A Pawn's Passage

Chapter 166: Alliance

Chapter 166: Alliance

At the end of the 41st year of the Jiushi Era, the Omniscient Sage Qi Jiaozheng led 36 high-ranking priests from the Quanzhen Sect, including many second-rank Taiyi Daoist masters, to Yunjin Mountain.

Qi Jiaozheng was the Shuzhou Daoist Mansion Master. He received orders from the Earthly Preceptor to present some gifts and greetings to the Heavenly Preceptor on behalf of the Quanzhen Sect.

Then he went to the ancestral shrine in Dazhen Mansion to pay respects to Shangguan Wan, the first Earthly Preceptor after the Holy Xuan revived Daoism. Shangguan Wan was the wife of the first Heavenly Preceptor. Thus, the Quanzhen Sect and the Zhengyi Sect shared the same ancestors.

On the night of December 8th, the Heavenly Preceptor hosted a banquet in the Dazhen Mansion for this group of Quanzhen Sect high-ranking priests. Zhang Juchen and some other high-ranking priests from the Zhengyi Sect attended as well. However, the content of this meeting was not known to outsiders.

Since the Earthly Preceptor was currently assuming the position of the Great Sage Lunzhi, who could exercise the authority of the Grand Master, he was based in Jade Capital at the moment and could not attend this banquet in person.

The second-in-command of the Zhengyi Sect, Sage Cihang, and the second-in-command of the Quanzhen Sect, Sage Donghua, were assuming the positions of the Duzhi Hall Master and the Ziwei Hall Master, respectively. Since they held power over the finances and resources of the Daoist Order, they also had to stay in Jade Capital and could not attend this banquet.

Since there was a war in the Western Region, the Western Region Daoist Mansion Master could not simply leave. The Qinzhou Daoist Mansion Master also had to take over the Chongyang Palace of Immortality in place of the Earthly Preceptor. Thus, Qi Jiaozheng, the Shuzhou Daoist Mansion Master, had to represent the Quanzhen Sect for this banquet.

On December 9th, Qi Xuansu had just completed qi training when he found Zhang Yuelu waiting outside his door.

“What’s the matter? Why are you here so early?” Qi Xuansu opened the door and asked.

Zhang Yuelu was holding a tray of food, which contained a bowl of porridge and a basket of steamed buns. Zhang Yuelu did not cook, especially since she practiced the Fasting Technique. So Qi Xuansu guessed that she bought this from the Taiping Inn, which doubled as a popular restaurant in town.

She walked into his room and put his breakfast on the table. The steam baskets, stacked on top of each other, were still emitting steam. It appeared simple, but it was designed for a specific purpose because, back then, the Holy Xuan was very fond of steamed foods.

From the first layer, Qi Xuansu could see six small buns with different shapes and colors. The white buns were made of refined flour; the black buns were made of fine buckwheat flour; and the yellow buns were made of glutinous millet flour. These buns were a well-balanced and exquisite meal with a mix of fine and coarse grains, as well as meat and vegetable fillings.

Qi Xuansu was used to eating while Zhang Yuelu watched him, so he washed his hands, picked up a vegetable-filling steamed bun with his chopsticks, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu’s fingers, which had completely recovered.

Qi Xuansu had the habit of talking while eating. After swallowing the bun, he asked, “Why do I feel like something is wrong with you? Did something serious happen?”

“There is indeed something going on.” Zhang Yuelu did not like to beat around the bush and went straight to the point. “I just heard the news that the Shuzhou Daoist Mansion Master led 36 high-ranking Quanzhen Sect priests to visit the Dazhen Mansion yesterday.”

Qi Xuansu, who was about to grab the second bun, suddenly froze and slowly raised his head to look at her. “The Shuzhou Daoist Mansion Master led 36 high-ranking priests from the Quanzhen Sect to visit Dazhen Mansion. At the same time, Sage Qingwei led 36 high-ranking priests from the Taiping Sect to meet the Emperor in the Imperial Palace. I’m afraid the number 36 is not just a coincidence, right?”

