A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 471: A Concert to Be Envious Of!

Chapter 471: A Concert to Be Envious Of!

Hey, hey! Its time, come out!

In the middle of the afternoon, as the sun was starting to lower in the skies, loud stomping could be heard over at the white robes shrine maiden and caretaker dormitory. Although this building was reserved for the politically reluctant clergy members who only wished to fulfill their duty to Goddess Aurena. Many, though, were mere scholars and temporary priests who stayed in Aureolis for the sake of learning and teaching.

Due to Istari being one of Aurenas most renowned subordinate gods, the practice of accepting temporary priests was extremely popular and greatly praised. After all, where could one learn more about the gods than from a temple or even the basilica of Aureolis? Even holy magic would be taught, since it would spread Aurenas faith and the Church of Aurenas influence. This was why commoners and nobles could join a temple temporarily and then leave so long as they did not cause any trouble, lest they face the fury of the Knights of Aurena.

As such, it wasnt unusual for the shrine maiden and caretaker dormitory to be loud. All the temporary priests would wear a white-red robe, as only the most dedicated would actually become actual priests and priestesses. Therefore, a good number of these temporary priests wouldnt act like the stereotypical pious, noble, and elegant clergy member a farmer or yeoman would expect.

Today, however, there was a good reason why.

What is it? A disgruntled scholar opened the door as a group of shrine caretakers stormed in front of his room.

What is it? Are you joking? Istaris sake, didnt you listen to any of the rumors? His friends stared at the ignorant scholar as if he had committed the greatest sin in history. For an Istari devout, it might as well be just that.

His friends relayed the scholar a rumor that had been circulating the basilica since the start of the week. On LightDay, a massive conflict between the blessed and Pope Gwyn will happen, was leaked, entering the ears of many as they wandered around the basilica campus and interacted with people. Something this hermit-like scholar hadnt done since the morning sermon.

Although perplexed, the scholar was cautious, stating such a rumor should be correct, considering Champion Hestia had shown her disapproval of the Pope, but questioned the reason for the alarm. His friends, on the other hand, shook their heads and sent the scholars grey robes into the room to collect his belongings.

Hey, what

His friends grabbed his arm and shoulder, pulling him away from his grey robes. This isnt just some baseless rumor, okay? There was no confirmation, but think about it for a moment? Why would such a rumor specify LightDay? Today? When Champion Hestia has been promoting a musical festival in the lower city since the beginning of this week?

Not to mention, didnt you hear how she donated a ton of money to the church for its repairs and also to appease a number of people? She even promoted the festival once it was done! She and her party were responsible for the lower citys protection after the Knight-Commander reported a sin heir had attacked us.

The scholar raised his brown eyebrows. Huh? Y-yeah, of course, I still remember but whatHold on!

Yes! His friends cheered. This massive conflict probably will be more than we could expect. I also saw a few priests and even a couple of bishops move outside the basilica grounds with carriages full of their belongings! And I heard from a knight that they even saw a huge area reserved for these wagons alone. Coincidence? I think not!

Those white-robes are the same people who supported Saintess Fleindia during the relief effort, not to mention the knights belonging to Dame Kirstines platoon. The same one who kneeled before Champion Hestia! Get it? Okay! Get your stuff and get downstairs; weve prepared the wagons.

A raucous atmosphere created by a single person had whipped the entire basilica into a frenzy. People were demanding wagons left and right, even asking their friends to share theirs, all to transport their trinkets and baubles to safety. While many were suspicious of such a craze, those who believed in and acted on it were quickly rewarded for their curiosity and cautiousness.

There, through the blanket of snow outside the city, the wagons found a small sanctuary inside the nearby forest. The sound of merriment coming from the sanctuary, however, baffled the approaching clergy people and this confusion only increased when they noted the temperature had changed. A mana barrier protected the area with a climate regulator inside to ward off the cold.

Even more surprising, the vendors inside this fair-like area included not only humans, but also dwarves and elves! Dwarven and elven merchants were selling Ankor-Nazta and Saelariel goods, which included dwarven noodle soups and elven pastries, right next to Artorian and Estralian merchants. Elation and celebration was all one could find here as the few white robes already here enjoyed the luxury of tasting food and meals from other cultures, especially the delectable yeast-made pastries.

Naturally, there was some tension, as the more cynical priests and priestesses instantly noted that dwarven warriors, elven rangers, and also Artorian knights worked alongside Knights of Aurena to protect everybody. Cooperation between such factions for this small hub? It validated the rumors that something was amiss.

Who invited all of them? Champion Hestia, madam, a griffon knight answered as a confused priestess asked him.

