A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 407: The Keys for Survival.

Chapter 407: The Keys for Survival.

Fugnarus Kongun,

Takuma Akanishi, Aiko Hasebe,

Ryuji Enokida,

Yuuko Takeshita,

Lautrex von Cashim,

Six groups, and only two may survive.

Tenth Floor Rules

  • In the middle of this stage, there are two temples with artifacts that act as the key for the entrance to the next floor. Only teams with these artifacts may use them to teleport themselves from this floor to the next
  • Leaving the dungeon floor in any other way aside from these artifacts will result in death through the dungeon masters choice
  • Once both artifacts leave the floor through their usage, the floor will be destroyed by the dungeon master along with everything on it. A heavy penalty debuff will be applied on everybody remaining on the floor
  • All surviving parties will receive a generous treasure chest to compensate for the heavy-handed gambit
  • All rules from an Event Quest is applied to this one aside from the exceptions stated here

And the Event Quest rules were as follows:

Good Morning, to those in Anko-Naztas Inkoran-Tazul! Regardless of where you are or who you are, the Origin Gods wish all of you a fine WaterDay. Today marks the beginning of the first Event Quest after the implementation of the unique Job System. Participation in the rank A dungeon [Manethalas Nest] will yield many rewards and bonuses, including the illustrious unlocking of your unique Job. For the grand prize for those able to complete this challenge, you will be eligible to gain a unique Job.


  1. Your participation will be registered through your party the moment you enter the dungeon. You may not change the members mid-way through even if you lose a member by any means
  2. Betrayal of your group through any means will be scrutinized by the Goddess of Order, Plesia. In this revelry, punishment shall be the reward reaped for those willing to break the concept and theme of this Event Quest.
  3. Victory goes to the party able to reach the last floor of the dungeon, where you will confront the rank A drake, Manethala. Your challenge will depend on the drakes mood and decision, scrutinized by Goddesses Crustacia and Chihiro
  4. The designated party leader may surrender at any time, meaning the party will give up further participation and be automatically transported out of the dungeon for their safety. You will still acquire a reward. The party leader will be scrutinized under rule 2
  5. Individual members may leave the party at any time by either leaving the dungeon through the front entrance, emergency exits within the dungeon, or through space-time. You may also call out your surrender, forcing the dungeon to expel you automatically for your safety. Your rewards will be determined by how far you made it.
  6. Everybody has one entry. Once you surrender or leave the dungeon, you forfeit your right to continue in this Event Quest


  1. [Manethalas Greatest Gambit] is the name of the Event Quest and involves parties to forge themselves through 15 floors of trials ranging from physical and mental challenge monster subjugations and puzzles
  2. Each party will face the same trials during this Event. You are allowed to help other parties
  3. Your reward will depend on how many floors your party managed to clear until somebody clears Manethalas last challenge. The hard time limit for this Event will be this years New Years Eve
  4. Each member of a party will receive their individual rewards after the Event is over. Those with a unique Job already unlocked will receive a different reward if they become the victors

This Event Quest is very difficult. The recommended level for the participants will be level 100, but during the duration of the Event Quest, anybody will be allowed to enter the dungeon as long as the rules are followed.

May you be blessed by the Origin Gods. Let [Manethalas Greatest Gambit] begin!

So, since we technically bypassed the second event rule, the dungeon master compensated with this heavy-handed floor. Considering the original intent of the dungeon, it made sense. Higher risks, higher rewards.

I am not dying, just saying, VifiYok stated with no hesitation after we read all of this. I dont care if its a king or your friends, I will not die. I will drag all of you over the finish line if I have to.

And it wouldnt break any of the rules, Franz responded with a nod. Even if we wanted to sacrifice ourselves, would it count as a betrayal for you to save us? Would it count as a betrayal for us to sacrifice ourselves if you dont want it? What constitutes a betrayal in the eyes of the Goddess of Order, Plesia?

We dont need any rule lawyering from you Tatsuya cut him short, although he didnt look him directly in the face. After what had just happened, it seemed the tension between Tatsuya and Franz just got worse.

On the other hand, my relationship with the latter was turning, uuuh, better, I guess.

