A Wanderer's Lies

Chapter 103: Kitsune's Pall [1]

Chapter 103: Kitsune's Pall [1]

"He's in the forest? Why…wait a minute, I thought you couldn't identify tracked individuals." 

Cain turned to Lucy who had her eyes closed and seemed as though she was concentrating.

Ava and Amara, who were also paying attention, couldn't help but notice this as well upon Cain mentioning it.

"I can't to a degree. I've simply assigned a number to each tracker individual upon realising the flaw in my ability. The number simply being the rank of the students." Lucy answered, her eyes still closed.

'Flaw? She can just update her ability however she sees fit?' 

Amara peered at Lucy. Though she was no better than Lucy and also decided to not publicly announce her character and abilities, she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of curiosity.

"That's certainly useful," Ava commented, smiling brightly.

"It is. It's why I'm able to notice Isaac far into the forest." 

Cain cupped his hand around his chin as he fell into deep thought for a moment.

He had countless questions, three standing out more than the others.

"Why has he abandoned the fight? Why is he in the forest? And how did he get there so fast?" Cain voiced his thoughts.

"The speed question doesn't seem too important, considering he might have set up a portal beforehand. But I'm also curious about what he's doing there." Amara added.

For once, she wasn't trying to put down Isaac or badmouth him. This was simply due to the reason her curiosity overpowered her dislike for the boy.

"What's so important in the forest that he abandoned the battle?" Asked Lucy.

Meanwhile, Ava could be seen with her usual smile sitting beside them all. However, though not obvious, she seemed to be putting more effort into keeping up her smile.

'The forest? What's going on?' 

Ava was slowly starting to get annoyed with the knack Isaac had to go off and do as he pleased.

Normally she wouldn't care, but if something were to happen to him, her future with the Aroze was over.

She hated to admit it, but she was counting on Isaac to remain a loser.

"What should we do?" Amara asked, all four of them lowering their voices as a tense atmosphere surrounded them.

After a few seconds, Cain raised his head.

"And another blow lands!" 

However, before he could say anything, the announcer's loud yell drew their attention, bringing them back to the fight on stage as they thought the worst.

However, upon seeing Eli on one knee, breathing heavily as Jett stood in a stance not too far away, his chest moving up and down rhythmically.

"Despite Eli Hawk's constant pursuit, he is unable to break through Jett's defence!" 

The announcer, who stood off to the side of the stage, commentated on the match as the referee stood before the two fighters, waving his arm as he indicated the continuation of the battle.

"Cockroach Tackle."


Eli wasted no time as he shot toward Jett, his body low as he moved at terrifying speeds despite neither of them having access to their PS.


Eli arrived before Jett, pressing his feet into the ground as he came to a quick stop, the sound of what seemed to be a car suddenly coming to a stop, his rubber tires screeching against the asphalt.


Eli threw a punch that was carried by the wild momentum, only to be swiftly ducked by Jett.

Eli proceeded to throw a sequenced flurry of attacks that Cain seemed to recognise.

Jab, jab, cross, hook then uppercut.

What Cain thought to be boxing, especially with the way Eli was standing, was quickly switched to a different martial art as Eli swung his foot, attempting to sweep Jett's front leg.

However, Jett moved back, evading it.

"Cockroach Tackle." 


Eli rocketed into Jett, wrapping his arms around the blue-eyed boy's waist as he grinned.

'His grappling is lacking…'

"Piercing Fang."

Before Eli could finish, he felt stab-like assaults on his back, causing him to spit and cough blood as he momentarily lost control of his body, releasing Jett and catching himself before falling face first into the ground.

"Hey, is it just me or is that Hawk kid fighting pretty well?" One man in the audience asked.

"No, I think he's actually got some skill." Another replied.

Across the coliseum, mummers amongst the deafening cheers could be heard, all having the same thought.

"Let's go." As this happened, Cain whispered to the others.

"Now? Are you sure?" Amara asked, to which he nodded.

"Yes. I'll explain on the way." 

After a slight pause, the others nodded as they proceeded to stand and struggle to exit the seating area.

"Ava, where are you all going?" Heather asked, noticing the movement beside her, looking over to see them all standing as Cain politely asked if they could pass.

"We'll be back. Wait here." Ava replied, waving off the question.

"I'll come." 

"No, please, stay. We'll be back before you know it." 

Seeing how insistent Ava was, Heather defeatedly replied with a mumbling, "Okay." 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Coliseum.

"This is shaping up to be quite the battle, isn't it?" Harrison asked while looking over to the side where Chamberlain sat.

However, Chamberlain still seemed to be brooding as he gave no reply.