The Knight-Commander ordered us to work with them to protect you, my lord. Please, be at ease and enjoy the refreshments and foreign meals, a knight of Aureolis explained.

The rumors What is happening tonight? Was the single most mind-boggling thought the newly arrived asked themselves, all before two bishops came over.

The first to speak was Theodore. My lords and ladies. I welcome you to this little refuge just before Lady Hestias concert. As mentioned in the promotion, food and drinks are completely free for the sake of celebration in Her Holinesss name. Please, allow my familys servants to serve you. If your grey robes accompanied you, please, send them to the servants resting tent over there for further instructions.

If you wish to meet Lady Fleindia, Lady Renee, or Lady Hestia, then please be patient. High Bishop Rasheid bowed humbly as Amadeus and his other grey robes brought over trays of small delectables for the intrigued white robes. Come, everybody, let us put aside our duties for today and enjoy our time here. Do not worry, your safety is assured, I swear this to Her Holiness and the Holy Emperor.

As the new arrivals tasted the offered foodfragassa jam Berliners, lemon pound cakes, and toasty ham and melted cheese sliderstheir eyes snapped wide open as the richness enveloped their tongues. The weariness and fatigue of traveling through the city and snow was cast away, reinvigorating them with energy.

T-this is authentic yeast in the cake! H-how much are they selling? A shrine maiden darted her eyes around to the elven stand, seeing a table full of large cakes, cupcakes, muffins, and even traditional elven pastries like lisquara mild biscuit coated in fermented tree resin perfect for long tripsand ryasuaka loaf of bread with crunchy nuts baked with aromatic wood coated in caramel.

Seeing this, the others around her let their jaws slack slightly before they covered their faces with fans. And everything is for free? N-not even a greifnoble would serve this much for such a small, insigmodest party.

Theodore nodded to their bafflement. They are Lady Hestias friends and allies, invited here for these very festivities. If this already caught your attention, let me just say that there will be more dishes served later during the event. Inspired by the dishes from her and the Heroes of Goddess Aurenas world.

You do not say! For free, as well? Well, why not? In Her name!

As such, Rasheid and Theodore managed to persuade the new arrivals from looking too deeply into the matter, especially the existence of foreign military forces inside Aureolis. They would repeat this performance each time a new set of white robes arrived, making sure to slowly remove any possible collateral from the battle.

You may go, Rasheid told Amadeus.

Bowing and thanking him, the young musician jogged deeper into the forest until he ended up at the location of the concert. He watched as countless butlers and maids worked with the construction crew, managing the location and putting down enough seats for the show later. All to assure a smooth operation.

He smiled, delighted and giddy, as he couldnt await to hear Hestia sing once more. He still remembered how the young dragoness had suddenly appeared at his home one day when he was still bed-reddiden from his illness. Memory of her voice still enraptured him whenever he played the song she shared with him, evoking that desire trapped in his chest to create music just like her.

That anticipation as he saw everything becoming a reality only made him want to help out even further. He rushed over before stopping at a stall, waving at one of the people working there. A wolfkin woman dressed like a farmershe was dirty as she came with her usual clothes, but that didnt stop the young man from giving her a hug.

Lily! he shouted, startling the young woman before she reciprocated the gesture.

My lord your grip is so much stronger. Im so happy to see youre healthy. My lord. Lily pressed her hands on his defined back. It was still soft, but unlike the one she was used to.

She was his former personal maid, the same one who took care of him during his bed-ridden time since he was a young boy. Separated when he was exiled from Artorias to become a grey robe, as Aureolis didnt allow beastmen to become members of the clergy, the young man did not waste this chance to meet his best friend after so long.

Unfortunately, there wasnt much time for their reunion, as both had to jump right back into work as Saori and her students bellowed out orders. A perfect concert required a veteran and talented crew, after all.

Move the lights over there and connect them with the mana threads! They have to shine directly on the stage! Saori shouted as she had people adjust the lights on the stage.

The clothing has to be put right in the front. People need to see them! Nishio called over the seamstresses to place a box full of fine dresses and suits on a stall. Lady Hestias stuff first, then the normal mana thread ones. Afterwards, the souvenirs. Hey, Kohaku-san, Asaka-san, are you done?

Yeah, yeah, shut it! Asaka grimaced as she came over with a knight carrying a crate full of art and small books she and Kohaku had drawn for Hestias merchandise, all depicting her performing on stage or otherwise. Sheesh, I dont need you and the knights screaming at me to do whatever.

My lady, I was just

Already told you, Im a Saintess of Ilsaphone! Not your boss any longer. I healed you cause I had to, so stop trying to help me out for no reason!

