A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 447: Information Trap.

Chapter 447: Information Trap.

[Shadow Armament (Full Body)] [Various Spell Buffs] [Sacrilegious Master] [Bloodlust (1 kill)] inflicted on [Young Stygian-Scaled Fenrir], Saori Segawa]

[Sarasa, hunt!] I called out.


As we jumped down into this hole, I summoned Sarasa from my shadow cast by Hestias [Sacred Field], giving my werewolf fenrir a chance to catch up with those fleeing scoundrels. With [True Wolven Instinct] merging both [Night Vision] and [Heat Vision], I could see our assailants fleeing into a tunnel.

Soften our landing? I asked.

No, need! came Vifis answer, swiftly followed by an agreement from Grimnir.

The demonkin used [Air Steps] to jump onto the walls and rode her red lightning for the rest of the path down, while Grimnir simply landed like a tank, breaking the ground underneath him. Meanwhile, I cast [Shadow Dash] to enter the shadow world before emerging out of it unscathed.


[Humanize (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Stygian-Scaled Fenrir], Saori Segawa]

I shouldnt need the extra agility to catch up to some humansat least they smelled humanbut that was unimportant, right now. I just wanted to catch them quickly.

[What a fine day to test out your abilities, descendant. Go, use them. Show the world what it means to anger a Belzac wolf! Show them the might of a Champion of Edna!] Belzac suddenly spoke with me, and I couldnt help but agree. More assassins just tried to kill my best friend and now a group of them attempted to murder my mentorthat was enough to make a woman furious.

Umbral Skip!

A pitch-black magic circle appeared under my feet as I locked onto Sarasa chasing after the cloaked figures. Without any delay my vision blurred as I transitioned back into the shadow world for a split second before reappearing on Sarasas shoulder.

Umbral Skip: A custom spell using the unique skill [Umbral Chaos]s connection to the shadow world of Origin God Marsven as a conduit. Allows tagging consenting shadows as skip locations. This spells momentarily transfers the caster into the shadow world to reappear at any close skip location

I wish these skip locations could also warn you when somebody is in danger If I had known, I would have gone to help GaelStop it, Saori. This is like Hestia and Tasianna fighting the leviathan. Dark magic can do much, but it cant do everything.

Umbral Chaos: The chaotic connection to the shadow world of Origin God Marsven, created by him to act as a sanctuary for his followers and magicians. This unique skill given to Belzac allows one to tap into the primordial darkness that followed Marsvens arrival into Peolynca, allowing one to manipulate shadows, conjure dark elemental power, and bring the shadow worlds influence into the light. Increases weakness to holy element. This skill combines: [Power of Mana] [Tenebrous Amp] [Tenebrous Magic Efficiency] [Terror Resistance Lv. 10] [Fear Resistance Lv. 10] [Arcane Corruption Lv. 10] [Tenebrous Resistance Lv. 10] [Sages Wisdom Lv. 10]

The first of my three gifts after my Divine Quest was fulfilled[Umbral Chaos]. It was Belzacs unique skill from when he fought Klea during the height of his power. A skill able to defeat an, albeit heavily weakened, archdemon was now in my hands, allowing me to finally access more than simple dark spells.

Although, thankfully, I wasnt a one-trick wolf who required just dark magic and mana threads to fight well, any longer.

[Your turn, Song!] I called out, summoning my second fenrir, Song, in front of the fleeing assailant.

Looking down on us from the ceiling, she arched her head back, letting out a loud howl boosted by [Aerokinesis], imitating how Hestia did it. Wrooooooh! echoed through the tunnel, sending pebbles flying back as if it was a windstorm. Although not as strong as Hestias [Tyrants Roar], it still stopped the cloaked figures in their tracks, allowing Sarasa to reach them.

This is the power of the SP system! I grinned as I remembered helping my shadow pack level a bit after I finally persuaded them all to accept Hestia as their lady for [Hestias Retainer]. With the SP system, I was now able to help them further develop their Profiles for our collective benefits. [Aerokinesis] was just one of many.

