A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 428: Being a Blessed Won’t Stop the Inventor From Inventing!

Chapter 428: Being a Blessed Won’t Stop the Inventor From Inventing!

Core of the Mechanoid: A unique skill allowing the owner to imitate the absorption and expulsion of mana of a mana battery. Nullifies arcane corruption accumulation within the body of the user, and turns 50% of all magical damage into Mana. When mana is expended through the use of runes or manatech, increase their mana efficiency, stats, and skill effectiveness while close to the owner by 15%. Allows the owner to crystallize their mana into a temporary mana battery that applies this skills effect that lasts a Peolyncian day upon creation, but temporarily decreases the owners maximum Mana by 25% for a Peolyncian week. Upon re-usage, resets the timer for full recovery. Skill included: [Body of Earth] [Dwarven Magic Resistance] [Arcane Corruption Immunity] [Mana Control Lv. 10] [Mana Efficiency Lv. 10] [Mana Conduit Lv. 10] [Sages Wisdom Lv. 10]

Grand Arcanatechnician: A title granted to a mortal recognized by the Goddess of Change, Ingenuity, and Ambition, whose control had been usurped by individual [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]. Due to usurpation, the effects of this title may only be activated when in the presence of [The Light]s [Musical Resonation]. When creating an item that combines blacksmithing, artificer work, and runesmithing, increases stats and skill potency depending on the effectiveness of the [Arcane Crystal] used as a mana battery or the fuel for the fire. Depending on the enchantments engraved and the elemental charge on the [Arcane Crystal], may vastly alter the end product

How are you feeling, Master Dwarf? Master Kushlekzar asked Grimnir while the latter was resting on an infirmary bed inside our subspace, taking notes on his condition like a doctor.

Memory is okay after the lass jogged it. Body is all right, although I do feel this stinging pain in my chest.

Master nodded, showing a wide smile. Effects of meeting a god. I shouldnt need to remind you that even we blessed have a hard time speaking with our patron god, and even if you have my apprentices protection, dont be arrogant. If God Bleidla wanted to, he could have exterminated your sense of self right there and then. Respect must be shown.

Grimnir grimaced, massaging the sides of his heads as if he had a headache. Haa, nah, sorry. Bleidla Haaa, my history with him was one-sided, but it still shaped an important part of myself. Couldnt ignore my anger. Couldnt stop myself. Had to speak. Its better that we ended it this way; it was illuminating, even, now that I know my path forward, and it aint involving that smith god.

Unbelievable Master smacked his hand on his head, letting a loud sigh out of his velociraptor maw. You are now a Saint of the Goddess of Change, Grimnir! The Revolution Queen! This is historic, you are her first blessed in recorded history, so you must act as such, my friend. Similar to my service to Xohulotel, ha ha! We are trailblazers! Ha, if we were part of the Fire Pantheon, maybe Askaino would look on us favorably as the Trailblazing God.

Master stopped writing on his party bracelets notes function and grabbed Grimnirs arm, shaking it in a manly manner by holding it by the biceps. Yet, when he saw our resident blacksmiths face, he shook his head with sullen eyes and let go.

Sorry, Kush, its just I dont know how to feel about this. Expected to not become a blessed, but suddenly am now one for a Goddess I hadnt planned for? Its as Bleidla said, you can only become a blessed if you can serve your patron gods ideology or goals, and I aint the one for the Goddess of Change, Ingenuity, and Ambition. But, still, she gave me this.

Grimnir reached his arm out, tensed it up as his slightly tanned skin became blue, exuding mana mist from it until it hardened up into a sapphire gem. He grabbed it, played with it for a moment before throwing it over to me. I held it up, understanding he wanted me to appraise it.

Mana Eyes.

Arcane Crystal: A mana crystal made from [Core of the Mechanoid], that may act as a temporary mana battery. A tool necessary for the activation of the [Grand Arcanatechnician]s effect, requiring alchemy to change its mana type and give it skills, while enchanting is required for enchantments. Unless properly smelted, this crystal will cease functioning either when its mana reserves are used up or once a day has passed after its creation: Mana: 857/857

Honestly, if you think about it, its pretty impressive, right? I stated after I sent the appraisal to everybody inside the clinic with [Telepathy].