Yet, her pleading fell into deaf ears. Even if Asaka was a blessed of the death goddess, the fact of the matter was that her god-given empty vessel skill could heal like a white grace. When combined with her being accepted by three blessed of Aurena, healing the knights and people after the demonkins surprise attack had only garnered her popularity and proper support.

And this dynamic inside this small area would continue with no interruption. Even if the enemy knew about the preparations, striking now wouldnt be the proper call with all the heavy security. Multiple elite participants for tonights raid were surrounding the area, assuring nothing would stop Hestias moment.

Time ticked onwards until the sky was dyed orange. The citizens of Aureoliss lower city and the farmers in the outer wall ring began to retire for the day, either commuting back home or visiting the local pub and tavern. Regardless, the lively day of the city wouldnt stop any time soon, especially due to Hestias tireless promotion throughout the week.

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Today was the concert.

Hey, do you remember where were supposed to go? A yeoman asked another.

Shaking his head, he shrugged. Just that there is one You know, speaking about it. You heard the rumors?

Hey, hey, yeah! another interjected. You guys saw the priests and priestesses leaving through the gates with some knights? The rumors have to be true now, right? Why in the Goddess are we still here! Come on, lets go!

Oi! The first yeoman pulled the third back. And where to? What if the white robes are going somewhere only they are supposed to be? Do you want to get into trouble or what? Rumor or not, we cant be sure. Dammit Actually, maybe we should go back ho

Shining bright, all for your smiles

Music suddenly began playing, loud enough to break through the noise coming from the antsy and agitated citizens. These slightly solemn piano keys contrasted greatly with the jubilant singing of a young girl.

This is me, my music will rage like fire

Open up!

Listen here! Hoo hoo woah!

Air pounded against itself, creating percussion music similar to the beating of a drum set. This energetic inclusion drowned the piano out, giving way for an electric guitar to replace it, transitioning the gloomy start into a cheerful mess of chaotic brightness. Drums and guitar played alongside each other, barely producing a coherent harmony, but the intention was clear.

Fun. Let your guard down and have fun!

Look up! People began to shout, pointing up as a purple obsidian glass platform descended from the skies. White and crimson flames burst out like jet engines before swirling around it like a ying-yang circle.

However, before they could see the person standing on top of it, the drums and guitar quietened down, pushing the piano back into front. This time, however, the low keys were gone entirely, as if it was infected by the mood the previous instruments had created!

Life can beat you down to the ground, give you all the suffering

Its not that I cant understand

Pressing on with a broken heart, and the feeling of loss

Its hard

Sadly, theres no pity, so start your sprint now!

Rise above the top, aim for that moment

Oh, surely, well fly

All to sing about my life to the heavens!

Its Champion Hestia! The crowd exclaimed as the young idol spread her arms out, causing her crimson scaled wings to catch on fire, turning themselves into a pair of feathered angel wings with her [White Flames].

Not only that, but the outfit she was currently wearing wasnt what the citizens were used to. Instead of her normal clothes, she was wearing a modified shrine maiden robe, made to look like a jacket, over her shoulders like a cape. Underneath it, she was sporting a white-black crop top with long sleeves, revealing her belly, and medium long, ripped purple pants with a long, frilly red scarf around her hips.

A far departure from her usual idol outfits Saori would create for her. Saoris designs usually focused on cute and to captivate people as the theme, and kept Hestias outfit modest even if some of the dresses could be classified as sexy. Still, none of them revealed as much skin as this one.

Rebellious and to fit the chaotic but cheerful melody of her new song, Hestia dressed herself entirely how she imagined a more daring Hikari would have looked back on Earth. This was an outfit she wanted to wear but never could, mostly due to her previous lack of interest in fashion and the fact all her outfits were bought by her mother.

This punkish style contrasted her usual wish to stay safe for that perfect show, accepting that this time she had to be experimentative and reckless. Through song and art, clothing was also a method to display a persons creativity and emotions.

The burden of Eshes and Akashts death weighed on her soul, pushing her off her path, almost making her forget all that she had given up for this dream. She had inherited the pain and expectations of these people, forcing her to accept their wishes to push forward.

Shining bright, all for your smiles

This is me, so shout out my music, to let your emotions flare!

Open up!

Listen here! Hoo woah!

Im not trying to make you forget

But let these pain become your scars

All to craft your own story!

Yet, to continue carrying the emotional baggage would only slow her down, no different than her agony over disappointing her parents. When she was just reborn, she came to a realization: her obsession, that endless desire for perfection, held her emotionally and mentally back. It needed to go.