Hesti-chan, are you planning on charging towards the middle? Franz spoke with a wide smile, a complete departure from his previous expressions. The monsters stopped spawning, but we dont exactly know where the middle of this place is.

I suggested I could fly up, in fact, I could even use [Unheilige Engel] to transport everybody over. In terms of speed, nobody should be able to beat us. The challenge itself wasnt too difficult, but the real test will be the social-dynamic challenge afterwards, including a very, very unpleasant meeting with Yuuko the one student I burnt.

Kyouya snapped his fingers, forming a question. Oh right, Light-san, how

Franz is enough.

Didnt you vehemently ask everybody to call you by that nickname? Why the change?

Franz was the name my father gave me. After everything, I didnt want to associate myself with him in this world. He then looked over at me, showing me warm eyes. Im happy with my original name now.

Yikes. I internally thought, unable to process it properly. I was grateful for the warmth, but, somehow, unlike with Neill, I couldnt feel comfortable around him. Maybe it was just the way he worded his sentences.

Ignoring it, Kyouya continued, Oh right, Franz-san, I wanted to ask you about your experience in the Empire. We read the newspaper, but did the Empire actually issue a death sentence for Hestia-san? You guys were sent to kill her?

His face twitched, looking unsure. You know the newspaper sent around the world to each of Folschrecks vassals and provinces? Well, one of our own made itYuukobut the idea was hijacked at the last moment with the church forcing that statement about Hestia-chan leading the grimgarians. It was capture first, but then the church ordered her execution. It was all really sudden. And, yes, our group was sent here to slay her.

Franz then looked over at the demonkin. VifiYok sighed and shrugged.

Lord Envy, posing as the pope of the Church of Aurena as you all know, had always wanted to kill, or at the very least, mind control Hestia. When I led the battle on Elyonda, he ordered me to awaken Karhalantheel with the black mercs he hired. That Streiga, for example, is a VifiYok stopped for a moment as she looked at Franz, drawing my eyes, where I only saw him look forward with a thinking face. Shaking her head, VifiYok continued. Hes a real scholar, despite his looks. We had the plan perfected to destroy the Champion of Yeostar forever.

She then pointed at me. The only real obstacle was your meddling, since the gods can give you a Divine Quest. After your whole involvement in Griffonpeak, Lord Pride had exposed your existence to us. You killed the Warbringer-esque version for the Envy demonkins, you know. USkaiehe was in a similar role as me but for Lord Envy, although far weaker in combat. The commotion you caused would have been similar if you actually killed me which happened anyways, since I faked my death.

In other words, he was one of the replacements in the event that the current Prince of Envy died, since he had an Original Sin ability.

Just saying, I feel no regrets. He killed somebody important to me. Having his body atomized was his just dessert. My answer was filled with disdain. I didnt even care if he had a name or was a nameless little insect like any other criminal.

VifiYok chuckled for a moment, smiling as she waved her hand. As I said, Lord Envy and Lord Wrath have always been in contention. Youll find no problem with me. USkaie and I were speaking acquaintances at best. In fact, I can guarantee you, none of the sensible Princes of Sins are happy Lord Envy is putting a bounty on your severed head. The moment you die, we face the wrath of Melloxtressa. If she dies, then we might get some unwelcome visits by the Dragon Empire.

The way shes saying that makes my life value less than Moms

She continued, Thats why Lord Envy gave me those two objects. Both were to lock the two of you up. We blame the humans for your death, and boom, dragons and humans are in a very precarious situation. And, it doesnt matter if the evidence points towards us, when the elves, the dragons original ally from long ago, leads a force against Folschreck because of a very, very thick hatred due to the War for the Faefolk.

And the gods cant directly influence something like this, I stated, understanding the plan they were going with. Unless it was through Champions and Saints, but in that case, it would be a total mystery on how everything would be resolved, not to mention how the demonkins would just twist things in their favor.

She spoke a lot. Is this her way to gain trust? Doesnt matter. Gotta be careful.

