A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 422: Dragonslayer Hunter: Unite.

Chapter 422: Dragonslayer Hunter: Unite.

83 human, beastman, elf, dwarf followers lost

Total follower count updated. Total followers of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 22051

Everybody still alive will be transported out of the dungeon through space-time magic; to ensure your safety, please do not move. How annoying. I understood the reasoning why there was a feature like that, as escaping the dungeon after the Event was done would be tedious and a waste of time. Why not expedite it with the power of the Divine System?

While I was okay with random adventurers returning to the surface this way, I hated it cause it also applied to Galg. Rank S dragonslayer and a constant thorn to my side, this person had been ruining my dungeon dive from the moment I met him. Four times we ran into each other, and every single time we ended up fighting.

There was no peaceful method to end this feud between us, as he was a hunter, and I was his prey. Why would I stop my fangs when I was hungry for a rabbit? The mindset of a hunter was something I grew up with, but now somebody was hunting me. They werent here for any ideological clashes, or because they had to fight for survivals sake. I was convinced he didnt really care that the Folschreck Emperor even had a bounty on me, and I knew he didnt care I was royalty. He was just here for the hunt.

Although, now? It was personal, too.

In the midst of the desert

A bright ray of light shines

Pure and brave, that she was, as she walked

Oh, how I wished I could play three or four spell songs at once, instead of only two. Sadly, I could only play two when I was in my dragonewt form with [Musical Renaissance Diva]; actually, I preferred being in my dragonewt for my supportive role so I could use that skill, but fighting Galg required me to stay in my dragon form, otherwise, I would have to rely on Neill and Tasianna.

Symphonie des Feuergottes! Switch to Dragon Fire!

In my purgatory, I make the devil cry

In Hellfire

All you hear are his screams, begging to be released

Its Music

The roars of flames formed in the sky as Galg and I stared at each other. Music played as small fire meteors in the form of dragons descended down on the earth, destroying the many gnomacotta warriors Maagneil had summoned. As all my alliesincluding those fighting Maagneil just behind uswere engulfed by the fiery waterfall coming from my magic circle, it also burned away the army of golems streaming into the Hubs broken down wall.

[How many antidotes?] I called out to Neill while erecting a [Terra Wall] where Maagneil broke the ground.

[One left,] she stated. [The bastard got me in the gut when I was fighting him. Fathers horns, that guy isnt as fast as the demonkin, but his attacks can penetrate my defenses far easier. Your fire ball healed it, so dont worry.]

Anti-draconic weapon plus Winters Gift; Neill and I were quite susceptible against them, and now we were down to only two antidotes. Still, we had backup right next to us, where we could always switch with the other members to take care of both Maagneil and Galg. Still I guess this was a grudge match for everybody involved, and I had a feeling Neill would not let anybody steal this chance from her.

[Until we need help, Ill be the front tank with my armor plus focusing on being the supporter, Neill will be the skirmisher and stay away from him. Youll be our main damage dealer. Tasianna, long range magic support as always, Beth support her from the skies and use your ice attacks to weaken his armor, Pradreo and Skardrvo make sure you two rely on guerilla warfare. That guy can rip anybody apart if he gets some time to attack!]

[Got it!] Everybody acknowledged, only for a chill to suddenly run down my spine.

Hostile Territory detected! [Dragon Blood Bath] has been activated!

You sick

All dragonkin type enemies have their stats reduced by 25%. All types of buffs and their dragonkin abilities will have their effectiveness reduced by half. Territory owner leeches damage inflicted on dragonkin type enemies by 25%. Territory owner loses 1% of their Health per 5 second if they arent fighting a dragonkin type enemy

This guy really made his Territory specific to one enemy type!

While Neills, VifiYoks, and my Territory were all made to synergize with our abilities, his was purely made for the killing of dragonkins. A true hunter in that sense, and it certainly would have been an issue if we didnt have our own Territories.


[Already on it! Just keep that [Dragon Fire] on so you dont scorch anything!]

Tsk, urgh, it might just be better to fight in my dragonewt form just to be more supportive

What a dilemma, but now wasnt the time to second question it.

