A Failed Idol’s Rise to Bottom

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

The news that the filming was canceled quickly reached the CEOs ear. Su-Gyeom got a call right away through Min-Seung. It was late at night, so he said to rest today and talk tomorrow.

Thanks to the postponement of the discussion until tomorrow, U-PITE could return to their accommodation immediately. It was strangely quiet in the car heading to the accommodation. Su-Gyeom, who is at the center of it, thought that silence was unbearable, but on the other hand, it was better to be quiet now.

He doesnt know if its because of the unusual situation, but he doesnt think they would also believe his story.

Su-Gyeom entered the accommodation, looking around.

He walks with the members but is behind them, just following along.

Su-Gyeom himself was the reason why this shooting was overturned. Moreover, there was a phenomenon that no one could understand with the general common sense of regression.

Su-Gyeom was a lot involved in the current situation, but that didnt mean that Su-Gyeom committed a crime. Nevertheless, Su-Gyeom hid his existence as much as possible by walking stealthily. That doesnt mean his existence will disappear.

Sure enough, Su-Gyeom, heading to the room with a thiefs step, stopped when someone grabbed his arm.

Whats wrong?

Hyung, hold on a second.

It was none other than Yoo-chan who caught Su-Gyeom. Yoo-chan looked as stiff as he could. Su-Gyeom didnt want to talk to him. Normally, he would have enjoyed talking with Yoo-chan, but not now.

Even before the conversation, the discomfort flared up. His chest is suffocating.

Well, Im tired.

It was the best refusal Su-Gyeom could make. He wanted Yoo-chan to step down at this point. Unfortunately, Yoo-Chan seemed to have no intention of doing so.

Just a moment.

Im really tired.

It wont take long.

Although he timidly expressed his rejection once more, Su-Gyeoms words did not work. In the end, Su-Gyeom was led to the veranda.

When he opened the door, Su-Gyeom felt the unique coldness of the veranda. Su-Gyeom trembled with chills. When Yoo-Chan glanced at Su-Gyeom, he took off his coat.

No, its all right.

Its cold. Wear it.

Youre cold, too.

Im fine.

thank you.

Su-Gyeom could no longer refuse Yoo-Chans words and put on the coat he handed over. Perhaps because Yoo-Chans body temperature remained, he felt like he was hugging him.

Hyung, do you know?


What was that earlier?

What? What?

Su-Gyeom was embarrassed by the sudden question and stuttered. Yoo-Chan asked again as if he didnt know anything, but Su-Gyeom knew what he was talking about.

What the shaman said. It was a word I couldnt understand, but I thought you understood it.

Su-Gyeom seemed to be suffocating at Yoo-chans words. Bi-Yeons words crossed his mind.

This person is different from you.

Different. Hes alive now. I dont know why. But its not like you guys are dead forever. So you shouldnt touch this guy.

I dont remember what he said.

Su-Gyeom decided to dodge answering. He didnt want to lie to Yoo-Chan, but I couldnt tell him everything. It wasnt like there was a reason to do that. In the end, Su-Gyeom pretended not to know anything.

He said, this person is different from you. Hes alive now.


What does now mean?

Yoo-Chan penetrated the point sharply. That was the part that Su-Gyeom was also most poked by among the words that Bi-Yeon said. That he is alive now. In the past, he died, but now he is alive.

Well, I dont know.

Su-Gyeom was not good at lying. Su-Gyeom himself knew this fact. Therefore, he also knew that Yoo-Chan would not believe what he was saying.

However, he lied even though he knew it clearly because he couldnt tell the truth.

Dont lie. Tell me the truth.

that is.

As expected, Yoo-Chan found out that Su-Gyeom was lying without difficulty. Thanks to this, Su-Gyeom had no choice but to stutter.

He thought of several answers in his head, but nothing made sense. It was not enough to fool Yoo Chan, who was quick-witted.

Why should I tell you the truth?

In the end, Su-Gyeom chose to ask back and avoid answering.

Come to think of it. It was not necessary to tell Yoo-Chan everything as it was. When Su-Gyeom realized this, he gained confidence.

He is sorry for Yoo-Chan but doesnt want to say anything. If it doesnt hurt the team, it doesnt hurt him.


I dont want to talk. So I dont want you to ask.

Although he stuttered a little, Su-Gyeom, who conveyed what he wanted to say, turned.

Im cold, so Ill go in first. Thank you for lending me your clothes.

Su-Gyeom, who couldnt bear to see Yoo-chans eyes, returned his coat to him and hurried to the room. Yoo-Chan standing in the cold, caught his eyes, and Su-Gyeoms conscience was stabbed, but he couldnt go back now.

It was only then that he could get rid of his frightened heart.

However, another ambush was waiting in the room.



Han-Sol stood as if he had been waiting for Su-Gyeom. It was bound to be embarrassing for Su-Gyeom, who barely ran away from Yoo-Chan. Su-Gyeom took a couple of steps back in embarrassment.

Hyung, talk to me.

Talk? Im tired.

At Han-Sols words, Su-Gyeom repeated the same thing he said to Yoo-Chan. Although it didnt work for Yoo-Chan, he hoped it would work for Han-Sol.

Of course, Su-Fyeoms wish did not come true.

Just a moment.


Su-Gyeom could no longer refuse because he was determined. Instead, if Han-Sol tries to approach the truth more than necessary, like Yoo-Chan earlier, he vowed to cut it off as he did to Yoo-Chan.

I was surprised to see a cat outside earlier. But I think you saw something else. Isnt that right?


Thats probably why you screamed like that. It was the same reaction when you heard something weird in the shoot.

Uh, well I saw something.

At Han-Sols words, which he asked as if he was questioning, Su-Gyeom replied bluntly.

There was no need to lie that he saw a ghost. Anyone who saw him could guess it.

Thats not what I want to ask. I dont understand what the shaman said when he came.


However, Han-Sols question did not end simply by seeing a ghost. Su-Gyeom bit his lip, not knowing how to respond.

What happened to Hyung?

Whats the matter?

There was something. Isnt that what the shaman said? Hes alive now. Which means he wasnt alive before.


He saw right through the meaning of a tragic story. Su-Gyeom looked at Han-Sols eyes, overshadowing his promise to cut him off confidently as he had just answered Yoo-chan. It was because Han-Sols momentum was so scary.

I know this doesnt make sense Its because its weird. Hey, did you die before?

Su-Gyeom would have pretended not to know if he was simply asking him to tell him everything that happened, but the point of the question was subtly different. It was a question that could only be answered with either yes or no.

Surprised, Su-Gyeom couldnt answer anything but his lips.

Han-Sol was waiting for Su-Gyeoms answer. He narrowed his eyes as if he had noticed something.

Han-Sol sharply hit the nail on the head.

let me ask you again. Youre dead, arent you?

Are they going to find out?!

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