Franz then began giving us a breakdown of the people on the other side, including their current levels and combat styles. The average level of the students on the Empire side was around 75, with Takuma and Franz being the highest level at 89 and 85 respectively. Unlike my group, they didnt have an experience increasing title, and were just sent into more and more battles with the help of the Imperial Knights

In other words, they got power leveled. Which was still quite useful since all of them have access to the skill shop.

The knights protecting them, on the other hand, were a bit stronger though. Royce, Karlst, and Falamm were the names of the guardian knights for the three last student parties, with Royce being the strongest and holding a similar rank to Yorshka back when she was still a Knight of Aurena.

Royce is an Artorian, around level 116. Sir Karlst is my knight guardian, and hes level 94. Falamm is the weakest at level 90. Unless we can change their opinions in some manner, we wont be able to persuade them. The Church of Aurenas word is higher than the Holy Emperors, and only matched by a blessed.

Which I am.

And also the person they are trying to hunt down. You also burned Yuuko-san to the point Saintess Fleindia couldnt even heal her for over an hour, or so; that means you have lost all the goodwill from my class, even if I try to persuade them. I can bring my party over, aside from Karlst, but that is about it, Franz presented the terrible news to me.

[Dread Burn]whether ally or foe, if you were burned by my flames, you literally couldnt recover your health as long as it was active. That was why my song [Dragon Fire] was so invaluable, since it made it so my allies couldnt get hurt by any of my fire attacks. Sadly, Yuukos [Magic Breaker] sorta ruined that idea of mine as the moment she cast it on me, she was burned since I couldnt use [Aerokinesis] to play my song.

Now that she was disfigured and had gone through an hour of agonizing pain, I could very much understand why none of them wanted to listen to me. To them, I was essentially the demon dragon boss, and if I were in their shoes, I wouldnt forgive me either, even if it wasnt technically my fault.

I could try to show them the proof of who I actually was. Unless they did some mental gymnastics, it should work, and I could also use my [Miraculous Grace] to fully heal Yuuko. I owed it to her. Then again, there was also the chance no one would think about it logically if they really, really hated me.

I guess the Hands of Heaven is out of the question, too? Franz nodded, explaining that the Hands of Heaven only reported to the Holy Emperor. To them, blessed were a rank lower. Saintess Fleindia?

We could, yes. She also has the other half of your stone pair, anyways, so we cant avoid speaking with her. In any case, they are probably planning their own tactics at this point, so we better move.

I nodded and had everybody get on my [Unheilige Engel]. With Rajah in my shadows and four people flying on it, it was quite unbalanced since it could support two people at best. I had to cast it once again to make controlling them easier. Meanwhile, Rajah had to run on the ground as he was far too large now to fit into my dragonewt shadow. The pains of being big, huh?

Once I took to the skies, I also took this time to look over Rajahs Profile. I had planned to help him with his skill points.

Name: Rajah Level: 0 Race: Young Silverlight Shadow Virgacuga

Age: 1 Year

Status: Health: 7789 Mana: 6790

Strength: 4079 Intelligence: 2589

Vitality: 3211 Wisdom: 2901

Agility: 6789 Stamina: 6892

Effects: None

Skill Points: 24300

Unique Skill: [Lucent Illusion Lv. 1] [Virgacuga Bladehair Lv. 1] [Virgacuga Toxin Lv. 1]

Skill: Magic skills and related:

[Mana Efficiency Lv. 3] [Mana Control Lv. 5]

[Arcane Mind Lv. 8]

[Holy Magic Lv. 10] [Holy Amp] [Holy Magic Efficiency]

[Dark Magic Lv. 10] [Dark Amp] [Dark Magic Efficiency]

[Silent Casting Lv. 4]

[Chant Revocation Lv. 5] [Mental Warfare Lv. 2]

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 1] [Mental Stability Lv. 1]

[Fluid Cast Lv. 1] [Multi-Cast Lv. 1]

Physical skills and related:

[All-Damage Enhancement Lv. 1]

Senses and movement skills:

[Accuracy Correction Lv. 5] [Concentration Lv. 6] [Prediction Lv. 7]

[Danger Perception Lv. 7] [Probability Correction Lv. 3]

[Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 7] [Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 9]

[Enhanced Auditory Sense Lv. 8] [Enhanced Vision Lv. 10] [Tracking Lv. 9]

