A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 7 Chapter 22: You Need Help

Volume 7 Chapter 22: You Need Help

Volume 7 Chapter 22: You Need Help

Keith dragged his cart back to his location again. The customers made way for him to set up. There's such a long line. Keith noticed there were more people than last time. 

"I would like to have lamb crepe and seared boffalo!"

"I want some soup!"

The customers started to call out their orders to him. 

"Please wait a minute, folks." Keith continued to work as quickly as possible. But as he did, there was something wrong. There were more customers for him to handle! He could usually listen to their orders while he worked. But not this time. 

"Kid, can't you do something about the lines?!" Cedric groaned as he walked out from the lines. There were still 20 people ahead of him!

"Should I hire someone?" Keith muttered. That was something he knew would happen sooner or later. With those words alone, some customers perked up, 

"That would be great!"


"That way, you only need to focus on your cooking!" 


Dalen and Dennis quickly agreed. Having someone wait on the orders would give Keith an easier time to cook.

"I need to think about who to bring in." Keith knew that he needed help. But who to bring? That was the bigger question. Yet, there was no need to ask who it was. 

"Keith, what's going on?" 

"Did something happen?" Scarlet, Alfia, Herrick, and Melor came for lunch. But they noticed the line wasn't moving at all. 

"There's a lot more customers than I anticipated." Keith scratched his head. Did not expect something like that. The increase should be gradual, not a spike. 

"Do you need our help?" Scarlet suggested. 

"I don-" "It will be fine. Doing something like that would be simple enough." Alfia scoffed.

"Thank you very much." Keith wasn't going to say no, "Please use numbers to help organize. Also, take these as well." He handed some paper over to them. With that, 

"Welcome to Cart Eden. If you need anything, please come to us with your order." Scarlet and Alfia welcomed. 

"Understood!" The customers didn't hesitate as they started to tell them their order. The elves and demon-kin were the only ones off with all this! They saw who it was. Their princesses were actually taking orders!

"Keith, here are the orders." Alfia and Scarlet handed the orders.

"Thank you." Keith stared and started to get to work. The speed at which he cooked was even faster than the other times. Without taking the customer's orders, his focus was solely on cooking. 

The orders were flying left and right. Keith handed the food to Scarlet and Alfia, who gave it to the customer. With the help of the four, it didn't take long for everything to be done. 


"Thank you so much for today!" Keith clapped his hands. Having the four here helped him out so much. 

"You know it." Herrick and Melor grinned. 

That only caused Alfia to scoff, "You two didn't do anything. We had to take you off of taking orders." In the middle of that, Herrick and Melor had to be taken away. 

The two couldn't do it. Instead, Keith had them be security, making them watch over the line. 

Scarlet held his hand, "You don't need to worry about anything. I will help you out in any way we can." 

"Hey, stop being so handsy with him." Alfia grabbed Scarlet, wanting to pull her off. However, she wasn't budging at all. 

"There's another arm, go take that." Without a second later, she shrugged Alfia over to Keith's other arm. 


"Ah," Alfia's scratched her head, not knowing what to do. That was how embarrassed she was. She couldn't believe it. Yet, Alfia continued to hold onto it like there was nothing wrong.

Herrick and Melor watched this circus show from the sidelines. Keith chuckled, "Let's go home now." 


Late at night, Keith wondered what to do. What Cedric said was right; I should get someone to help out. Alfia and Scarlet really helped out his cart today.

I should ask them about it.


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