur Level: 115

Name: Akasht Level: 115

Name: Yorshka Sirris Nordor Level: 135

Name: Farron Nordor Level: 121

Name: Rudigan Vagunyga Level: 139

Name: Azelfa Yungrun Groveshield Level: 134

Name: Tehmrayn Level: 161

Name: Midirn Rango Kargryxmor Level: 140

An average level of about 111. The remaining members of Aurora, the twins, the students, and even Princess Fargryneill had some level sessions when we went to Griffonpeaks dungeon to train up a bit. The students, well, they struggled a bit since all of us needed to gain some levels, so theyve been lagging quite behind.

I, myself, barely got to level 100 in time for this Event. Leveling without Princess Hestia or Miss Saori felt awkward. I have gotten too dependent on them. As far as I could tell, I havent once really grinded levels all by myself, without anybody else to help me. Learning how to do so was quite perplexing.

Regardless, our base partys lack of levels really showed, as nobody before Akasht was over level 120. We already knew Dame Yorshka was over level 135, but just looking at the people the alliance members sent us to help us out kept making me speechless. All of them were rank A in level, at least, with Champion Tehmrayn probably rank S. Then again, I already saw his power in Elyonda, so seeing him stand out as our strongest ally here wasnt too surprising.

We cant always rely on these people, though.

Our duty in this Event Quest may be to gain our unique Jobs, but to us in Aurora, it was also a chance to level up. We needed to catch up to the real powerhouses of this world if we wished to defeat the demonkin Princes of Sin. Mostly for Princess Hestias sake, I needed to grow.

Name: Yorshka Sirris Nordor Distance: 134 m

Dame Yorshka was the closest. Rendezvousing with her first would be for the best. Now, since the distance calculator didnt have a compass, in which direction was

Say hello to Ilsaphone for me! A womans voice echoed through the forest before I saw somebody jump out from the canopy, clear to see in the sky. Her white armor, hair, and spear were too conspicuous, prompting me to grimace as I watched her [Dragoon Dive] right into the ground, causing the ground to shake wildly.

Well, that was easy.

I went towards the destruction. Once there, I saw about eleven men and womenhuman, beastmen, and dwarvessprawled on the ground, groaning and moaning in pain. Some had terrible wounds ranging from rock pellets piercing their skin, or wood chunks sticking out of their bodies, though it looked like none of them died. I appraised them quickly.

Rank C and D? They are all far below level 75. Some even below 50.

Fortune riders, I guessed. There was no minimum level, so anybody could enter the Event. Since you could gain rewards for how many floors you reached, it was enticing to try out a few floors and then escape. However, the dungeon masterprobably Manethalaanticipated this and presented us with this first floor. A culling game, essentially.

I-I surrender! Get me out! Some of them began to cry out, remembering that giving up was one of the options. Similar to the expulsion teleportation in the Elyonda arena dungeon, people were basked in blue light before they disappeared from sight.

They would leave the dungeon and probably start warning people about the severity of the first floor. Now that I thought about it, wouldnt it be smart to send some people in first to check out the challenges and gambits before going all in? Once the scouts were done, you could just breeze through the early stages, especially this one, as the difficulty was determined by the number of people around.

The early skorr finds the most fruit, but the patient griffon awaits his dinner to fatten.

Tasianna! I ignored the people around me and looked up as the woman descended with her white-scaled wings. I knew that move would bring you to me!

She used the party finder, too, huh? Wouldnt have expected it from anybody else.

Once I greeted her, Yorshka and I bumped fists. It felt quite nostalgic, as we did this during the Port Annencia siege. I think I saw some ice in the distance? Already killing things?

Three scum. You held back, though.

You saw them, most are around their twenties. Im a bit too old, despite my looks, so I didnt really want to end the lives of a few reckless newbies. If they dont change their attitude after this, well, hehe, somebody else will eat them up. Yorshkas full dragonewt form looked quite intimidating as she giggled, courtesy of her dragon-like head. But this imposing sight of hers made me feel safer already.

Tasianna. Tasianna. Beasts, beasts, coming! The gnome on my shoulder warned me, prompting me to inform Yorshka about them.