Now, it was these expectations that had to go. They would remain with her, but she once again realized her choices werent wrong. Even if a pitfall was encountered, she would keep those memories close to her heart and learn from them. Her convictions and ideals that brought her to this point were naive in her opinion, but to give up on them due to the bumps on the road would distort her soul ever more.

She had to press on.

After all

Im a slave to my love

music was her life.

She spread her arms out as the chaotic guitar returned, throwing out white flames like confetti. As they fell onto the ground like snowflakes, they touched the people in awe by her wonderful singing and the [Music Resonation (Moderate)] that appeared in their Profiles. The flames enveloped their body, healing them slightly and warming them up through the cold like some Christmas eggnog.

People began to cheer as Hestia sang the next verse. Although most couldnt really understand the lyrics, the music entranced them like magic. Yet, once again, there was no falsehood. [Music Resonation] shared no buffs, nor did she lace her [White Flames] with some [Corrosive Fire] additive or anything. Her music was true. Her pride as a musician would not let her trick people into liking her performance, only her skills and practice were allowed to do so!

As such, people genuinely liked her songs although some were more motivated when they remembered the free food and rumors.

Regardless, with this train of people underneath her, Hestias [Unheiliger Engel] platform began to levitate around the city. Meanwhile, a projection of Hestia suddenly showed up in the sky, depicting a live footage of her singing through the entire city, large enough to even let the farmers outside hear her.

Haruka was filming everything with her recorder while Tatsuya was live streaming the recording through the partys [Crystal of the Divine System]. Using his druid forms, Tatsuya was jumping across the roofs with Haruka on his back, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible while recording and streaming. Their job? To make sure everybody saw Hestia and where she was, all to gather them like the Pied Piper gathered the horde of rats and children.

This saved up on time, as Hestia didnt have to perform a full revolution around the city. The moment her [Detection Sensor] couldnt sense any more approaching people, Hestia turned around and moved towards the western gate. Once outside, a hoard of farmers had already gathered there with more coming soon almost as if somebody had told everybody to come.

Hestia eyed the beastmen amongst the group, nodding her head as she praised Saori, Neill, and Lily for their work in persuading the nearby beastmen village to help them gather everybody. Although there was some mistrust between humans and beastmen in Aureolis, the other farmers still knew the beastmen farmers and considered them fellow followers of Aurena. They trusted each other.

And so, the Crimson Saintess led the people outside the city, through the field of snow and into a lonely pine forest. The music, of course, continued as she switched between her many, many songs. Each different from the one before, all to keep people guessing what was next. Could it be a ballad, a love song, a heavy metal throat rattling, or maybe a cutesy song to keep peoples spirit up? Yes, but she would also bring out some rock and even sea shanties.

The sky had already set when they reached the forest but Hestias voice could keep on singing. After all, tonight would be the busiest night she would ever have. She couldnt stop now.

Jumping off her platform and dispelling it, the people clapped and cheered as the spotlight focused solely on her. She reached her arm out and addressed the people standing before her and the white robes sitting in the back on bleachers. Thank you very much for coming to my show today, everybody! Food, drinksthose are free for all of you to treat yourself! Anything else is merchandise! Small belongings to have you remember me and the Goddess by. Speaking of which

She twirled around, throwing her priestess jacket into her [Storage Magic] before fashioning herself a cape made from her white and red flames. She then pointed to the sky as a white circle began to appear

May the light guide your path on this brilliant LightDay, everybody! May the Goddess of Light keep you safe during this cold night! Prayeuekr! she forced herself to say before the spell was cast, drowning the entire area in white, warm particles, nearly choking as the mana expense hit her all at once.

Loud gasps filled the area as they saw the blessings intensity. None of the priests or citizens had contributed to the cost of the spell, but the blessing was still a [Blessing of the Goddess of Light (Major)]. To Hestia, it was something she has been doing since she met Melloxtressa, but to the people before her, it was a feat that fully consolidated in their minds that Hestia was one of the strongest holy mages in the world. Maybe even better than the Cardinal Vicar.

Sheesh still cant get to the critical stage. 50% stat boosts would have been amazing, but I have to settle with 30% for major Hestia chastised herself. Not like I could cast such a strong buff even with full mana. How the hell would I do it after draining everything for this show? I need to drink some fulinoe tea after this song.

With the sun now gone, her unlimited access to solar energy was gone. For the final battle, she had to conserve her three [Solar Beam] usages.

Now, everybody! For Goddess Aurena, let us celebrate this moment! Give your respect and prayers to Her! Hestia declared as the crowd went ballistic.

Saori, Tasianna, Ellaine, Grimnir, Vifi Everybody. Let us do this! Tonight, the Prince of Envy will die!