Ellaine nodded. It requires five crafting disciplines: blacksmithing, runesmithing, artificer work, enchanting, and alchemy. Its, ehe, quite revolutionary, since otherwise Masters blessing wouldnt be able to work properly. Its fitting for Goddess Chihiro.

Its convoluted as hell, if you ask me, Daichi, one of our resident gamers, complained, shuffling his hair in annoyance. We dont have an enchanter in Aurora. Tamae can do simple ones, but she hasnt practiced it in a long time with all the cooking and background support shes been doing. Didnt you say Chihiro went back to Earth? Is this all she could think of? She would make a terrible game dev if she has to add this many requirements to make it balanced.

I shrugged, as I wasnt familiar enough to give my opinion on the subject. As Ellaine and Daichi were Grimnirs apprentices, they would know best what was possible and doable. Still, I couldnt help but agree with what Daichi stated, since I did witness Grimnirs smith duel against the Luedbrumdar clan and how it could strain the craftsmen. Or, all the runesmithing sessions I helped Grimnir with.

Lad, you might be an Earthling, but you shouldnt speak like that about one of our High Queens, Rudigan chastised him. As Grimnir was a blessed with the Pantheon of Earth now, Crustacia had instructed Rudigan to greet and guide Grimnir in his new role, so I allowed the both of them into the subspace.

Nonsense. Shes your goddess. I cant tiptoe over everything I say, Daichi responded.

A sharp tongue. Daichi, the yes-man, sure had grown ever since he gave up his pursuit as a fire mage and became a smith apprentice instead. I guess having something he was actually passionate about made sure he wouldnt fall back on his sycophant ways, letting him be more honest. Even if that honesty showed his abrasive side, which had caused us some trouble in the past.

After all, she should have given Master an easier blessing to fulfill! As her first blessed, he should have been given the most overpowered unique skill and blessing ever, like come on, you have to agree how unfair this is! Hestia-san, did you really have to usurp his blessing like that! Come on, you cant do your blacksmith dirty like that!

I take it back, hes still a damn bootlicker.

Before I could smack some sense into him, my Master clapped his hands, bringing our attention back to him and Grimnir. There is enough time to test out his capabilities later on, but for now, I think its better to present the fact that this is the first blessed of Goddess Chihiro. That is the important fact here. He is a Saint, like me but unlike you two.

Rudigan and I nodded.

Champions were there to further their gods goals through Divine Quests and to also protect their followers, while a Saint was responsible for the more religious part of the job. Spreading the gods ideals and lessons, furthering the growth of their religion by being part of the church. Meaning, as Chihiros Saint, Grimnir had to be involved with the church of Chihiro and railroad guild.

That didnt mean Grimnir wasnt allowed to get into action, but it wasnt part of his job details. Thankfully, Chihiro did send him a System message to explain why he was chosen.

It is even an extensive message, Rudigan said. Youre lucky, being able to get so long of a message thanks to your blessing in addition to Princess Hestias title. Do you know what mine was? Grimnir. Blessed. Thats it. You need to use that privilege, just like your mistress.

Urraaagh! Grimnirs body fell back, laying there in his comfy bed. I know its an honor, but why me? I am not Broggi. I barely prayed to the Revolution Queen even after everything happened; I might have been creating new equipment because of my desire to help the lass out and to embarrass Bleidla, but that last part is done. Bladdarg, its as he said, that anger I held for Bleidla is gone How am I worthy of being Goddess Chihiros Saint?

A gods whims. Regardless, questioning this didnt prove to be productive, so Master Kush pushed the discussion away from it for now and proceeded to ask me what my bonus for usurping the blessing was.

[Battle Frenzy (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

[Bearer of Kargryxmors Blood] has integrated certain abilities from Titles: [Core of the Mechanoid]. Seeking permission for activation Individual [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] has usurped control over [Core of the Mechanoid]. Permission automatically granted

[Bearer of Kargryxmors Blood] effects on [Battle Frenzy]: [Flashfire] [Light Horizon] [Marine Lungs] [Soul Vision] [Rune Absorption]

As my scales and hair started to shine white, I closed my eyes to use the first of my two new usurped abilities[Soul Vision]. Coming from Asakas [Twilight Paladin], I had already usurped the title far back when I was still in Elyonda, so no notification had appeared when Asaka finally got her title from fulfilling her Divine Quest.