Seems like taking [Faemancer] as your Main Job paid off! Yorshka exclaimed as readied for battle, to which I agreed.

Since Princess Hestia took our partys [Crystal of the Divine System] with her, and the Ankoran King didnt have any spares to give us, all of us had to take our Main Job according to the Job benefits we wanted. I for one knew being able to speak with faefolk would be a major help to us here.

And my fae friend proved to be correct when three horse-sized monsters with the head of iguanas and the tail of lions appeared. Covered mostly in scales with tiger fur on their backs, these beasts reminded me of my encounter with them in the Belzac forest. They were panguanas!

Like we did it in Port Annencia! I lead, you support!

Got it! I shouted in agreement before the both of us cast [Wind Blast] to create and close the distance between ourselves and the enemies respectively.

Using her silver dust, Yorshka coated both her spear and tail, turning them into razor-sharp weapons ready to cleave these rank C monsters in two. Meanwhile, I jumped on a tree and shot [Ice Spike]s at them before taking out my catalyst.

As the panguana reacted to my attack by dodging them, I took the chance to pour my mana into the crystalline ball, making it ooze out cyan-colored slime. I morphed the slime into daggers, readying myself just as both my [Detection Sensor] and the gnome with me warned me of some approaching signals from below the ground.

Two giant snakes with heads large enough to swallow a carriage burst from the ground as Yorshka killed the three panguanas in a matter of seconds with her overwhelming stats. They stood no chance! As I ignored the System messages entering my mind, I sent the newly-created ice daggers into the snakes mouths, stunning them in place just long enough for Yorshka to [Dragoon Jump]. Shooting herself through the air with her spear, she drilled right through the head of one before turning to the second. Now covered in gore, she [Dragoon Dive]d into the other snake, ending it.

Five rank Cs, all destroyed in less than a minute, I believed. The strength of a rank A dragoon.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 4] to [Level 8]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Cull the weak, empower the strong! What an interesting challenge! Yorshka burst into boisterous laughter as I cleaned her from the snake viscera. We better hurry, then. The kids wont last long without us. Hopefully Ellaine and Grimnir wont have too much trouble.

Ehe. I couldnt help but giggle as she worried for two members of Aurora. The students still needed some more time, but neither Ellaine nor Grimnir needed us to babysit them. Just like me, they were a bit too strong for their current levels.


And that was when the both of us caught wind of some loud noises in the sky. Yorshka grabbed me and we both flew to top of the tree canopy, where we saw two white-scaled dragonewts flying high in the sky. They were both roaring and had wings in place of their arms. It was both Shay and Beth.

Not staying inconspicuous, I see? I stated.

Smart! If everybody can see them, then we know where to regroup, Yorshka concluded from their actions. The earlier we managed to regroup, the greater our chance of survival. Our foes will be watching for us, so prepare yourself!

Yorshka then suddenly tightened her grip around my wrist, causing my mood to drop. Like aunt, like niece; Princess Hestia and Dame Yorshka were so alike. Ive gone on Hestia Airlines too many times before, so how about

Wooooooah! Air Shield! I cast as she blasted us towards the twins, protecting us from the strong wind. Mostly, it was to protect the gnome from falling off me.

As both Shay and Beth noticed us, they pointed at the ground, where we saw some adventurers. Equipment-wise, they were mostly made from monsters, especially the armor which was primarily made with scales. Another thing I noticed were their eyes; they were opened wide to the point I thought they would slip out of their head at any moment while they kept sniffing the air.

Dragonkin slayers! They seemed to have sniffed out the wyverns! Yorshka exclaimed before releasing me mid-air, prompting me to use [Air Steps] to stay afloat. Once I was safe, she [Dragoon Dive]d right into the ground, preparing to engage the enemy.

So it begins.

Beth! Shay! Support like back then! I ordered, reminding them of our cooperation during the Port Annencia siege.

ElvenNo, no, no, no, no, no. Not yet. Not yet. I reduce my total stats and also leave my real identity open for people to see and abuse. Instead, I should cast Slithering Frost Serpent.

A golem of ice formed from my magic circle, transforming itself into a giant ice snake of a similar size to those we had just met. With me on it, the twins nodded their head before they had to dodge a couple of arrows heading their way. They then flash frozen the water around them, cladding their bodies in frozen armor, all while growling loudly.

