A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 959: Sudden Change

Chapter 959: Sudden Change

At this moment, the five city lords were still operating the array outside, and at this point, all five of them had opened a large number of profound acupoints.

Chen Yang already had over 290 profound acupoints glowing over his body, which meant that he had opened close to thirty profound acupoints in this short span of time.

Sun Tu and the others were in a similar situation, and all of them were naturally ecstatic to see this.

All of the bystanders were looking on with envious expressions, but they knew that they were far below the five city lords in terms of both power and status, so they didn't dare to raise any complaints.

At this point, the array was operating far faster than before, and the pentagram arrays beneath the five city lords had expanded to several times their original size, releasing far thicker pillars of crimson light.

The surrounding crimson light barrier had also become far thicker than before, and the countless runes on its surface were giving off a faint buzzing sound.

The stone statues beneath the five city lords were also displaying significant changes. They had turned from their original black color into a shade of dark red, and rays of crimson light were shooting out of their bodies, presenting a peculiar sight to behold.

The four subsidiary city lords were all observing these changes with uncertain looks in their eyes, and Sun Tu and Chen Yang exchanged a glance with each other, only to see their own unease mirrored in one another's eyes.

Thankfully, there was still no restrictive power emanating from the crimson light barrier, and that instilled them with a great deal of reassurance.

At this point, the blood level in the pond had dropped significantly, revealing sets of even more massive remains, and it seemed that the bottom was about to be revealed.

All of a sudden, the blood in the pond began to churn violently, forming a vortex that was several dozen feet in size.

Immediately thereafter, a large ball of crimson light appeared deep within the vortex, giving off formidable energy fluctuations.

These energy fluctuations were a combination of starpower and bloodline power, much like the power harbored within Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds.

Furthermore, these energy fluctuations were so tremendous that even the four subsidiary city lords couldn't help but be astonished.

"Is that the holy remains?" Sun Tu asked with an elated expression.

The other Profound City cultivators were unable to see the ball of crimson light within the crater, but they could all sense the formidable energy fluctuations surging through the air as well.

"Fellow daoists, the holy remains have already been revealed! Let's make one final effort!" E Kuai rallied with an ecstatic look on his face, and the five city lords immediately redoubled their efforts, chanting their incantation and making hand seals with far more urgency than before.

As a result, the blood in the pond began to churn even more violently, and it began rising up into the air before gushing into the five statues as five pillars of blood.

The blood level in the pond was rapidly lowering, and in just mere moments, all of the blood in the pond had vanished into the five statues.

The scale-like patterns on the surfaces of the five statues began flashing erratically, following which the statues turned from dark red to a shade of bright red.

At the same time, the true form of the ball of crimson light was also revealed, and it was a door of crimson light, within which was what appeared to be another world.

The powerful energy fluctuations were coming from inside the door of light, and there were holy remains to be seen at all.

Furthermore, with no more blood in the way, the energy fluctuation emanating from the door of light had become even more formidable.

"What's the meaning of this, City Lord E? Where are the holy remains?" Sun Tu asked with a dark expression, and the other three city lords turned to E Kuai as well.

However, E Kuai paid no heed to the four of them as he remained seated atop his stone statue with his eyes closed, continuing to make hand seals while chanting an incantation on his own.

All of a sudden, a burst of radiant crimson light erupted out of the statue beneath him, illuminating his entire body crimson.

Immediately thereafter, seven or eight thick tendrils of crimson light shot out of the statue, then fused into E Kuai's body after flailing around momentarily.

E Kuai's body trembled violently for a moment before falling still again, and he opened his eyes to reveal that they had turned bright red.

Not only that, but his body had swelled up significantly like a balloon, and a series of red patterns had appeared over his skin, giving him the appearance of a hellish demon.

The four city lords' expressions changed drastically upon seeing this, and in particular, Qin Yuan had immediately sprung to his feet, but before he had a chance to get away, a burst of crimson light suddenly erupted out of his lower abdomen.

The burst of crimson light then swelled to form a crimson cloud that encompassed half of Qin Yuan's body.