I jumped off Sarasas back, letting her go wild as she suckerpunched one of the assailants into the ground before biting off one of his legs. Leaving him to bleed out, she directed her attention to the others, only for them to all band together, readying scrolls to cast spells. Sadly for them, they were fighting against Belzac wolves. Although this wasnt a strategy Id used at all in the past, it was now one after Belzac forced all of us to learn it.

Every member aside from Rajah momentarily slipped out of their shadows and used [Telepathy], sending loud junk messages into the attackers minds, staggering them with an information overload. This left them all reeling, but some were bearing through the pain inside their heads, holding up their weapons in defiance.

Then we play hard. Sacrilegious Tamer.

This was my second gift[Abyssal Sacrilege]. My reward for fulfilling the divine Quest Edna had personally given me, allowing me to receive her true blessing as the [Ambassador of Grim].

Abyssal Sacrilege: A unique skill created by the Goddess of Fertility and Monsters, Edna. Calling upon the knowledge of the depths that she had witnessed as the God of Darknesss spouse, this skill grants the tamer the ability to tame the most ferocious beings in the world and empower them. While your tamed monsters are around you, gain [Sacrilegious Master], granting 5% increase in all stats and the ability to imbue the power of the abyss into your tamed monsters

[Umbral Chaos] was an empty vessel skill, similar to [Stygian Voltage], while [Abyssal Sacrilege] gave out Abilities like Hestias draconic attacks. One of them, for example, was [Sacrilegious Tamer].

Sacrilegious Tamer: A tamer willing to use even the unnatural power of the shadow world empowers their tamed monsters, applying all their beneficial status effects at the cost of Mana to maintain. Depending on the trust and affection of the tamed monster, may also apply [Abyssal Gestalt]

As my six other combat-ready shadow pack members appeared from their shadows, their form shifted around as the shadow pulsated on their bodies. Sarasa roared as her form appeared almost eldritch like as she approached the assailants, and, before any of them could shout or attack, seven of them were immediately killed in this coordinated assault.

Left with only eight alive, the rest screamed in horror at the sight of my pack members, traumatizing the survivors with their nightmarish figures and voices. They tried to run, but one of them wouldnt make it.


[Bloodlust (2 kills)] inflicted on [Young Stygian-Scaled Fenrir], Saori Segawa]

Now, seven remained.

[If you wanted to live, maybe consider not provoking Aurora in your next life.]

My eyes and chest felt hot. Not because of my guilt of killing these people, but due to my fear of losing Gael. Sure, we didnt get off on the correct foot the first time we met, but he was still my mentor. He taught me how to work as a spy and arcane trickster, taught me [Gale Steps] and how the underworld worked. I couldnt forget all he did for our party since we met him in Firwood or our trip into Shaturein.

I was confident Hestia could resuscitate him as long as he was alive when we arrived, but I couldnt shake the fear that we could have come too late.

Fortunately for me, these regrets only fuel my desire to become stronger! We will get you all to speak. One way or the other!

Arragh! Even more screamed after I sliced down that one cloaked figure. Several of them pulled out bombs from under their coats, prepared to throw them onto the ground, before two crossbow bolts instantly killed another two by piercing their heads.

I glanced to the side, noticing Vifi had finally arrived. She had a crossbow made from red lightning in her prosthetic arm while the other was holding onto Grimnirs variant. Reloading it by twirling it around once, she shot another bolt, forcing our enemies to dodge and throw the bombs down, smoke pouring from them.

Smoke bombs? Very ninja-like, but completely useless.

I could see them all casting [Shadow Dash] to flee, prompting me to cast it as well to follow them into the shadow world. As I met them once again in the world of Marsven, I couldnt help but remember the first time I came here. That alien feeling as if I was staring into the abyss always sent a chill down my spine, to the point I questioned why something like the shadow world existed. Of course, now I knew why.


As the five assailants were swimming towards their [Shadow Dash] destination, I caught one of them with a [Dark Tendrils] cast from my [Shadow Armament]. Holding onto it tightly, I pulled him towards me.

No! Please, no! No! he screamed and struggled. Help me! Help me! HELP! No, I dont want to die! Lord Envy! Lord Envy! LORD ENVY!