I snapped my head to the ground, where I saw Yorshka confronting the adventurers. Most looked nervously at her, but a few were laughing maniacally despite coughing up dust. Yorshka approached them slowly, cautiously, but the enemy immediately rushed at her.

Taking my duty as her support seriously, I reached my hand out and poured my mana around that area, conjuring a green magic circle. Invoking [Cyclone Madness], a viscous tornado of slicing wind appeared, creating an invisible wall between the two opponents. As people began to turn away from the wyverns and bring their attention to me, I let my golem serpent slam its head on the ground.

Wooooaaah! People were flung in the air before I sent ice daggers flying at my enemies. No mercy.

The twins began to unleash their wyvern breaths, turning this portion of the forest into an icy paradise. Trees were freezing in place while ice daggers were scattered on the ground. Yorshka called them dragonkin slayers, but it didnt seem like they were putting up too much of a challenge.

Yorshka, after all, was already taking advantage of the chaos the three of us were creating. Like an assassin, she took out the opposition pretty easily. This didnt feel like a challenge at all, especially after the Elyonda and Port Annencia sieges. Compared to when our backs were up against the wall fighting against an army of grimgarians, undead, demonkins, and a rank SS leviathan, this felt like

Forget it. Comparing a war with this small skirmish is unhealthy.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 8] to [Level 14]

Attributes have increased due to level up

And so, we remained at this location after our enemies were slain. A couple of people had wanted to approach us, but after seeing the numerous dead bodies around, they seemed to change their mind and just avoided us. It was better this way.

After catching her breath, Yorshka told us she would look for the students, while I suggested for the twins and I to stay behind, considering this was a great landmark for everybody to congregate at. After glancing at her party finder, Yorshka departed.

[Calm before the storm.,] Shay expressed, shaking his leg.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 14] to [Level 16]

Attributes have increased due to level up

As time went on while we talked to each other, a Divine message entered my mind. My Jobs level was going up but we werent hunting anybody. This could only mean one thing.

Tasianna! Shay and Beth, too! Ha ha ha ha! The first people to join us were none other than the saurians with Tehmrayn in tow.

Saint Kushlekzar was laughing merrily while Akasht, Krim-Slak, and Caszcur were dragging the bodies of the monsters they had killed. Champion Tehmrayn, as usual, was stoic before he found a place to sit down.

Hey, Tasianna, how about we start making some grub? Krim-Slak suggested, much to the delight of the wyverns as they couldnt help but lick their lips.

With a campfire lit, we all began to dismantle the monsters in preparations for some lunch. Using the dungeons flora, we even found some fruits and spices to add to our meal. During all of this, more and more of our party found their way to us.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 16] to [Level 20]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Kohaku and Rudigan were the first, with the former waving at us while covered completely in blood and dirt. Apparently, the two of them had to contend against a horde of monster right after they found each other. They also met a few other adventurers, but most were friendly or at least averse to attacking other adventurers, especially with Rudigan around. With a student around, we had access to [Storage Magic], again.

The next were Midirn and a group of dragonewt warriors hailing from one of our support parties. Elven rangers, dwarven soldiers, and even human knights also managed to find us, all joining up as our base camp grew and grew. At this point, it seemed like a war camp.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]s Secondary Job [Imperial Guard] has risen from [Level 20] to [Level 25]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Max level of Job [Imperial Guard] has been reached

As more and more of our support parties began to arrive, so did our own members. Azelfa, Misaki, and Princess Fargryneill found us next, to which Fargryneill complained how the former was too cautious, slowing them down.

Soon, Ellaine, Grimnir, and Kazumi reached the gathering point, followed by Yorshka, Farron, and Nishio, who were the last to arrive. For a stage where hide-and-seek was emphasized, it was certainly pretty easy when we made our location conspicuous.

Congratulations, you have fulfilled the goal of this stage. The party leader may accept to be transported to the next floor, bringing all their party members with them

And that was my cue, but we waited a bit until everyone had settled a bit. Once we made sure everybody was accounted for, I called everybody for a meeting. To assure nobody could overhear us, I erected a giant [Air Shield] around everybody before I began my speech.

