A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 39: (2)

Chapter 39: (2)

The slight elevation in status does tempt him. Its better than being a slave, but being a commoner still comes with many constraints. However, hes not so enticed that he would give up his growth just for that.

Moreover, if he continues to grow and become an Aura master, achieving such a minor elevation in status would be simple. Theres no reason for him to be attracted to a knights position that would work under a noble.

Thats not all. Its an opportunity to learn advanced swordsmanship and Aura. Isnt it an enticing offer for a swordsman like you?

Unfortunately, it doesnt entice him at all.

Even if they tempt him with advanced Aura Manuals that royalty or high-ranking nobles possess, he wouldnt budge. The techniques that knights learn are just a step above, and its a far cry from the techniques that he could get.

Im sorry. Maybe later, but for now, I have no intention of accepting.

I see Well, I cant force you even if its a good offer. If you change your mind, feel free to talk to me.

The old knight concluded his words and turned back, seemingly having nothing more to say.

Phew, that was close. I should consider it fortunate.

Because the one who made the offer was the old knight.

If it had been another Knight or a noble, he didnt know how things would have turned out when he declined the offer. They are the kind of people who would easily kill a few commoners to protect their pride.

But its already too late to hide my skills.

The fact that the old knight made the offer indicates that other knights or nobles might have similar thoughts.

Since he had achieved more than he had planned for the day in terms of leveling up, he could afford to hide his skills and be a bit lax during the remaining war period. He shouldnt draw too much attention to himself.

However, he couldnt figure out what to do with Tarien and the knights. They were the ones who witnessed his exploits up close.

As expected, the main problem is Tarien. What should I do if Tarien proposes becoming a knight?

Of course, the answer is already decided. A definite refusal.

But considering Tariens personality, he couldnt predict what he might do if Kaiyan rejected him.

He needed an alternative. A way to refuse and still keep himself safe.

**** ****

On the 11th day of the Players Awakening.

I didnt expect them to come back.

Thats right.

Contrary to expectations, the aerial monsters attacked again in the afternoon.

The difference from yesterday was that the number of monsters had significantly decreased.


The war horns resounded throughout the Panielun Fortress, signaling the beginning of a full-scale battle.

Kill the monsters! Kill them all!

Take them all down!


The morale of the Panielun soldiers had soared to the point where it couldnt rise any further, thanks to the battle from yesterday. They all shouted at the top of their lungs, aiming their bows at the monsters.

Its really surprising. Theyre coming back again.

Thats the nature of monster waves.

Uncle Jeff and Kaiyan were watching the monsters from the makeshift bulwark instead of the destroyed protrusion. The monsters, seemingly forgetting about yesterdays battle, screamed as they descended from the high skies.

Looks like we have to defeat the Harpy Queen. It turned out well, didnt it?

The 1000G reward for killing the Harpy Queen. If he manages to kill it, he can confidently say that he has achieved everything he can in Panielun. Even if thats not the case, he still wanted to capture it for the future of Panielun.

Character Status.

Before starting the battle, he opened the status window to check his attributes once again.

Name: Kaiyan / Age: 15 / Occupation: Player / Title: Guardian of the Sky

Level: 50 / Strength: 62 / Agility: 35 / Stamina: 27 / Intelligence: 10 / Free Points: 0

The insane attributes that had skyrocketed to the point of disbelief.

He was at level 50. He had achieved this through multiple level-ups from killing monsters even after their fall.

When he opened the status window to distribute the attributes yesterday, he couldnt help but laugh like a madman for 10 minutes. That was because he had a whopping 56 unallocated attribute points. Not 5.6, but 56.

Thanks to that, Ive become two, no, more than three times stronger.


As soon as he clenched his fist, he felt an overwhelming power surging through his entire body.

With this strength, he felt confident that he could easily defeat medium-sized monsters if not large ones. Strength 62 was truly a power that transcended human limits. It was at least five to six times stronger than an average adult male.

I shouldnt use skills and items unless its a desperate situation.

Although the explosive increase in attributes was a good thing, an unexpected problem arose.

It was difficult to properly control his body.

He had never experienced such a massive increase in attributes before, so he didnt anticipate this problem.

He had experienced something similar when wearing items, but even then, it was certainly not to this extent.

But what if I use skills now? Hmm That would be crazy.

Hey! Those creatures are bringing something strange again! Commander! The harpies are carrying something!

At that moment, a soldier assigned to observe the monsters noticed something unusual and urgently reported the fact to the Commander of the 12th Defense Point.

Really? Could it be that they brought griffin eggs again?

Well Im not sure yet because theyre still far away.

Are they trying to make up for the shortage with griffins?

After listening to the soldiers words, he looked up at the sky attentively, thanks to his high agility. He could see what the creatures were carrying. It was a black mass the size of a human head.

Oh! Its falling!


The descending harpies threw the black mass toward the ground.

The strange thing was that they didnt throw it at the point guarded by the soldiers but aimed for the ground.

In that case, it would be difficult to inflict significant damage to the point, whether it was a griffin egg or something else.

But the harpy queen is intelligent Huh? Theyre going up again!

While the other aerial monsters were heading towards the point, the harpies that had thrown the black mass toward the ground flapped their wings and ascended into the sky once again.


Before finding an answer to his question, the black mass, which seemed quite heavy for its size, rapidly descended toward the ground.

At this rate, it would come crashing down to the ground in an instant, covering hundreds of meters.

Huh? Danger!

Right before the black mass hit the ground, his senses, which warned of danger, trembled madly. He had never experienced such a reaction even when facing large-sized monsters. It was difficult to guess just how dangerous it was.

If I make a mistake, Ill die

Kaiyan had never been wrong about his sense of danger before.

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