A Girl Who Wants to Be a Beneficial Person to Society

Chapter 137: The Execution of Xiao Qi

Chapter 137

Running is one of Xiao Qi's favorite sports now.

It feels exhilarating.

Although there are more people on the playground at this moment.

But Enhua University is really vast. This is just one of the playgrounds, and it's as long as the track in Lvshan City's gymnasium. It's a standard track with a slightly soft surface that feels comfortable to run on. Xiao Qi thinks she should buy two more pairs of specialized running shoes.

After all, she will be running a marathon next, and it wouldn't be good to ruin one or two pairs of shoes without proper practice.

And during the race, she can't wear new shoes; she needs to adapt first.

Running among the crowd, Xiao Qi finds it easy to maintain a certain pace. She can even run while checking her interface, where she sees the money she earned. Yesterday, she withdrew some to buy a car, and she has over 110,000 yuan left.

She used her father's bank card to pay the tuition fee.

There's still over 10,000 yuan left in the bank card.

Currently, she is just studying at school, so she has enough money to spend.

In terms of skills, she sees that her calligraphy has become expert-level. In terms of physical fitness, she possesses the strength of a strong human, as well as the jumping power of a panda, the endurance of a donkey, and her long-distance running ability has reached the beginner level plus. Xiao Qi is pleasantly surprised to see the extra plus sign. This is not something bestowed by the system but the result of her consistent running practice during this period.

It shows that as long as she works hard and perseveres, she can make progress too.

Feeling even more invigorated by these accomplishments, Xiao Qi runs more freely. Enhua University is flat, and the wind is strong. Some students struggle with their breathing and start coughing due to the wind, but Xiao Qi pays close attention to the coordination of her breathing and running.

After finishing a lap, she stands tall and spirited. Besides a slightly flushed face, she doesn't feel any fatigue. After all, this lap is just a small beginning for Xiao Qi, as if she has just warmed up.

However, half of the students in her class are already lying on the grass, most of them with flushed faces and weak legs.

Her three roommates are not doing any better. Compared to them, Wei Cheng is slightly better, but he's still hunched over, breathing heavily, looking exhausted.

Gu Yunshu's face is pale, and she sits directly on the ground.

Chen Mier leans against something.

So Xiao Qi, who has no problems at all, appears out of place.

Instructor Zhang looks at her with curiosity.

He walks over and asks, "Do you usually have running training?"

Before Xiao Qi could answer, Chen Mier, who is quick with her words, interrupts, "Instructor, Xiao Qi is going to run in this year's Meng City Marathon. She has been running regularly."

The instructor is somewhat surprised as he looks at Xiao Qi, who nods calmly.

"Not bad," the instructor comments without saying much. He then walks to the front and starts shouting at the group of students, who obediently stand up.

Next, the instructor rearranges the formation of the lineup.

Despite being only 5 feet 5 inches tall, Xiao Qi still stands in the front row because there are more male students in her class—over 50 boys and around 10 girls, which is the normal male-to-female ratio for the Computer Science department.

Xiao Qi's relaxed morning jog unknowingly attracted the attention of many male students in her class. However, perhaps due to the beginning of the school year, the boys were too shy to show interest in their female classmates.

After rearranging the formation, the instructor began the basic drills: left turn, right turn, marching in unison...

In essence, it was about training individuals to work together as a cohesive unit. This process was quite tedious and tiring because of the scorching sun.

The instructor himself stood at the front, basking in the sunlight.

At that moment, the senior students from the second, third, and fourth years had just finished their morning classes and some of them came to watch the spectacle.

The Puxian Sports Field was located outside the male dormitory area, and rows of male students passed by.

There were also a few girls who specifically came to watch the show, sitting on the bleachers with their umbrellas.

Xiao Qi didn't even notice the increased number of people on the field; she was fully focused on her practice.

This was her progress. She felt that her intelligence hadn't necessarily increased because intelligence wasn't something that could be improved overnight, but her English had improved, learning Japanese had become easier, and even her calligraphy had made progress, mainly because her ability to follow through had improved.

An individual's intelligence is influenced by many factors and is difficult to enhance, but the ability to follow through can be easily improved. As long as one wants to excel, it's actually not difficult.

