A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 67: Erotic Trap Dungeon (2) **

Chapter 67: Erotic Trap Dungeon (2) **

The last scene Asil remembers from modern times was the ceiling of his room.

I've never been hit by a truck, I've never been stuck in one game and achieved 100% of the challenges, and I've never sent a 5,700-character complaint because I was sick of the ridiculous plot of a novel I was reading.

I created a character carefully just to play a newly released game, and because I spent too much time making the character, I ended up putting off the game until tomorrow and going to bed.

And when I opened my eyes, I found myself under an unknown ceiling, having become a character I had created myself.

The panic didn't last long.

I just pinched my cheek, tried headbutting the tree next to me, and a big lump formed, and I rolled around on the ground. The panic didn't last long.

And he acknowledged the situation quite quickly.

The subject of possession was relatively common in the web novels Asil used to read.

It was surprisingly easy to admit that I had been possessed.

If you look at the presence of the lump throbbing in your head, it was definitely not a dream.

Then the next problem came to mind.

'Me. 'I made it a female character?'

If you're a man, isn't it the national rule to play a female character?

At least that was Asil's preference.

If I had known I was going to be possessed, I wouldn't have done it. Asil normally liked women.

The good news is that I didn't want to waste time progressing the story, so I applied various strong abilities.

With the "Mixed Blood" Ability, I chose to be half-human and half-spirit to have high spirit affinity from the beginning. As a spiritist, you can use spirits without having to choose one yourself.

The "Mental Barrier" Ability allows you to completely block various status abnormalities such as confusion and fascination. It's annoying to use status recovery magic or items every time.

I tried to quickly raise my proficiency with the "Fighting Talent" Ability and make the battle easier. I also found the female character fighting with her well-stretched arms and legs attractive.

If you had the "Charm" Ability, it was easy to build up favor with various NPCs. Because you can do a lot with the trustworthiness of NPCs.

Recovery speed was also increased with the "Deep Sleep" Ability. Honestly, I get tired of hearing the same sound effects over and over again every time I sleep at an inn.

He was a complete character who had Ilshin's combat power, took care of recovery, was resistant to status ailments, and could easily receive help from other NPCs.

However, there was also a penalty set to increase the ability like this...

'... Huh?'

I couldn't remember.

I definitely remember it was there, but I couldn't remember.

Asil was very uneasy about that, but no matter how much he thought about it, it didn't come to mind.

Asil, who had been struggling for a while to remember the penalty, eventually decided that the inevitable could not be helped and took action.

The goal is to return to the original world.

Having decided on a purpose, Asil set out to somehow gather information.

And after going through her own adventures, she heard that the saint could communicate with God, and she came here to ask God directly how to return to the original world.

In this eerie, shiny pink dungeon.

-Knock... Knock...

Asil, who was lost in her old thoughts, suddenly came to her senses when she heard the sound of water.

'No way. No matter how boring it is, you have to concentrate properly in the dungeon.'

Unlike when I was very nervous and stepped forward, no matter how I walked, only the same scenery appeared.

Just a straight pink cave.

Meanwhile, a pounding is heard from behind. Bruises. The sound of my bare feet keeps getting on my nerves.

Several months have passed since Asil became a woman.

I thought she had gotten used to a woman's body in her own way...

It seems like she couldn't adapt to another woman's body at all.

Her white skin and large, shaking breasts that she had seen at a glance kept flashing before her eyes.

Moreover, from Soira's point of view, there is nothing to be embarrassed about since they are just women, so she does not cover it up properly. Asil thought so.

She felt guilty because it felt like she was spying on a woman's body. She was also embarrassed.

In real life, the only soft and soft things she had ever touched were liquid monsters, but after being possessed, she was able to fondle her breasts without permission for months. Her breasts were so voluptuous that she couldn't even grasp them with her hands.

She thought she was getting used to her breasts.

Her breasts felt completely different.

She said that this was why Asil was walking in front of Soira. Because she has to walk with Soira behind her.

– Knock... Knock...

Asil is suffering from the anguish that keeps rising, and Soira is smiling even though she knows all of her circumstances.

The two finally faced a scene different from before.

– Knock... Knock...

Still a straight pink road.

But now liquid was dripping from the ceiling like rain, and the liquid pooled on the floor was soaked.

"Soira. What do you think?"

"You have no choice but to go, right? There is no other way."

"No matter how I look at it, it looks suspicious... "

But what Soira said also made sense. So far, the road has been straight and there have been no forks in the road.

I thought it might be a dangerous liquid, so I took some of the water droplets that fell on my palm and applied it to my forearm.

It was nothing. At least my skin wasn't poisoned and turned blue or burned.

The spirit currently being combined is Salamander. When combined with a spirit, abilities temporarily increase. For example, combining with a gnome increases physical defense, and combining with a sylph increases physical attack power. I don't know why it happens like that, but I guess it happens because it's a game.

There was no effect to increase defense on Salamander. Therefore, even if a bare Soira touches water droplets, it will be harmless.

Asil continued her steps.

-Snap. A slap.

Walking through a puddle of water.

The number of water droplets falling from the ceiling gradually increased, and here and there, instead of droplets, streams of water flowed like water leaking from the ceiling.

Asil and Soira were already soaking wet as they were literally walking barefoot with nothing to block the stream of water.

Getting wet itself was a common experience in this fantasy world.

"... Is this okay?"

I thought I was walking on flat ground, but in fact there was a slope, and the water level in the puddle at the bottom was gradually rising.

The puddle had already reached Asil's calf, and it was so cloudy and milky that the bottom was not visible.