Opening my eyes, the world had turned black as I looked around, leaving me only able to identify the silhouettes of people. Like the skill mentioned, these were souls. The most recognizable ones were Ellaines slight pink, Masters navy blue, and Rudigans dark brown souls. Daichis and Grimnirs were plain white, while mine was crimson red.

Looking a bit closer at Grimnirs, his was slightly fractured, the damage from his extended meeting with Bleidla. This ability wasnt too bad, as I could use it to identify those close to death without needing to appraise everybody, but at the same time, I could just shoot out some white flames and heal people. Not to mention, I had to be in my [Battle Frenzy] mode to use it, so it was more or less a dead skill to me.

This was why I told Asaka when we were going to Chihiros workshop that Ilsaphone trolled me, just like Plesia did by giving me [Marine Lungs]. They couldnt stop my usurpation, so they just played around it.

Thankfully, Chihiro was less mean.

Once I stopped [Soul Vision], I asked Rudigan to activate [Defensive Rune: Auracoil] for me since he was in full armor. I touched it and activated [Rune Absorption], letting me feel almost the same sensation as if I was usurping some demonic item. Mana flowed into me as if somebody was transferring mana into my body, causing the mana barrier to disappear and the rune to dim out. Curiously, Rudigan couldnt activate the rune again.

A System message just appeared and informed me that you usurped my runes mana, and that I would regain control over it in a moments notice, Rudigan explained. Not the most conventional ability. Dont you have to let your blood surge for it to happen?

I smiled. It all depends on how I use it. [Battle Frenzy] is my killing mode, but just like my usurpation abilities, I just need timing to be on my side. If I can cancel one rune at the correct moment, then its worth it.

You can take over a Dhuinn rune and it would be extremely beneficial, Grimnir stated, and I agreed.

Even though [Soul Vision] and [Rune Absorption] werent as powerful compared to [Flashfire] and [Light Horizon], these were still two more tools in my arsenal.

In any case, once Master was satisfied, he patted Grimnir's back and was released from the clinic. Our resident blacksmith immediately told us he would try out his new skill, only for Rudigan to stop him, lecturing him on how he first had to speak to the church of Chihiro. Naturally, as I could sympathize with Grimnir, I overruled Rudigan as Grimnir had to get breakfast anyways.

Tamae probably isnt finished with your meal yet, so wait in your forge, I told him, earning me Grimnirs appreciation and Rudigans dwarvish grumbling.

Ellaine and Daichi went with him, while Master, Rudigan, and I went to our subspaces restaurant. Once inside, our ears were instantly filled with the noise of chatter and eating, as four tables were filled with people enjoying their breakfast. Meanwhile, my four maidsTasianna, Svena, Lorena, and Haatiwere coming in and out of the kitchen, serving everybody in attendance their food.

First table was occupied by only three people, as they were the sauriansKrimSlak, Grazlahta, and Akastwho were a bit too bulky for anybody else to sit with them. With two bodybuilder-sized humanoid carnosauruses and one hulking crocodile, only one more person could sit with them and it would be their leader, Master.

The second table was filled with the students, with Tatsuya and Kyouya retelling their entire trip in detail to Haruka, Asaka, and the other members of the Magical Biscuits. Since Nishio, Misaki, Kazumi, and Kohaku were with the expedition force while the former two boys were traveling with me, everybody had a lot to tell each other, making it honestly feel like I was listening to a group of adventurers telling each other of their adventures.

The third was filled with the rest of my companions. Yorshka, Farron, and their daughter Priscilla were having a family bonding moment while eating with my twin wyvern attendants, Shay and Beth. Our resident dryad, Rita, joined the Nordor family and my bodyguards too, curiously asking the two wyverns of their experience fighting Manaethala and that dragonslayer, Galg. Sadly, Sis wasnt around, since she ate early and went out to repay her debt for destroying that massive dwarven statue after the battle.

Rajah and his mother Varya and two siblings Shere and Ajay were also there, enjoying their meals. With the two former having evolved into rank Bs, they were so large they barely fit into the restaurant, making me wonder once again if I should enlarge the room for our monster companions.

The last table was, well, it looked a bit sad as only a single person sat there while everybody else had a group. It was none other than VifiYok, and unsurprisinglyas I had seen her eat for eight days nowshe was devouring multiple sandwiches filled with various meats and vegetables. No fish, of course. Still, she was happy, I believed, and she hadnt caused any trouble ever since she joined our little merry band, aside from causing people to be wary of her.