“Of course, it’s not a coincidence.” Zhang Yuelu explained, “Since the Taiping Sect wants to test the reactions of all parties, this is the response of the Quanzhen Sect and the Zhengyi Sect.”

Qi Xuansu no longer had the mood to eat. “This means that if the Taiping Sect and the Imperial Court collude to get the Emperor to intervene regarding the election of the Grand Master, then the Zhengyi Sect and the Quanzhen Sect will join forces to go against the Taiping Sect.”

“Yes, this is an alliance.” Zhang Yuelu nodded.

“In that case, wouldn’t the Daoist Order be divided?” Qi Xuansu said hesitantly.

Zhang Yuelu huffed. “In my opinion, this isn’t an appropriate approach. Both sides are afraid.”

“What do you mean?” Qi Xuansu asked.

Zhang Yuelu tapped the table with her fingers. “We’re afraid that the Taiping Sect will split away from the Daoist Order, but the Taiping Sect is also afraid of the split. After all, the Taiping Sect is still considered part of the Daoist Order. They only strive to gain the most power within the Daoist Order, not to destroy it.

“What good does a divided Daoist Order have for them? If the Daoist Order cannot maintain the balance of power with the Imperial Court, even if the Taiping Sect wins the position of Grand Master, they will only become a vassal of the Imperial Court. For them, it’ll be better to maintain the status quo. At least then they will still have an equal status to the Imperial Court.”

Qi Xuansu finally understood. “No one wants the Daoist Order to be divided, but they all want the position of the Grand Master. That’s why the Taiping Sect wanted to force the Quanzhen Sect and Zhengyi Sect to give up that position through the Emperor’s influence.

“But the Quanzhen Sect and Zhengyi Sect aren’t willing to retreat and will rather fight to the death. Now it depends on who is more determined. Will the Quanzhen Sect, Zhengyi Sect, or Taiping Sect take the initiative to surrender? I’m afraid conflict is inevitable now.”

“That’s probably the gist of it. The result will be unpredictable if one party isn’t determined enough.” Zhang Yuelu did not conceal her worry. "If a war breaks out, who do you think will benefit the most? It’s the Imperial Court. That’s why the Imperial Court hopes that the Daoist Order has internal strife.

“Those secret societies will also take the opportunity to stir up trouble and add fuel to the flames. Just imagine what will happen if the Imperial Court tries to instigate the Taiping Sect to create tension between the three major Daoist sects. They can even disguise themselves as Taiping Sect disciples to attack the Zhengyi Sect and Quanzhen Sect.”

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment before he commented. “If such a thing happens, Quanzhen Sect and Zhengyi Sect will fall into a dilemma. If they don’t fight back, they won’t be able to explain their decision to their disciples. If they fight back, the situation will get completely out of hand. Even the three Deputy Grand Masters won’t be able to stop it.”

Zhang Yuelu shook her head in dismay. “The Holy Xuan once said that it’s easy to start a war but difficult to end one. I believe that the three Deputy Grand Masters understand this simple truth. But understanding is one thing; whether the situation will develop as they envisioned is another matter.”

Qi Xuansu started eating the steamed buns again. He ate them quickly, shoving them whole into his mouth, one bun at a time. After finishing the bowl of porridge as well, he said, “This reminds me of the major Jiangnan case you mentioned. Everyone understands the principle of not going too far with greed and taking fewer kickbacks, but the problem is that everyone expects others to practice this principle.

“After the shipwreck, those people who were later executed by the Ancestral Court knew that the situation was awry. The Duzhi Hall, Shibo Hall, and Beichen Hall had all noticed the misconduct of the Jiangnan Daoist Mansion by then. But those people still refused to spit out the goods and return them to the Daoist Order.

