A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 442: Griffonpeak Cathedral Revisit.

Chapter 442: Griffonpeak Cathedral Revisit.

There is nothing to congratulate me for.


Theodore laid down his book, sighed, and stood up. He held onto his amulet for a moment and looked at Fleindia and me, before bowing to the both of us. Saintess Fleindia. Champion Hestia. I, Cardinal Theodore Samuel Sirius, welcome you to the Cathedral of the Goddess on this fine WaterDay. May your wellspring of life be ever filled with joy.

Right, we forgot to properly greet him. In fact, as blessed, we werent even supposed to enter the cathedral in such a normal fashion either. We technically were obligated for religious reasons to invoke [Prayer] upon the clergy members of any of the temples and cathedrals we visited. Fleindia wanted to do so, but, to her chagrin, I told her I didnt want to attract too much attention right now. People knew me in Artorias and I was happy to not have to deal with more fan meetings right now.

After we both curtsied, Theodore told his aide to wait for him outside, leaving us alone inside this rather dull, barely decorated room. The last time I was here, the room was filled with fairnite statues, fancy rugs, and an array of white-gold furniture that fully expressed the maximalism of Artorian noble culture.

When I brought this up, Theodore told me due to the arrest, and subsequent execution for treason, of the former cardinal, all the furnishings in the office were confiscated, as they technically belonged to said former cardinal. When he was voted into the position by Artoriass Church of Aurena, Theodore had all the furniture sold and replaced with his belongings from when he was still the High Bishop of Firwoods temple.

The earnings were invested into the new orphanage, assuring better accommodations, a better budget, and also a way for the director to earn some money for any specific objects the children will wish for. With your pastries still circulating inside the city, it has motivated them to work hard to save up some treats for everybody.

Money? Work? Fleindia tilted her head. Cardinal Theodore, are you training them to be merchants?

Ah, I apologize for not explaining, my lady. You see, after Saintess Eshes death, King Drangleic dedicated a day in her name to remember her noble sacrificethe 29th of SpringBloom, to be exact. In addition, the orphanage she stayed at for the month she was with us has been rebuilt after the attack. Under His Majestys orders, Lady Amelia had taken a more proactive step into training the orphans to allow them to decide their future. Griffonpeaks orphanage will not purely train them to become grey robes as is tradition any longer.

Eshe I see. Of course. Hearing this would put a smile on her face. Fleindias mouth turned into a smile, but her brows frowned still. Ive heard about Saintess Eshe Day from King Drangleic. I hadnt expected such a grand change. Wont the cathedral one day run out of gray robes?

Thats her worry?

Theodore shook his head. That is for the future to decide.

He stood back up.

Saintess Fleindia, this is our first meeting. The Empire has isolated the rest of the world from our blessed; it was rare for a blessed to journey to the western vassal state due to the war with the demonkin. I do not know why, but even as a priest, I never really cared. My purpose has always been to preach the word of our Goddess. I would teach the new clergy members and serve our religion as best as I can, he stated. I was made High Bishop due to my work and not for my piety alone. A son of a Marquess and the brother of one. Just like many noble priests, I am also a political piece. Even now as a cardinal. And I cant even say I was promoted because of my ability either; it was due to my friendship with Champion Hestia as well.

I-I see. However, the same could

Theodore did not let her speak.

What is the Church of the Goddess? I asked myself after everything that happened to Artorias in this year. A noble house buying out multiple priests to hide their dealings with a fae hunter, a corrupt, demonkin sympathizing cardinal who falsely appointed an ambitious rank A a Champion candidate, and then the death of a kind, selfless Saintess and her knights who died by the hand of a demonkin posing as a lycerepth agent. My faith was shaken. With a loud sigh, Theodore massaged his cheeks before sitting back down. What I am saying is that change was needed. I joined the temple due to my family situation, but I have grown into the role. I also learned that I should not serve the Church. I should serve the Goddess alone, and that means, I will do what I must for what I believe is the best to honor her and the rest of her pantheon. The orphans deserve the choice to choose what they wish to become.