Rudigan and I greeted everybody before we entered the kitchen, where we saw Asaka and Tamae handling everybodys meals with her sous chefs Ademnis and Ivy, two of the chefs responsible for our restaurant. Although busy, they realized we were here.

Hey, Hesti-chan! Tamae called me. Sorry, bit hectic as always, but, ahhh, so happy I can finally cook in peace, again!

Peace? This is peace to her? I looked around as I saw countless dirty dishes piling up at the sink, while some of the counters had spills and bits of vegetables laying around. Tamae was trained by her Michelin chef parents, so she knew the importance of cleanliness too well to leave all of that unintended, not unless she was too busy.

Still, considering she had been working in the soup kitchen for the survivors of Maagneils attack on Inkoran-Tazul, this probably was easier to her. Countless people had lost their homes and houses, while others were grieving for their deceased friends and family members.

With things being under construction and the inner parts of the city too full to accommodate the survivors, temporary dwellings made from earth mages were constructed for them. A soup kitchen funded by King Fugnarus was installed there to feed everybody while they waited for things to return to normal, and Tamae volunteered to work there.

Nevertheless, a lot of people had to be fed, including the mages and builders hired for the rebuild. If this was peace to her, then maybe I should be helping them out.

Grimnirs, Ellaines, and Daichis meal? Sure, its nearly finished so bring it to them if you can, thanks! Tamae said before focusing on meal prep once again. Asaka, I need you to prepare the bones for the lamp chops.

Sheesh, come on, thats the hard part to get right! she complained, but continued anyways.

Once the plates were filled, Rudigan helped me bring them to Grimnirs workshop. Noticing the heat coming from behind the curtains where the smithy was, including a ton of shouting, the grumpy dwarf let out a deep sigh before he began to grumble how I shouldnt have stopped him.

Barging into the smithy, we saw Grimnir and Daichi dance around, clapping their hands as they screamed into an open furnace, watching the flames burn. Their caveman-like actions made my mouth wrinkle up, baffled at how they were acting and that Ellaine joined them by only clapping. No, honestly, why were they looking at the fire like that?

Never thought you were a Danterno worshipper, Grimnir, Rudigan teased him. Your fire mage apprentice corrupted your mind?

Hey, I never worshiped any of the Peolyncian gods. My tutors back at the church all tried to make me, but even they couldnt! Daichi snapped back.

Fiery as ever, he would make a fine Shiterno follower if the ones I knew already were any examples. Thankfully, unlike them, he had somebody who could cool his head. Ellaine waved her hands, looking embarrassed as we caught them at a wrong moment.

W-wait, hold on, this isnt what its looking like, all right? Here! Look! Ellaine pointed into the furnace, further worrying me as maybe Daichi had actually brainwashed her to follow Shiterno.

Oh the woes, I shouldnt have been worried about Klea, I should have been worried about Daichi all this time! Damn you, Shiterno, you messed up my friends once again! Bleidla told me to help you the next time I meet you, but that wont

Hestia, I can read your mind just fine from the faces you are making. Just look into the furnace, please!

Welp. In the end, I decided to push those weird thoughts away and obey Ellaine.

Looking inside the furnace, Rudigan and I winced as we noticed something blue insideit was the arcane crystal Grimnir had made with his unique skill. With a wide smirk, Grimni took it out with some tongs, causing the flames to suddenly die down a bit from losing their fuel.

Its reacting similarly to when we were using your scale-dust to stoke the flames for the harder to smelt monster materials. The crystal is actually using my mana to generate the flames, keeping it alive despite an absence of coal or logs. Suddenly, though, he crushed the crystal with the tongs, causing it to dissipate into the air as if it never existed. Used up all the mana already, so you can guess how useless this is in practice. However! However! It made me think, and I realized what this unique skill can actually do after I had some time to think and test things out. Rudigan, were resistant against magic, right?

He nodded. [Dwarven Magic Resistance]. Our racial skill reduces the damage by 50%.

Correct, and that skill was integrated into my unique skill, allowing me to absorb the mana of offensive spells. Normally, the mana would overflow and leave my body if it exceeds my maximum, but that is when I noticed that I could act as a mana battery and send the mana elsewhere. I dont need to store it, I could use it immediately. He then had Ellaine fetch him one of the manatech bulbs she was repairing. Hit me with a weak spell.