Mana Release activated. Aura used as control unit: [Draconic Aura Lv. 5]. Territory [Magmakammer] has been established. Territory Dispute engage

Allied Territory detected! [Supremacys Manaspring] has been activated! Territory coexistence established

[Music Resonation (Major)] [Symphonie des Feuergottes Movement (Adagio)] [Stage Fever (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

I still had [Battle Frenzy (Minor)] and it looked like Neill just transitioned into her moderate stage, considering I could see her neon purple shining through this stream of fire. After warning Beth, Pradreo, and Skardrvo to be careful, the waterfall of fire stopped, revealing Galg unharmed and was already charging at us through the air.

His red aura flared up as velvet blood streamed from his body like a leaking bottle. It formed around him like a mantle, almost like the blood was protecting him. His white ice blades were stained with blood, dying them red. His fearsome figure then threw a chained hook at me, signaling the beginning of our fight.

Freeze. Tasianna mumbled as a cyan magic circle appeared on her hand. As the hook was almost about to hit me, she breathed through it, shooting out a fog of what looked like liquid nitrogen.

[Liquid Winter] was the spells name, and it created an area of liquid nitrogen-like gas that froze anything it touched, even the caster and her allies. A tricky spell to use, but to a wind mage, it was just something else she could control.

After the hook froze, allowing the dragonewt duo to destroy it, Tasianna cast [Tailwind] to push Galg back a bit before shooting out a [Hammerfist Blow], causing the wind to smack Galg as if a hammer had hit him, sending him flying towards the ground with the sound of a howitzer blast.

However, showcasing his ability as a dark mage, Galg slipped into my shadow, reappearing on the wall next to me. He kicked away a dwarf who took shelter from my dragon meteor rain and jumped, but was quickly intercepted by Pradreo and Skardrvo dragoon diving in front of him, staggering him. They quickly jumped away, not even giving him an inkling of a chance to hit them.


This opening made it possible for me to crash onto the wall and finally use [Drakonian Sunlight Edge] to its fullest potential. With [Solar Beam] causing my body to explode in heat and the sun fueling me with solar energy, my burning tail cut right through the dwarven-made wall, destroying the mana barrier protecting whatever was left of it in one slice.

The area around us quickly began to melt from [Magmakammer] while portions of the lava began to fly up from Neills [Supremacys Manaspring], all connected through streaks of mana. As Galg was dodging my lavakinesis, dragon meteors, and spells, Neill galloped through the air in her kirin-dragon form, using her Territory to harden air, lava, and anything else into weapons for her to add onto the barrage.

When she saw her moment, her purple glowing claws lit up, causing the mana streaks on her own body to intensify before she crashed onto the wall and shot out a [Pulse Arcana] blast. She was attempting to hit Galg, trying to use her dragon paths to weaken his armor; however, the red armored dragonslayer was showing off his speed as he dashed and ducked through everything my sister threw at him.

Even when Neill stomped the ground, causing a portion of the wall to explode from the dragon paths, he would use [Defensive Rune: Auracoil] to protect himself just in the nick of time. If we used our scales to attack, he would cut them apart easily, while that dragon blood surrounding him kept him safe from the heat.

As it was starting to look like our giant size was being used against us, Beth suddenly flew up to Galg but immediately stopped before she got into his range. With a powerful wing beat, she produced a strong gust before spewing out an ice breath at him, getting her out of the way. At the same time, the lava fields began to freeze up as Tasiannas new ice dress started to light up.

Glacial Witchs Wardress: A dress made from natural mana made from the essence from the glacial stones of the north. An imperfect mana dress made from a dungeon, this dress constantly exudes a blood-freezing ice aura that assaults its owner. In the possession of a true ice magician who had turned their mana into the ice element, this dress protects its user from fire attacks and keeps their body temperature low, while hardening upon impact from foreign attacks, whether magical or physical.