Theodore Samuel Sirius, my second theology teacher after Tasianna. The priest who taught and guided me through my role as a priestess and blessed of Aurena. He, along with Eshe, taught me what my role was as a Champion and what I could do with the power I had. He also knew who the Pope really was: the one who killed our friend.

I am now the cardinal of the Church of the Goddess in Artorias. I do not need to heed the Empires guidance. I will lead our religion how I believed the Goddess would have wanted us to be! Theodore announced in front of a Folschreckian Saintess. I heard you were at the summit. This? How I guide my fellow followers is not your concern, my lady. Instead, let us speak about a topic that the both of us will benefit from. Goddess Erithia is watching us through you, is she not? As nobles, we have a duty to be better and defend our people, no?

Fleindias eyes widened, baffled at what she heard. Our meeting with Theodore was to talk about my faith war, but it seemed he held no hesitation in putting his foot down as the leader of a religion. He was fully devoted to his role. Regardless of how he made it here, it was clear Theodore was ready for it, just like when he supported me as a high bishop.

Ehe Fleindia giggled. You are right. I may be a Saintess of Goddess Erithia, but like many of my other fellow blessed, we have failed in our roles and duty to our gods. I have no right to be sanctimonious. I have been enlightened. Our religions path forward requires us to once again witness the brilliance of the light; to have it show us the shadows weve been ignoring all this time.

Sheesh, both of you sound so preachy, right now. I sat down on one of the office sofas. I know we havent seen each other in a long time, Theodore, but seriously, you dont need to bring up our past that much. And, Fleindia, come on. Enough. That light wont just appear out of nowhere. So, lets talk as three followers of the Goddess of Light.

Indeed, both stated before joining me.

Theodore began, Lord Ulquint had sent me the message a week ago, and word of your concerts have been spread throughout the country ever since you began to hold them more frequently. They know you as the Crimson Saintess nowa fire dragon princess able to cast a humongous [Prayer] and white flames that flutter like feathers in the distance. You made your mark in the Groushia, Equevanna, Myrrdin, Morgiana, and Greenveil duchies as well as the capital.

I hadnt visited the Morgiana duchy yet during my tour, but I did give its duchess one of my [Room] runes the last time I visited it, primarily for the onnikai people. Speaking of which, Asaka did visit them here and there and told me they were doing pretty well after they built their village. They were still zombies, pretty much, so it was still a bit freaky to look at them.

I knew it I frowned at my nickname. It seemed like it would stick to me now.

I think it is good! Fleindia stated. There is a reason why adventurers or knights have a title. It makes them easier to remember. Sometimes you dont hear Hestia this, Hestia that but your title will spread because it makes you stand out.

You are a priestess of the Light Goddess, but your title really fits with the Fire God instead.

I sighed to Theodores obvious statement. The followers of Shiterno I met in Cedaraille did call me that and Shiterno was the reason for why I had the Crimson Saintess Job before the overhaul. Now, though, it looked like my nickname was a permanent thing in Artorias.

Well, whatever. I shook my annoyance away. This is the goal of the planto make myself known. Ive done a concert here and there, but there was always a long delay in between them and I wasnt able to use the Obsidian Orchestra until my first Estralia concert. I am doing this seriously now. Fulfilling my dream while spreading my name.

I am glad for you. Your delightful plans have finally come to fruition. Theodore showed a rare smile, reminding me of my talks with him. It did make me a bit nostalgic of when Eshe was around and I had to explain what an idol was to them. This influence you build will be what we need to prove to people of your importance. The popes position has solidified itself as the leader of our church, but the blessed are still considered closer to the Goddess. Still, the negative reputation around you will be the issue.

Artorias, Estralia, and Yeos will be on your side. Sadly, you will need to contend with Atadoro, Rakatheen, Astraford, and the four other principality within the Divide. Not to mention the Holy Capital itself, Fleindia pointed out. Even with the southern countries under attack by the grimgarians, the clergy will still come to the support of the pope.

I suspect it will be the same with the previous cardinal, Theodore warned, telling us the other religious representatives were probably bribed or manipulated. You cannot influence the clergy. You need to focus on the people. Upheavals require a charismatic leader, which is your role in this.