But none of his comrades looked back, disappearing from this abyss as they escaped from my clutches. I grabbed the captured man, prompting him to slash at me with his dagger, only for me to seize his wrist and break it, disarming him. As he screamed in pain, I forcibly drew his eyes towards the lights in the distancethe [Shadow Dash] exits his comrades used.

A few seconds later, the exits all closed aside from two, followed by four re-opening. His comrades fled back into the shadow world in a hurry, but two were caught and pulled back out. Screaming and kicking, they pleaded for mercy before they were silenced and blood began to fall through the holes.

H-huraaaah! the man next to me shrieked as I wrapped mana threads around his arms and legs.

I slowly swam closer to my entrance, startling the two remaining cloaked figures. They jolted their heads back and forth, trying to reason where they would have the best chance of survivalagainst me or my shadow pack that I had left outside. As I drew closer to them, they stopped hesitating before they ran towards me, dagger and spells in their hands.

I dodged all of them, ignoring them as I exited the shadow world and threw the captured man to Shoyi. Ordering him to not digest the man but to bring him to Rajah, Shoyi left us. Now, all we had to do was wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wai

Arrrgh! Both had to resurface eventually and, when they did, Vifi pulled them out. She threw them on the ground and sliced their legs thighs with her rapier, removing their chance to escape.

You want three, or is one enough? We technically still have that other guy and those blessed, Vifi stated. Would be more of an issue to keep these

Lady VifiYok! one of them shouted at, bearing through the pain. Please! You can escape from Aurenas dog! We know what happened, please, you have to stop helpKragh!

With a decisive strike, Vifi sliced the mans throat and left him to bleed out. Sighing, she shook her head, drawing her rapier close to the other assailant, only for them to shiver and back themselves against the wall.

[No hesitation?] I asked.

I could say the same thing to you with how you executed all of them. I thought you would be more like Donut with how youre her vice-leader, but I guess you need an iron right-hand if youre idealistic. She smiled. She nudged her head to the man she just killed. As you can see, the news that Im alive and that I betrayed my own people for Aurenas Champion has spread to more than just the top brass. Id rather not hear it.

I raised a brow. [Everything all right?]

She shrugged. Come, shes probably waiting so

Both of us snapped our eyes to the ground, seeing a black magic circle appear before a ball was thrown out of it, which exploded and released a blinding light like a flashbang. We both covered our eyes, narrowly protecting ourselves from going completely blind. As I gave my shadow pack the order to retreat back into their shadows, a signal suddenly appeared on my [Detection Sensor] exactly where I expected it to bewhere the flashbang just came out.

Electricity channeled around my arms as I shot a stygian lightning bolt in that direction, causing somebody to make a noise before I heard a clicking sound. As I shot out another lightning bolt followed by the sound of a crossbow shot, I heard a creepy hiiihahaha as both attacks hit something metal. As I was regaining my eyesight, I saw the person slip back into a shadow before my [True Wolven Instincts] warned me of an attack. An attack that could hurt me.

[Into your shadow, now!] Belzac commanded and I listened, readying the spell, but stopped my hand with what I heard next.

STOP RUNNING SO FAST! A bellowing yell echoed throughout the tunnel, sounding like Grimnir, before I heard an explosion happening far away from me. In the next moment, the mans warcry came closer before he landed right in front of us.

A bomb! Having regained my sight, I identified the threat before I noticed Grimnirs left gauntlet light up, materializing what looked like a mana barrier. He bodychecked the bomb, causing it to detonate, but the explosion was somehow contained within the mana barrier as it curved around to form a dome.

Gahaha! It worked! he shouted, sounding gleeful and unharmed. As he rose back on his feet he dusted some dirt off his arm. So fulfilling all required craftsmanship even increases the stability and max durability of runes, huh? What in Crustacias twin-tails, what has the Revolution Queen given me in these arcana crystals? Gahaha!

The arcanatech armor-wearing dwarf smacked his chest, assaulted by a laughing fit. Once he was done, he looked at Vifi and me. No, but seriously, I can catch up, but stop running so fast! Both of you got me beat in agility, even with my runes. At least let me ride on one of your fenrirs, Saori!

Oh I think staying inside Belzacs cave for two months ruined my perception of being normal. I tunnel visioned a bit too much.

