A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 74: Isn’t It Kind Of A Flex?

Volume 6.5 Chapter 74: Isn’t It Kind Of A Flex?

Volume 6.5 Chapter 74: Isn’t It Kind Of A Flex? 

"Ugh." Keith groaned. Are they going to keep staring at me all day? A few days had passed since the rumors had started. And it did not die down at all. They continued to stare at him like no tomorrow. Soon, a deep sigh came after as he knew this would keep happening for some time. 

"Ngeh!" Knight nudged Keith's shoulders, and the man looked up. A grin formed on his face as he patted the horse's head, "Sorry about that. I won't lose focus on the track." There were other things he needed to focus on. Those rumors were an afterthought. 

"Keith! You're up!" Tennol called out. Keith nodded as he brought Knight onto the track. 


"Great job, Knight." Keith patted Knight's head. As always, the two of them had demolished everything in their path. The two were now resting on the side. 

"Here's a carrot for your efforts." Keith fed the horse. As the two waited on the side, 


"Hello," Keith nodded at Krystal. The girl sat on the side with him.

"What's the matter?"


"..." Are you not going to say anything? The two of them were in an awkward silence. But it was to be expected when it was Krystal; this was how she was.  

"I wasn't the one who caused the rumor."

"Eh?" A dumbfounded voice came out of Keith. He stared at the girl's face, who was completely serious about what she had just said. He nodded and explained, 

"You don't have to worry about anything. I never thought it was you who did this." Never in his mind had he thought Krystal was the culprit who caused this. 

Krystal sighed deeply, "Then do you know who did?"

"No, but if I have to guess, someone who had a gripe with me?" Many people wanted to take a shot at Keith. And it was too many to count. Plus, he had beaten up Iston and Todd; their friends might want revenge.

"This rumor will be gone in a few days or so. There's really nothing to worry about." This was something Keith had a hunch in. Despite going for a few days, he felt it would die down after some time. 

"How about it? Do you want to spar?" Keith grinned.  

"Sure." Krystal cracked her neck as she was prepared to fight. Sparring against her was able to bring his mind to ease.


"Ahh, I feel so much better!" 

"You feel better! But what about me?!" Jack had a dark expression as he glared. Yet, that dark expression couldn't be expressed fully when there was a giant swollen bruise on his head! 

"You and Krystal are so ruthless!" Were they born in the same house?! After they sparred with one another, they also decided to go against the others. And the bloodbath they caused was something. That alone caused the other students to cry! 

"Too bad you guys needed the training."

"Don't try to use the instructor's words against us!" Those were the exact words Tennol had said to them! 

"Who cares." Keith shrugged. 

"Huh?! Why is he not affected by this?!" As Keith and Jack continued to head home, they didn't know they were being followed by a shadow. And that shadow's face was livid. Seeing how Keith continued to walk so happily made the shadow contort. 

"You cannot hide it any longer." That was something the shadow knew for sure. 


"Keith! There's trouble!" One day, Jack entered his classroom.

"Hmm? What kind of trouble?" Keith tilted his head. There was something off with Jack's expression when he jumped in like that.

"Take a look at this," Without any hesitation, Jack shoved the newspaper into his face. And the moment he did, Keith and the other's expressions changed. That was because what was said was blinding.


Those bold letters were highlighted for everyone to see. But that was not the only thing. What made it even weirder was under the title were many different photos of Keith talking with women. Each image had a different person. Each one also had a hint of ambiguity, showing his closeness to them.

"..." Keith was silent as he stared at the newspapers. Carolyn and the others watched him with worry. His expression was something indescribable. As he stared, 

"This guy is such a philanderer!"

"And he acted so kind as well."

"A guy like that is someone you should be careful with."

"..." Keith and the others could hear the murmurs directed at him, each word dripping with contempt and anger. Alfia and the others looked up to see the eyes. All of them were filled with a seething mix of hatred and fury. Just staring at them was enough to cause them to feel something. But what about Keith? This was all being directed at him. If they thought that, what was he feeling?

"Keith," Alfia and the others held his arm, afraid he might do something drastic. However, Keith shook his head. He didn't say anything, but his expression alone displayed his calmness.

How could he be so calm through all of this? Keith's ability to stay calm was just incredible. But that was not the end of this. 

"It's him."

"I can't believe he could walk around like that with all he did."

"He's such a shame." As the group walked down the hallway, the students ridiculed and mocked him. However, Keith continued to have a straight expression as he walked. 

"Say that one more time!" "Come on! I dare you to come at us!"

Herrick and Melor growled at the students, wanting to beat them up. Hearing this made them flare up. And that did something; the students didn't dare look at them. With their track records, they would beat them up left and right. As the two stepped up, that caused the students to flee! 

"Thanks for that, you two."

"No problem! But you should punch the heck out of them!" Herrick grinned. 

Keith shrugged, "I really don't care much about this news."


"Do you guys believe that I would do something like that?" Keith questioned.

"Of course not." "Heck no!" Only two things were going through Keith's mind; food and food. There was nothing else in his brain. He was dangerous. But he wouldn't pick fights. 

"Yeah. I only care about what you guys think of me." 


"Also, is it weird that I kinda feel like it's a slight flex as well?" Keith scratched his head. 

"..." Their looks were telling him to explain. 

"You know, those guys couldn't go out with those girls. Yet, I can? Isn't it kinda like a flex?"

"You know if you say something like that, everyone would have killed you on the spot?" While the news tried to mess with him, this guy felt it was a good thing! 

Gabriel and the rest shook their heads. Only this guy would think of it like that!

Keith turned to Alfia, "Alfia, are you alright with this?"


"One of those photos had you in it." One of the photos was her; it was the back of her head. But it was more than enough. If a student stared at it briefly, they could tell it was her. 

Alfia shrugged, "I don't really care that much. Also, this is helpful for me as well."


"If people think I'm dating a human, then no one would dare come and ask me out." Who was Keith? This guy was crazy strong for no reason. He would pop some people if they tried to make a move. 

"So I'm happy about it!" 

"...I see." Evil. The look on her face showed how devious she was. She was planning to use Keith as a foil!

While they walked to the cafeteria, 

"What?! Why is he not showing his true colors?!" A few feet away, the group was being stared at. More specifically, Keith. His expression was bright, completely unfazed about what was said in the newspaper. 

How could he continue to be like that? Is he really- No!" 

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