A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 30: (1)

Chapter 30: (1)

Ugh Where am I?

As he regained consciousness, Kaiyan furrowed his brow and looked around.

The barracks? Ah, I remember being carried by Uncle Jeff.

He had definitely been incredibly tired. He had fallen asleep right away without minding his surroundings.

Theyre all still sleeping.

To avoid disturbing the sleeping uncles, Kaiyan quietly got up from his bed and walked to the entrance of the barracks.

As he cleared away the tent that blocked the entrance of the barracks and stepped outside, a serene star shone brightly in the sky instead of the sun.

Its already dawn No, perhaps its not that early. Phew I must have slept for at least ten hours. How long has it been since I slept like this?

The Barracks were incredibly quiet during the late hours, almost unnaturally still. If he made even a slight noise, it could be heard from far away.

It was all thanks to the monsters that the Allied forces could have such moments of rest at night.

Heh, can I say its thanks to them that Im here? But its still a good thing to be able to rest at night.

If it had been a war between humans instead of monsters, what would it have been like?

They would have posted guards everywhere in case of nighttime attacks.

Ah, well.

The azure star, Pwarlin, hung in the night sky. If the sun made ones heartburn, Pwarlin made it calm and serene.

While absentmindedly gazing at the night sky, Kaiyan suddenly recalled the battle from the previous day.

Orc Lord.

The sudden appearance of the named monster, Orc Lord.

Because of that creature, the formation of the Central Army was on the verge of collapse, and Kaiyan risked his life to defeat it.

Of course, he had always risked his life to hunt monsters, but this time, death had truly loomed near.

If his judgment had been just a little slower, it would have been him who died, not the Orc Lord.

The most dangerous moment was when I flew in the sky.

It was an impulsive idea that came to him in an instant, but even now, he thought it was a crazy thing to do.

If the memories of his family hadnt come to mind at that moment, he might have succumbed to fear, closed his eyes, and crashed into the ground.

Father, mother and my sister.

The memories of his family, which he had buried deep in his heart due to the unbearable pain, resurfaced and stirred his emotions because of yesterdays events.

If I had such power back then

The surge of emotions naturally led him to think of whether he could have protected his family if he had possessed such power back thena pointless thought.

Or maybe I would have died back then

Knowing that he couldnt turn back time, his heart ached unbearably, knowing that his family would never return.

Losing ones family was an incredibly cruel thing for a young person like him to endure.

**** ****

9th day of Player Awakening.

It was an ordinary morning, but Kaiyan felt somewhat strange. It was a complex and subtle feeling.

On his way to his two uncles and the 7th Special Forces before the start of the war, other soldiers from different units recognized him and approached him.

Youre the soldier who killed the Orc Lord, right? You were amazing yesterday!

I heard that thanks to you, the Central Army was able to survive! Thank you so much!

Kaiyan! Youre a hero!

Kaiyan felt slightly bewildered by the soldiers praises and expressions of gratitude.

I did kill the Orc Lord, but how do these soldiers know about it?

The assault on the Orc Legion was an operation composed only of Uncle Jeff and the knights.

It made sense that the soldiers from the 7th Special Forces knew to some extent, but these soldiers belonged to different units. It felt strange that they knew about it.

Hehe, the rumors have spread already.

Thats right.

Uncle Max and Uncle Jeff looked at Kaiyan, who was perplexed, and smiled proudly.

I dont understand why, but could it be that you spread the rumors?

Kaiyan asked Uncle Jeff with desperate hope that it wasnt them.

This could become a slightly serious problem.

While he killed the Orc Lord, the credit was supposed to go to Tarien, according to the arrangement. But if rumors spread that he killed the Orc Lord within the Allied forces, what would happen?

That greedy guy wouldnt just sit still!

Of course, even if that happened, the fact that a soldier from a unit killed it would still give some credit to Tariens accomplishment. But the problem was that it wouldnt be enough to satisfy that greedy person.

Dont worry, we didnt spread the rumors.

Uncle Jeff, understanding what Kaiyan was worrying about, looked at him with a serious expression and reassured him with a smile.

Really? Then who?

Dont be surprised. It was spread directly to the soldiers by the command center. They said theres an excellent soldier like you in the Allied forces.

Oh, I see Wait, what? By the command center?

Kaiyans first reaction was not confusion but astonishment.

The command center was the core and center of the Allied forces. It was hard to understand why such a story came out from there, especially about Kaiyan killing the Orc Lord.


Without realizing it, his voice trembled slightly.

It took only three seconds for the feeling of astonishment to turn into uneasiness.

It was unavoidable since the command was a very important place where even someone like Tarien, a low-ranking officer, couldnt enter. That his story came out from there made him feel uneasy.

Hehe, my boy, killing the Orc Lord was truly an excellent achievement. What kind of problem could arise from that? Instead of punishment, theyll reward you. So dont worry.

Although Uncle Max patted Kaiyans head as if telling him not to worry, it wasnt as easy as he made it sound.

Thats true. But because the story suddenly rose so high, it feels strange Its the command center, after all.

What Uncle Max said was correct. Killing the Orc Lord was something worthy of praise a hundred times over. Even so, to achieve something great and still feel anxious. It was a dirty class society.

But still, Im relieved.

If the source of the rumors had been the uncles, Kaiyan didnt know how Tarien would react, but since it was spread by the command center, that arrogant brat wouldnt be able to act recklessly.

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