[Evasion Lv. 10] [Acrobatic Lv. 10]

[Air Walk Lv. 2] [Terrain Maneuvering Lv. 8]


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 1] [Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Mental Corruption Resistance Lv. 3] [Mind Protection Lv. 1]

[Mana Leak Resistance Lv. 1]

[Fear Resistance Lv. 9] [Lava Resistance Lv. 1] [Sacred Resistance Lv. 1]

[Inferno Resistance Lv. 1] [Water Resistance Lv. 9] [Ice Resistance Lv. 2]

[Terra Resistance Lv. 1] [Wind Resistance Lv. 9]

[Lightning Resistance Lv. 1] [Tenebrous Resistance Lv. 1]

[Arcane Corruption Resistance Lv. 10]

Stat growths and related:

[Health Recovery Lv. 5] [Mana Recovery Lv. 5]

[Stamina Recovery Lv. 10]

[Prime Vigor Lv. 1]

[Herculean Strength Lv. 1]

[Sorcerers Power Lv. 1]

[Indomitable Bulwark Lv. 1]

[Sages Wisdom]


[Identify Lv. 10] [Identity Blocker Lv. 10] [Battle Mind Lv. 4]

[Terror Aura Lv. 4] [Dismantle Lv. 7]


Ability List: Virgacuga:

[Hair Harden] [Tail Cleave] [Lucent Veil]

Spell List: Holy Magic:

[Minor Heal] [Cure] [Modest Heal] [Smite] [Light] [Holy Protection]

[Holy Strength] [Purify]

Dark Magic:

[Dark Bolt] [Dark Tendrils] [Shadow Dash] [Dark Slash] [Shadow Clones]

[Shadow Snake] [Enfeebling Winds] [Claws of Darkness]

Titles: [Hestias Retainer] [Shadow Pack Member]

Stat-wise, Rajah was far below Saori and me when we first became rank B, which made sense considering the difference in our lineages. Also, unlike us, he hasnt been living with the skill point System since day one. Saori and I werent the best maximizers, but we managed to eke out some considerable training and combat experience by the time we left the Belzac forest.

Since I had the experience, I was able to advise Rajah on what skills to spend his points on, without wasting any on some random choices forced on him by circumstances. For example, unlike Saori and I, our stat growth skills werent in their advanced forms when we evolved, but since Rajah wasnt pressured to level up certain skills to survive, he could invest everything in growth.

Rajah was actually stronger than most fresh rank Bs Ive seen, but he was still weaker when I started out as rank Bs. It really showed how much Moms and my dragon fathers bloodline helped my growth.

Now, though, I had to make sure Rajah economized his skill points, even if he had 24300 of them. He hadnt used any SP he gained during his latter rank D phase and his rank C period. He had been hoarding them like crazy, in case he ever needed to spend everything immediately. This was the time to use them.

[Rajah?] I sent a telepathic message to him, causing him to jump up before continuing running along this barren plain beneath me.

Due to his far larger body now, he was rather conspicuous, it would be hard for him to ambush anything if he either wasnt in a shadow or using his [Lucent Veil] to turn invisible. [Yes, Master?] he growled.

[Okay, first things first, dont forget to continue your training with the magic fundamentals, alright? We will be talking about that after were done here, so we can give you some custom spells,] I explained, which led into talking about my conversation with Franz, about my inability to usurp his unique skill and also the other suspicious things I wondered about him. I kinda wanted to trust him since he was my cousin, but it would be better to not risk it.

As for why I couldnt usurp his unique skill, there was most likely a very irritating explanation for this, even if I didn't know it yet. It was just a gut feeling, but I trusted my instinct.

In any case, I instructed Rajah to max out his magic related skills, like [Mana Efficiency Lv. 3], [Mana Control Lv. 5], [Arcane Mind Lv. 8], [Silent Casting Lv. 4], and [Chant Revocation Lv. 5]; this should be the minimum for him now. Before, he could get away with lower skill levels since he was mostly my supporter, but now, he could take a frontline position. He had to increase his skills for that very reason.

