A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3235: At the end of the full text, the Northeast War, killing Rui Xiong [

Chapter 3235: At the end of the full text, the Northeast War, killing Rui Xiong [

The end of Chapter 3235, the Northeast War, killing Rui Xiong [4]

Rui Xiong was not ambiguous and made a direct promise: "Then I will personally lead the troops to kill him!"

"Okay, feel free. In that case, I, Rong, will wait for another ten days." Tuogude agreed, but said: "If General Rui cannot successfully kill Qin Mu, I will take over the responsibility of commanding the coalition forces and lead The coalition forces fought to the death with Qin Mu."


Marquis Quan struck the case again and said angrily: "Tuo Gude, do you think I am dead? I am a soldier in Dongqing. If His Majesty hadn't promoted Rui Xiong, saying that he has been rooted in the Northeast and Xinliu City for many years, he would be the commander-in-chief. If we can win this battle, the commander of the coalition forces should be me or General Yanda!"


If Rui Xiong dies in the battle, I or General Yan should take over as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. You, a crippled foreigner, will never be able to take over!

"Shut up, Lord Quan, don't be disrespectful to the Great Rongtian Khan!" King Yijun scolded Lord Quan, and then apologized to Tuogude: "Kang Tian, please calm down. Lord Quan just wants to avenge General Quan as soon as possible. This I just said the wrong thing."

General Quan of Yangji Mansion is a clansman of Marquis Quan.

Tuogude gave Prince Yi some face and said: "Prince Yi made serious remarks. The coalition forces should work together and there is no point in arguing. Let's talk about it in ten days."

After saying that, he got up and left with the ten witch soldiers accompanying him.

Not long after, there was the sound of neat footsteps running outside the courtyard gate, and the howling of wolves.

Prince Yi and others got up and went out, only to see thousands of shamans wearing armor and armed with crossbows leading hundreds of Xinlang, surrounding Tuogude and leaving... Some Xinlang smelled their scent, turned around and howled at them with bared teeth, The wolf's eyes were filled with thirst for blood.

"You beast, what are you howling for? Come back here!" Wu Jun roared, and Xinlang whimpered in fear, and quickly turned around and left.

The ferocious wolf soldiers were even more ruthless. King Yi felt a chill in his body and asked Lord Quan and others to enter the house. After the sound of footsteps completely disappeared, King Yi said: "Marquis Quan, General Rui, I thought that , the soldiers are brave and good at fighting, and they are the best choice to be the vanguard."

Rui Xiong: "Don't worry, Prince. Your Majesty has already given a secret order, saying that Dayong and Qin Mu have a blood feud. During the battle, the soldiers must be given the opportunity to kill Qin Mu and take revenge."

Prince Yijun smiled and said, "The imperial grandfather is indeed wise."

Although Da Rong was severely beaten by Qin Mu, he was still powerful. Therefore, in this battle, Dongqing not only wanted to kill Qin Mu, but also used the hands of Qin Mu and the guards to consume Tuo Gu's troops. In this way, Da Rong will not pose a threat to Dongqing, and Dongqing can reap the benefits.

Kettlegood had already guessed their plan and had a countermeasure, so it was impossible for them to succeed easily.

And the more Tuo Gude and Prince Yi are on guard against each other and scheming against each other, the more beneficial it will be to Qin Sanlang.

"Prince and Marquis, don't worry, I will definitely kill Qin Mu in this battle and avenge my father!" Rui Xiong stood up and left, taking his confidants and mine masters with him to continue to perfect his fierce fire oil trap.

Qin Sanlang was not idle either, and was meeting with You Erping, General An, Liu Chong, and the master craftsmen.

You Erping presented a map of the black oil vein to Qin Sanlang: "...Master Guo, all the anomalies in the vein have been clearly explored. This is the map of the vein's direction drawn by masters of the mine."

The vein masters discovered anomalies in the Menghuo Oil veins after arriving in Chuanshan Cave. After more than half a month of exploration, the master masters found the real veins and also discovered fake veins artificially dug to divert oil.