Skills: [Ice Amp] [Ice Magic Efficiency]

Enchantment: [Sealed Potential] [Glacial Witchs Protection (Limited)]

Sealed Potential: An enchantment created by the System for specific dungeon loot. Requires an assessment by an expert to recreate this object to unleash its full potential. Until recreated, it will seal most of this objects skills, enchantments, and runes

Glacial Witchs Protection: Hardens the mana surrounding it into true ice, making it impossible to melt. Consumes mana of the user while active. Ice spells cast while this enchantment is active are less susceptible to fire and high heat, while also increasing their damage to those weak to ice

True ice. While Mom never specified what it was, I was sure Tasiannas glacial attack was probably something similar, as it was practically impossible for me and most people to even cause her ice to shed even a droplet of water. While Tasiannas dungeon loot was imperfect, much like the equipment we got on my side, it was still a helpful addition to her firepower. And it was mostly free.

Casting her three custom spells[Aifli eir Vintral (Fairy of Winter)], [Tor Eicleres Finulaflei (Ice Ages Paradise)], and [Slithering Frost Serpent]she grew a pair of wings of ice while the ground around Galg began to turn into a blizzard. A giant ice serpent also materialized as it carried my fairy friend, letting her rest her wings as she began shooting down more ice blades than I could possibly count.

The ground was turned into a pincushion, leading Galg into a trap and allowing the dragonewt dragoons to [Dragoon Dive] right onto him, sending him flying off the wall and into Neills waiting arms. Like a horse, she turned her body around while in the air, and landed a kick using her hind legs right on his head and chest.

No matter how hard he made that armor from my scales, his helmet and chest armor could only break apart as mana lines spread through them. With his scarred face and chainmail exposed, I was about to land a hit with [Hellblade Edge] before my [Danger Perception] warned me just as the sound of thunder erupted.

I snapped my head around, seeing Saori and VifiYok simultaneously attacking the gundam, sending the giant golem crashing against the wall and right into our battlefield. I had to [Flash Fire] away, leaving everybody else to find a way to save themselves from getting squashed.

[Saori! Watch it!] I shouted, but nobody could answer as the ground below us shot right up like a [Terra Wall], creating a rock wall even taller than the ones around the Hub.

I had to fly even higher with my party to avoid getting hit by it. With a birds eye view over the Hub, we notice the gundam slowly standing up, only for it to suddenly get attacked by multiple tentacle-like tendrils. Ellaine jumped close to it as flesh pulsated around her arms, before she shot out multiple more of the tendrils.

With all of them attached to the gundam, Saoris shadow pack grabbed onto Ellaine with their mana threads, pulling her and the gundam back up, allowing Saori to land an electrical slash right at the gundams chest. They were all hard at work!

[This is a warning to all other combatants in the area! This is an order from King Elutis, King Artorias, and High King Fugnarus; if you are an adventurer, garrison soldier, general soldier, or freelance fighter, you are to remove yourself from the premise! If you are a member of Princess Hestias and Princess Fargryneills retinue, this is a message to you, hold strong! Support will be coming! I repeat, Support will be coming! Protect anybody you see; everything will be compensated afterwards, so protect your life and those around you!]

It was a crier; I quickly identified an elven mage calling out to everybody with elven knights in pristine white armor attempting to lead everybody away from the danger zone. The dwarves still attacking with their crossbows quickly ran away, joining up with the fleeing mass.

I hadnt exactly had the time to warn anybody to flee, since my focus was on Galg the moment I saw him. Speaking of which, where was Galg? We lost sight of him the moment

[Pradreo, dodge!] I snapped my head around as I noticed a signal coming from below, only my warning was too late as a chain caught the black-scaled dragonewt by the tail, pulling him towards the shadow cast by myself onto the earthen wall.

Change songs! The Heir of Hope, now!

[Shield of [The Light]] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Galg appeared out of it with his blades readied. Like a twister, in one quick rotation he managed to slice off Pradreos fingers holding his spear before dismembering his wings. Before he could kill him, however, a barrier of light surrounded his throat, only leading to a shallow cut. Regardless, Galg still managed to slice through that barrier despite the number of people around!

Before Galg could land the finishing blow, thankfully, Neill, Beth, and I unleashed out breath attacks. With the former two enough to chase Galg away, I used a white flame breath instead to heal Pradreos wounds and any venom that got into his body. Skardrvo then dove right towards his friend and rescued him, but Galg wasnt finished.