And having the ability to follow through is not just empty talk; it's not something innate. If one is not exceptionally outstanding, then they should listen more, be obedient. This is also a way to enhance one's ability to follow through, rather than resist.

At her age, Xiao Qi was like a fluffy sponge that should learn to accept and absorb knowledge, rather than stubbornly oppose the world and think it's unfair.

The world actually doesn't care about your individuality, but you greatly depend on the whole world.

So, she listened attentively to the instructor's words and executed them meticulously. Perhaps she wasn't the quickest to comprehend, but she was definitely the most spirited and diligent.

This kind of feeling may not be apparent to an individual, but it's quite evident within the group.

Especially since Xiao Qi was in the front row, while the other girls were slacking off and daydreaming, flipping their hair, tiptoeing, and sneaking in some rest, Xiao Qi remained still and steadfast, like a sturdy little pine tree, especially with her delicate facial features.

Her eyes were not big, but her eyelashes were long. When chanting slogans, her teeth were neat and orderly, her skin was fair, and her waist was slender.

She gave the impression of being thin and delicate yet full of energy.

Zhang Instructor even felt a sense of familiarity, similar to the soldiers he had seen during his time in the military.

Before coming here, their team was mentally prepared. After all, Enhua University was known for being attended by children from wealthy families.

Surely the students would be pampered.

However, they were also told that the purpose of military training was to eliminate the students' bad habits.

They didn't intend to go easy on them, but they thought it would be quite unbearable. After all, they had trained freshmen from various schools before, and as an instructor, Zhang could discern the differences. The higher the ranking of the school, the more self-disciplined the students, while those from schools with lower admission requirements tended to be more lax.

This is not directed at any individual, but a feeling shared by a large group. It is undeniable that the college entrance examination (gaokao) is very fair.

Regarding Enhua University, a private university, they were also well-prepared. Each student had a serious expression, ready to make a strong impression from the first day. This was based on past experiences, as if they didn't establish authority on the first day, it would be impossible to control them in the following days.

Therefore, they strictly followed the training methods used for new recruits, without any leniency.

Watching these fresh-faced university students crying and howling, collapsing after running a lap on the track, one couldn't help but shake their head.

If this is how college students are, it's hard to rely on them for the future of our country...

In terms of academic knowledge, it's uncertain whether getting into Enhua University is reliable.

In terms of physical fitness, it's just average. Not to mention defending the country on the battlefield, taking care of themselves would probably be challenging enough.

In any case, there were plenty of instructors who were discontented.

They were regular fourth-year students from the National Defense Military Academy, and being instructors was just one of their assignments. They had knowledge, open minds, and strong bodies. Therefore, when they saw these freshmen, they could only shake their heads in disappointment.

Their main job was to train the students well during this one-week military training.

However, Zhang Tianwei didn't expect that there would be a female student in his class who performed exceptionally well, not falling behind at all compared to their previous batches of freshmen. But it was only the first morning, so he didn't say much and decided to observe her more.

Therefore, strict training remained the priority, with only a short break in between, and then they continued with queue training, marching. Zhang Tianwei himself was drenched in sweat, and the freshmen were in no better condition. They didn't dare to show any signs of distraction or make any unnecessary movements, but their postures were already unsteady, as if they could collapse at any moment.

At this moment, Xiao Qi still maintained an upright posture, thanks to what she had learned from her fitness coach. The coach didn't like her hunching her back and slouching, so she was required to maintain an upright stance every day. Now, whenever she stood, Xiao Qi subconsciously lifted her head and straightened her chest.

So, the demands of the instructors were not difficult for her.

Moreover, with continuous marching, turning left and right, even marching in place, the money in the interface kept increasing. Xiao Qi found it very motivating, feeling that it was not boring at all. It was more like earning points in a game, just like grinding low-level monsters in a newbie village, very easy.

At this time, something happened to the English major group. Wu Xinyue, the English major goddess and popular influencer on TikTok, fainted from heatstroke and was assisted away. With her distinctive long, flowing hair, she was easily recognizable.

Xiao Qi thought to herself that it was fortunate she had short hair. If she also had that long, flowing hair, she would probably have also suffered from heatstroke...

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