A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 25: (2)

Chapter 25: (2)

Heh Centurion! Were finished here too!

Taking a momentary breath, Kaiyan was approached by soldiers who had just dealt with another monster.

The soldiers under his command engaged multiple monsters simultaneously to swiftly breakthrough.

Of course, they didnt engage in direct combat but followed the pattern of Kaiyan inflicting fatal wounds on one monster before moving on to the next, while the soldiers finished off the injured monsters in between.

This is possible because they are seasoned soldiers. If they were recruits, it would be impossible.

Had the soldiers accompanying him been recruits, the battle would have resulted in massive casualties.

However, these soldiers were veterans who had survived on the central battlefield, and they truly lived up to Kaiyans expectations.

Thanks to them, even though it had only been a short time since they entered the initial area, his level had already increased by one.

Great job. Any injuries?

I have minor injuries, but its nothing!

Im perfectly fine!

The soldiers didnt voice any complaints about Kaiyans daring solo actions.

They knew well that they owed their lives to him during these few days.

However, if he continued to act recklessly, problems would arise.

Lets keep going. There are still plenty of monsters to deal with.

Lets go! Were ready!

Yeah, lets slay a horde of monsters! Well have something to boast about!

Lets annihilate those damn monsters!

As Kaiyan looked into the determined eyes of his soldiers, his heartfelt assured.

With them, he would achieve overwhelming results in the initial area. Although he didnt like it, all the credit would go to Tarien.

**** ****

At that moment, Tarien observed Kaiyan and the soldiers actions, a proud smile gracing his face.

Excellent. My troops shine the brightest! Kuhahaha!

How remarkable it was to witness ordinary soldiers dealing with monsters. Moreover, they were his own troops!

As everything they did stem from their respective specialties, he burst into laughter out of sheer joy.


Yes, Tarien-nim!

The lieutenant, who was surveying the battlefield, hastened to Tariens call.

The lieutenant had intended to walk with dignity, befitting a knight. However, Tariens temperament didnt allow for such leisurely pacing.

Youve done remarkably well!

Pardon? What do you mean

The sudden praise from Tarien left the lieutenant wearing a perplexed expression.

He was unaware that Tarien was commending himself based on Kaiyans actions.

After this war is over, the position of successor will be mine, kuhuhu. And at that time, lieutenant, you should accompany me back to my estate.

What? Ah I will follow you with utmost loyalty! Thank you!

Yes, so make sure to perform well until the end.

Most nobles who lacked tactical understanding participated in the war for reasons similar to Tariens.

Some aimed to solidify their position as successors, while others sought to attain the position of a successor.

For those eyeing the position of a successor, the monster wave presented a golden opportunity.

It was a chance to establish expertise and acquire the desired rewards.

Thats splendid! Lets continue like this!

From a nobles perspective, how enticing would a soldier like Kaiyan appear?

That was why Tarien had treated him with such kindness, even going as far as bestowing his own sword upon Kaiyan. Of course, this generosity had sprung solely from Tariens own thoughts.

Lieutenant! That lad, Kaiyan.


Its a waste for someone with Kaiyans skill to remain just a soldier. I should take him with me. Although he might be a little young at the age of fifteen, I believe hell thrive as a knight. Do you grasp my meaning?

Yes? Ah, I will take the necessary actions!

Haha, as expected, Lieutenant, you are quick to understand.

Tarien had made up his mind to take Kaiyan with him once the war came to an end.

The primary reason for this decision was Kaiyans prowess, but Tarien was also drawn to his youth.

If that lad were to remain by my side hehe.

Despite his diminutive stature, Tarien himself was only fifteen years old.

He dreamed of nurturing Kaiyan, someone of the same age, into his personal knight.

While Tariens family boasted numerous knights as a prominent noble lineage in the kingdom, there wasnt a single knight who genuinely believed in and followed him. At best, there were a few lieutenants who offered some level of loyalty.

The issue lay in Tariens unwillingness to appoint an older knight lieutenant as his personal protector.

Hehe I shall return to the estate with Tarien-nim

Unaware of Tariens thoughts, the unfortunate lieutenant eagerly anticipated their return to the estate.