His red aura flickered before he disappeared before us, reappearing right below Skardrvo before grabbing his tail. With the flick of his blades, the latter lost the arms holding Pradreo and his lance, before Galg rammed his blade right into his back.


Skardrvo! Flash Fire! Dragon Fire, now!

[Symphonie des Feuergottes Movement (Adagio)], [Flash Fire], and my various speed buffs made me fast enough to reach the injured dragonewts before Galg could attack again, allowing me to use [Dreadflare Aura] to blast them away. With [Dragon Fire] on, Pradreo and Skardrvo were saved from the flames, allowing Tasianna to catch them with her ice serpent and apply first aid.

However, at the same time, I grimaced as I saw Galg using that dragon blood of his to protect himself as he landed right on the wall. Since the dragonewts didnt have their Territories, Galgs [Dragon Blood Bath] applied on them, meaning Galg probably healed up some health from injuring them. That was why he targeted them.

Shit, I really do need to go back into my dragonewt form. Am I a supporter or am I an attacker? Can Neill act as the main tank, because Tasianna cant.

To be the best attacker, I had to be in my dragon form, but to be the best idol and supporter it was necessary for me to be in my dragonewt form for the Job bonuses. The issue of having to switch songs constantly showed itself when I fought VifiYok, but while I had enough firepower with Tasianna and Neill alongside me again, none of them could act as the main tank to soak up damage in case we got hit by his attacks. One Winters Gift would knock Neill and me right out.

All these thoughts wandered through my head as I watched Galg drink three potiona [Inferno Absorption Potion (Moderate)], [Corrosion Protection Elixir (Major)], and a [Triple Resource Regeneration Elixir (Moderate)]before getting attacked by both Neill and Beth. As if their moves were trained, both were fighting quite evenly with Galg, proof of their time spent in the dungeon.

However, this quickly was turned around when Galg dashed and twirled with his body, performing acrobatic feats as he danced around Neill and Beth, forcing me to engage him with spells to stop him from hurting either. My large body was once again working against me, as Galg could just flurry his blade around to threaten me from coming closer. I had to rely on my spells and breath attacks to wreck the surroundings, but that was okay, for I always had [Corrosive Flames] on my side when it came to attrition.

Even if my purple breath attacks could melt through his body with the virulent toxin, the gases it spread was enough now that his face was exposed. WIth [Halo of Consecration] active now, I could periodically heal everybody around me from the toxins effect, aside from Galg.

Still, this way of fighting took too long. The fact I was acting more like an annoyance than a tank worried me, as I had to be close to make [Magmakammer] work properly. In fact, being up high in the air made the super heat aura practically useless as I couldnt melt air into lava; using all these active mana-spending abilities was just eating through my resources and giving me arcane corruption.

Not to mention my bloody broken sun core.

Kuri?! Beth groaned as Galgs chained hook pierce through her ice armor.

He yanked on the chain, causing the snow wyvern to stagger from his high strength, allowing him the chance to jump towards her with [Air Steps], only for Neill to kick the air, sending dragon paths towards the chain to break it apart, leaving him chainless. However, the force from his jump still sent him flying up, letting him barely scratch Beth through her armor.

[This venom isnt as bad!] she called out.

At the same time, Neill also called out for me. [Hestia, I need you back down here! Hes too damn slippery!]

Meanwhile from behind. [My lady, the both of them cant continue fighting! Neither my potions nor your holy flame grenades can heal them up properly.]

And the worst part was that my initial plan to call over Saori or VifiYok to help couldnt be done now as they had their own issues. Unfortunately, I was also reaching my limits at this point.


I had no issue with health, mana, or stamina since the sun was up. I was invincible, as I always called myself, but when it came to arcane corruption, I was but a mere mortal. Add in my broken core, and you had a recipe of disaster for me as I felt a headache growing.

I grit my teeth. I knew Neill could kill him; I just needed to create that window of opportunity for her. But, how? The poison wouldnt act just now. I needed to create some time for it

Nordor Style

And as if the gods themselves listened to my wish, a voice interrupted my constant worry. I stared up in the sky as I saw something like a giant eagle, no, a griffon form in the sky. A translucent, silver griffon was staring down at us with a single man floating in front of it.

White Griffons Descent!