But the end of the puddle is still not visible.

If things continue like this, I don't know how far I will be locked out.

However, the fact that there was still no other way did not change, so I had no choice but to keep walking.

Finally, when the entire lower body is submerged.

"... Wow!"

Asil, who was ahead, let out a loud scream.

"You know. "What do you have?"

"Woah, there's something in the water!"

In the murky water, something grazed Asil's calf.

Looking closely, I saw that tentacles that looked like seaweed were sticking to the skin and falling off as Asil continued to walk.

Asil, who had been distracted by just walking, felt a shiver run down his spine from an unexpected touch.

Eventually, Sora, who was following behind, carefully passed the place Asil had mentioned. The tentacles stuck to Soira's legs and then fell off.

"... Ugh. It doesn't feel very good."

"Right? I agree."

But the tentacles did not end with just that.

As you go deeper, the amount gradually increases.

The length gradually became longer, and when the water level reached the navel, there was a constant sensation of sticking and falling throughout the legs.

"... Phew... "

"Ha... "

The entire lower body was wrapped in tentacles, and the private area between the legs was no exception.

A pool of slightly lukewarm temperature, perhaps due to the unpleasantly warm cave floor.

The tentacles that kept clinging to my lower body were gradually becoming a source of pleasure.

Because there are so many tentacles. It must be a coincidence that one or two of them touch the genitals.

Although she thought about it that way, the feeling of it sticking to her clitoris and falling off made Asil's waist tremble, regardless of whether it was accidental or not.

Moreover, for some reason, I feel more out of breath than usual and my body feels sensitive...

Soira, who was following behind her, had already noticed that this puddle was a weak puddle and that her tentacle was intentionally touching her vagina, but she had no idea what was happening and just moved forward defenselessly.

Because this world Asil knew was not a 19+ game.

I never imagined that there would be such an explicit dungeon called the Erotic Trap Dungeon.

"Huh... After... "

Little by little, the weak medicine seeps into the body, and the tentacles blatantly stick to it.

However, the movement of the tentacles really changed little by little, very little, so Asil was late to notice.

A strand opens the clam meat and passes through the soft flesh inside. Asil flinched.

Two strands brush along the folds of the labia minora. Asil's waist trembled.

Four strands peel off the skin of the clitoris and lick the slightly erect bean. Asil's steps stopped for a moment.

Still, it's such a blatant move.

Even an insensitive Asil could sense that the situation was strange, but the tentacle was already moving little by little, caressing the vagina, rather than attaching and falling.

No, it was attached to the entire lower body, constantly injecting soft stimulation here and there.

Since I am naked, I cannot hide it anywhere, literally my entire lower body from my toes to my navel.

'It feels like my whole leg has become an erogenous zone...' '

Fine tentacles move in and out between the toes, caressing them, and sweep like feathers over the calves, behind the knees, thighs, and even the vagina, providing stimulation.

A feeling of pleasure that makes your whole body tingle.

Even if you try to cover your vagina with your hands, it penetrates through your fingers and persistently stimulates your erogenous zones.

'Ah... This might feel good... '

A head dazed by a weak drug inadvertently accepts pleasure and ends up throwing it away.

Even Asil, who had memories of being a man and was denying the pleasures of a woman, could only let out an excited moan in a situation where her vagina was being toyed with in real time.

"Ha... Ah... Ugh... "

Although she had masturbated since becoming a woman, she had never experienced a relationship with a man.

Even though she had a female body, I couldn't imagine having sex with a man.

But what about now?

I don't know if it's a tentacle or something, but at least it's not a man, right?

Then... There's no need to reject it, right?

The moment she recognized that fact, her body acknowledged her pleasure, even if only for a moment, and gently removed her hand that was covering her vagina.


"Huh... Tsk?"

All nearby tentacles clung to Asil's vagina, as if they had been waiting for that moment.

The large tentacle rubs violently back and forth, and the small tentacle sticks to the clitoris and vibrates slightly.

It was an unknown stimulation to Asil, who had only ever masturbated by simply rubbing it with her fingers.

"Ugh... Ugh... ? Ah... Ah, uh, ahhhhh??"

It felt like sparks were flying before her eyes.

'Oh, something like this...' I don't know... '

She feels a real climax approaching, which is completely different from what she thought would be the climax when she did it alone.

Asil's body convulses from the immense pleasure she feels for the first time since becoming a woman.

If I lost my mind like this, I felt like the pleasure would explode like gunpowder exploding from a small spark.

What held onto my mind until the end was the man's ego that denied the pleasure of being a woman.

I could tell intuitively that the pleasure I was about to experience was completely different from that of a man.

If you fall into this feeling, there will be no turning back.

However, contrary to my willpower to endure, my trembling legs gradually lost strength every time a stimulus came, and I was about to collapse into a puddle filled with tentacles.

– Chin

The arm extended from the side supported Asil's body.

"... Soira?"

"Okay. It's me. Wake up. "If you fall here, you'll be in even worse trouble."

"You... Fine... "

'Are you okay?' Asil couldn't finish the question.

Red cheeks, a neck soaked with sweat, and a lower body covered in something just like himself.

There was no way it would be okay even if I didn't ask.

Nevertheless, Soira's efforts to save Asil gave her willpower to Asil, who had almost collapsed from the pleasure of being a woman for the first time.

'Even Sora must have had a hard time like me. They are taking care of me too. You can't be the first to give up as a man!'

And Asil, who came to her senses, gritted her teeth and endured her pleasure. She walked a while longer until she reached the shore opposite her.

Although she almost left several times, she persevered and made progress.

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