A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 454: A Priest’s Actual Routine … Kinda.

Chapter 454: A Priest’s Actual Routine … Kinda.

Wake up, little blessed!

Mgrrgh? My head shot up from my soft, silky pillow, turning around as I pried my half-asleep eyes open. My instincts kicked in as my ears perked up and my tail quickly pulled my blanket off me without harming the fabric, readying itself to defend me despite my grogginess.

Sound continued stimulating my eardrums, jogging my head slightly awake as I drew my attention to the door where my cloudy vision visualized three figures. I took a quick whiff as I couldnt identify them, realizing two of the three smells were familiarone was so familiar, it felt as soothing as home.

Morning, Tasianna. Fleindia. Whos the third? I replied before letting my body fall back on my bed limpy, ready to go back to sleep since there was no threat.

No, no, no, dont go back to sleep! I already told you what were doing today! Fleindias voice roused me up for a second before I began ignoring her. My circadian rhythm told me it was still too early to wake up.

Allow me then, my lady. I heard Tasianna address me .

I smiled and rubbed my head closer to my pillow, hugging it with my arms as I was sleeping on my stomach to prevent my horns or tail from ruining the bedding. Also, with no wings, of course!

Expecting Tasianna, my dedicated maid, to pull the blanket back on me, I slowly shut my mind off and went back to sleep, only for my nose to suddenly catch the scent of something. Something sweet like a strawberry. Fragassa! But, what could itNo, there was also a hint of bitterness, something like tea, mixed into it, this scent feeding my nose the information I needed to understand this was fulinoe leaves. Fragassa and fulinoe smells?

That stimulation caused my body to jolt awake, no longer feeling asleep. With my mind conscious now, I also heard the light swinging of water accompanied by some dripping sound. So, we had watery sounds, the smell of fulinoe and fragassa, and a memory telling me exactly what this could be.

Morning fragassa-fulinoe shake! I cried out, my eyes flying open wide in excitement as my drowsiness vanished.

Milkshake, Tasianna corrected me before handing it to me, prompting me to pump my fist!

As I was guzzling down my first mouthful, my eyes suddenly noticed the nervous waving of the unidentified third person from before. A young woman, probably in her early twenties with orange-colored eyes and hair curtsied, pinching the hem of her red-white robe, indicating she was a shrine maiden.

G-good morning, PrincessI apologize, Champion Hestia. May the eternal fire fuel your body on this warm FireDay. Her voice cracked and I could audibly hear her swallow her spit after she paused for a moment. She then gripped her hands into fist and stared me into the eyes despite her trepidation. My name is Amalee von Baltalz, from House Baltalz from the Empire. I am a shrine maiden in service of the Goddess.

I looked over at Fleindia who stared back at me expectantly.

Oh Oh. Oops, did I oversleep?

Realizing why Tasianna and Fleindia woke me up so early, despite knowing I usually slept a while longer, it could only mean there was something important that I had to do. With the sugary goodness of the milkshake waking my brain up, I quickly remembered Fleindia and Master had mentioned something about learning how a priestesss routine actually worked.

Aside from the healing and my interactions with people, I wasnt too familiar with what a priestess did per se. I had only given two sermons in my life and those were in Carine village, where I ended up turning them into singing and dancing sessions. I had my theocracy lessons and I was taught how to be a Champion by Eshe and Theodore, but they never taught me about rituals, special religious events, or, well, what priestesses did outside of healing and speaking with people.

I mean, not like any of this mattered to an adventurer like me, but Aurena did explicitly state that I should tell people I was her priestess, even if I didnt know what I was doing as one. I wasnt fond of Fleindias and Masters insistence on todays schedule, but I guess I was in Aureolis, and when in Rome I guess I should make myself useful, instead of sleeping in.

Shedding some scales, I placed my milkshake on my nightstand before getting off my bed to curtsy to the shrine maiden. Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor. May the eternal fire fuel your body on this warm FireDay as well, Lady Amalee. I apologize that you had to see me in this languishing state. I have been on the road for too long, I am unaccustomed to Aureoliss routine.

