A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 36: (1)

Chapter 36: (1)

What is that? What are those creatures carrying?

Are those stones?

A black mass?

The Harpies, who had climbed up empty-handedor rather, empty talonswere now descending, clutching something in their grasp.

Could it be a ball? Or a small rock? Unlike marbles, it was a rough, uneven circular object.



They threw something?

The Harpies hurled the strange objects they were holding toward the soldiers.

Shield troops!

Quick, shield troops, move to the back!


Fortunately, the entrance of the cave was not spacious, so a few shield troops stepped forward and managed to defend against the Harpies attack. The unknown objects that were thrown by the creatures shattered upon impact with the shields, releasing a thick liquid.

What the hell did they throw?

Ugh! The smell is horrendous.

The soldiers examining the liquid held their noses and grimaced, stepping back.

Its a brown liquid a little strange?

Given that it broke easily, it seemed odd to consider it as something thrown for an attack. If they had thrown rocks instead, the damage would have been greater. So why did they throw something like that?

Wait a moment! Could this be?

Despite the nauseating smell, one soldier who was examining the liquid alone exclaimed in horror, stepping back.

Why are you reacting like that?

This This, its a griffin egg. Ive seen one before.

A griffin? You must have been mistaken!

No Its definitely a griffin egg! Im sure of it, the brown liquid and the foul smell its a griffin egg.

Huh Then its a big problem. Everyone, be on high alert! Quickly, we need to


Before the commander could finish his sentence, a monsters roar echoed through the sky. However, this roar was quite different from the ones they had faced from aerial monsters so far.

That creature is at least in the same class as an ogre.

Although he hadnt seen its appearance yet, he could tell from the roar that the owner of it was an Ogre-class predator.

Looking around, Kaiyan noticed the soldiers trembling slightly in response to the roar.

The predators roar had a stimulating effect on the fear of its prey, and that effect was exactly what the roar of this creature had.

Uncle Max, are you okay?

Uncle Jeff seemed fine, as always, but Uncle Max looked quite unwell.

His expression now was even worse than when he was assigned to the 12th position.

Haah Kaiyan.

Uncle Max, with a noticeably grim expression, called Kaiyan quietly.

I beg of you.


It was a sudden request. Seeing Uncle Maxs expression, Kaiyan wanted to grant it if it was something within his power, but he needed to know what it was first.

Its like what you did with the Harpys head earlier. Please do the same with the griffin.

Ah, yes. Ill definitely do that. Dont worry.

Kaiyan didnt know how formidable this griffin creature was, but for now, he assured Uncle Max that he would do it to calm him down.

Phew Thank you.

Finally, Uncle Maxs expression improved slightly. That meant he trusted Kaiyan.

Leaving Uncle Max behind, he turned to the old knight, whose expression also appeared quite serious.

Sir Knight, what exactly is this griffin creature?

Hmm I dont know either. Ive only heard about it, never seen it personally. They say its an extremely vicious creature.

An extremely vicious creature.

There was no monster that wasnt vicious. The fact that the old knight, who knew this well, used that particular word emphasized just how horrifying it must be.

Hurry, lets act! Push the liquid out as far as possible!

The soldiers from the 12th position swiftly moved in response to the commanders order. They scooped up the thick brown liquid into leather pouches and began disposing of it outside.

Damn it! These Harpies are ruthless!

To lure in a griffin!

The soldiers cursed the Harpies one after another. However, at that moment


Aaaaaa! He help me!


Soldiers wearing the insignia of the Allied Forces rained down from the sky.

Dozens of soldiers plummeted and pleaded for help, but unfortunately, there was no way to assist them.

Damn it! Move faster!

The soldiers quickly collected the brown liquid into pouches and continued to throw them outside, as if any delay would lead to a disaster.

If its an Ogre class There might be some damage, but its not a creature they cant handle.

Honestly, Kaiyan couldnt understand the soldiers urgent actions.

Even if this griffin creature was an Ogre-class powerhouse, there was no reason they couldnt hunt it down unless dozens of them attacked at once.

The 12th position alone had 400 archers, 300 infantry, including the 7th Special unit, and a few knights brought by Tarien.


Kaiyan, dont you understand why its so chaotic?

Perhaps his expression gave it away, as Uncle Max, who had calmed down a bit, opened his mouth firmly.

Well, honestly, I dont understand why the appearance of this griffin creature is a problem.

Ha Well, youre new to Panielun. The reason the soldiers are acting like this is that the griffin isnt a monster that usually appears in the monster wave.

Is that so? Then now

Its because of the eggs. The weakened Harpies stole the griffins eggs and then threw them at us. It happened before when the Harpy Queen appeared.

Theyre absurd creatures.

So, the Harpies, weak as they were, stole the powerful griffins eggs and dumped them on them. Truly wicked creatures. No, the one who orchestrated everything was the Harpy Queen herselfThe truly wicked one.

Theyre intelligent monsters Its troublesome.

They were dangerous. Troublesome. When he first heard it, it was difficult to comprehend, but now he understood why the Harpy Queen was so dangerous. It used methods similar to humans, using the power of others to deal with enemies.

The Harpy Queens way of doing things was very similar to that of humans.


Its right above us!

The roar, which had been distant, suddenly resounded from directly above.

In an instant, the creatures descended from above, mocking the other monsters that took much longer to reach the ground.

If its Ogre-class It wont be easy alone. Lets use all the skills available.

With the soldiers and knights of the 7th Special unit, who had coordinated their movements before, he was confident they could handle the creatures.

However, one thing bothered himthose Ogres they faced on the plains were not in their natural habitat.

If the place they confronted them was not the plains but the forest?

Even capturing a single Ogre would have resulted in a significant increase in casualties, and it was possible that the soldiers alone would not have been able to capture it.

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