A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 451: Scrimgeour

Chapter 451: Scrimgeour

Felix Harp stepped out of the Potions classroom with satisfaction, gazing through the window into the distance. It was late March, and the weather had warmed considerably. The view towards the Forbidden Forest and the mountains was no longer a dull expanse of brown.

"What a waste not to explore the Forbidden Forest on such a beautiful day," Felix murmured to himself. He cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, stretching his body and donning a silver cloak before soaring into the sky.

Descending at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Felix landed, the silver cloak behind him dissolving into specks of light. He couldn't help but ponder, "Maybe one of the future descriptions about me will read, 'Collaborated with Dumbledore on twelve variations of the Patronus Charm'?"

Amused by the thought, he strolled through the forest. Up close, despite the lingering cold, tender shoots had pushed through the icy soil.

He even stumbled upon a clump of orchids.

Felix took a tour around several spots in the forest, including the herds of unicorns, hippogriffs, and thestrals, and of course, the nesting grounds of the Acromantula. With his presence aiding Grawp, the domination of the savage Aragog's descendants didn't bode well for any individual showing signs of cruelty.

As evening approached, Felix enchanted a piece of wood he found, turning it into a dog toy, which he gifted to Hagrid's faithful dog, Fang.

Returning to the castle, he collided with Professor Flitwick in the entrance hall. "Oh, Felix? Milova was looking for you," he chirped.

"What's up?"

"Not sure... But she asked me to tell you to visit Dumbledore's office first, using the password: 'Honeydew.' It was about an hour ago," Flitwick rattled off the information.

"Alright," Felix shrugged and made his way up to the separate tower where the Headmaster's office resided. Uttering the password, the massive stone gargoyle moved aside, revealing the revolving staircase behind.

Knocking on the door, the shiny oak wood door opened automatically. Inside the circular room were two people – Dumbledore behind his desk and someone else...

Felix squinted, seeing what seemed like a majestic old lion striding towards him, tawny mane and thick eyebrows dancing in the air, sharp yellow eyes piercing. Even the strands of gray in his hair and his less agile legs didn't diminish his aura.

A name resonated within Felix – Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office and right-hand man to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. But as far as he knew, he hadn't met Scrimgeour in person.

So, he turned to Dumbledore beside him. "Headmaster Dumbledore? Why did you summon me?"

"Oh," Dumbledore snapped out of his contemplation, fingers intertwined before him, a twinkle in his eye. "According to the Ministry's arrangements, Felix, you'll have three sets of visitors today." He glanced at the memo on the table, fingers dancing over it while flicking a colored candy wrapper with his index finger.

"The first is Professor Marchbanks from the Wizarding Examinations Authority. She arrived with Mr. Vera, Deputy Head of the Ancient Runes Association about an hour and a half ago. They are currently taking a stroll around the school with Milova."

"Unfortunately, you missed them," Dumbledore smiled. "But don't worry, Professor Marchbanks expressed her desire to reside at Hogwarts for a while, and I agreed."

Felix and Scrimgeour simultaneously stared at Dumbledore. Scrimgeour impatiently interjected, "Dumbledore! You know I'm busy. I only need one answer... Perhaps I should send an assistant, but this matter is crucial, I must confirm it personally."

"Very well," Dumbledore said regretfully, "The second visitor is Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour, the gentleman before you. You might have heard of him. He read Mr. Digory's paper in the newspapers and was stunned by the phenomenon of amplifying spells through Ancient Runes. Incidentally, he has a prospective Auror under him..."

He looked at Scrimgeour, who, after a two-second pause, gravely said, "Albert Burke."

"I believe I have some recollection of that name. Burke used to be an assistant in the Duelling Club. But from what I know, his proficiency in Ancient Runes was not noteworthy," Felix mused.

"He only validated partial information," Scrimgeour said, his face devoid of any smiles. Having dealt with dark wizards for many years, his ability to smile seemed to have vanished. "Later, I witnessed the specific effects on another young man. He took less than half an hour to unravel the points mentioned in the paper, quite impressive... It was on 'Fire' Ancient Runes and the Blazing Spell, and also 'Flow' and the Water-Creation Charm."

"I'd wager it was a Weasley," Felix interrupted. "Percy Weasley, currently the Senior Assistant to the International Cooperation Executive. He's responsible for Ludovic Bagman and the Minister."

"Percy Weasley would certainly relish such an arrangement," Felix thought.

"Let's speak freely, Mr. Harp," Scrimgeour said. "I admire your magical abilities and your role in calming the chaos at the Quidditch World Cup... Considering the current situation, we must plan ahead... I'd like to invite you to join the Ministry of Magic."

"I'm sorry, did I hear correctly?"

Felix was genuinely taken aback. He had at most assumed that this high-ranking Auror wanted his help in training a batch of Aurors or operatives, not to be recruited himself.

"The situation is dire. The matter of Barty has shaken the Ministry..." Scrimgeour abruptly stopped, turning to Dumbledore, exchanging a glance, "Alright," he grumbled, "Since you seem to know quite a lot, I might as well elaborate a bit, but this is all classified..."

He limped over to the window, gazing at the distant Black Lake. But Felix felt his eyes observing him from the corner. He subtly adjusted his posture, wearing an attentive expression.

"The office was in an uproar," Scrimgeour said. "I mean, the sharp-minded or those adept at reading between the lines were terrified by Barty Crouch's performance that morning, during work hours... with people coming and going..."

Felix imagined, a meticulous Ministry official suddenly showing up disheveled, running to the Ministry and confessing. That would shock anyone who witnessed it.

"...he seemed to have suffered horrific torture. Fudge was in a panic, facing such a sudden turn of events, he was as disappointing as ever. But Bones managed to stabilize everyone, took Barty Crouch to a small conference room... A few of

us followed..."

Scrimgeour paused, scratching his chin, eyes focused on the dancing ripples on the lake. "We couldn't believe our ears. There was mention of a 'Boy'... and then 'Potter'... He asked for Felix Harp."

Felix was surprised at the mention of Harry Potter. He'd never expected to be a topic of discussion involving Harry.

"The Ministry is under pressure," Scrimgeour continued, glancing at Felix. "Our ties to Crouch, the dark past... Everything needs to be reevaluated, reconsidered. We need fresh perspectives and strong hands."

Felix considered the situation. The offer was unexpected, especially considering his academic pursuits and the comfort of the Hogwarts environment. Yet, the idea of contributing to the Ministry, especially in these times, was intriguing.

"Scrimgeour," Dumbledore interjected gently, "Felix has much to consider. I'm sure he will weigh his options wisely. Wouldn't you, Felix?"

"Absolutely, Headmaster," Felix nodded, his mind already juggling the possibilities.

Scrimgeour handed Felix a card with a Ministry seal and a silver quill emblem.

"If you choose to consider our offer, do send an owl to my office. We'll arrange a meeting," Scrimgeour said, his voice commanding yet concealing a sense of urgency.

With a nod to Dumbledore and a brief, polite glance at Felix, Scrimgeour departed.

"Quite an intriguing proposition," Dumbledore remarked. "But I sense it has created a dilemma for you."

Felix nodded slowly. "It's certainly not what I expected when I woke up this morning."

"It's always interesting how life presents us with choices when we least expect them," Dumbledore mused, a twinkle in his eye. "Now, Felix, I believe Professor Marchbanks is eager to meet you. Shall we?"

The evening moved forward with the excitement of meetings, discussions about the Ancient Runes program, and possibilities for future collaborations. But amidst all this, Felix's mind kept circling back to Scrimgeour's offer. The unexpected turn of events had certainly opened a new door in his life.


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