A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 1049: The Use of the Altar

Chapter 1049: The Use of the Altar

Everyone looked at each other, especially the giants of the ancient forces. It seemed that they had no intention of rescuing the Demon Realm and the Monster Realm. Instead, they wanted to squeeze out those small forces.

"Why did Emperor Tian fall apart back then? Wasn't it the sin of those traitors? They should make compensation now. When the Great Emperor Shi Tian ruled the nine heavens and ten earths, it was a prosperous and peaceful place!" Duan Kong walked in, bringing with him a few elders from the Duan family. There was no place for them here, as if they had known something like this would happen. They actually took out a wooden table and placed it at the door, and then several people sat down.

The Duan family is also a powerful family. Although they are a thorn in the eyes of many ancient forces, their strength and their understanding of that period of history cannot be denied.

"Now these traitorous forces have begun to occupy the land in order to establish themselves as kings after Emperor Tian is formed. By then, even if a Dragon Emperor from the Royal Dragon Clan appears, he won't be able to control them! They have even crazier ideas, such as using the Holy Altar to open passages to other worlds and bring some powerful guys over."

Duan Kong's words made many giants of small forces feel very threatened. If these ancient forces do this, how will these small forces survive?

"The Holy Altar is the only way to resolve the peace of the three realms! I admit that our ancestors did want to use the Holy Altar to bring destruction to this world, but now if we want to resolve the disputes among the three realms, we have to go through the Holy Altar!" said the giant of the Qin family.

"Oh? Why don't you give some crystals to the Demon Realm? Instead, you have to rely on the Holy Altar. God knows what you are doing!" Duan Kong said.

Finally, the Holy Altar was mentioned, and Shen Xiang did not interrupt. He looked at the Holy Dragon Prince. Although he had been reading calmly, when Duan Kong mentioned the Holy Altar just now, he moved slightly. It was obvious that he knew a lot about the Holy Altar.

"The Holy Altar can open a passage to a place where our ancestors stored resources. At that time, they knew that Emperor Tian was going to be broken, so they placed most of Emperor Tian's resources in that place, but some people want to destroy the Holy Altar." An old man said, and glanced at Shen Xiang.

The fact that Shen Xiang used the Chaos Dragon Curse to attack the Holy Altar was confirmed by everyone, although no one saw him take action at the time.

"This guy is so patient that he didn't even ask about the Chaos Dragon Curse!" Long Xueyi was talking about the Holy Dragon Prince. Now she was only thinking about how to fight with the Holy Dragon Prince.

Baihu said: "Are you sure that there are a lot of cultivation resources in the holy altar, and not just a few powerful holy demons!"

Baihu's words shocked many giants, and even the Holy Dragon Prince's expression changed.

"As far as I know, the Holy Altar is not a good thing. It is indeed a switch leading to some space!" Baihu has just demonstrated his strength, so many people believe his words.

Duan Kong sneered, "Does it take a lot of energy to open the holy altar? You held this three-domain meeting to open it, and then used our power to open it. You also said that there are many resources inside. After we go in, we might be killed or sealed inside by you. You ancient forces have always been unpopular. How can people trust you?"

"We do need to take out some very important things from it, but it is also true that there are abundant cultivation resources inside. We can swear a blood oath that we will never resort to any tricks on the matter of the Holy Altar." said the giant of Jinyang Holy Land.

Now that White Tiger was here, they didn't dare to play any tricks, and their tone became much softer.

"You have to swear a blood oath, and you have to walk in front!" Huang Jintian said after careful consideration.

Then he sent a message to Shen Xiang: "Little ghost, that holy altar can open a door leading to another space. This is indeed true. If they guarantee it, we can give it a try!"

Some powerful leaders were secretly discussing with others at this time.

"Senior, if there really is a holy demon or something like that, can you handle it?" Shen Xiang secretly asked Baihu.

"No problem, I can now control the laws of darkness, and my strength has increased a lot! But these traitor forces cannot be fully trusted!" Baihu said.

If the issues in the three domains are not resolved, war will soon break out again. If these giants want to control them at that time, they can only carry out a massacre, especially in the Demon Domain and the Monster Domain. The Demon Domain is short of resources, and the evil monsters in the Monster Domain are too ferocious. Now these giants can only barely calm the demon cultivators and those evil monsters.

Everyone discussed it secretly and finally reached a consensus. They decided to work together to open the holy altar and open a passage to the place where a large amount of resources were stored.

It is impossible to ask those big forces to divide up the crystal mines they occupy, and those small forces can't do anything to them, so they can only compromise in this way, and then go to that place and obtain resources with their own abilities.

In order to appease those unstable groups, the giants of the demon world have to return to the demon world and ask those groups to send some leaders to go to that world to get resources. They will be gone for a while. According to those ancient forces, there are a lot of resources stored there.

In addition, various forces have also notified some capable young men to take them there.

In order to avoid too many people, the number of people is limited. Only ten people can go from each force. Even so, the number of people participating in the three-domain talks is very scary. However, the main forces are mostly from the demon world because they lack resources.

It was agreed that they would gather at the Holy Altar three days later, and the Three Domain Talks would end immediately. Those ancient forces went to make arrangements one after another, because they all sent their strongest giants to lead the teams.

The Holy Dragon Prince also wanted to go, but the ancient forces did not stop him. After all, he was from the Royal Dragon Clan and might become a Dragon Emperor in the future. Moreover, the Holy Dragon Prince's strength was unfathomable, and he brought a very powerful dragon with him.

Shen Xiang and Prince of the Holy Dragon did not have a conflict as everyone expected. They left as soon as the meeting was over. However, everyone expected that Prince of the Holy Dragon would not let Shen Xiang go. But if he angered Shen Xiang, Shen Xiang would not let him go either. Their conflict would break out sooner or later!

"It's enough for the three of us to go. If there is danger in that world, it will be easier for the three of us to deal with it." Baihu tasted the juice made by Li Baojun: "Other forces will definitely bring some young people over!"

"We had already arranged everything about Jianglong City when we left, and this is also an opportunity for those little guys to hone their skills," said Li Baojun.

"With Bai Zhan there, they will be safe." Baihu is very confident in the patriarch of the White Tiger War Clan. If Bai Zhan cannot cope with it, the entire White Tiger War Clan can be mobilized!

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