I did exactly what he said and shot him with a [Wind Slash], causing him barely any damage, but the mana he absorbed from my spell was immediately used to light up the bulb he was holding. As I saw it flicker, Grimnir told me to repeat the spell a couple times, eventually allowing the bulb to light up for over ten seconds.

With his new immunity against arcane corruption, I had a realization that made my eyes widen like a goldfish. I turned my head around, snapping my eyes over to his blasthammer sitting on Ellaines workbench.

Yup! he shouted in excitement at my realization of what he meant. The old design of my blasthammer was using a cooling system to prevent the mana battery from sizzling out, while I rarely ever used its mana shot function since it would blow the battery up. Now, though, this solves the issue of how we needed to optimize the inefficient mana battery problems we had ever since I took up Daichi as my apprentice!

That long Holy, its been four months since Tatsuya and the others joined us, huh? Time sure flies.

The double fire and ice runes helped keep everything stable. While we still need a mana battery to keep the weapon working even without my mana injectionand for general structural efficiencynow I can act as an additional mana battery due to my unique skill, keeping the one inside the weapon intact, or even my power armor!

And! Ellaine and Daichi ran over to the formers workbench again, picking up multiple wooden slates full of blueprints, showing me each of them. With a wide smile, Ellaine began her explanation. You see, watching Master BroggartI mean, the fake Master Broggartwork made me realize what I have been doing wrong. The problem is the construction of the battery for the blasthammer in general; as in, the design was flawed from the very beginning and none of us caught it.

Daichi took over. Im not as good at the smithing part as Master Grimnir, but he had taught me how to plan the crafting process by drawing out the pieces. Instead of that fat, giant cylindrical battery, the battery has to be slimmer, like a rod, to reduce the internal heat as a larger surface area cools it down better. With more openings wires can be attached to, to transfer mana, we can configure how mana is transferred to make it more efficient and faster.

Well need Haruka to work out the math and physics to assure we have it correct. Ellaine then pointed at Grimnir. But the biggest difference is Masters unique Skill. Usually, two or more batteries arent needed for conventional manatech, as the functions arent super complicated. When a piece of manatech is complicated, the build of the item is usually large enough to accommodate a larger mana battery. Our blasterhammer and the guns we made for Kazumi and Kohaku are outliers, as they need a lot of mana, but are too small for the proper battery.

Grimnir then produced another arcane crystal and threw some of my leftover scale-dust into the furnace, causing it to roar out. He then shoved the crystal while still holding it into the flames, causing him to groan once or twice before he pulled it out, showing us the crystal and how it was undamaged.

The crystals can be further refined into proper batteries, and we can personally configure them to our liking using alchemy and enchanting. Tasianna needs to join us for the testing, and Aurora needs to get an enchanter. Uh, how about that Morgiana girl. What was her name again?


Right! Or her mother, or Ellaines mother. Get one of them to help us. I already said this before, and I think I mean it this time, we might be on the brink of a new revolution for manatech creation if my unique skill works as I think it will. Ahem, as Goddess Chihiro envisioned it to work. We need materials, we need funds for testingso get Amelia to help us get that moneyand I need the brains to fine tune our mistakes to get this project to work. If were about to tackle that damn Prince of Envy, then I better make use of this blessing of mine!

HeheheHahahahahaha! I couldnt hold back my laughter any longer, so overwhelmed by it that my stomach began to ache as I couldnt stop even after two minutes of constant laughing. Once I finally recovered, I was taking in so many deep breaths, my brain was starting to feel dizzy from the oxygen intake, but still, I smiled. You just woke up and our last fight had only just ended a week ago, but youre already back in the groove?

I AM ON FIRE! He looked to his apprentices. RIGHT?

WE ARE ON FIRE! Daichi shouted back.

Ellaine, on the other hand, had enough common sense to stop herself. Guys, Mister Rudigan might actually think of us as Danterno followers.

That only earned them a chuckle from me, while Rudigan shook his head, but didnt grumble even for a second.

You know, if were bringing so many people onboard to help you with the project, it does mean that your normal smithing duties will be delayed. That, my friend, I cannot allow as the party leader of Aurora, since you still havent seen our Event Quest rewards and what other loot we got on my side. My revelation caused Grimnir to freeze. You, Daichi, and Ellaine are busy already So were going to need some help.

Ahhh, thats how youre getting me to accept their invitation.

