A Sorcerer's Journey

Chapter 207: The Deep-rooted Flaw of Dark Sorcerers

Chapter 207: The Deep-rooted Flaw of Dark Sorcerers

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The dark crystal ball was like a bottomless whirlpool, the Soulfire was sucked into it in the blink of an eye before it dissipated.


At that time, the other sorcerers who had just come to their senses could only look at Grimm with discontent. However, because the life-or-death crisis in front of them had not been resolved, no dispute broke out.

The purity of the Natural Elemental Soul in the crystal ball was quite high. The value of this Natural Elemental Soul alone was probably higher than the value of Sorcerer Essences that common Demon-Hunters could ever earn in hundreds of years in a Foreign World Conquest!

Grimm quickly put away his crystal ball. Under his grayish-white Mask of Truth with spiral patterns, Grimm sneered. Wearing only a Demon-Hunting outfit and undervest on his muscular body, Grimm levitated in the air and swept his gaze across all Dark Sorcerers in the room. When he saw that no one confronted him to fight for benefits, he resisted the thought of teleporting away, and stared at the corpse of the Great Bloodfalls Lavawyvern floating on the lava lake.

If he could collect some information about the Demonic Blood Moss from the inner part of the Lavawyvern’s body, be the one to configure the first antidote and antitoxin, and hand it to the Battle Commander, he would be rewarded with an Honor Badge.

The conveniences and benefits that came along with an Honor Badge would be with a Demon-Hunter for life. It represented the status of an elite Demon-Hunter, which was incomparable to common short term gains that a Demon-Hunter could get.

Plop, plop, plop...

As the lava stones on the surface of the Great Bloodfalls Lavawyvern fell off gradually into the lava, the temperature inside its body began to rise. Faint shrills and cries from the inside of its body could be heard.

The remaining twelve sorcerers gathered above the Lavawyvern’s body, all preparing to fight each other at any given moment. Under the shift of the Natural Force, strong elemental energies were gathering from all directions, forming an elemental halo that was visible to the naked eye.

As opposed to Grimm’s desire for more profits, the other sorcerers were all trying to defeat the Amonros in the Lavawyvern’s body, and find a way out from the current life-or-death situation.


Suddenly, dozens of figures flew out of the Lavawyvern’s body. They were a pack of half-meter long creatures. With the exception of the six white-skin leaders, the others were all golden in color.

As for the other low-ranked Amonros that were trapped within the Lavawyvern’s body, due to their lack of flying ability, they were doomed to die. Under the burning high temperature within the Lavawyvern’s body, their desperate wails gradually ceased.

The twelve Dark Sorcerers who had been long ready let out villainous peals of laughter one after another. Large numbers of sorceries were blasted and sent towards thirty Amonros flying into the lava lake. Right after that, the sorcerers had begun to shape the second wave of sorcery, ready to launch another attack at any moment.

If these Dark Sorcerers were to really start a massacre, before these Amonros even get the chance to confront them, they would have been wiped out.

Yet, the Dark Sorcerers held back.

At that time, instead of eradicating the creatures that resisted the Sorcerer Will, the most crucial thing for the sorcerers to do was to solve the crisis in front of them. Hence, they intended to capture those Amonros alive, and use either soul slavery, intense interrogation, or other means...

By all means, the desperate life-or-death situation in front of them must be resolved. Due to high temperature, the space around the lava lake was not covered in flesh like the ones on the passage walls. Hence for these Amonros, not only could they not leverage the maximum power of the Law of Shadow, it seemed like their power was greatly weakened due to the dense fire element in that space.

The situation caused Grimm to come up with a speculation.

‘Could it be that as the birthplace of this world’s ancient Lava Giants, some of the laws in this blazing environment are inhibitors of the Amonro’s Shadow Law?’

For a biological species with such obvious defects, even after they had formed a strong system, being defeated by the Demon-Hunters was just a matter of time.

As Demon-Hunters who developed sorcery for combat purposes, once they discovered more and more of the Amonros’ flaws, they would attack the Amonros based on their weaknesses.

Using the Black Sorcerer’s occult code of life and death as a reference, Dark Demon-Hunters would create and cultivate dedicated abnormal creatures that would become the deadly enemies of the Amonros, while being completely harmless to other creatures. On the other hand, by studying restrictive rules, Bright Sorcerers would alter the overall tendency of sorcery leverage, or even transform the law of the world in parts of the region to the benefit of the sorcerers.

As for other external advantages, there were countless.