The shout of a man accompanied the sound of a hawks cry zooming through the air before it crashed right at the wall Maagneils created, demolishing a car-sized section of it. With wind blowing the dust away, the person revealed himself as Farron Nordor.

Wing Ripper.

Knew you would try to hunt the kiddo down, dragonslayer, he responded to Galg calling him by his nickname. He smiled and twirled his swordspear. Still a bit rusty here, kiddo! You want to help an old man out so he can put this guy down for hurting ya!

A non-dragonkin, a strong frontliner with good armor, and someone I trusted would be able to help out. He might not be a VifiYok, but I couldnt help but be elated that help arrived. He must have noticed Galg coming over here!

Which meant


[Humanize (Minor)] [Symphonie des Feuergottes Movement (Adagio)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

I didnt need to be a tank.

In the midst of the desert

A bright ray of light shines

Pure and brave, that she was, as she walked

My second song played as everybodys stats began to rise from [The Heir of Hope]s 10% increase. A barrier of light protected them while dragon meteors kept flying down. I was able to play two songswhich took up four parallel minds to keep upand that meant I could give full attention to keeping everybody alive.

[Go wild!] I used [Flash Fire] to dash right behind Galg to unleash a [Dreadflare Aura], blasting Galg away right into Farrons direction.

Both warriors had their weapons clash against each other before a storm of steel followed with both striking, parrying, and dodging. Sparks flew as Farron showcased his sword techniques one-by-one. However, he wasnt a dragoon and didnt hold the unique skill [Skylord] for nothing!

When Neill came in to help him, he would take to the sky, following behind Beth before striking at Galg at the most opportune time. He would twist around, transitioning his mechanical weapon from its sword to its spear form and then back to the previous one. No wasted movement, only moves refined through years of fighting. The rust he mentioned felt like it wasnt there at all.

However, level disparity was still a thing and he couldnt hold on too long before Neill or I had to bail him out. Still, he brought us time, allowing Tasianna to return to the fight while I had enough leeway to summon [Hydra] back into the party. Its mission? To corrode Galg or to poison him. It didnt matter!

With Tasiannas ice serpent bringing the dragonewts to safety, the five of us here kept on fighting Galg on top of this giant wall overseeing everything happening in Inkoran-Tazul. The view was nice, but the stress of every attack not hitting this slippery fellow made me feel like he was still just playing around! He knew us, but we didnt know him as none of us could appraise him.

Name: Galg Level: 141

This was all I got but it didnt matter. We just had to win! I would not run this time!

Argh! As Farron finally reached his limits when it came to concentration, as he was also weary from the constant fighting, he slipped and Galg slashed right through his chest armor, breaking through it and revealing his chainmail below.

As Farron fell, he stomped down and gripped his polearm even harder. Nordor Style: Voidlight Erasure!

Farron charged his spear right against Galg, forcing him to block, but as that happened the very air began to make slashing sounds. Not an illusion, Farrons attack propelled his body forward as he spun his swordspear, turning it into a drill as the slashing sounds intensified, to the point they became real and began slicing at Galg and Farron.

Like the chaotic cries of a million hawks, the attack continued before ripped right through Farrons arm and Galgs, injuring both sides in the formers last ditch effort to kill the latter!

Kraaagk! Galg grimaced, clearly feeling the damage.

Beth swiftly landed right on Farron, grabbing him with her talons and taking him out of the battlefield to his safety, leaving Galg to get attacked by my [Hydra], drenching the man in the purple slime before he cut himself out of it. His dragon blood saved him, it seemed, by covering his body in it.

However, it also made it clear that this unrelenting force was finally tiring as well. Tasianna hammered him down with [Hammerfist Blow] before sprayed [Liquid Winter] on him. Discombobulated at last, the crimson liquid on his body began to freeze by Tasiannas spell, allowing her to cast her finishing spell once again[Tor Eicleres Finulaflei].

Even as the blizzard raged with blades of ice crashing against his body, Galg still hadnt given up. Channeling his red aura once more, he was about to do something again, but I wouldnt let him. Not when defeating him was the path to victory!

Panzer! Flash Fire!

[Hestia!] Neill called out to me, but it was too late as I charged right at Galg.