The shrine maidens eyes widened as she stared at Fleindia, prompting the latter to speak, Lady Amalee is a family friend. House Baltalz and mine, Alsternich, have partaken in many transactions together, with Lady Amalee being a good acquaintance of my younger brother when they attended the imperial academy in Riekwelst.

Folschrecks capital, right? I asked, earning me a nod.

Fleindia continued, Shes the assistant of the Knight-Commander, but she will accompany us for the day. I am used to Aureoliss routine, but it would be best to have a local as a guide.

What about Yorshka? She used to live here for her duty.

DameSorry, Mrs. Yorshka will be accompanying the Heroes, Amalee answered. Aside from Saint candidate Asaka, the others will be going through their days as they are used to, and they personally asked for Mrs. Yorshka to stay with them. Considering the rather tense situation with the knights, I believe that would be for the best.

Considering what happened yesterday, yes, I do believe so.

With a clap, Fleindia put an end to the discussion and told me it was about time for me to get ready, just as I could hear the basilicas bell ring five times to tell me it was five in the morning. She then pointed at the door at the end of my room and one to the side, reminding me they were the kitchen and bathroom respectively.

She then left the room with Amalee, leaving Tasianna to guide into the latter room first to give me a morning bath.

I presume you got the instructions from her? I asked.

From one of her grey-robes, actually. Fleindia has her own room at the top of the dormitory, as you know, reserved just for her all year round, as is her privilege as one of the blessed. As such, she has her own retinue of people maintaining her belongings, so they were quite adept with their explanations. My lady, I wish to issue a complaint to the cardinals, as you should not be sleeping in the lower rooms. You deserve proper respect!

I sighed and patted her hand, trying to tell her I didnt really care. Although slightly smaller than the guest rooms I received at Ellaines mansions, my accommodations here were still pretty and plenty enough, especially since I had my own kitchen inside my room. Not to mention, all my direct retainers lived right next door while Neills room was directly opposite of mine! It couldnt get better.

In any case, continuing our small talk, Tasianna had to hurry up a bit due to me slightly oversleeping. Luckily for her, unlike most noble ladies, probably, I did help her as best as I could by undressing myself, cleaning myself during the bath, and also putting on some perfume.

You know, this would have been great if we could have brought Svena, Haati, and Lorena with us. You wouldnt be so overwhelmed as a one-woman army. Even Priscilla wouldve been nice, I stated as I fixed my white mage robe.

Overwhelmed? Ha, my lady, do you know who youre talking to? Tasianna looked genuinely offended. I was your only maid before them! Even with Miss Saori, I was responsible for all your needs wherever you went. Im plenty used to all of this, and it isnt even a bother. Yes, with the others, this would go by far fasterI would also enjoy their company and the atmosphere of a properly taken cared of householdbut it isnt necessary. To serve you is my pride and joy, as it has always been.

Oh, right, right, sorry for that weird comment. I didnt mean to belittle your efforts. I smiled, happy to hear she was still happy to be here with me after so long. Besides, there will be issues I would rather not pull them into. Having them stay behind is for their safety.


With bathing and putting on clothes done, we returned to my bedroom to find Saori and Ellaine waiting there for me with multiple dishes on a table. Saori told me she hadnt used the kitchen and just pulled out whatever leftovers we had for our breakfast. In addition, she also informed me none of our rooms were bugged, either physically or magically.

We already used the silence rune for yesterdays talks, so you know about that one. That is pretty much the only magic here. I guess when your primary job is espionage, the envy demonkin probably believed they could extract information elsewhere instead of making it too obvious that were being spied on within our rooms, she stated.

After the four of us enjoyed our meals, only Ellaine and I departed from the room. Saori would stay inside our rooms, acting as the HQ for her shadow pack to go gather information and to pinpoint who was secretly a demonkin and who was a sympathizer. Meanwhile, Tasianna would mingle amongst the other retainers, getting information that way. Ellaine would act as my guard, fitting her role as my knight.