Countless runes could be seen within the crimson cloud, resonating with the statue beneath him, and he seemed to have been completely immobilized.

Almost at the exact same moment, bursts of crimson light also erupted out of the bodies of the other three city lords, forming crimson clouds that immobilized them as well.

All of the other Profound City cultivators immediately stepped forward with alarmed looks on their faces upon seeing this, but all of a sudden, Shao Ying, Zhu Ziyuan, and Zhu Ziqing appeared in their path.

"The five city lords are currently operating the array, so it would be best for all of you to stay back," Shao Ying said as a tremendous aura erupted out of his body, striking everyone with a sense of asphyxiation.

Stunned looks appeared on their faces as they reflexively stopped in their tracks.

Out of everyone present, Mistress Liu Hua was the only one who remained calm and composed, seemingly completely unsurprised by this turn of events.

Inside the array, E Kuai cast his gaze toward the other four city lords, and at this moment, all of the warmth that had previously been in his eyes was completely absent.

The hearts of the other city lords immediately sank upon seeing this.

Clinging onto one final shred of hope, Fu Jian forced a smile onto his own face as he asked, "What are you doing, City Lord E?"

"The holy remains still haven't emerged, so I can't allow the four of you to leave. It was apparent to me that the four of you were getting cold feet, so I had no choice but to employ some measures to make you stay," E Kuai replied with a faint smile.

"Drop the act, E Kuai! You clearly planned all of this from the very beginning!" Sun Tu harrumphed coldly. "How did you manage to do this? We've all been so careful up to this point..."

"It was the Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds!" Chen Yang exclaimed as a look of realization appeared in his eyes, and the eyes of the other three city lords instantly changed slightly upon hearing this.

"Well done, Fellow Daoist Chen! You're as sharp as ever. I knew that none of you would be able to resist the Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds that I planted," E Kuai confirmed with a smile.

"City Lord Sun, City Lord Fu, didn't you two say that you didn't find any Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds?" Qin Yuan asked as he turned to Sun Tu and Fu Jian, and their expressions instantly stiffened slightly upon hearing this.

It was clear that they had been lying, and that they had also obtained Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds, but had chosen to keep that a secret for some reason.

"So that's why there were so many Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds in that area! You've been plotting against us from the very beginning! What are your intentions?" Chen Yang asked.

"You'll all find out soon enough," E Kuai chuckled as he made a string of hand seals, and countless crimson patterns abruptly appeared in the surrounding array, instantly making the array several times more complex than before.

Countless patterns appeared on the crimson light barrier as well, giving it a far more substantial form.

At the same time, radiant crimson light also erupted out of the statues beneath the four city lords before surging into their bodies.

The four city lords struggled with all their might, but they were completely immobilized by the crimson clouds around them, and they could only look on helplessly as the crimson light invaded their bodies.

A series of squiggly crimson patterns appeared over their skin, and these patterns were writhing and moving as if they were living creatures. All four of them began to tremble as agonized looks appeared on their faces, much to the alarm of all of their subordinates.

"City Lord Sun!" Fang Chan yelled in an urgent voice as he sprang forward through the air, followed closely by Duan Tong, Xuanyuan Xing, and Lü Gang.

In contrast, Shi Chuankong backed away from the scene, following Han Li's instructions to remain a detached observer.

A cold sneer appeared on Shao Ying's face as he swept a hand through the air, unleashing five bursts of sharp power that resembled five divine swords slicing through space, leaving five deep trenches in the ground in their wake.


Meanwhile, Han Li was on his way back to joining the main group when his entire body abruptly stiffened, and he fell to the ground without any warning.

A burst of crimson light had erupted out of his lower abdomen, forming a crimson cloud that encompassed his entire body.

After sweeping his spiritual sense through his own body, Han Li immediately identified the source of this crimson cloud.

Those Sulfurous Flame Blood Clouds have been tampered with!

At this moment, a pair of glowing, crimson clouds had appeared within his abdomen, releasing countless tiny crimson runes that were giving off formidable restrictive forces, rendering him completely immobile.

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