The next part would be [Accuracy Correction Lv. 5], [Concentration Lv. 6], [Prediction Lv. 7], [Danger Perception Lv. 7], [Probability Correction Lv. 3], [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 7], and [Battle Mind Lv. 4]. Detection and combat prediction skills were amazing for general combat, allowing you to take more risks since your skills could warn you of attacks better. [Concentration] and [Battle Mind] was especially important to make sure Rajah could cast spells during melee combat without distracting himself.

With this alone, he had already spent a total of 12950 SP to level them all up to level ten, including evolving a couple of the skills into their advanced versions. [Foresight Lv. 1], [Detection Sensor Lv. 1], and [Tranquil Mind Lv. 1] were a couple standouts for Rajah.

Resistances had to be leveled up in reaction to your foe, so forcing levels now was a waste. Resistances were far easier to level up than others skills anyways. I also wasnt so sure if he should level up his unique skills, right now.

[Virgacuga Bladehair Lv. 1] and [Virgacuga Toxin Lv. 1] did exactly as they said they would. They were practically similar in usage to my [Hellblade Dragon] and [Corrosive Fire] skills, as in, a melee-oriented and a debuffing skill. Damage skills were similar to resistances, as in, they should be leveled up in reaction to your enemy. Since we got through the utility-based skills to make his fighting easier, we should be careful with the remaining SP usage.

I had also considered leveling his [Terror Aura] up to level ten to allow him access to a Territory, but you actually had to train in them. To release your mana with your aura, then using it to mold your surroundings to fit your fighting style, and that might just be a bit too complicated for him. Rajah was smart, but he was still practically a child.

Looking through his SP shop, he did have access to [Mana Weaving] and [Elemental Mana Weaving], similar to Saori, but I didnt think he should focus on them. In fact, I wanted him to focus on his unique skills.

Virgacuga Bladehair: The gleaming fur of a virgarcuga which hardens up from a chemical reaction with the venom it excretes from its glands. Sharp like razors, these beasts can wield thier body like a living weapon, including shooting the fur out like projectiles. The skills combined are: [Enhanced Claw Lv. 10] [Enhanced Fang Lv. 10] [Mana Strike Lv. 10] [Stamina Strike Lv. 10]

Virgacuga Toxin: The debilitating venom of a virgarcuga, evolved from that of a virigress. To compensate for its larger bodies, virgarcuga toxin is less potent than their smaller relatives to preserve energy, only applying a mild neurotoxin and anticoagulant on other species. As a trade-off, the venom has a more pronounced effect on virgacugas as the stronger the venom, the more effective its bladehair will harden. The skills combined are: [Toxin Secretion Lv. 10] [Abnormal Status Nullification]

So, copying Rajahs toxin with [Corrosive Flame] wont help me? Meh, no venom dish today. Anyways, System Voice, give me a run down of all the archery or projectile improving skills. Non-magic ones.

Skill List

Sort by: Archery or projectile improving skills. Non-magic ones.

[Archery Technique] [Archery Mastery] [Projectile Accelerant] [Distance Multiplier] [Throwing Technique] [Throwing Mastery] [Critical Sniper]

Huh, never checked this part out. Probably should have asked Misaki for archery tips. Mana Eyes.

Projectile Accelerant: A skill that only works on physical, small projectiles with reduced effectiveness concerning magic-based projectiles. When a projectile is shot, it increases the speed and the distance it may fly before losing velocity and power. Requires 1200 SP

Distance Multiplier: A skill that increases the damage of a small projectile based on the distance of the shot. The damage increases depending on your current Strength and the level of the skill. Requires 1500 SP

Critical Sniper: A skill when activated at the cost of Stamina causes the damage of the next projectile to increase or decrease depending on the target hit. If the projectile hits a vital area of the target, multiples damage inflicted by the level of this skill. If the projectile hits any other area, the damage is reduced by 95%. Works in tandem with other [Critical]-based skills or weapon ability. Does not work with magic-based projectiles. Requires 2000 SP

What are with these exuberant prices?!

The moment I had that thought, my parallel minds chimed in, explaining the price was the reason they never really recommended me to buy them. Affinity-wise, I was always supposed to be a mage, instead of some sorta archer. Since I relied on my parallel minds to buy skills for me, I just trusted them.