Outside, I quickly met up with Asaka, Master, Fleindia, and Amalee, with the latter two bringing along a grey-robe attendant. I expected everybody but Asaka and when I asked her about why she was coming along, she shrugged and told me, This is the normal routine for me. Well, she hadnt exposed her true status just yet, so she was just playing along.

Anyways, with this small group, we walked over to the basilica where a congregation had already gathered before the altar. The vicar wasnt there but another cardinal stood in front of the podium, readying himself by praying, with many of the priests around him doing the same. Fleindia led us to the seats at the very front, prompting the cardinal and some of the bishops to finish their prayers and greet us.

May the eternal fire fuel your body on this warm FireDay. May the Goddesss light forever shine brightly on you, blessed. It was the most common greeting, but I could see a few of them giving Master and me the stink eye. Considering we were the only people with beast-like features, I guess we did stand out a bit. To none of their liking..

After that, the sermon began and, oh goodness, I thought I was about to fall asleep again. No offense to the person speaking, as the cardinal was lively and made a ton of gestures with his hands to keep people involved. 101 for open speaking and presentation skills right out of highschool; if I were a teacher, I would give him an A for the presentation but immediately drop that to a C for the content, though.

Most of it was exactly what I had read from the Church of Aurenas holy book, their version of the bible. It retold Aurenas story of arriving into this world and usurping the role as the primarch of the holy element from the Holy Elemental Emperor, before she and the other Origin Gods implemented the Divine System.

From the standpoint of an outsider, you could really see how alien invader-like the Origin Gods were, even if they did help Peolynca flourish from that point on. The story then continued with her choosing her subordinate gods after the Demon War, and how her religion began as an unorganized cult, similar to the religions surrounding the elemental emperors. Unlike them, though, Aurena could speak through her subordinate gods and blessed, helping the religion consolidate and become institutionalized.

From there, however, the interesting part ended and it all devolved into a bunch of preaching, teachings, and lessons we had to adhere and remember, or how we had to be sure to respect Aurena by only using her magic for the good of her religion. The cardinal kept droning on and on how practicing and teaching others was how we white-robes could foster the strength of Aurena.

Mana is power, my fellow white-robes. The blessing of Peolynca is upon us, with many being born into prestigious families with bloodlines filled with magical potential! Nevertheless, if you do not cultivate this talent, you will lag behind! Your incompetence and laziness will only hinder others, even costing fellow followers their lives if you fail! This harms our Goddess! For all countries relying on our services, we must strive to become stronger!

So thats what the High Bishop meant with more aggressive.

A few priests did turn their eyes to me, but I mostly ignored them. There was nothing I could do about their opinions right now.

After the sermon was over, we left the basilica and began heading down the street, where Master announced how much he liked the session, mentioning how much he learned how an actual preacher behaved. I stated how perplexed I was about it, though, feeling how awkward it was that the cardinal was pushing priests to better themselves in such a strong manner. They were all part of the clergy, not pure mages.

Its for the war effort, essentially, Fleindia answered. Since Aureolis is so far away from the frontlines, some of the members of the imperial Church of Aurena do believe our Holy Capital takes on too much of a managerial and preaching role, instead of supporting the armies with their magic. Unfounded, of course, since many bishops and priests who learned and lived here had joined the war and ended up dying. Sadly, people will make their opinions even with such evidence. Maybe the leadership is pivoting because of these opinions?

Doesnt help that we Heroes arent doing anything yet, right? Asaka frowned.

Correct. Your classmates over in the Empire havent participated in any of the battles yet; then again, sending such young warriors to the front lines after only a year of training is little different from sending fresh levies straight into war. It wont work, Fleindia replied. Unlike a farmers children, though, the Heroes are celebrated as the Goddesss chosen, brought to this world to turn the tides on the war. Haste makes waste, but I believe Ive heard whispers how the military were impatient. Maybe it wont happen this year, but maybe in the next.