Everybody, this is a quick reminder! We are all here as an alliance; Ankor-Nazta, Artorias, Saelariel, Loatryx, Estralia, Yeos, and Caedhul! Each of your individual countries have sent you here to aid all of us in our journey to the depths of this place. All of us managed to survive the first stage, but there are still 14 more! I stated to draw everybodys attention. Let me tell you we appreciate this. All of us for your aide! There are many enemies lying before us, even with the many culled today. However, let us not be overconfident and remind ourselves that our combined survival and success will be a boon to all our countries!

I raised my fist up, trying to channel what I had learned from Princess Hestia and Miss Saori when it came to speeches. With them both away, it was my duty to take over as the third member of Aurora.

I can see from your eyes some of you have your grievances! I looked at the humans of Artorias, Estralia, and Yeos being eyed at by the elven rangers. However, lay your hatred and biases aside for now! All of us are here to fight for the alliance of the western countries! We fight not for ourselves, but for our lords, ladies, countrymen, kin, gods, and friends! Do not forget! This is not a competition between us, but a competition of all of us against everybody else! If we succeed in this Quest, all of us will bring honor, rewards, and prestige back to our homes! As the representative of Aurora and Dragon Princess Hestia Atsuko KARGRYXMOR! Have I made myself clear, ladies and gentlemen?!

YES! FOR KING DRANGLEIC! FOR THE GODDESS! the knights of Artorias shouted, bringing unsheathing their weapons in salute.

In unison, the knights of Yeos did the same, finding some companionship with their fellow humans. FOR THE CHAMPION OF YEOSTAR AND THE ROYAL FAMILY! FOR GOD YEOSTAR AND THE GODDESS!

Origdila haikeli, Saelari wictorii! (Origin Gods watch us, victory for the Saelari!) The elven rangers, mages, and fighters cheered, joining the dwarves as they patted each other on the backs.

Umslid kain, kawuk kaan, fie Crustacia! (Honor lost, in death regained, for Crustacia!) the dwarves roared like cannons before raising their weapons at the humans. For our alliance! For our gods! For our KINGS! The throng is mustered for our akong allies!

RAISE IT HIGHER, TAZONGS! Rudigan bellowed out, stomping forward with his weapon and shield up high. HIGHER, HIGHER, TO SHOW THEM OUR COURAGE!

Dragonewts! Midirn, intoxicated by the atmosphere, raised his, too. WHO DO WE FIGHT FOR?!

PRINCESS FARGRYNEILL! PRINCESS FARGRYNEILL! PRINCESS FARGRYNEILL! The dragonewts went rapidly, ramming the ground with their weapons as if they were beasts. PRINCESS HESTIA! PRINCESS HESTIA! PRINCESS HESTIA!

For the aquapolis! Although at a lesser intensity, the Caedhulen forces joined their neighbours in Loatryx.

The only ones who were quiet were the Estralian forces, but that was okay. All of them were working on the bankroll of Reajaen and they were all here for money. Us succeeding meant they would profit the most. Some of them were even beastmen, so they probably didnt have any real relations to Estralia, unlike Artorais and Yeos being combined in faith.

Regardless, with that, the morale was at an all-time high. It was time for all of us to proceed to the next floor.

You may always rely on me, Princess Hestia. Miss Saori. I am Auroras third pillar!

Acquisition requirement fulfilled. [Leadership Lv. 1] acquired

Nighttime had finally graced the capital of the Ankor-Nazta, Inkoran-Tazul. The wild festive nature of the Event Quest hadnt died down, but it was far less intense than what happened in the morning. People were celebrating this Divine Quest, as most considered it as such, while the few who managed to survive the first floor were telling stories about it.

About how an army was already being built while rumors of an alliance were spreading. Naturally, most assumed it was the dwarves, dragonewts, Caedhulens, and elves would were allying with each other. Anybody with some knowledge of the current political spectrum should be able to guess that.

Thats why Im not joining! I aint here to get an arrow in my brain just cuz some knife-ear wants some revenge cuz of our dumb ancestors!

You want to say that, again, human? We can deal with this outside where the gods can see me stitch that mouth up.

