A Failed Idol’s Rise to Bottom

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

There was an awkward silence. Su-Gyeom was like a mannequin, he was at a loss what to do, and Tae-Won was also speechless. The deep awkwardness between the two grew as much as time passed.

What are you two doing?

If Han-Sol, who was in the room, hadnt found the two and asked in a sharp voice, he might have been awkwardly frozen the whole time. Fortunately, thanks to Han-Sols appearance, the two quickly came to their senses.

Tae-Won turned around, and Sugyeom, who was laying on Tae-Won, fell sideways.

Ouch, Ouch.

What are you two doing?

What do you mean, Su-Gyeom is just being Su-Gyeom again.

While Su-Gyeom, who fell sideways, was in pain, Tae-Won casually passed Han-Sols questioning. Han-wols even felt embarrassed by his brazen answer.

Obviously, when he saw it with his own eyes, the posture was strange as well as the atmosphere, but it was because Tae-Won was so confident that it didnt became a big deal.

What did I do?

Su-Gyeom was furious, but Han-Sol was rather relieved to see that. If there was really something between the two, Su-Gyeom would not have looked so fine.

Only then did Han-sol shake his head with a long sigh of relief.

Oh, really. Dont worry about its okay. I was just surprised.

Why are you surprised?

I thought you two were going to sleep together, why?

Han-Sol replied proudly to Tae-wons words.

Then Su-Gyeom opened his mouth wide. Su-Gyeom seemed to be in shock and could not speak for a while. He, who finally came to his senses after a long time, freaked out and slapped Han-Sol on the back.

Hey! Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Theres nothing you cant say just because you are young? What? With whom? With Tae-Won? Sleeping? Are you out of your mind? Youre so young! Hey, what if someone hears it?!

Your voice is the loudest right now. So if anyone hears it, its not because of me, but because of hyunh.

Han-Sol shook his head.

Only then did Su-Gyeom realize that his voice was loud, so he closed his mouth with his hands and opened his surprised rabbits eyes.

As long as youre quiet, everythings fine.

Is Yoo-Chan in the dorm?

Yoo-Chan? I think hes here Oh, never mind. I think he said he was going to the practice room.

Thank God.

Whats with the relief?

Han-Sol asked. It was because it was ridiculous to be relieved that Yoo-Chan was not present, and the accommodation had always been so loud so far.

No, Yoo-Chan is still young. He is not supposed to hear this. Hes a baby.

Of course, Yoo-Chan is the youngest among us, but Hyung he is not a baby.

Thats right, not a baby.

Even Tae-Won helped Han-Sol when Han-sol replied as if he was speechless. However, Su-Gyeom still seemed unwilling to bend his thoughts.

Anyway Anyway, thats right. We have to protect Yoo-Chan.

Theres no one as mature as Yoo-Chan. Hold on to the people on the street and ask. If you stand side by side with Yoo-Chan and ask who looks like the youngest, everyone will say that you look like the youngest.


Han-Sols words touched Su-Gyeoms pride as a Hyung. Su-Gyeom gazed at Han-Sol with a huff.

Only then did Han-Sol realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, but even that was funny.

Thinking that Su-Gyeom had his own pride as a hyung, he was about to burst out laughing without realizing it.

You just trampled on my self-esteem as a hyung.

Sorry, I didnt mean to

Han-Sol, I wont let it go. Ill really write what happened today in my diary and think about it over and over again.

That much? Oh, no, no. This isnt it. Anyway, Im sorry.


Han-Sol and Tae-Won burst into laughter as they looked at the closed door after hear the sound of bang.

It was a relief that Su-Gyeom couldnt see this.


Time flew by, making it the second day of shooting for the U-PITE Variety show.

Su-Gyeom headed to the set with excitement.

The members didnt seem to know what they are going to film today, but Su-Gyeom, who had previous life experience, was just excited because he knew what filming it was going to be today.

Where are you going to go? Singing in the morning?

Tae-Won muttered as if he was tired because the shooting was two hours earlier than last time.

Su-Gyeom was also tired from going early in the morning due to early filming preparations, but his heart swelled like cotton candy.

Huh? Here

They were going around the winding road. Han-Sol, who was looking out the window, found a sign. His eyes widened.

Min-Seung Hyung. Are we really going there?

Dont ask. I told you I wont say the answer.

Oh, I just saw the sign. Cant you just tell me what youve found out anyway?

No, I cant.

Awesome, I love it.

At that time, he felt happy because he felt like he had a comrade.

Why, where are you going?

Lee-Gyeom in the front seat couldnt hold back his curiosity and asked. Then, Han-Sol replied in an excited voice.

An amusement park!


Wow, really?


Lee-Gyeom, Tae-Won, and Yoo-Chan asked back at the same time in response to Han-Sols answer. In line with that, Su-Gyeom also opened his eyes wide and asked, Really, really?

Yes, I saw the sign. Its a very winding one-way street, so we cant go anywhere else besides there. Wow, its been a long time since Ive been to an amusement park.

Me too.

Tae-Won responded to Han-Sols words.

The members each talked about when they last came to the amusement park. Some said that the last time wasin high school, some said that a school trip in middle school was the last time, and some said that the last time was with his friends a few years ago.

Su-Gyeom couldnt even speak up because it was such a long time ago that he couldnt remember when his last visit was.

To XX Land, the land of fantasy~

Finally, when they pulled into the parking lot, Han-Sol got out of the car singing excitedly.The members were busy walking after hearing from Min-Seung that they decided to film in front of a large tree, one of the landmarks of the amusement park.

After entering the interior, they quickly saw the production crew preparing for the shoot. Not only that, but U-PITEs staff also arrived.

Now, say hello here, and today were going to continue with the shooting at the amusement park, so you dont have to be too nervous.

Wow, awesome.


Wow, thank you.

At the main producers words, U-PITe replied in a happy voice. Even Yoo-Chan, who rarely shows his emotions, looked excited, making Su-Gyeom happy.

First, after the opening comment, please buy your own headbands over there and wear them. There are some rides that you need to get on because weve already discussed them in advance. Ill explain it to you step by step later, so please take care of the opening first.

Yes! U-PITE answered the producers words in unison. Among them, Su-Gyeoms voice was the brightest. Although it was a shooting, it is a fact that they came to the amusement park.

Well, here it goes.

The excitement was heightened by the production teams words. Their pounding heart rolled around like a colorful bead ice cream.

Whats this planet?

Hello, were U-PITE!

The greeting that they shouted dozens of times was exceptionally cheerful today. The members introduced themselves brightly with their own excitement. A brief opening shoot was followed by a simple conversation.

As explained earlier, the members went to the souvenir shop and started choosing a hairband. Tae-Won picked a headband that looked like a shark eating its head, and Lee-Gyeom picked a headband with relatively light colored fox ears. Han-Sol put in two hairpins with hearts dangling. Yoo-Chan wore a headband with a red panda doll.

After much consideration, Su-Gyeom chose a rabbit headband. It felt a bit excessive, but fans would definitely like it.

The flapping rabbit headband is basically drooping down the pink ear, but when you press the handle on the headband, the ears flutter and stand close. Su-Gyeom alternately pressed the ends of the handle with both hands. Then two ears flapped.

Su-Gyeom flapped his ears and approached Yoo-Chan, who was closest to him.

Yoo-Chan, do I look good in it?

His ears moved excitedly. Yoo-Chans eyes opened wide as if surprised, and soon showed a smile.

Its cute, I want to bite you.

Su-Gyeoms eyes widened in surprise because he didnt know Yoo-Chan would say this. The scene was captured on the camera.

Go show that you are a wolf and not a milk dog.

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