So, there is a high chance Franz might get sent into the war. Maybe maybe thats how the demonkin will try to get rid of him. Would be cleaner than an assisination.

Although I understand your stance, I do believe the clergy should take on a more active role, Master said. It is how Caedhul does it. We depth priests are taught and trained to use powerful buffing spells, after all, and if war between tribes erupt, you can see priests fighting with their fighters. We also saw it against the grimgarians, my apprentice.

It is difficult, yes. I scratched my neck, understanding his logic. It will be the same for the dwarves and elves, not to mention the dragonewts, I believe. Yorshka did mention they did have a Church of Aurena in Loatryx.

Similarly, Amalee added. Mrs. Yorshka kept on talking about how different we were, despite worshipping the same Goddess. Many Loatryxian priests are also holy knights, uh, dragoons, or battle mages. Meanwhile, in Aureolis and the Empire, there is a massive role distinction between the knight order and the clergy. They might be holy knights but nobody expects them to learn holy magic, just any magic to allow them an edge in battle.

As I had expected. Good to get confirmation, though.

Oh right. I suddenly realized something. Wheres Renee? I thought she would come with us.

Deviating from the routine, Fleindia led us to the knights order where we saw a lone knight fighting off five others. The lone knight was wearing a full-body blue-scaled armor reminiscent of the underwater monsters I fought in Yeos, while she wielded a 25-inch angled gladiator sword to defend herself against her five enemies. On her back was a long zweihander, but it was still sheathed.

Oh, Renee got her weapons back? I guess only for practice although maybe she should have given them a handicap. Five enemies and shes handling all of them well.

I couldnt really tell the ranks of Renees enemies, so Amalee quickly came to my rescue by explaining all four were veterans. None of them were Knight-Captains or platoon captains, but they were still strong enough to be counted amongst the pride of the order. After a quick estimation, she told me her opponents were all lower rank Bs in level, meaning they were all over level 75. As you would expect from the assistant of the Knight-Commander.

One more round! Renee suddenly shouted as she kicked a knight onto the ground before disarming another with her short blade.

Wait, this is crazy! Were fighting her with magic and longer blades, and shes still winning one of the knights complained, sounding winded. Goddess, shes too fast.

Distance doesnt matter if your opponent is good at using [Gale Steps]. A female knight took off her helmet, looking exhausted as sweat beads soaked her face. Dont forget! Champion Rhea fought against the grimgarian invasion! She has the levels and experience to deal with us. She is also the knight to finally get those stubborn Yeosian to allow women to join their order!

Everybody, join up! Let us give Champion Rhea a good welcome!

She seems quite popular amongst the female knights.

Six additional knights joined up the battle, with two being below level 75, according to Amalee. Still, even surrounded by eleven people, I didnt think Renee could lose, considering we did fight Vifi together. If she survived fighting that demonkin, she should be able to defeat these knight with ease, especially with her power boost and training shes had since then.

Okay, a bit too many, but okay! Renee sheathed her gladiator blade before taking out her two-hander. She swung it from left to right before turning her body around as her body began to glow white. Heroes of Yeostar, I bid your call! Guardian Angel!

A white magic circle appeared right behind here before light shot up to the sky. As it vanished, the figure of an white-armored golem appeared around the height of a high ogre, brandishing a mighty greatsword the size of a longtable. Imitating Renees posture, the holy knights tightened their grip as they faced their new foe, only for the atmosphere to change again as Renee shouted, Rally Light!

From the blue sky, light shot down on the armored golem and its owner, wrapping itself around both in a golden armor that radiated holy mana. Like two light bulbs, they glowed so brightly it almost blinded me, similarly to my [Shine]. Before any of the knights could recover from the flash, the two of them engaged their enemies, smashing them down as if they were nothing more than training dummies.