Racial tension was at an all-time high as dwarves, humans, scalekins, and elves argued who would be the true winners of this Event. In fact, some of the more educated understood this wasnt a case of which country or race would win, but rather it was a case of which blessed, high official, and respective warriors would gain a unique Job.

Aye, this is all about the countries rekindling their alliances! You aint letting some random soldier win it all, you give it to a blessed! Lord Rudigan! AYE! The dwarves gave a toast to one of their Champions of Crustacia. I saw him today! Hes in this to win!

The stonebeards are correct, I saw bishop Azelfa in the crowd, walking around with some humans, scalekins, and dwarves. It's clear our leaders are planning something here, and they wont let anybody win but them. Those poor fools who entered this Event!

Hmm? Humans? You gotta be kidding me, knife-ear. Humans? They got some allies? Who? You gotta mean Aleistunum mages, you elves would accept no other humans, after all.

Hes right, a naga agreed with a random human adventurer. From what I've heard, the majority of the elder council of Saelariel wants to isolate the rest of the continent. Even suggested a magical barrier to segregate every human from the west.

One of the dwarves shook his head before taking a drink from his mug. Not much that I would know about, Caedhulen. Enough about this politics, I say! I rather speak aboutDragonewt, what in Goddess Aurenas wings are you smirking about.

N-nothing. The dragonewts in the bar tried to keep themselves composed, for most knew what was going on as they saw everything that was happening in the Loatryxian embassy. However, knowing their dragon princess was inside this Event, they wanted to keep themselves quiet.

This was just one of many bar events happening, all talking about what was happening today. Some informed others about the challenge on the first floors while a couple managed to make it to the second before surrendering. Suffice to say, Inkoran-Tazul would continue to feel the benefits of this Event for months to come aside from a certain dwarven king.

WHAT?! Ankoran King Fugnarus shouted as he stood up from his desk. Pale and disheveled, the many weeks leading up to this Event Quest did not help the overworked and exhausted King much. Th-the dungeon master is dead? H-how IN CRUSTACIAS NAME DO WE ONLY KNOW ABOUT THIS NOW?!

The dwarves standing before the man cowered, looking troubled as they delivered the message. High Queen Tragaya, Fugnaruss wife calmed him down, allowing the messengers to speak.

I-imposters, sir. The earthshakers and samurais guarding the dungeon master were disguised black mercs; we managed to capture all of them. They are zuekluks who have sold any hope of regaining their honor by tricking us. We execu

I DONT CARE! Fugnarus bashed his fist on the table. What happened to the dungeon master?! How did they trick us up until now? I thought we had constant updates about his safety?

The prisoners explained their employer handed them a man able to imitate others well. Writing style, speaking voice; he never left their house, saying he dont want to be annoyed unless something was wrong with the dungeon or his family. He was working on some mantech! the messenger summarized everything. The guards were all in on it. We only found out 'cuz the person disguised as our dungeon master wasnt responding. The prisoners said they had to depart for the day!

Oh no. No, no, no!

Then youre telling me the dungeon master of the rank B [Menagerie of Golems] dungeon was killed? And we havent heard of this for weeks? You are telling me I sent the youngest daughter of Eltharion into that masterless dungeon? Fugnarus took a large gulp, audible to everybody in the room. The mental drain he had felt all this time was replaced by adrenaline, heightening his attention.

With its old master dead, the dungeon core was now able to accept a new owner. Even without one, the core could continue to function as it normally did, only, it would now actively try to kill anybody getting closer to the final stage. Any number of unfair tactics would be used to eliminate any percieved threat, whether small or large.

So its either a masterless core or the person who killed the old dungeon master has now taken over the dungeon. Fugnarus stood up, only for his wife to grab his arm. Tragaya, I need to right this wrong.

And potentially die? Do you even understand how important you are to our

The lass dying would be an even harder blow to everything! he reproached his queen, shaking her arm off him, only for Tragaya to grab her husbands hair and slam him on the table. Tragaya!

Runes lit up on Tragayas bracelets, increasing her strength to the point she could momentarily overpower her King; however, the once-capable adventurer broke through her grip without using his own tools. Both husband and wife stared at each other, anger and worry clear for both to see.