The reason he relished this notion was that accompanying Tarien to the estate might grant him the fortunate opportunity to learn Intermediate-level Aura Techniques.

Perhaps I, too, can become an Aura Master!

Tariens family, renowned as a highly esteemed noble lineage in the Menislan Kingdom, possessed knowledge of Intermediate-level Aura Techniques.

Obtaining Intermediate-level Aura Techniques was the minimum requirement to aspire to become an Aura Master, a goal cherished by every knight.

**** ****

Argh! Whats gotten into my ear?

Kaiyan momentarily halted, driven by a sudden itch that compelled him to scratch his ear.

While he busied himself hunting monsters, an overwhelming itch had abruptly plagued his ear.

Haha, Centurion, could it be that someone is discussing you?


Its often said that when someone speaks of me, my ear starts to itch.

Haha I see.

Kaiyan didnt know who would speak about him, but since both Uncle Max and Uncle Jeff were engrossed in battling monsters, he offered a slightly awkward chuckle in response to the soldiers jest and pressed forward.

Regardless Let us promptly join the main forces. It is unwise to continue hunting monsters in this area.

Yeah, it feels like were being overly cautious.

Kukuk, since when have we needed caution when hunting monsters?

During the sweeping of the outer areas, they hadnt been aware, but at some point, they began to notice a subtle wariness emanating from other units. And it wasnt the soldiers who displayed itit was the knights.

Its difficult to disregard other units, especially if they consist of knights, even though soldiers can be easily overlooked.

What amused Kaiyan about this caution was that the knights in special forces units seldom unsheathed their swords in the outer areas. It was a matter of pride, so to speak.

However, when they neared other units, their knights swiftly drew their swords, dispatching the monsters with remarkable efficiency.

When a knight personally engaged in combat, it signified their determination not to allow others to claim their monsters. It was akin to a protest.

Undoubtedly the order of their unit commanders.

It appeared that these commanders believed their prey was being taken away.

Although Kaiyan desired to disregard them and hunt freely, as a mere Centurion, ignoring other special forces units, which included nobles, proved challenging.

Moreover, should he be careless, they might even launch an attack against him.

Theres no need to unnecessarily get into trouble Damned class society.

Lets return.

As Kaiyan led the soldiers and integrated with the main forces, he encountered numerous soldiers scattered about in pain from their injuries.

You performed admirably, Kaiyan!

Uncle Jeff, youve labored hard as well.

As expected, the warmest greeting came from Uncle Jeff.

You imbecile! Were you trying to court death? What would happen if you sustained severe injuries?

Do not worry. I value my life above all else.

Kaiyans words held a touch of danger, yet even Uncle Max, his worried expression evident, chimed in.

Centurion, you performed splendidly!

Thanks to all of you, hunting was a breeze today!

Even the soldiers from the special units extended their welcome upon their arrival.

The gratitude conveyed through their eyes was palpable.

They were grateful that a small group of soldiers had taken risks and led the charge in slaying monsters on their behalf.

Centurion! Everyone, gather around! Tarien-nim is summoning us.

As anticipated, upon joining the main forces, Tariens lieutenant beckoned Uncle Jeff and Kaiyan.

Given their earlier sweeping of the initial area, the situation was predictable.

Yes. Let us proceed, Kaiyan.

Yes, sir.

Navigating through the knights, they made their way to Tarien, who regarded them with a pleased expression for some inexplicable reasona subtly ominous feeling began to surface. Curiously enough, Tariens current countenance bore a striking resemblance to that of the old knight from the previous day.

Haha! Truly, my discerning eye for talent is unparalleled. Observing how excellently I have chosen two Centurions, no less!

Yes! We cannot help but admire your perspicacity, Tarien-nim.


Tarien praised himself.

The knights responded with resounding voices as Tarien praised himself.

Witnessing this scene, any aspirations Kaiyan had harbored of becoming a knight dissipated.

Our unit has far exceeded other special units in terms of monsters slain! We must maintain this position. I trust you all understand my intent, correct?

Maintain the rate of monster slaying.


It was akin to issuing a charge toward the center. Kaiyans lips curved into a faint smile as he received the desired response.

It seemed that today he could anticipate a tempestuous surge of growth.

Wait for me, you hoard of experience.

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