Champion of Yeostar: A title given to the current Champion of the God of Knighthood, Bravery, and Loyalty, fully adapted to bring out the potential of the current holder. Allows access to the Arena of Yeostar and the training only accessible from there. Increases physical and holy proficiency gain while also increasing resistances towards both damage types. Decrease dark proficiency gain and weakens resistance towards it

This was Renees title, which honestly showed some striking resemblances to my [The Light]. Both blessings turned our mana affinity to holy, which meant higher holy resistance and increased skill leveling for those types of skills, while doing the opposite for anything dark relatedalthough I had gotten rid of the latter with a milestone. In addition, their main benefits came from the spells we would receive from the title.

Guardian Angel: Summon a holy golem made from the lessons learned inside the Arena of Yeostar. Your progress through the training sessions will empower the golem, allowing it to grow with you and become more sophisticated. You cannot control the golem but it will not drain mana during use. Shares all your resistance skills

Rally Light: Summons the blessing of Yeostar onto the mortal realm, shielding everybody around the blessed with an armor of light, granting Vitality and Wisdom according to the [Holy Resistance] of the blessed. Additionally blesses weapons with the hoy element

Her training within Yeostars arena was exactly like my follower milestones. The more she proved herself, the more powerful her blessing became, to the point I could really imagine the Champion of Yeostar being the strongest blessed. Maybe she would receive a unique skill like my [Idol] at some point then.

Yeostar kinda stole Aurenas homework, huh? Or maybe it was the other way around?

Midway through the match I noticed a group of younger knights staring at the fight from the side, only for their drill instructor to reprimand them and continue their own sparring. When I asked Amalee about them, she told me they were squires.

From all the human nations of Altrust. If they were already a knight before they came here to take the oath, they will start as a proper knight, otherwise they must train.

I nodded, before I noticed some of them were having trouble weaving spells with swordmanship. Others werent even using magic at all, relying purely on their martial prowess.

I heard about the bandit subjugation the Heroes were sent on. Are missions like those common? Similar to the Quests adventurers take? I asked.

Our Knight-Commander expects practical applications of our knights skills. No matter how practiced you are, you cannot be promoted if you do not prove yourself in real combat. However, none of the field tests are as dangerous as the Elyonda siege, if that was what you were wondering about, my lady.

The holy knights just protect Aureolis. Yorshka told me how she had to venture out alone for her tough Quests. Asaka rolled her eyes. I can imagine the Empire being mad at them for being so conplacent.

M-my lady, please! Amalee looked flustered. Our knights train day and night to properly protect everybody. Keeping Aureolis safe is of the utmost importance, as this is our religions holy capital. This is where the Church of Aurena was born; we cannot allow it to be sullied! The orders number isnt that large, we cant just send our elite knights away all the time. Even sending your guardian knights took away a lot of our strength.

What? The damn Knight-Commander cant do it himself? Asaka clicked her tongue. Maybe that is something you should change first, Hestia. Have the Knights of Aurena do more. I mean, not like the grimgarians just invaded a bunch of nations and took over their ports! Ha, I cant believe Saori and I did more by attacking the ogre king than these knights.

Y-you did what? Amalees eyes widened, causing Asaka to close her mouth and say oops.

As she walked away to avoid the topic, Fleindia smiled wryly. But, she is right. Vitriol over the inaction of the Knights of Aurena is understandable. The Knight-Commanders country is close to the border of the Empire and Carmaniate, but he hasnt moved a muscle yet. Somebody as strong as he would certainly turn the tides alongside the Supreme Commander of the Hands of Heaven. Imagine. High Lady Oschillas dominating strategies able to keep the Prince of Wraths forces at bay with Knight-Commander Kuornigs might against the fierce beastmen!

Yikes, hyping him up that much? Yorshka, you have a tough road ahead of you, then.

Then why? Ellaine interrupted Fleindias rambling. Why isnt he? Doesnt he have a duty as a knight to serve the people? In fact, why doesnt the entire order do much more? Our countrys knights do wander around Artorias to serve and protect, and I must say as an ardent follower of the Goddess, that it would have been soothing to see these knights in white-armor strut towards problems

Master and I both giggled as we saw Ellaine slightly drift into her knighthood fantasy, following Asakas chortle. Fleindia, on the other hand, looked serious, as if that statement had struck a nerve, similar to Amalee who looked slightly pale.