On the other hand, Rajah had it far easier in this aspect. The SP cost for those skills were 300, 300, and 600 respectively for him. Considering he had a ton of SP left, even for emergency resistance levels, I told him to buy them to practice them.

14150 SP was just used in a single moment, reducing his total SP down to 10150. He was still in the safe zone.

Once we were done, we rushed the rest of the way to the center, noticing there really was nothing else around. The constant monster swarm the boys and VifiYok told me about werent around any longer. The floor really just changed into Get to the temple and grab the artifacts! before everybody else. Well, unless they could fly or had some speedster on their side, they shouldnt be able to make it to the destination in time.

Looking from above, the small grassland from before was beginning to disappear in the horizon, telling me this entire floor was actually pretty massive. Looking forward, I was also beginning to notice a pretty conspicuous hillscape with multiple extremely steep mountains, looking like near perfect pentagonal prisms.

With a misty veil covering them, they gave me the impression of those Asian mountain tops where monks would seclude themselves for training or meditation. On the two highest peaks, a pair of temples had been built, overlooking everything with a fog so thick, it made it hard to identify their real form.

This was all so aesthetically pleasing, I couldnt help but capture some of it using the recorder, to everybodys questioning eyes. I mean, why not? Not like showing it to Franz or VifiYok was damning or anything.

Warning: From here on out, there is a no-flight zone. Breaking this rule will inflict a debuff on anybody above a certain height from the ground. You have a five second grace period

Well, okay. Hiking it is then.

After all of us got that message, we landed right in front of the entrance of the mountainous region, being forced to find our way through this place on the normal path. Luckily for us, we had a giant virgarcuga to act as our taxi. Once everybody was on, our monster ride sprinted through the mountainous path, climbing and ascending cliffs with the help of his [Dark Tendrils].

Rajah also got the chance to show me his hardened fur projectiles, hardening up his tail before shooting out knife-sized fur missiles to use them as grips for his ascension. I managed to grab hold of a few of them, nodding my head at their toughness. I could still snap them like twigs, but they were strong enough to dig into rock.

As we approached the first temple, we considered separating the party and going to the other, but we decided against it in the end. The reason was the list of participants.

Only seven people on the Ankoran Kings side? Hmm, the students and the knights were separated into individual parties, it seems. I guess you guys werent given royal-styled party bracelets? The ones allowing you to make a 20-man party? I addressed Franz, to which he nodded.

I saw the price for one Not on our budget. We already needed proper equipment, and even then, most of us didnt have the luxury to get enchantments. Some of our equipment doesnt even have runes. Franz showed me his longsword, showing me that it only had three runes and even then they were basic ones. The church got us an expert human runesmith for them, but supposedly, getting more than three runes on a single piece was too expensive. In fact, when we brought up the dwarves, they werent willing to hire them for their services.

Shouldnt Takumas party have all the benefits, though? They have the [Hero] and Aiko, a Saintess candidate, Tatsuya brought up, to which Franz nodded.

They are the only party fully equipped with everything. Stuff worthy for rank A adventurers from what I was able to see. Catalysts with all three enchantments, a sword with five runes, three layered armor set with enchanted plain clothes, high-quality chainmail or gambeson, and then, of course, the metal armor. Franz adjusted his own armor, showing the three layers he mentioned. I got a massive upgrade after the church deemed me marketable and appointed me a Champion candidate. Whatever that means. Aiko-san never heard Aurenas voice, neither have I. Asaka?

Tatsuya and Kyouya looked over at VifiYok, prompting them to just nod. We shouldnt tell her Asaka was made a Saintess of Ilsaphone.

In any case, the important part was again the fact there were six parties. Not three or two. There was also the problem that Saintess Fleindia and her two guardian knights were somewhere on the floor. Meaning, my opportunity to get the other pair of my [Room] runes had yet to come around, meaning I still couldnt get reinforcement. The dragonslayers, thankfully, werent here.

In addition, if any of us were to be found without Franz by four of the other five parties, I did not believe we would get out of the situation without at least a fight. We had to stay together and I also didnt want to send VifiYok anywhere without me around. She could nab the key and teleport our party out of the floor, leaving one of the five parties to their doom.