Similar to how Artorias did with the Leosfalt Kingdom.

The Cardinal nodded to my statement. As you are not a Saintess, you need to show your worth through power. You have the popularity of the former, but any clergy member can point out that you are a rank B adventurer, that you arent even higher leveled than Dame Yorshka, a former Knight-Captain of the Knights of Aurena.

It is rather unfair to grade a new Champion at such a level. She may be mentally 16, but in fact, she is only a year old as a dragon! Fleindia supported me, but she still looked worried. Nevertheless, in politics, that likely wont matter. Even if the clergy acknowledges you as a Champion, they do not have to think of you as worthy. They will twist the truth, make their lies believable, or denounce you in another matter. You need to gain the favor of Aureolis for us to expose the pope through words; otherwise they will not believe us.

The Prince of Envy still had one available aberration as a save point somewhere. Even if we killed him, he could just spawn back later on. Charging in would only create more work for us later on, which was why Fleindia suggested approaching the problem slowly. Corner the prince and then destroy his ace-in-the-hole.

That is always the most complicated stuff! It doesnt make sense with all that Ive learned! I complained. We are both blessed. A Champion and Saint; we talk with the gods! And the reason why people wont believe us is because the pope might say we interpreted the Goddesss words wrong?

Can you prove you can fully listen to the Goddess? Theodore asked, but I quickly shook my head.

With Plesia punishing the Light Pantheon for what Yeostar did during the Elyonda siege, I couldnt even talk with Kramps properly. I had to fulfill the Divine Quest of the Earth Goddess to get this information, so how would I tell the people to just believe me? If I were in their shoes, naturally, I wouldnt. Although

What if I exposed that I am a reincarnator, just like Goddess Chihiro, the Revolution Queen? I finally took the shot.

[Princess] and [Otherworldly Reincarnator] have been two titles Ive been trying to keep a secret to attract too much attention to me. I even tried to hide [The Light], but telling everybody I was a blessed had been too beneficial to hide, and I eventually caved and revealed to the world I was a dragon and later a princess. These choices were to protect myself from dragonslayers and also unwanted attention, but things had reached the point where I couldnt avoid them through secrecy.

Now it was time for revealing my reincarnator status. Even if this fact were to bring some meddlesome people to me, if I could use them to achieve my goal, then so be it.

My soul was reinforced by the Goddess to speak with her. Chihiro was the Revolution Queen due to the amount of technological advancements she brought to the world due to her knowledge from back on Earth. That should mean something, no?

Theodore and Fleindia thought about it, but both frowned.

I do not know, Fleindia started. You would be able to move the elves and dwarves without a doubt; they were familiar with Goddess Chihiro, but in the Empire? No, you wouldnt. You do not know how much the history books vilify her due to her massive role during the War for the Faefolk. It isnt stated outright, but there is always mention of how if she hadnt encouraged the dwarves, the elves wouldnt have stood a chance against the Empire. When I was a child, I personally believed it.

It was completely different from how Artorias taught their people about the War for the Faefolk. Another example of the difference between countries and how each viewed past events.

Aureolis is also not a technologically advanced nation, Theodore added. Even in the capital city, you wont find many examples of manatech outside of the cathedral grounds. The villages and towns will be similar to a Carine village, where the commoners only know as much as nobles were willing to tell them. I personally would not teach one of my Houses serfs what a mana pen could do, as they wouldnt need that knowledge.

He might be a good noble, but he was still a noble Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

But wouldnt it persuade the clergy members? Those who are smart enough to understand? Wasnt Thyrauh, House Morgianas heironce an apprentice shrine maiden to learn holy spells? Those sort of people would listen, I argued, but both shot me down. They reminded me that influencing some clergy members would only help slightly, but I had to pull the masses onto my side.

Prove yourself, Theodore stated. First, become rank A. Second, move through the Lecartiglio and Olivus duchies and perform your concerts there. Unite the entirety of Artoriass seven duchies under you as the newest blessed of the Goddess. I can help, but you need to prove your abilities to the local churches and followers.