Its Pope Gwyns order Fleindia stated. Naturally, this hasnt been the case forever. Before you were born Lady Ellainebefore I was born, eventhe Knight-Commander would lead the knight order around the Empire to solve issues similarly to some of the lower Hand of Heavens members. Nothing stokes the flames of faith more than to see a brave knight dash before you to fight off some grotesque beast.

Unlike Fleindia, the rest of us gave her a weird look, as it felt super specific. Well, except for Ellaine who seemed to agree with Fleindia, saving her from embarrassment.

Ahem! What I want to say is that Aureoliss Knights of Aurena must do more. The order branch in the Empire is supposed to be only there to accommodate far-away knights and those serving blessed, but it has more-or-less become the de facto headquarter. It is a shame and all because of Pope Gwyn.

Lady Fleindia? Amalee looked at her with a worried expression, only for the latter to wave the concern away and pushed us to move to the admin building, as that was the next place on our agenda after the sermon.

There she led me through the building and showed me the library and the administrative offices, explaining how the majority of the clergy are responsible for managerial duties. Shrine maidens especially would coordinate the citys taxes, budget, and even address concerns from the city.

Consider this bulletin board similar to a guilds Quest board. Fleindia introduced me to an assortment of parchment pinned on a wooden board. Priests arent required to do anything aside from giving our white graces and serving Aureolis in time of need, but they are expected to help the city by aiding the citizens. Priesthood here is also about solving problems.

Saori mentioned how knights would do something similar to earn money, some even hired locals or soldiers for support. Reading from some of the parchments, I understood how this was possible. Aside from Aureolis city, the requests also included the towns and many villagers spread around the country.

This was also where the taxes came from and how merchants could earn wealth. In other words, the range of the requests would force priests and shrine maidens to wander to the borders of the country to heal people or have them solve squabbles between merchants or the local government.

We are a theocracy, but every town is maintained by a commoner governor or mayor, Amalee elaborated. Aureolis is a city made for the Goddesss followers. Aureolis city is maintained by the pope and his cardinals, while the many towns are governed like a republic similar to Estralia up north. It keeps our economy healthy and allows the clergy to earn money by helping people.

Ahh, the cycle again! Master rolled his fingers around each other, forming two circles. The laity produce, the church serves. All in the name of Goddess Aurena! Exactly the same how the Church of Plesia functions within Caedhul.

In the service of our respective Goddesses, it would make sense why. From outside the room, Theodore suddenly came in. Saint Kushlekzar. Everybody. It took a bit, Saintess Fleindia.

Hehe, I apologize. Champion Hestia wanted to see where Champion Rhea was, so I led us to the knights.

Nodding to Fleindias statement, Theodore then looked at me. I see.

Hey, dont blame me! Its nothing serious, dont give me that look, Cardinal Theodore. Im here now, okay?

Yes, that is true but you missed your chance to meet the students who came here to learn holy magic. Practitioners of magic and new priests. Impressionable younglings, with some being around your age. Theodore emphasized his words. Haa, the lecture has already begun and the hall is full. Lady Asaka, you should know, right?

The professors dont like late comers. Elrick always forced me to come early to make sure we didnt lose any spots. In fact, Tatsuya came late once and you wouldnt believe the shouting contest. He wanted to listen in since the lecture on that day was about spear techniques from around the continent, but none of the professors allowed it, even if the instructor did.

Because sloth is sin! One of the priests working inside the office shouted at us. For you especially, Lady Asaka! I had hoped you stopped taking naps!

Oh shut it, prof! I still learned enough to function. See, Im alive?

More like you should thank Captain Yorshka and Sir Elrick! An elderly white-robe interjected. Pah, Pope Gwyn sent you kids out too soon. The accomplishments weve heard about you have been nothing! Just like those kids in the Empire. All of you needed more time to learn.