Hence, it was impossible for this race with such obvious defects to withstand the sorcerers’ invasion.


A Demon-Hunter’s time was precious. Stigmata Sorcerers would never pay such an unimaginable amount of wealth to the Holy Tower of Seven Rings for the purpose of establishing civilization superiority or starting a genocide.

Moreover, this kind of behavior did not conform to the Greater Sorcerer Civilization Co-Prosperity Sphere, which would immensely delay the expansion of the Sorcerer Civilization.

Under the principle of the Greater Sorcerer Civilization Co-Prosperity Sphere, all Sorcerer Civilization systems must gain the highest amount of resources with the smallest sacrifice, within the shortest time possible and with the greatest interest in return. It was very different from the low-level primitive wars between small worlds, which aimed to expand territory for the survival of their own race and carry out bottomless barbaric killings.

After all, there were only two purposes of foreign world conquests.

To rewrite the humiliating history of the Sorcerer Civilization and stop the countdown to the end of the Sorcerer World!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Twelve killing machines, who had been cruelly trained and selected from the very bottom of the sorcerer’s academic stage had made their moves. Under the test of life-or-death, the combat power of these killing machines were beyond the understanding of the so-called Level 1 creatures in the common world, let alone these Amonros that were under the suppression of laws.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a few moments, this group of mad and savage Dark Sorcerers had launched a mass destruction. Yet, in their madness they tried to restrain themselves from killing their targets so that they could catch them alive.

“Heh-heh-heh! You little creatures better behave yourselves and give up on your useless struggle!”

A Dark Sorcerer lifted one of his arms backwards, with a terrifying energy in his hand, he crushed a Golden Amonro that came to the rescue into dust. Then he gave a dark and evil smile and showed two ferocious fangs. A Golden Amonro in an anesthetic state was clenched in his hand. With a horrifying expression on his face, he sank his fangs into the Golden Amonro’s neck. It appeared that he was performing some kind of controlling sorcery.

The Amonro which had weak resistance to poison was not able to struggle. Deep despair showed in its pupil, its long golden tail fell helplessly.

Meanwhile on the other side.

“You bastard! It is mine!”

A sorceress who was covered in fire element shouted in a high, cracked tone. The fire element gradually formed into the shape of a powerful giant bear and the bear got a hold of the Enigmatic Amonro which was captured by another Dark Sorcerer.

In turned out that the Enigmatic Amonro was first targeted by this sorceress, yet in panic, the Enigmatic Amonro bumped into another Dark Sorcerer and was captured by him in a flash.

It was Victor who was clutching the throat of this Enigmatic Amonro with his powerful metal arm.

Victor stared at the provoked sorceress coldly and sneered with an exaggerated wide smile, “If it’s yours, then why is it in my hand? You savage fool!”

“Go to hell!”

The sorceress roared and released a surge of elemental force. The fire element bear slammed towards Victor.

Victor was fearless. As he opened his mouth, he blasted a ray of energy and the violent explosion that erupted in the air became part of the whole chaos.

A moment later, in a series of sorcery hedging between Victor and the sorceress, the Enigmatic Amonro that they were fighting for exploded into a mist of blood. The two were stunned for a while, and moved on quickly to other targets with a triumphant smirk.


The one-eyed Enigmatic Amonro was in complete despair. As the strongest among the group of Amonros, it was currently being targeted by five Dark Sorcerers at the same time. Their greedy gazes, their eager faces, their excited expressions, all of them were just... utterly terrifying.

It was a complete nightmare.

In order to fight for their own “ownership”, the five Dark Sorcerers kept trying to mess each other up, thus forming the current fragile balance.

At that time, the one-eyed Amonro was just like a newly matured female creature, shivering helplessly as five male creatures with overflowing hormones fought for their mating rights, completely unable to control anything in front of it.

Among the five sorcerers, there was Grimm.

Grimm looked at the other four sorcerers who would not give up, and suddenly sighed.

Although Dark Sorcerers were powerful, their deep-rooted flaw was obvious too. Were Dark Sorcerers just “special troops” cultivated by the Great Necromancers solely for the purpose of foreign world conquests?

Since the ultimate objective was to escape alive, and not the value of the Enigmatic Amonro itself, was ownership really that important? If it was a group of Bright Sorcerers, they would have long settled the matter and even started to plan for the next step.

But... it was just right!

In this case, the Dark Sorcerers who were busy solving the life-or-death situation in front of them should not be able to prevent Grimm from achieving his goal of earning an Honor Badge.

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