Here was the thing, nobody would win in this race, unless both artifacts left this floor through their effects. In fact, the rules didnt even state the artifacts may only be used once. There were loopholes.

The dungeon master wanted to kill us? Well, sadly, my lust prevented me from accepting such a thing. I would not endanger the people I was responsible for in my party. I would not allow Saoris students to die. I would also not allow Ankoran King Fugarus to die, not when our alliance was so close! As I told Franz, if I had to overturn rules to reach my goal, then so be it.

After all, what was a dragon who couldnt do that? If Kramps could do it, then why couldnt I?

Well, its all bark until I can figure a way to actually circumvent the rules. I don't know enough right now.

Regardless, to prevent us getting into a deadlock where it was impossible for me to solve this, getting both artifacts for our group was the only way to ensure this. As Franz mentioned, What was betrayal? Was helping us get off this floor betrayal, or was it helping us? The rules seemed quite lax and full of potential loopholes for something made by the Goddess of Order. Well, it was due to these potential holes that we might be able to solve this situation semi-peacefully.

Rajah continued his hike and got us to the doorsteps of the first peaceful and tranquil temple. Walking through the wooden gates, the clean surroundings caught my eyes, especially the flowerbed to the side of the path, with a pink-petal tree standing over them. The cherry blossom flowers were beautiful to behold, calming my mind before I noticed the small statue of a woman right next to the temples front door.

Thats Chihiro, right? VifiYok noted, to which I agreed as I stared at the replica of the dwarven woman called the Revolution Queen. It was clear that this place was made in dedication to her.

The dungeon master has to be Manethala. What is he trying to tell us?

We walked into the building, where I noticed it looked similar in style to the temple of Chihiro in the railroad guild in Inkoran-Tazul. There were some changes, since this was more similar to a parish, however, there was nothing out of the ordinary. We walked up to the altar, looking down at a chip-like item laying on it inside a glass chest.

Without any issues, I opened the chest while darting my eyes over to VifiYok, causing her to let out a deep sigh. I knew my distrust was probably annoying her, but it had to be. Once I picked the chip up, it made me frown as it looked like a data chip you could find back on Earth. Manethala knew about Chihiros past, so maybe this was a callback to that.

Unsure if putting the chip into my [Storage Magic] would make it invalid, I kept it in my pocket for now.

I guess you wont use it immediately? VifiYok shrugged, already knowing the answer.

Regardless, I still answered it since we had nothing better to do. We have three groups that have to get out of here, but only two artifacts. I know you only value ours, since its the only way for you to survive, but losing any one of the three will affect me a ton. Just, you know, trust me, okay?

Trust is hard.

I get it Well, Mana Eyes.

Floor 10 Key: The key to transport your party to the next floor, effectively winning the Floor 10 challenge. Hold it up and shout Activate to activate the key

It was nice to know the instruction manual.

With the first key in our hand, we got back on Rajah and set off for the other temple as our next destination. As we continued the monster ride, I took out the recorder again to continue filming everything, still astonished by the beauty of this place; too bad the experience was slight ruined by the rather sickening challenge. Sadly, just as I was about to record the sight of the second temple from the bottom of its feet, my sensory skills suddenly took notice of a few signals.

Oh oh.

Nine targets, with two dashing up to us at an incredible speed. The rest were slowly surrounding us, which Rajah could probably break through if my guess was correct on who these people were. However, this was also an opportunity to put some knights in their place. If all six parties wanted to live, we needed to work together.

Traitors! The first of the two approaching signals appeared from the sky, looking like an archangel with his white armored robes and wings, before he landed onto the floor. He brandished his greatsword, pointing it not at me, but at the boys. Aiko-chan really tried to persuade me that you two were mind controlled by that dragon. Helps to be friends with a Saintess candidate, right? Thing is No, no. I know those eyes everywhere. If Light was mind controlled as well, you two wouldnt look so grumpy. But, you two look like you are about to kill each other! Traitors!

You figured that out cause both of them still hate each others guts?! Gosh, these guys are classmates, alright.

