A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 31: (1)

Chapter 31: (1)

Whats the matter, Kaiyan? the soldier asked, noticing Kaiyans serious expression.

Oh, its nothing, Kaiyan replied.

Well, thats a relief, the soldier said with a concerned look.

Thanks to the soldiers inquiry, Kaiyan was able to regain his composure for a moment. The increase in his G balance, regardless of the reason, was a positive development.

Is there a way to obtain G other than hunting monsters? But I dont remember doing anything else.

Kaiyan wondered why his G balance had suddenly increased by about 1000G. He couldnt recall doing anything other than hunting monsters. Moreover, he hadnt slept at all after the battle.

Could it be because he killed the named monster, Orc Lord?

The Orc Lords combat power was no more than that of a lower-tier medium-sized monster. Killing it didnt result in a level up.

But what about G? Does the amount of G obtained from hunting monsters depend on their strength?

Kaiyan had assumed that would be the case. Until he obtained 1000G, at least.

This is insane.

Yesterdays battle, which Kaiyan considered a loss, now seemed to have some unexpected gains. Despite risking his life to save the Central Army, he ended up with 1000G.

The overwhelming amount of G left Kaiyan perplexed about what to do next.

What on earth What should he do with this


Sir Kaiyan, what are you doing? Lets go quickly!

Oh, ah, yes!

Kaiyan snapped back to attention when a soldier called out to him. The surrounding soldiers looked at him, ready for action.

Though momentarily captivated by the significant increase in G, Kaiyan realized that this place was now a battlefield with fierce combat ahead.

First, lets focus on the battle.

Then, everyone.


Lets go!


The soldiers of the 7th Special Forces shouted as they ran towards the central entrance area with determination. They had undergone a remarkable transformation in just a few days, no longer hesitating or feeling tense.

They have changed a lot in just a few days.

Who would consider them rookie soldiers? They had become seasoned veterans after surviving intense battles and defeating numerous large-sized monsters.

And so has I.

Kaiyan, too, had changed significantly in these few days.

Uncle Jeff, see you later, Kaiyan said.

Yeah, take care! Dont overexert yourself! Uncle Jeff replied.

After bidding farewell, Kaiyan swiftly rushed toward the monsters, eager to make the most of the day.

Lets have some real fun today.

Thanks to the sudden increase in G, Kaiyan realized that yesterdays battle was not a loss. However, that didnt mean he would take todays battle lightly.

Once on the battlefield, Kaiyan would give his all.


Its a troll. Its starting off well, he observed.

A troll charged at Kaiyan from the direction he was running, emitting a thunderous roar. The massive creature swung its arm, underestimating the smaller Kaiyan.


Does the troll think hes insignificant without his regenerative power?

Kaiyan couldnt dodge the attack, so he slightly bent his body and kicked the ground, narrowly avoiding the swing of the trolls arm.

Penetrating Stab! he exclaimed.


Despite his fleeting thought, Kaiyan plunged his sword into the trolls heart with precision.


Feeling excruciating pain, the troll hastily retreated, swinging its arm.

However, its heart had already been destroyed by Kaiyans sword. While the trolls exceptional regenerative power might allow it to hold on for a moment, it couldnt escape death.

Youre just a slowpoke.

At the moment, smaller-sized creatures like red orcs appeared more threatening, even if their physical stature was smaller.

Of course, it would be a different story with large-sized superior monsters like ogres or minotaurs.

With his current abilities, Kaiyan didnt have the confidence to defeat those creatures alone.

No matter how many fatal blows he landed with his Aura and skills, one wrong hit would still result in death, just as it did before.

Hes too focused on offense.

His defensive abilities were lacking compared to his continuously advancing offensive techniques.

Even the shield techniques he possessed as defense skills were rarely used nowadays.

While his offense was quite good, his defense was lacking. That was just who Kaiyan was.

But its too late to invest in defense now Its a shame.

Investing time and G into defense would undoubtedly hinder his offensive power.

Knowing this fact made him feel like it was a waste to invest in defense. Besides

Stab this monster!

Hes not fighting alone anymore.

In the battlefield, where the soldiers supported each other, offense was more important than defense.

Kaiyan thought he could seriously consider defense if he were to hunt monsters alone in the future, but for now, it was clear that a strong offense was paramount.

Hyup! Huhhaaah!


The soldiers struck a monster that had been knocked down, delivering a blow towards it. It was the second strike of his confident downward strike skill.



Despite not using any skills, the monsters head was shattered.

Character Status.

Name: Kaiyan / Age: 15 / Occupation: Player / Title: None

Level: 22 / Strength: 32 / Agility: 20 / Stamina: 17 / Intelligence: 9 / Free Points: 0

A few days ago, the impossible became possible with these insane stat points. They were stats that couldnt be imagined on the first day as a player.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction seeing the tremendous growth in his stats, Kaiyan felt like he was witnessing the result of his efforts.


Not giving me time to appreciate my growth!

Shadow Tiger, also known as the Silent Assassin, lunged low to the ground, targeting its legs.

With its claws measuring more than 10 cm, it launched a swipe attack.

Wheres the little kitten! Hyup!


Kaiyan lightly evaded the attack with a jump, then swung his sword toward the startled Shadow Tigers neck.


Before the creature could let out a scream, its head detached from its body.


Wow if you say youre a Knight, I would believe you.

Yeah, thats right. How can we call this the skill of an ordinary soldier?

As Kaiyan wiped the blood from his sword onto Shadow Tigers fur, the soldiers who had arrived late to finish off the remaining monsters alternated between staring at Kaiyan and the Shadow Tiger, expressing their admiration.

It was understandable from their perspective. After all, it was astonishing to see an ordinary soldier take down a medium-sized monster alone, and it looked so effortless.

But I cant hide my skills Leveling up is the problem.

Kaiyan already knew that his growing skills had caught peoples attention. Moreover, after defeating the Orc Lord, not only the knights but even the headquarters became aware of him.

It might be too presumptuous to think this way, but if he continued to attract attention like this, he might receive unwanted proposals from the nobles.

That would be a real problem.

The issue was that Kaiyan couldnt casually reject their proposals. Rejecting the proposals of nobles as an ordinary commoner would only invite their anger, and if the knights who received their orders intervened, Kaiyans life would be over.

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