The first to speak was the queen. You are the Ankoran King now, not some random adventurer. Your pride, your honor, your conscience does not matter in the face of our homes safety! You left those out of the door the moment we married and you became our High King. Listen to me, King Fugnarus, I am your wise-woman. This is my advice to you: call for aid!

Bring this up to the other countries?! Are you insane?! That affects our own pride here as a race! Our trustworthiness. Mine! I need to right this wrong, I need to save Princess Hestia. How long has she been stuck inside?!

Over a week had passed without Hestia informing her friends and allies. They knew she was alive due to [Hestias Retainer], but what if something happened to her?

Do you want the guilt of sending that lass into her death? Fugnarus raised his finger, baring his sharp fangs, showing his beastmen legacy. I will not let her die. Not like I allowed our so

Bang! A slap.

Do not bring him up Do not bring him up, Fugnarus! The queens voice quivered, weakened by the memory of their deceased child.

I allowed him to go. To die. You understand the rage of a mother. Do you even comprehend the consequences if Hestias mother wakes up?! Inkoran-Tazul would be doomed! Fugnarus couldnt stop his legs any longer and he began to move away from his wife, speaking to one of the messengers. The damn guilds have already failed at their jobs, but give me a detailed list of who entered the damn dungeon! I want everybody! Did a dragonslayer enter it?

We are not su

Then confirm it! If even a single dragonkin slayer slipped in, disguising themselves as a normal adventurer, that would make this into a massive diplomatic emergency. This entire alliance would fall apart if Hestia dies! Wake up my retainers, get them up! We need to dive into a damn dungeon!

With those orders, the King stormed the room much to his wifes chagrin. Tragaya slammed the table with her fist, only to do it thrice more out of anger. She then snapped her head to the petrified messenger.

Bladdarg! Send a message to King Drangleic, Prince Markval, King Elutis, and the representatives of the kinkyuro about what happened. Get them to help us! Curse pride, Earth Mother be my witness! She wrapped her hand into a fist. Whoever this is, they will suffer for endangering my country! The throng will be ready!

The mild-mannered queen rushed out of the room, heading after her stubborn husband. As his wife and lover, she would not allow him to risk his life and would stop at nothing to prevent him from going. On the other hand, the King bared his fangs at the enemies below, those who dared to endanger the wedge keeping this alliance of the western countries together.

Lass, stay alive until I arrive!

Name: Tasianna Marina Silverpond Level: 100 Race: Wind Elf

Age: 88 Years Main: Faemancer Level: 25/25

Secondary: Imperial Guard Level: 25/25

Unique: Locked

Status: Health: 4251 (+815) Mana: 16489 (+5046)

Strength:1320 (+331) Intelligence: 5268(+1382)

Vitality: 1632 (+450) Wisdom: 3928 (+1078)

Agility: 6002 (+1964) Stamina: 5120 (+979)

Effects: [Elvenized (Major)]

Skill Points: 550 (18500 SP spent)

Unique Skill: [Fae Frost Lv. 2] (New)

Skill: Magic skills and related:

[Fairy Magic] [Arcane Mind Lv. 10][Ice Magic Lv. 5]

[Water Magic Lv. 10] [Torrent Magic Lv. 6] [Water Amp]

[Water Magic Efficiency] [Wind Magic Lv. 10] [Wind Amp]

[Wind Magic Efficiency] [Storm Magic Lv. 6] (+2)

[Synergists Oath Lv. 10] (+2)

[Chant Revocation Lv. 10] [Silent Casting Lv. 10] (+1)

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 10] (+2) [Mental Stability Lv. 7] (+2)

[Mental Warfare Lv. 8] (+1) [Fluid Cast Lv. 5] (+1)

[Continuous Cast Lv. 5] (+1) [Delayed Cast Lv. 4] (+1) [Multi-Cast Lv. 10] (+3)

Senses and movement skills:

[Silence Lv. 4] (+1) [Accuracy Correction Lv. 10]

[Detection Sensor Lv. 2] (+1) [Foresight Lv. 2] (+1)

[Danger Perception Lv. 10] (+1) [Enhanced Vision Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Auditory Sense Lv. 7] [Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 8]