He then pointed the blade at VifiYok and me. Valeria, nice to see you, again. Sorry, but youre in big trouble. Now Mhmm? Couldnt get a good look before, but you are hot just like the bishops mentioned.

This guy for real?

Takuma Akanishi, the [Savior] and [Hero]. I had exactly no idea who he was and my short meeting with him before made me think he was a self-righteous, asshole hero-archetype. It turned out, he was a bit of a flirt, too.

Takuma Franz eyed him with annoyance, about to draw his sword, but another voice interrupted him before he could.

Ah ah ah! A light-hearted, teasing tone drew out attention to our back, where we saw a white-golden armored knight wag his finger in disapproval. He pointed his right gauntlet at us, causing a mechanical sound as white light appeared from his gauntlet, creating something like a lightsaber. Unsheath, and I will shoot, Sir Light.

Sir Lautrex, Franz addressed the very same Hand of Heaven I had the misfortune to fight. That wasnt a good first impression.

We know you were at the first temple, the knight stated before starting to circle around us with Takuma. He was delaying, allowing me to notice the presence of the other seven signals in the vicinity. We are kindly asking you to hand it over to us and cease your movements to the second temple.

I sighed as that was their first demand. Tha

However, before I could say anything, VifiYok clicked her tongue.

Pfff! Yeah, yeah, give it over to you! Great suggestion so we can die, while you two parties may leave, right? she snapped her head over to me, eyeing me with a rather terrifying glare. Its your call.

You dont need to tell me anything, I snapped back at her, although I understood her sentiment. Rajah was my lovable cat, Tatsuya and Kyouya were my friends, and Franz was my cousin. I could not risk their lives.

With those being our answers, both men stood still until the rest of the group arrived. While the students looked nervously at what was happening, especially a girl in a white-robe who was grimacing at Tatsuya and Kyouya. Both were mumbling Aiko taking deep breaths and looking like they were in pain.

The guardian knights of the students stepped forward, all unsheathing their swords. Their faces and features were covered up by their armor, unlike the flamboyant Hand of Heaven. Everybody was ready for a fight, huh?

My name is Knight-Captain Royce Albert Loucestro, a Knight of Aurena in the service of the Church of Aurena and Pope Gwyn. Our blades are guided by the Goddess, blessed by her! He gave me a stern look, only focusing on me and nobody else. Your form does not fool us, dragon! Your actions against humankind have been noted down by our scribes! The Goddess knows of your sins!

She knows, alright.

As it looks, you have not accepted Sir Lautrexs mercy. I respect your wish to fight to the very end, but your alliance with the green-skins has sullied your soul! You will not receive a good death. We do not need the dragonslayers here to end you!

Ohohoho, but you do, little insect.

By the Holy Emperors and Pope Gwyns commands, we will avenge the damage you die to Aureolis! Knights of Aurena, ready yourself for combat! Heroes of Aurena, ready for battle! Sir Lautrex!

The very knight raised his arm, still readying his lightsaber gauntlet at us. He finally put his helmet back on, now getting into a fighting stance. Ready as ever, Sir Royce. We have to make sure Lady Aiko makes it out of here alive.

Valuing a potential blessed, huh?

Superb! That Royce guy expressed before continuing his speech. As such, today we will avenge the many deaths in Elyonda! Let us fight for the honor

Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor. I jumped off Rajahs back before closing my white mage robes, making me look like any other shrine maiden of the Church of Aurena. I then pulled out my icicle, diamond-looking tiara made by Mom back when we first met, putting it on to signify my status. Third Princess of the Dragon Empire of Kargyx, daughter of Dragon Emperor Eltharion and Sixth Dragon Empress Melloxtressa, Party Leader of the rank B adventurer party Aurora, rank B hunter and soon-to-be rank A. Ahem, direct Idol and Champion of Goddess Aurena. You may now kneel, knights.

A note from AbyssRaven

Make way, lowly paladins. For the Idol has come to beat your ass! Fanservice time.

If you guys want to support me, Hestia and "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale" (or just read up to 20 advance chapters + any Patreon-only chapters) please check out my Patreon: Rawr!

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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Tuesday, June 13, 2023 5:14:12 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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