Asaka scowled, but that didnt dissuade the many priests inside from speaking up.

Were heard more about the two new Champions! News about them spreads like wildfire, especially about her. Another glared at me. Champion, next time, come on time. Learn and become better. Maybe you could have stopped Saintess


Nonsense! Master roared out, hissing like a snake to interrupt the priest from finishing his sentence. All of you call yourself professors and this is what you say to my apprentice? The nerve! Ive seen raptors more able to read the mood. Pah! You think you can teach her anything? Anything at all? None of you have the qualification to teach her!

And who are you? An elderly man stood up, glaring back at Master. I recognized that man he was one of the cardinals. A Saint of Plesia, correct? What does a water mage have to teach to a holy and fire mage? To a dragon? If you call yourself her master, then you should live up to the responsibility and take on her failures. She let a Saintess die under her watch, and now she comes here and demands us to abolish the system our church has functioned upon for two millennia? For whom? A young child who knows nothing of Aureolis? Nothing about humans? Nothing about our culture? Let a dragon rule over us? We are not Kargryxs pawns!

Master walked up to him, looking down as he towered over the grey-haired, slouched man. And you think you can show her what she needs to learn? I do not need to be a holy mage to teach her the basics and advance techniques of magic casting, nor how to mold her mana into custom spells. Nor about ways to increase her strength. A teacher is a guide, so I guided her. However, if you want me to take resp

Master, no. I grabbed his sleeves, stopping him. I then turned to the rest of the clergy members. Thats correct. I failed. Instead of protecting her, I left to deal with the attack on Griffonpeak. She was my teacher and friend and in her time of need I was not there. I could not protect her

My admittance caused some of the priests to scuff at me and turn away, almost as if they were forsaking me.

I did not let that deter me, assuring me to get my message across. However, I am still a blessed of the Goddess. She, nor the other subordinate gods, have told me in my face that I should stop. None. Not even Goddess Erithia who condemned me for that failure like you just did. Even if she was harsh, she told me to improve. And I did. I wont let that mistake happen again.

You are a blessed of the Goddess. You admitted that, but you are telling us you spoke with Goddess Erithia? I say you are delusional now!

But she is correct. Fleindia stepped in. The Goddess herself told me as such, that she would speak with Lady Hestia. For she is the perfect blessed. I believe every word she told me. Regardless, her qualification is not up for debate. She is a Champion and she deserves your respect for all she did. She saved my life.

Lady Fleindia, please, we know this dragon can control minds. Enough playing around with her, let us bring you to Pope Gw

None of you deserve to speak another word! Ellaine shouted. This has gone too far now. Besmirching her reputation?

I agree Master growled. I see some of you call yourself professors, but you do nothing but make demands from atop your ivory thrones. You old men and women you are an embarrassment to other priests. You should teach these young adults, not insult them! Theodore, enough! I will not let my apprentices or her friends continue listening inside these halls of petty bastards! Call it off and tell High Bishop Rasheid I am at fault!

Theodore sighed, massaging his temples, while Asaka laughed out loud and smacked Masters back. She shouted, You heard the big scale-kin! Bye bye, assholes!

Master then turned to the board and pulled off a parchment. Kri, this young scale will do what she does best, not lounging inside some dusty hall.

He handed it to me, allowing me to see he wanted us to go to the lower city to help a few people there. It was as he said, this was my bread and butter when it came to my duty as a Champion. I smiled, happy to not have to go to school! Learning from other people? No way, my only masters were Master Kush and Mother! And also Farron, Yorshka, and Sis for my physical stuff. And Tasianna for language. And let's leave it at that.

As we left the silenced office, I noticed a few baffled young priests and mages just standing in the hallway, looking at me with widened eyes. None of them said anything, but it somehow felt awkward for me. Good thing I wouldnt have to meet them again!

Thank you, Master. For standing up for me. I gave him a quick hug once we were outside.