[Night Vision Lv. 8] (+1) [Tracking Lv. 5] [Odorless Lv. 1] (New)

[Evasion Lv. 10] [Acrobatic Lv. 10] [Air Walk Lv. 3] (+2)

[Aviation Master Lv. 1] (New) [Superior Aerial Fighter Lv. 1] (New)

[Concentration Lv. 10] [Terrain Maneuvering Lv. 6] (+2)


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 7] (+5) [Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Abnormal Status Nullification] [Mana Leak Resistance Lv. 10]

[Ice Resistance Lv. 7] (+1) [Lightning Resistance Lv. 10] (+7)

[Lava Resistance Lv. 10] (+5) [Sacred Resistance Lv. 2] (+1)

[Inferno Resistance Lv. 10] (+5) [Torrent Resistance Lv. 3] (+1)

[Terra Resistance Lv. 1] (New) [Storm Resistance Lv. 4] (+1)

[Tenebrous Resistance Lv. 1] [Fear Resistance Lv. 4] (New)

Stat growth and related:

[Health Recovery Lv. 3] (+1) [Stamina Recovery Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Health Growth Lv. 1]

[Enhanced Health Capacity Lv. 5] (+1)

[Arcane Conduit Lv. 8] (+7)[Sorcerers Power Lv. 1] (New)

[Enhanced Strength Enforcement Lv. 2] (+1)

[Enhanced Vitality Growth Lv. 4] (+2)

[Enhanced Vitality Enforcement Lv. 4] (+2)

[Sages Wisdom Lv. 4] (New) [Speed of Sound Lv. 1] (New)

[Unyielding Endurance Lv. 1] (New)


[Singing Lv. 10] (+2) [Dancing Lv. 7] (+2) [Identify Blocker Lv. 10]

[Identify Lv. 10] [Cooking Lv. 10] (+1) [Dismantle Lv. 8]

[Herbalist Lv. 9] (+1) [Alchemy Lv. 6] (+2) [Brewing Lv. 9] (+1)

[Sewing Lv. 4] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 1] (New)

[Tyrants Aura Lv. 1] (New) [Fae Talk Lv. 3] (+1) [Royal Etiquette Lv. 8] (+1)

[Thought Acceleration Lv. 1] (New) [High-Speed Calculation Lv. 1] (New)

[Elvenize Lv. 10] [Frost Body Lv. 10] (+7) [Leadership Lv. 1] (New)

[Cryokinesis] [Telepathy]

Job Skill: [Fae Talk Lv. 5] [Faefolk Aura Lv. 5]

Magic List: Custom spells:

[Create Water] [Greater Create Water] [Marine Lungs] [Oceans Blast]

[Aifli eir Vintral (Fairy of Winter)] [Tor Eicleres Finulaflei (Ice Ages Paradise)]

[Slithering Frost Serpent]

Ice spells:

[Ice Spike] [Frozen Shield] [Icicle Gust] [Glacial Protection]

[Winters Golem] [Liquid Winter]

Water spells:

[Water Ball] [Water Wall] [Water Bolt] [Cleanse] [Protective Water]

[Droplet Torrent] [Aqua Prison] [Aqua Beam] [Torrential Rain]

[Ocean Healing] [Azure Blade] [Sapphire Membrane]

[Krakens Destruction] [Perilous Tidefall]

Wind spells:

[Wind Bullet] [Wind Cutter] [Air Shield] [Wind Slash]

[Swift Winds] [Wind Blast] [Featherfall] [Aerial Blitz] [Tornado Bullet]

[Sylphids Cloak] [Tailwind] [Cyclone Madness] [Hammerfist Bellow]

[Flight Zone]

Title: [Hestias Imperial Guard] (New)

A note from AbyssRaven

The table changed style because I needed to a find a way to not over stress my wrist and that's the compromise. Probably will change them in the future as preserving my hands is more important to me than making blue boxes.

If you guys want to support me, Hestia and "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale" (or just read up to 20 advance chapters + any Patreon-only chapters) please check out my Patreon: Rawr!

For two dollars, for the cost of a coffee, you can read up to four chapters! You will have my eternal gratitude for any support you can give me! Please.

Thank you for reading this chapter.




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About the author

1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023 4:12:29 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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