I still hadnt taken my rank A exam, which I could take now as I was in Griffonpeak. I was also planning on going to the Lecartiglio and Olivus duchies anyways, but due to the time limit, I might have to skip visiting the Morgiana duchy. I already had a fast travel point there, so it should be all right.

Theodore continued, this time with a warning, The issue is that the Lecartiglio duchy still dislikes beastmen. Have you heard of the refugee exodus from the Atadoro Kingdom?

I nodded.

It happened during the Griffonpeak siege and it hadnt gotten any better, to the point there had been minor slave rebellions in some of Atadoros duchies. These refugees are swarming into the Lecartiglio duchy, causing a rise in crime and disorder. The people will be less interested in you, even if they had heard of your deeds. You are, after all, not human.

Oh, if its that bad, then I wont care, I admitted, causing both to look at me as if I wasnt listening. I had to elaborate. Here is the thing, as an idol, or entertainer in general, there will always be haters. People who hate you for any reason possible. Trying to make them fans will always be hard, even impossible, since people will make their opinion and some wont change it.

But that is the path forward if you want to convert them. You need people for your [The Light], Fleindia argued.

There will always be more people. I already worry about how people perceive me, even my own friends and family. There were people in Estralia who were spouting things about hating beastmen or worrying about the fact I was a dragon, you know? That I was dangerous! Wyvernslayers were sent after me! Do you know what I did? I didnt care, I just performed! I recalled. Idols who only worry about what their fans or haters think will lose the edge when it comes to creativity! I am an idol, first and foremost. If they do not like my music, then so be it. I am okay with that. If they dont like me because of my race? Fuck them! Am I supposed to beg for their favor?

An awkward silence spread inside the room, but I didnt regret speaking my honest thoughts on this matter. Actions spoke louder than words, and this was proven in Elyonda when many beastmen-hating citizens changed their minds due to my participation in the siege. If Lecartiglio wanted to be difficult, then so be it. Still

I leaned forward. It wont mean I wont try, of course. As I said, creativity fuels an idols performance! If you want me to give people a show they cannot forget, then sure! I will rock their pants!

Pants? Both stared at me for my weird word choice, but I ignored it and drove them forward.

Theodore agreed, Regardless, make sure to focus on the Olivus duchy. They should be easy to persuade, but they are also the closest to Aureolis. That might be an issue down the road. Once you are done there, then it would be time for you to enter Aureolis.

Then it would be my turn, Fleindia said. Ive visited it plenty of times, so people know me there. Instead of speaking of the faith war, we will enter Aureolis using the excuse that I survived my trip in Inkoran-Tazul and that I have you to thank. In other words, we will tell them one truth to hide the truths of our ulterior motive. Unless the pope or his cardinal wish to cause issues, they will have to let us enter and address us as blessed.

And then Saori and her shadow pack would have the time to look around but, couldnt this be a trap? My chest felt tight at the prospect of entering the country, trying to be courteous towards an enemy.

Unless you want to sneak around yourself, potentially antagonizing our more fanatical followers, then we have no choice. Show your sincerity. Show that you are an upstanding Champion to contradict the lies in their newspaper. Dont forget what King Elutis saidwe need people to like you so Saelariels Church of Aurena can openly support you and help consolidate Aureolis after everything. Dont forget, your Divine Quest also states to help rebuild our religion, Hestia.

Considering Fleindia knew more about the church, I thought she wouldnt make me do the annoying stuff, but I guess I couldnt pass that.

Dont worry, though, I wont make you do everything. I will get my revenge on that fiend! For this I swear to Goddess Erithia, I will avenge those who died on the day of the coup, Fleindia cursed, scowling. I still have contacts. People I trust and know about the pope, who live within Aureolis, Astraford, and Rakartheen. We can get their support and help.

Contact Shaturein, Theodore suggested. Do not send out manatech birds or messengers through official channels. The letters will only get intercepted.

Well, guess I will have Gael help us. Shaturein has to carry their weight in this alliance, after all.

We ironed out a few more details during our visit until Theodore suddenly brought up the kids from the orphanage again.