I nodded, causing him to sigh.

Then so be it. I shall go to that meeting between the blacksmiths and the railroad guild. Might also be the perfect time to reveal myself. Even if I am not a perfect blessed for Goddess Chihiro, seeing how much her gift might help us, I have a duty to at least do my best as a Saint.

Thats the spirit! Rudigan smacked him on the back.

I cant slack off either, I said, before clearing my voice. Ive also been thinking of how I could help in this matter. If I can buff up people, why cant I try to buff up your effectiveness while youre working with a song? Our craftspeople also deserve to smile!

I had far too many spell song slots after all the Divine Quests Ive fulfilled, and with [Musical Renaissance Diva] allowing me to mix songs together for their synergy, it was about time for me to create some new songs. It helped that it would support Grimnir in the process.

Now, only one question remained.

So, you want to eat your breakfast before it gets cold?

The three of them looked at the plates Rudigan and I were holding up all this time.

Grimnir nodded, looking up. Eating will only slow us down. Lets go, to the guilds!

Saori and Tamae will smack you if they hear this.

Name: Grimnir Luedbrumdar Level: 98 Race: Taz Dwarf

Age: 71 Years Unique Job: Mechanoid Learner

Status: Health: 10821 Mana: 1714/3428

Strength: 3750 Intelligence: 1087

Vitality: 4511 Wisdom: 6381

Agility: 2109 Stamina: 8671

Effects: [Crystal Creator (50%)]

Skill Points: 22500

Skill: Unique skills:

[Core of the Mechanoid]

Magic skills and related:

[Mental Stability Lv. 9] [Mental Warfare Lv. 4]

Physical skills and related:

[Unarmed Technique Lv. 8] [Unarmed Mastery Lv. 6] [Axe Technique Lv. 4]

[Axe Mastery Lv. 3] [True Hammer Technique Lv. 3]

[True Polearm Technique Lv. 1]

[Mana Strike Lv. 10] [Stamina Strike Lv. 10]

[All-Damage Enhancement Lv. 1]

Senses and movement skills:

[Stealth Lv. 7] [Accuracy Correction Lv. 10]

[Concentration Lv. 10] [Foresight Lv. 1]

[Danger Perception Lv. 8] [Detection Sensor Lv. 1]

[Probability Correction Lv. 10]

[Enhanced Auditory Sense Lv. 6] [Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 5]

[Enhanced Vision Lv. 5] [Tracking Lv. 6] [Night Vision Lv. 10]

[Presence Killer Lv. 5] [Evasion Lv. 5] [Acrobatic Lv. 2]

[Terrain Maneuvering Lv. 8]


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 5] [Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Abnormal Status Nullification] [Fear Resistance Lv. 10] [Terror Resistance Lv. 9]

[Mental Corruption Resistance Lv. 8] [Mind Protection Lv. 4]

[Lava Resistance Lv. 5] [Holy Resistance Lv. 8]

[Inferno Resistance Lv. 4] [Water Resistance Lv. 9]

[Terra Resistance Lv. 4] [Storm Resistance Lv. 1]

Stat growth and related:

[Health Recovery Lv. 9] [Stamina Recovery Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Health Growth Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Health Capacity Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Strength Growth Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Strength Enforcement Lv. 6]

[Enhanced Agility Growth Lv. 4]

[Enhanced Agility Enforcement Lv. 3]

[Enhanced Stamina Growth Lv. 9]

[Enhanced Stamina Capacity Lv. 8]


[Merchant Lv. 3] [Dextrous Hands Lv. 8] [Artificer Lv. 5]

[Master of Wood and Stone Lv. 1] [Master of Metal Lv. 7]

[Master Blacksmith Lv. 7] [Master Runesmith Lv. 3] [Trap Creation Lv. 4]

[Instruction Lv. 8] [Identity Blocker Lv. 10] [Terror Aura Lv. 8] [Battle Mind Lv. 7]

[Miner Lv. 10] [Cooking Lv. 1] [Dismantle Lv. 8]

Ability List: Unarmed:

[Stoneskin] [Ram-Horn] [Boulder Smash] [Boulder Throw]


[Smash] [Heavy Slam] [Forge Hammer]

Title: [Hestias Retainer] [Grand Arcanatechnician]


A note from AbyssRaven

How to make the blacksmith stronger? Make him craft better things! That's who most crafting novels work, right? Right?

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