This unexpected move halted Galgs attempt to run away, forcing his body to move through instincts and reflexes alone. The right side of my stomach was pierced by one of his blades, but I managed to stop his right sword from running through my chest by biting his arm.

[Poisoned (Winters Gift) (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Argh, shit!

The effects of the venom applied immediately but due to Grimnirs armor and [Panzer], the cut was too shallow! I still had time. With his arms exposed due to Farron destroying his gauntlets, my attacks could now cripple Galgs arms. Increasing my biting force with all the buffs on me, including the adagio stage, I ripped right through his muscular limb, breaking flesh and bones.

I then sunk my tail into his left arm, forcing his blade out of me before I grabbed his arm and

Kraaak! The poison caused me to puke right on him.

The dizziness was setting in as I began to lose feeling in my body. I couldnt get a grip around his arm and he managed to free himself from my tail, leaving him the chance to raise his blade for the last time.

I am! he said as he swung his blade down at my head. The hunte

Triiisssh! The sound of bones and flesh being sundered deafened my ears.

Grrk! A female-sounding growl replaced the bone-breaking noise, but it wasnt mine. No, I was just lucid enough to identify it to belong to none other than my first [Imperial Guard]. YOU DARE TOUCH MY LADY, HUMAN!

Haa? A confused voice escaped Galgs mouth as he looked down.

Although I couldnt see it clearly through all the wobbliness in my sight, I did notice something large getting separated from his body. I also saw Tasiannas blue-haired silhouette next to me with a long blade of ice in her hand.

I couldnt see what she did, but I knew she just saved my life. With my last strength before the poison got to me, I activated [Storage Magic], prompting Tasianna to take out two potions, giving me one to drink while driving her ice blade into Galgs helmet. In a last ditch effort to survive, he snapped his head to the side, saving his brains, but it gave me just enough time to recover from the poison and to hand over control to my parallel thoughts.

Lets do this! Manager Mind rallied every single available parallel mind to jumpstart my numbed body. Like a marionette, they began controlling my actions.

I pushed Tasianna aside and cast [Wind Blast], blowing her away as she screamed, Lady Hestia! I blinked, finally able to see everything before me. I grabbed Galg by his throat and used the molten rock below him to grab his legs to hold him down. However, due to [Magmakammer], the frozen red liquid on his body thawed and transformed into claws as they grabbed Galgs blades.

A smirk formed on his face as before it contorted his expression, revealing how he had this secret saved on this very moment. My eyes widened as I saw the liquid readying themselves to hit me.

But my conviction to take him down was stronger. [Hydra] made it in time and slammed him like a tidal wave. While his body was mostly protected by his armor from my corrosive slime, the openings in his armor werent and nor was the dragon blood protecting him.

As my [Hydra] retreated, it was my time to smirk. I pulled him closer to me.

[This is for messing with my sister and friends.]

I disabled [Battle Frenzy] and [Symphonie des Feuergottes] before I began to channel [Solar Beam]s energy outside my body. The heat around my body rose even higher and higher before the solar energy burst out of me in a grand explosion, mimicking what I usually did for my meteor impact attacks.

In other words, I just turned myself into a massive bomb.


[Overheated (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Naturally, the usual happened as my solar core cracked upon unleashing my overdrive mode. My scale-dust was completely consumed and I was now twirling in the air, burning up. I had to keep my Territory and songs up, but I honestly couldnt move any longer. The poison still did a number on me even with the antidote.

Lady Hestia! Tasiannas soothing voice calmed me down, following her cooling streams of ice to reduce my body temperature. Once she was done, she grabbed me. You! Honestly, even if you can heal yourself, stop doing all these risky moves.

I could understand all her complaints, but this was the only way for us to win the battle. However, I knew he wasnt dead yet. If he had, I would have gained a pretty nice level up, but that wasnt the intention of this final attack.

I pointed in the sky, leading Tasiannas head to snap towards Galg dashing through the air. His armor had completely melted onto his skin. After all, if there was a heat strong enough to start burning me, what would happen if it got into contact with my scales while they werent supported by my core and special biology? How else could Grimnir melt my scales into my current armor?