Oh, thats all right. They always watch my concerts, so Im not particularly in a rush to visit them, I said, remembering how I actually met the Artorias orphans in the fan meeting of the last concert. It, honestly, had been a while.

Oh really, then you wouldnt mind if I told

Oh, I know they are here! I stopped him, drawing my head to the door where I noticed multiple signals with [Detection Sensor]. Break time!

I jumped off the sofa and rushed over the door, abruptly opening it up, causing the kids trying to eavesdrop on us to fall forward. I scooped them all up, even using my floating scales to catch those who couldnt fit in my embrace.

Hiehie, dont you know you cant eavesdrop when a silence rune is active? I told them in a smug tone. As if we would let anybody listen into this!

Big Sis! the kids cried out.

Abi and all of you! I called out, grinning widely. Its only been a day but all of you already miss me this much? Ooooh, you guys know how to make your big sis cry happy tears!

Okay, maybe I underestimated my wish. Haha, a fan meeting was nothing compared to a personal meeting with all of them!

I let them all down. How are all of you? I heard the Cardinal made sure the orphanage was fully kitted out!

The biggest difference between the fan meeting and now was I could ask them personal questions!

Abi, one of the girls, jumped up. Amazing! The director has gotten a lot of support!

But we have to work more.

Its more annoying than before.

But we get more sweets! We even have the money to buy pastries from Lady Amelia every RestDay!

Kids always complain, but they also always make sure to express their happiness to us. That was why I saw them as my break from all the stuffy talk, and I was happy Theodore and Fleindia werent too unhappy about it. Well, not like they could have stopped me with how fast I was.

While I was listening to the kids, I suddenly heard footsteps approaching us. Looking up, I saw Theodores attendant appear, telling us somebody was waiting for me at the front gate. When I asked him why he hadnt mentioned this earlier, he told me he had just returned. That was why the kids had a chance to try and eavesdrop.

Perfect timing then. Theodore stood up. It might be a good time for a break, actually. I would like to show Saintess Fleindia around a bit.

With that settled, Theodore, his attendant, Fleindia, and the kids followed me as we walked outside the cathedral. There, I noticed Ellaine waiting for me. She was wearing a simple shirt and pants, looking nothing like a noble, as she rested her hand on the pommel of her whipsword. When we came close enough, she waved at me before she suddenly looked to the side, staring at the attendant with a confused look.

She suddenly raised one of her brows before her eyes widened in shock. She quickly pulled out her whipsword, far too fast for the guards next to her to react, before the blade separated into its individual blades. The only one able to react to this was me, but I didnt feel any hostility from her.

What are you?

Without giving me the time to finish my thought, Ellaine swung her blade at the attendant, but he somehow managed to dodge it at the very last second. As he tripped on the ground, trying to stand up, Ellaine deftly jumped onto the guards next to her, kicking their shoulders and stopping them from unsheathing their weapons.

Theodore and Fleindia, shocked, had pulled out their catalyst to cast a spell while the kids let out shrill screams as Ellaines blade sent dust flying into the air with each tiny sonic boom. In my confusion, I pulled all the kids behind me, protecting them as the attendant screamed for help.

What are you doing! Theodore screamed as a magic circle appeared before him.

Ellaine readied another attack. Hestia, sing! she shouted.


[Demonkin!] This time, Klea spoke to me through [Telepathy]. That was all the context I needed!

I poured mana through my body, shedding the outer layers of my scales and sent them to intercept Fleindia and Theodore, stopping them from attacking while protecting the kids. With the situation under control, I sang.

Staring out the window while it rains

No one here to talk, silence is all I have

So I delved into my thoughts and wondered, What if?

[Music Resonation (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Argh! the attendant groaned, allowing Ellaine to slash at his arm.

Blood sprayed out of the wound, caused by his body spasming around as his face suddenly began to distort, changing into something hideous. He roared as Ellaine caught his foot, slicing his leg, before he was tripped.

A demonkin of envy!

It seemed we underestimated the demonkins ability to spy on us.


A note from AbyssRaven

Well, now, spies are everywhere I see.

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