“If they passed the inspection from Duzhi Hall and Beichen Hall, they could still control the Jiangnan Daoist Mansion. But those people still refused to give up their kickbacks to overcome the calamity. In the end, they were executed and had their assets confiscated. They still hoped that others would be less greedy and make sacrifices for them.

“Do you think that the three major sects will be like this? Even if the Daoist Order splits up in the end, none of them will retreat because everyone hopes that the other party will back down first. Eventually, they will all perish together.”

Zhang Yuelu stared at Qi Xuansu blankly.

Qi Xuansu added, “Although some snobbish people in power think that the difference between them and their subordinates is much greater than the difference between humans and demons, in terms of the most fundamental aspects of human nature, how much more superior can those people in power be?”

Zhang Yuelu sighed softly after a long time, agreeing with him but also helpless about the situation.

Qi Xuansu remarked, “You and I are too far away from the position of power, so it’s pointless saying these things.”

“Then let’s talk about something we can relate to.” Zhang Yuelu changed the topic.

Qi Xuansu asked, “Such as?”

Zhang Yuelu answered. “Even if a war is imminent, it won’t happen immediately. It will take time for all parties to sort out their internal affairs, transport supplies, mobilize their armies, strategize, and even form alliances. Back then, the Holy Xuan took four years to prepare for the war against the Buddhist Sect to revive the Daoist Order. What I’m about to say is already happening, which is one of the reasons why the Zhengyi Sect and Quanzhen Sect responded so quickly this time.”

“What’s going on?” Qi Xuansu became more curious.

Zhang Yuelu explained, “Since the sixth-generation Grand Master ascended to the heavens, the Grand Master’s position has been vacant, and the three Deputy Grand Masters took turns exercising the authority of the Grand Master. This position of the acting Grand Master is called the Great Sage Lunzhi.

“This year is the 41st year of the Jiushi Era. In the first half of the year, from January 1st until June 30th, the Heavenly Preceptor would assume the position of the Great Sage Lunzhi. In the second half of the year, from July 1st until the last day of December, the Earthly Preceptor would assume the position of the Great Sage Lunzhi.

“Today is the 9th of December. There are only a few weeks until New Year’s Eve. After that, the Imperial Preceptor will be assuming the position of the Great Sage Lunzhi starting New Year’s Day for half a year.”

Qi Xuansu had to admit that this was indeed a matter related to the two of them, as the subjects' fates depended on the leader. In this situation, the upper echelons of the Daoist Order would most likely undergo some personnel changes.

When the Earthly Preceptor, also known as the Great Sage of the Quanzhen Sect, became the Great Sage Lunzhi, he appointed Zhang Yuelu as the Deputy Tiangang Hall Master. Although it was unlikely that the Imperial Preceptor, also known as the Great Sage of the Taiping Sect, would take the initiative to embarrass a junior like Zhang Yuelu, there were no absolutes in the world.

Zhang Yuelu might be dismissed from her position during the personnel changes because of Li Tianzhen. Even if she was not dismissed as Deputy Hall Master, she could be transferred to the Requiem Division of the Ciji Hall. Her future there would be bleak.

If that happened, the Earthly Preceptor would have to wait until it was his turn to become the Great Sage Lunzhi again to promote Zhang Yuelu. Or perhaps he could transfer her to be a Deputy Mansion Master at a local Daoist mansion.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were a package deal. If Zhang Yuelu had to leave Jade Capital, Qi Xuansu would probably have to leave with her. After all, he had also indirectly offended Li Tianzhen. So it would be difficult for Qi Xuansu to break away from his ties with Zhang Yuelu.

The disputes between the three sects, the rise and fall of the Daoist Order, and the general trend that the world would head to were topics too far out of reach. However, personnel changes were the major event that was close at hand.

Qi Xuansu suddenly became a little nervous about his position.

Zhang Yuelu sighed. “Well, let’s just take it one step at a time.”

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