Nonsense, young scale. Really. If Saori was here, she would be the one to do it! I couldnt just let those ignorant morons belittle you that much! Damn the way they perceive you; it would take a rock to change their minds. His agitated state made him spit like crazy, but this gesture stuck with me.

As we left the gates, showing the guards the request, Amalee told us this was where she would leave us. She looked a bit weirded out from what happened, so I hoped she wouldnt turn on us. Ha, this entire place was so annoying to navigate through. Why did I have so many haters?

In any case, to the good of my heart, once we got a bit deeper in, people began to notice Fleindia and me, telling me how they didnt have the chance to thank us for the [Prayer]. It was so simple but hearing people actually being grateful to me made me almost want to cry.

A girls heart can only take so much negativity!

As Saori stated, there wasnt much poverty to be seen, even as our group went even deeper into the slums. Sure, some people were struggling, but it seemed neighbors would help each other out of the good of their hearts. I would hear Aurenas name whispered here and there, always accompanied by a small prayer.

Our request led us to a small eatery with a chef wanting to learn some noble cuisine to help them think of a new dish for their menu, telling us their customers had gotten a bit bored since they always used the same ingredients.

To keep things cheap for our regulars, getting the fresh produce from the farms outside the city makes everything very liveable. My lady, would you possibly know any dishes we can make with the local produce? Importing from the merchants would be too expensive for us.

That was when I had the most brilliant idea. Dishes? Didnt we have two great chefs in our party? How did I usually make followers?

Yup, time to call in a feast and have the entire neighborhood participate!

We need to get rid of her. That is my Lords command.

Yes, Lord. A priests voice resounded within the mansion of the Church of Aurenas pope, located at the far end of the church area. Silence was all that greeted him during this night, but he kept his head down, bowing towards the shadow of a person.

It took two minutes to pass before a reply was spoken. Remember. In the new world to come, your family will find a place through your worth. The value youve brought to BoleTaria will shape your future. The Edjurl gods are not merciful like Aurena, but they will not interfere. We demonkin will rule and you will be one of us.

Yes, Lord. The priest was loyal.

The false goddessthat weak excuse of a divine beingwill be gone. Plesia and Marsven will not care. They will leave the world to us once they deem this world unworthy of their time; anger them too much and the Origin Gods will vanish. These words come from our princes and the knowledge passed down to them through history. From the very first demonkin prince. Do you understand?

Yes, Lord. The priest was willing.

As such, you must rid us of her. Once her presence is gone, all of this will fall apart. Without her support, our Pope will continue to rule everything and their support will falter until they have nothing left. Everything will be ruined once she is dead. As such, follow her and find a way for us to do it.

Yes Lord. The priest was afraid.

Vicar, do this, and Lord Envy will ensure your place in the new world. You will have nothing to be jealous of under our command. Will you do what is right?

The priest hesitated, but nodded anyway. There was no need to overthink things.

Yes, Lord.


A note from AbyssRaven

I hope you guys all had a good first day 2024! Happy New Year!

Another year is upon us and what a wonderful 2023 it was for Dragon Idol since the first book finally came out this year! Book 1 on Amazon, KU, and Kindle did pretty well for a new series, and I can't help but thank all of you for that success for supporting me, whether by just reading and loving the story, the Patreon support, or simply buying the book when it came out. It all mattered to me.

Now, do you guys know what year it will be this year? The Year of the Dragon! And what better way to start the year out but to announce that Book 2 of Dragon Idol is now ready to be pre-ordered on Amazon and Kindle! I will make a proper announcement later on, but this should act as a warning for everybody that it will mean that some chapters will soon be removed for the Amazon release. Specifically, Chapter 36 all up to Chapter 68 will be gone when it releases.

Here has been your heads up! I do hope you guys will show interest in the next Book!

If you guys want to support me, Hestia and "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale" (or just read up to 20 advance chapters + any Patreon-only chapters) please check out my Patreon: Rawr!

For two dollars, for the cost of a coffee, you can read up to four chapters! You will have my eternal gratitude for any support you can give me! Please.

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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