Lets go! Vifi suddenly urged us, pointing at our way back. We need to get out of here now!

Shes acting weird.

Did you take a peek at that person? I asked, as that was the only answer to this. Strangely, I couldnt feel anybody close[Shadow Dash] could only work if you had line-of-sight of where you wanted to teleport.

She ran up to me, tapping Grimnirs and my shoulder. I can explain this later. We need to

Oh, not even a hello, street waste? A mans voice echoed throughout the tunnel, feeling like it came from every direction. Once a little mangled mutt, always a filthy leachate creeping through every hole to survive from the sun! No pride, no honor, no nothing! I always knew it was a mistake for filth like you to become a sin heir!

Go, go! Vifi cried, dashing away, prompting me to grab Grimnir and swing him on my back before I followed behind the former.

You shame Lord Yoks memory. Everything he did, he did because he thought he found an unpolished diamond that can be molded into the ultimate weapon! Like all of us, you were deemed worthy to bring upon the glory of the Edjurl gods! To bring glory to BoleTaria and all demonkin!

That man kept shouting, and the more I ran, the worse this chill running down my spine felt.

All of us thought you were dead; deserved for a street urchin, but you actually defected? To Aurenas SIDE? Not even God Marsven, huh? Not even a respectable Edjurl god, but it had to be that infuriating light bulb. His voice sounded more and more deranged, anger seeping out with every word. I always hated you wrathies, but at least I knew I could rely on you people to fight and bleed in our name. Seems like I was wrong, though. Meaning, I will have to do what is necessary. You allowed them to torture a fellow street rat in Geis, you joined up with the person who killed USkaie, and that dog corrupted Lord ENVYS MIND!

They actually planned all of this!

Hestia! Vifi shouted. Sin

Original Sin. I heard somebody clap behind me. As I turned my head around, I saw somebodys wicked grin underneath a cloak. Yaldabaoth.

And that was all I heard before my mind went completely blank. I didnt know how long it took me to regain my senses but when I did I tried to turn my body around, but I felt light. I couldnt feel anythinglight, air, not even my own body.

Where am I?

Ah, Ive overslept! Ive overslept! I heard a man.

Light? Sound? Touch?

I looked down, noticing my bare, pink hands touch a small round table. I saw nail polish on my fingers, colorfully designed to look cute. Looking further down, I realized I was wearing yellow pajamas with little, cartoonish shiba inus on them, in addition, there was a plushie sitting right next to me like a loyal dog.

Goma-kun. I picked the husky plushie up and stared at its stitched up ear. I could feel his fur on my hands, reminding me of my youth and happie days.

I miss you But, then, this means

I looked up, noticing the sound of somebody cooking inside the kitchen. Turning my head around I could confirm this was my apartment back on Earth. Belzac and Mom showed me this memory not too long ago, allowing me to remember it vividly. However, there was something different compared to last time.

It felt bright. The lights were on, yes, but there was this cozy atmosphere making me feel safe. Identifying the person in the kitchen, I realized it was my mothermy human mother.


In the next moment, I saw a man appear from behind the corner, revealing himself to be a Japanese man around his fifties. His body was well-trained as I could see his bulky arm muscles and how he barely had any fat around his hips, reminding me how envious I was of his figure as I always worried about not being slim enough. Fenrir Saori never had this problem but human Saori did.

Your bento is almost done, dear, and no, you arent late, my mother spoke in that nostalgic voice of hers. This time, though, it didnt feel like my garm mother was speaking through her.

W-what, nonsense, I set the timer correctly! I shouldOw! Father bumped his toes on the wall on his way to the kitchen. Ahhh, the captain will kill me if he knows Im late! The whole night will go to ruin!

Its barely past eight, Otou-san. Its Sunday, you go to the station at nine, I remembered.

Its barely past eight, Otou-san. Its Sunday, you go to the station at nine, I said, perfectly imitating what I had said on that day. After all, how could I forget?

The calendar, the clock, and the way he reacted was all too hard to forget. Father had a meeting with his captain today for a raise and he wanted to make sure nothing would jeopardize it. He nervously set his alarm, but he forgot that on Sunday he could go to his job an hour later. Sure, as a firefighter he had to always be ready, but I still remembered how we all laughed when he injured his foot and shouted like that.