Theyre moving everybody, a cloaked figure staring from an alleyway said to his co-conspirators, pointing at a group of Aureolis citizens led away by a single knight of Aurena. Theyre setting the stage for the battle, huh? Sir, should we attack?

Another cloaked figure shook his head from behind. The mercenaries ditched us. Were evenly numbered now, but getting any closer to Aurenas dog will only weaken us. Come. Lord ReinYond told us to handle the dealbreaker first, then we can coordinate with Danternos followers on how to strike back.

The cloaked figures entered a small underground restaurant, grunting as they noted how empty it was, including the fact the always-diligent bartender wasnt around. They knew from their informants that Hestias group had spoken with most citizens of Aureolis city, assuring nobody would be here for the battle.

It was a fact that a good number of citizens wouldnt believe the rumors circulating around the city to leave for her concert. As such, having allies within the knighthood allowed them to use their authority to evacuate anybody remaining inside. Dame Kirstine, fully trusting Hestia after everything that happened, personally led this operation. To the citizens, when a knight would request them to leave, they must.

And this fact showed in how unpopulated the city currently was. Those with a nose for trouble left everything behind and hid outside the city, except for a single person. The man sitting on a lone table, drinking wine without worry. He noticed the cloaked figures but only kept drinking.

Tell us. Why did you break the contract? the leader of the cloaked figures asked.

The latter shrugged. Business.

The former clicked their tongue and pulled their hood off, revealing their horns and fangs. It was a demonkin. We paid for your services, but when it mattered, you dare go back on your word? Against a demonkin? Contracts must be upheld, Yanderu, and weve suffered enough from your insubordination. Order you men to come back, or this is where our business ends.

The man sighed and began rotating his glass, seeing the wine splash around. He then drank it all in one gulp and stood up, staring into the demonkins eyes. He tilted his head to his sides, before shaking his head and sitting back down.

Do you know what fear is, demonkin? he asked, confusing the cloaked figures. Fear is not when your boss is trying to kill you because you failed a job. Im an orphan, I got nothing worth risking my life for, but Ive always been scared of being poor again and dying like that. It encourages me to do my job well and listen to my guts. This time, Ive been persuaded. Im not putting my coins on your side.

Is that a formal declaration, Yanderu? Your other gangs kept backstabbing us here and there, but weve kept working because it benefits us.

No, no, not from my Boss. From me, and what I think is the best for us. Which brings me back to the fear part. You see, what is scarier? A demonkin whos willing to kill me, or being locked up in an inferno forever as if the fire god himself had descended onto the world to leave you in a thousand years of torment?

What are you speaking about?

The Yanderu representative shot up from his seat, grabbing the demonkin by the shoulders. Cause I finally understand why these Danterno cultists keep speaking about him! I bet it isnt him, but that girl Her stare, that look. The fire gathering around in my throat, ready to burst, or the heat gaze from her eyes torturing you with visions of being burned alive! That damn terror! Those cultists are wrong, they got the wrong person, you know! I dont care what they think of her, but that dragon girl is not normal. You know the saying, right? Dont poke a sleeping dragon, and definitely do not steal from their nest!

Dammit, release me? The demonkin stared into the representative's quivering, shrunken eyes, only now noticing how the mans entire body was shivering and sweating buckets. He pushed the man away, but the Yanderu only let out a maniac laugh, crackling with such a high-pitched voice the demonkin didnt know what to do at this point. Should he kill this mad man, or leave him be?

Heres some information on the house! They warned me of this, that damn girl was gracious enough to tell me to stay safe after all that happened? Why, cause I sold your troops positioning out! He roared to the horror of the demonkin.

Kill him! the demonkin ordered, but something suddenly grabbed his legs. He looked down, only to see the sight of rotting corpses rising from the ground, before a black slime creeped out of their open crevices and began entangling every demonkin in the room.

For Saintess Asaka, we onnikai fight!

Fight, for Goddess Ilsaphone!

The undead roared as they overwhelmed the demonkin with numbers. The demonkin tried to fight back, but just as they finally unsheathed their weapons and prepared their spells, their skills instantly warned them as an attack came from above.

The leader of the group looked up, only to see a wolfkin dressed in black with a red scarf falling out from a shadow. Black lightning crackled around her hands before she landed a [Voltage Impact] directly on his head, slamming it into the ground. With an electrifying explosion, the man expired.

As the corpse laid there, two of the undead grabbed the body, thanking the wolfkin before disappearing into the ground. The latter nodded before turning around, pulling out two daggers and catalysts.

Welcome to your graveyard, ladies and gentlemen. Aurora will be your host!

The raid had begun.

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