"Invite General Xiao Liu." Qin Sanlang took the mine map and took out the map of Northeast China. He compared it and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the happier he became. "Sanlang, I'm here. If you want Uncle Liu to do anything, just ask him." General Xiao Liu always put himself under Qin Sanlang, which made the Northeast soldiers respect Qin Sanlang more and listen to his orders.

"Uncle Liu, come and take a look." Qin Sanlang called General Liu to come over and look at the mineral vein map. He also explained to him the true and false mineral veins, as well as his guess: "The big mineral vein looks like it leads to Dongyang Mansion, but it doesn't mean that the mineral vein goes beyond Big enough to prove its a real vein.

"My eldest brother has been to Northeast China and wrote to me about an anecdote. He said that an unknown mountain fire once broke out in the Xiaotianshu Mountains. It rained heavily for several days before the fire was extinguished. He was curious, so he visited and asked old mountain people, and he said that mountain fires often broke out in that area of the mountain, and their ancestors had no idea what the cause was. Anyway, they couldn't burn their side, so they just ignored it and let it burn."

Qin Sanlang pointed to the second city and said: "And the place closest to the mountain fire is the second city, which was once the land of Great Yinzhou."

General Xiao Liu understood: "You are saying that the main vein of kerosene is not in Dongyang Mansion, but near the Second City."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "That's right... They took the trouble to disguise Dongyang Mansion as the main mine. They must want to use Dongyang Mansion as a trap to lure me into the city to kill them."


"Master Zhao said that although the veins are fake, they can really introduce black oil into Dongyang Mansion... After more than half a year, there must be a lot of black oil gathered underground in Dongyang Mansion, enough to burn down the entire Dongyang Mansion."


General Xiao Liu was shocked: "You mean they are going to use the whole city as a trap to kill you and the Dongyang Mansion? How is this possible? That is a city!"

But the city does not belong to Dongqing, so Dongqing will not feel bad.

General Xiao Liu remembered the information obtained from interrogating Qing Bing and said: "The valuable things in Dongyang Mansion must have been taken away. Today's Dongyang Mansion is probably just an empty shell... Rui Xiong is also a person who does things without caring. This kind of He can come up with crazy poisonous schemes."

General Xiao Liu looked at Qin Sanlang: "Sanlang, I believe what you said. You tell me what you want me to do."

Thank you, Uncle Liu. Qin Sanlang told him his plan.

General Xiao Liu was shocked when he heard this: "No, it's too dangerous. Rui Xiong is vicious, and Tuo Gude wants to chop you up. If it doesn't work, you can't go. I'll go instead!"

He then said: "If something goes wrong with you, how can I explain it to His Majesty and the late Marquis of Qin? And Uncle He, if I receive bad news from you, wouldn't I want him to..." He will die with his eyes closed!

Qin Sanlang: "Uncle Liu, it's because of grandpa that I take the risk... Although this trap is dangerous, if Rui Xiong can use it, so can I."

"That's it. In a few days, you will lead the troops to attack the second city, and I will lead the troops to attack Dongyang Mansion. This is the commander-in-chief's order!"

The commander-in-chief's order has been issued, and General Xiao Liu has no choice but to comply.

"Sure, I'll make arrangements right away. But if you find something is wrong, you have to run away immediately and don't fight to the death. Do you understand? Uncle Liu is begging you. If you don't agree, I will kneel down to you."

General Xiao Liu was really about to kneel down. Qin Sanlang hurriedly grabbed him and said: "Don't worry, Uncle Liu. If I can't kill Rui Xiong, I will retreat immediately... My wife and children are still waiting for me to come home. I will not let myself get lost." northeast."

"Okay, as long as you agree, don't regret it before the battle!" General Xiao Liu confirmed again and again that Qin Sanlang would cherish his life, and then went down to make arrangements.

As soon as the news of the simultaneous attack on Dongyang Prefecture and the Second City came out, Yangji Prefecture was in a state of excitement. Even Li Zhifu of Jiqing Prefecture knew about it and was very frightened. Fei Ge sent a message to Qin Sanlang to think twice.

Attacking one Dongyang Prefecture alone is enough. If you want to attack two at the same time, you are not afraid, but the people of our two prefectures are. If you torture yourself to death, the two armies of Rui Xiong and Tuo Gude will not come to kill us all!

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