Mother laughed after I gave my reply, soothing her husband with a kiss while I looked away. Affection like that in front of your daughter? Oh, come on But not this time. I looked at them and smiled.

I knew what this was, I knew it in the depths of my soul, but I couldnt look away. I yearned for this so much. I wanted all of this to happen again, but with one small difference.

I thought this would have been the last time I saw you but I guess Peolynca is just that weird.

Here you go. Mother handed him his piping hot bento, ready for him to enjoy at lunch. Father reciprocated this affection with his own, hugging her before he came over to me. Saori-chan? Are you all right?

I felt liquid flow from my eyes. Wiping them off, I stood up and embraced my father, still remembering the warmth of his body and his strong, but gentle, hug. I felt like a child, again, wishing so dearly for all of this to remain like this. I wanted my happy family back.

Otou-san, I called out. Would it be possible for you to call-in sick? Dont you


I know.

That deep voice I just heard inside my head made me want to puke. I hated it. I didnt want to hear him. I just wanted to No, this childish fantasy was impossible the moment I noticed all of this wasnt real. I raised my hopes, longing for this escapism.

Sadly, I couldnt. I needed to go back. I had people who needed me. This world didnt.

Its okay. Good luck at work! I cheered, grinning through the pain in my soul.

U-uh? Didnt you say that

I interrupted him and pushed him. No, no! Stop it, give your daughter some room, sheesh! You smell, Otou-san! I just cleaned up, so just get ready for work!

Hehe. Mother grinned. But, it wouldnt be such a bad idea, no? Staying here with us, enjoying a family day for once. You can

No, its all right, I said, eyes staring down on the ground. I threw away my wry smile and stared at Father. Make me proud, Otou-san! Ill root for you wherever you go and whatever you do! Everything that you did for us, I will always cherish it. The people you saved, I will learn to cherish them. Even if you injure yourself and make us worry, I will cherish your heroism. Youre my hero!

I embraced him once again, digging my head in his chest.

Im sorry I couldnt have said it earlier! I bit my lips and pushed myself off him. I then tapped his broad shoulder. Do your best, Otou-san!

I am not envious of my past life. I love my current one.

Father stared at me, confused at my sudden reaction. This was a memory of him. He shouldnt be able to react since I was derailing what actually happened on the day my father died.

Yet, he grabbed my hand, stroked it softly before he smiled. In the next moment, everything around me turned dark, with my parents figures disappearing into black particles, flying away like the fleeting dream that it was.

[How long?] That voice appeared in my head againit was Belzac.

Since the moment I noticed my senses have returned. Did you think I would be fooled by this illusion? You gave me this trial once, after all.

[It took you long to find the truth and then the willpower to leave your mother against your desires. A childs longing for their parents; be not ashamed of it, pup.] He went silent. [The mental training you did during that trial was made for these moments. Do not forget, just like Hestia, the both of you must face your desires and emotional baggage to fully defeat the demonkin and the many sycophants working for them. They will try to prey on your soul like they did today. You are Belzac; this pup believed he could consume your soul?]

Ignoring the fury welling up in his voice, I continued, This is [Original Sin: Yaldabaoth]. Hestia mentioned the Prince of Envy used it on her once but that she immediately broke out of it. Although, her human soul did stop her from freeing herself for a bit.

[That title of hers still protects you from all of this. But, you arent immune. You are still trapped inside this illusion because [Original Sin: Yaldabaoth] affects your soul.]

I nodded, remembering what Klea told me. It eats on your soul by tampering with your memories. The first Envy Original Sin ability was Demiurge, and it allows you to copy and transform yourself into other people and impersonate them almost perfectly. However, you need to consume their body first. Yaldabaoth affects the soul to tamper and control the individual, either through their memories or some other method. Its a brainwashing ability.

And effective, if you werent ready for it. There was that one moment where I lost consciousness completely and regained it and lost it again.

Now it begged the question, how could I break out of this?

Staring out the window while it rains

No one here to talk, silence is all I have

So I delved into my thoughts and wondered, What if?


