A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 38: (2)

Chapter 38: (2)

The Harpy Queen is not even an enormous monster, just controlling the harpies and using tactics.

Looking at the current situation, more than a third of the numerous monsters have fallen to the ground, injured or dead. Among them, the ones that suffered the most damage is undoubtedly the harpies.

That means that the number of harpies controlled by the Harpy Queen has been significantly reduced.

But is it really necessary to capture the Harpy Queen? Of course, if he can capture it, he will. Kaiyan needed the 1000G.

Ahem! I can tell you about that.

The old knight couldnt resist and interjected into the conversation.

This old knight really loves to talk when given the chance. Of course, its a good thing from Kaiyans perspective.

We must capture the Harpy Queen. Just because we stopped the monster wave this time doesnt mean its over.

Ah I see.

Although it may be fine at the moment, the problem lies in the monster wave that will happen ten years later.

In that case, they could pass the responsibility to the future Panielun Alliance, but its better to resolve it now if possible. Otherwise, it will be the ordinary soldiers who will suffer the consequences.

But if the Harpy Queen descends to the ground, do you think it will retreat?

That we cant be sure. The only certain thing is that in the history of monster waves, monsters have never retreated before the sun sets.

Thats true, but

.The situation is different now.

Its natural for a monsters combat effectiveness to decrease when theyre injured. And aerial monsters are more affected than ground monsters. If, unfortunately, its wings are injured, it wont be able to fly.

From that perspective, if the Harpy Queen is truly intelligent, there is a good chance it will retreat. It will know that it cant win by rushing in right now. Well, if it doesnt retreat, theyll just have to defeat the Harpy Queen as well.

Well see about that. Um, that monster over there is the Harpy Queen, right?

The old knight pointed to the sky with his hand. Even from a distance, you could tell that it was a much larger figure than an ordinary harpy, flapping its wings in the sky.

The distance makes it difficult to be accurate, but even considering that its hard to call its size ordinary for a harpy.

Its larger than usual for a harpy. The same goes for the Orc Lord; theyre not much different from the orcs.

So, it means that not all named monsters are the same.

More than half of the monsters attacking the outpost have descended to the ground, leaving the sky empty, and the figure of the harpy stood out.

It was flying at a high altitude, so it wasnt clear what it was saying, but it was howling toward the ground.


Thanks to the agility boost from the item, Kaiyan knew that the direction it was looking at was not toward the Alliance but toward the fallen monsters on the ground.

It was howling as it watched its fellow harpies dying. At first glance, it was a truly pitiful and heartbreaking scene.

But there wouldnt be a single person in the Alliance who would think of it that way. Countless soldiers have sacrificed their lives to the monsters up until now, and its impossible to count how many more will perish.

So, why does it cross into the human territory if it cares about its kin? What an arrogant creature.

As soon as Kaiyan spoke, the monsters that survived desperately started to flee into the sky.

At the moment, why the monster wave is happening and why they are attacking is not important.

Theyre running away!

Theyre retreating! Theyre really retreating!

We won!

Get out of Panielun! Wahahaha!

The Alliance forces celebrated their victory as they defeated the monsters.

About half of the monsters that descended to the ground died, and the ones that managed to escape suffered severe injuries. This is more than enough to call it a perfect victory.

The soldiers who were at the outpost all shouted in victory until their throats were sore, and the commanders didnt try to stop them; instead, they raised their swords high in celebration.

Wahahaha! Aerial monsters are nothing special!

Did you see those guys running away in panic?

There was no one dead in our unit today, right?

Among them, the most ecstatic were the support units, including the 7th Special Unit.

From the commanders perspective, they came to Panielun to fulfill their duties, but from the soldiers perspective, it was like coming to a more dangerous place. But to win so easily, and to inflict tremendous damage on the aerial monsters, it couldnt be better.

I cant believe it. The monsters actually retreated. Ive never seen anything like this before.

Uncle Max still couldnt fully grasp the fact that the Alliance won, probably because he experienced the monster wave in Panielun.

Uncle, we won.

Well Its something I never thought Id see in my lifetime. A day like this.

Its a good thing. But what happens next?

As Kaiyan watched the fleeing monsters, A thought suddenly crossed my mind.

Originally, the monster wave was about blocking the crazy onslaught of monsters until the predetermined period ended, and he heard that no monster had ever voluntarily retreated during that period.

But this is the first time it has happened.

Moreover, the fleeing monsters were mostly injured.

Would they endure the injuries and attack again? If not, then is Panieluns monster wave over? Kaiyan was curious about that.


Why did the Harpy Queen do that? Why are the monsters retreating?

Just as Uncle Max was about to open his mouth, a sharp sound rang out through the 12th outpost, piercing through the soldiers cheers.

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