As Galg was still benefiting from that [Inferno Absorption Potion], I assumed that my solar attack probably didnt kill him outright; instead, it probably would have healed him quite a bit. That was what I initially thought, but it seemed like solar energy didnt count as a fire elemental attack as the dragonslayers face and skin was charred up.

Still, with the melted armor on his body, his roars sounded like the death rattle of a beast. He dashed through the air, intending to kill me, but almost as if his body still knew of fear, he stiffened up. He slowly turned his head to the side to see Neill flying right in front of him with her horn channeling mana.

Her voice echoed in our heads. [You are my prey you dont get to mess with my little sister! For we Kargryxmors are the tyrants here! Freikugel!]

Finally taking revenge for her past with Galg and his dragonslayer party, Neill unleashed a piercing mana beam from her horn, shooting right through Galgs head. Tenacious as always, though, his body kept twitching as he fell from the skies, for in Peolynca, as long as your health didnt hit zero, you could continue living.

Urraaaaaaaaghkkk! Ahahah, I am won with da dragons! he screamed out, barely coherent. Dare blood will make me

Shruuuuuiiiee! But not allowing him to even say his last words, my [Hydra] pounced at him, enveloping his entire body with its corrosive slime. His words turned into shrieks as his body was being dissolved in the flesh-melting toxins.

Territory deactivated. Territory Dispute completed in favor of individual [Sunfang Dragonewt, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] and [Violetshock Kirin-Dragon, Fargryneill Qilinus Kargryxmor]

There was no need to learn what Galgs motivation was. Whether it was for sport, revenge, duty, or even for a perverted desire as his last words suggested, none of it mattered to me. I was just happy it was about to end as that last System message informed me.

No longer protected by the armor he made from my arm, Galgs body continued to squirm around, pitifully trying to escape the death trap, unwillingly digesting more and more of the corrosive slime. In this acid bath, his skin would break down while his organs would be consumed at the same time. It wouldnt take too long for his cries to deaden as his body was being dissolved until nothing remained of the fearsome Twin Reaver Galg.

Ruuuuuuawwwwwwarrgh! [Hydra] let out a victory cry it had certainly well deserved after so many fights against this annoying bastard.

Rest in peace, everybody.

I made a prayer to those Galg had killed to help me. Revenge was a fools errand, as Saori and I had taught Tasianna, but I guess you could say I was elated that I never had to meet this guy ever again and that I was able to make all the sacrifices worth it. Neill was also scarred by her experience with them, so I hoped this last bit gave her some closure.

Experience for development Jobs has reached multiple breaking points.

[Star Idol]: Lv. 24 -> Lv. 30 | Reset accumulation finished | Prestige 5 Lv. 0

[Fire Mage]: Lv. 20 -> Lv. 35 | Reset accumulation finished | Prestige 10 Lv. 0

[Tyrant Hatchling]: Lv. 15 -> Lv. 30 | Reset accumulation finished | Prestige 8 Lv. 0

Evolution Points: 30/30

Congratulations, you have reached the maxed needed Evolution Points to evolve your unique Job. Please evolve it to re-obtain the ability to level up your development Jobs! Enjoy the Prestige Points!

Experience has reached a breaking point. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] has risen from [Level 29] to [Level 31]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Acquired 1600 skill points

If nothing else, the sound of levels rising and the chance of evolution certainly made this battle sweet. Sadly, this was also where I had to stop. My body couldnt continue fighting any longer unless I wished to harm myself.

[I leave the rest to you guys! Sis! Saori! Ellaine. Grimnir. Rajah! Shadow Pack! VifiYok!]

[Leave it to us!]

Leave it to us, lass!

While I couldnt hear VifiYok, it was still heartening to hear my party replying back. This was why I loved my Aurora. My family.

They had my back.


A note from AbyssRaven

Anybody got the title reference? Eh? Eh?

In any case, this is how Galg endedas goop. It took me a while to properly write this chapter, in addition to some rewrites since I wanted Neill's character arc to find the necessary cartharsis. This encounter with the dragonslayer is as important for the worldly repercussion of Hestia's achievements as also a chance for Neill to get rid of her trauma for dragonslayers. Hope you guys liked it!

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