A voice seeped into the room, causing the walls to suddenly quiver like a wobbly pudding. Considering this was my soul, I didnt have the power to use my abilities here, so I went to the door leading outside the apartment

Hope this works.

I opened it.

[Music Resonation (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Stygian-Scaled Fenrir], Saori Segawa]


[Awake!] I jumped up the moment I heard Uno speak into my mind, only for somebody to pull me back down.

Keep your head down! A girl shouted at me. As I turned my head around, I saw Hestia next to me. Air strike, you can say! Just stay low.

My ears rang as I not only heard Hestias voice through her [Aerokinesis] but also the collapsing ceiling caused by multiple large wind arrows raining down upon us. Hestia was protecting us with [Sanctuary].

Aside from the chaos happening, Grimnir and Vifi were slowly waking upthey also were victims of that demonkins Yaldabaoth. Our dwarven blacksmith complained about having to remember his final moments with his cousin Broggart, and how much he hated the fact the demonkin forced him to go through his trauma again. Meanwhile, Vifi was weirdly silent, but I did notice her face being slightly drenched in sweat. She looked ill, in fact.

What sort of memory did she witness?

Bastard got away! Interrupting them, Fargryneill came running from the corner, dodging any arrows coming her way. That guy was an illusion the entire time.

It was a disappointing conclusion to what had just happened, but it was too clear at this moment that everything after we captured that envy demonkin was a trap. They knew we were coming and they made sure to attack us here, but what had it achieved? We got our spy, we defeated the blessed, andNo, the demonkin did come out of this with something.

As we left the tunnel and hurried back out of it the hole, Hestia explained to me that she and Asaka managed to save Vangrim, but our informant had died before she could do anything. Gael, on the other hand

I managed to extract the blade out of his brain with minimal damage, but [Miraculous Grace] can only do as much as I understand of the brain, and I only know the basic stuff you learn from school. He I dont know if hell wake up, but he isnt dead. Im positive Vangrim is okay, butIm sorry, I dont have any better news, Saori.

No, it is okay, I reassured her. I should be the one who should say sorry. We got caught in that Original Sin ability and if he managed to look into our dreams, then we might have a problem. Vifi? Can Yaldabaoth allow the person to do that?

She nodded.

Does it allow the person to speak to you within your dreams?

She hesitated but nodded in the end. There is nothing I can say to really dissuade that.

However, I shook my head. You could. You could have just said nothing there. Even if we confirmed the information with Klea, it would have still given you some time to actually betray us. At least with this, there is a chance for us to trust you Regardless, if that person sacrificed so many people just to gain first-hand information on us, then he succeeded.

Grimnir nodded. He knows my equipment, he knows about you, he probably got a taste of Hestias spell songs. From what you suggested, you think that guy came here in an attempt to get Vifi back on their side? Or to plant a mole with her?

I nodded. It was just a possibility.

Who was he? Fargryneill asked.

Remember how there are three Warbringers? There were also three sin heirs of Envy, but with USkaie and Geis dead, now only one remains. ReinYondLord Envys cousin and his right-hand man. Envies normally arent good fighters, but those two are different. They will fight back and ReinYond is around my level when it comes to combat. Thats why I wanted us to flee, cause once we got caught in his Yaldabaoth, he could just walk right up to us and cut our throats.

Hestia nodded. I heard you guys shout so I rushed over. Your shadow pack avoided the Original Sin ability, so they managed to give us an explanation. I rushed in with [My Darkest Thoughts] and we stopped him from approaching you guys, and thats when Neill chased after him.

Then where did those arrows come from? I asked, but before Hestia could answer, somebody slowly walked up to us from the entrance of the waterway.

From me.

An elven woman dressed in dark green clothes with wooden bark armor appeared from the darkness. In one hand, she held a green-glowing wooden bow while a treant in the form of an owl perched on her shoulder. Her body and face was covered in moss and dirt, looking like she had just gone through a stealth mission.


Farrons, Yorshkas, and Gaels acquaintance and long-term friend, this high elf was the guild master of the hunters guild in Griffonpeak. A known rank A, a captain of the elven ranger corp, and a war veteran from the War for the Faefolk.


A note from AbyssRaven

Saori's memory again!

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