"Eli and Jett are quite the capable fighters…" 

Before Harrison could continue sucking up to Chamberlain, both of their heads perked upwards as if they were a pair of cats noticing a rat.

"What's going on?" Chamberlain asked, looking around.

In an instant, they felt a surge of power spike from an unknown direction…no, from all around them.


As they felt it, they looked outside their VIP section, noticing a thin green sheet rise from the ground, covering the coliseum and meeting at the top as everyone present couldn't help but wear an expression of confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Is this a part of the Final Event?" 

"Ashton City…" 

Looking down onto the stage where the final battle had been ensuing, one could see Eli and Jett standing in the middle of the stage, confused as they stared at their referee snatching the microphone from the announcer's hand.

"...I'm afraid there has been a change of plans."

The referee removed his hat, tossing it to the side as he revealed himself to be a man with a buzz cut, his hair bleached as he fashioned moderate facial features.

Before the referee could say anymore, two figures disappeared from their VIP rooms, reappearing on the stage in an instant as they stood before the two boys.


Jett noticed the back of his Grandfather standing before him as he called out.

"I'm sorry to both of you. But you won't be able to finish your fight." Harrison looked back slightly, talking to Eli and Jett.

"What's happening?" Jett asked, but before he was answered, he felt a tap on his shoulder, noticing Edward now behind him.

"Jett, go with Edward. It isn't safe here. You too, boy." Chamberlain spoke to both Eli and Jett.

Jett looked around, noticing the barrier around the coliseum and the referee that seemed off.

His mind instantly thought the worst as he felt his heartbeat increase and his legs start to shake.

Despite that…

"Wait, Grandpa. I can help. Don't send me away…" 


Jett flinched, freezing as he stared at his Grandfather, who was still far away from him.

"There's a time to be brave and there's a time to be smart. Listen to me, my boy. Go with Edward." 

Jett listened to these words, seeing his Grandfather's overreaction as it made Jett all the more nervous.

'If he's acting like this…how bad is the situation?' 

Jett thought, finally gulping loudly as he followed Eli and Edward off the stage.

However, truthfully, Chamberlain did not have an answer for Jett's inward thoughts.

No, he didn't know what was going on.

But he had a feeling.

His gut told him something was going to happen.

"Who are you?" Harrison asked, his voice heavier and oozing more authority than usual, as well as hints of threat.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Marshall Mathers," Marshall spoke in an almost mocking tone, seamlessly answering this personal question as if it meant nothing to him.

"What are you planning to do?" Harrison asked once again, seeming as though he was taking advantage of Marshall's nonchalant behaviour.

"I'm here to kill everyone." 

As Marshall said this, everyone in the Coliseum felt their heart skip a beat. 

"Oh my god." 

"He's a terrorist." 

"I'm getting out of here." 

The audience fell into a slight panic as Harrison continued to speak.

"You realise all of Ashton, hell, a fair amount of Spawn have gathered here today. Why…" 

Before Harrison could finish, he was cut off by a soft and subtle tone that he recognised.

"He's buying time." 

Footsteps could be heard as a female with black hair, white strands, and a neat kimono walked onto the stage, standing beside Marshall.

Harrison's breath halted for a second, his eyes widening as he uttered the first word that came to his mind, or rather, a name.


Harrison revealed.

"Isn't that one of your professors?" Chamberlain asked, just confused as confused as the audience.

Except for the students of Aurelius, who could all be seen with their eyes widened.

"Before you overuse your surprised face, save it for that." Marshall interrupted Harrison's shock as he pointed toward the sky, or rather, the top of the Coliseum.

On the walls of the Coliseum, everyone was able to notice an individual.

Though it was far, they could somewhat make it out.

A grotesque figure loomed over the coliseum walls, perched atop it and looking down at everyone.

Its dark, wrinkled and saggy skin was the most pleasant feature as one could spot bones sticking out of its body and some sort of dark red fluid oozing out from it if they looked closely.

Before everyone had the chance to be surprised, their attention was drawn elsewhere as they quickly noticed a similarly detestable figure seemingly appearing on the coliseum walls.

And it didn't stop there.

Every second, a new monster would appear, soon standing like pillars around the coliseum wall and surrounding everything.

No two were the same, each seeming more horrific and dangerous than the last.

Jett watched this all unfold as he stood frozen, his jaw-dropping while he didn't even know it.

Even Edward and Eli couldn't help but stop to stare, both their expressions bewildered as a single word came to Jett's lips.



Isaac dropped to his knee as he experienced the sensation of half his torso being gone.

But it never came.

The pain, the body going into shock and his healing trying its best to repair him.

It was as if his body and mind experienced a lag due to the sheer speed of the attack.

It was as if Isaac's torso disappeared in an instant.



The organs, muscles and skin all let out an audible noise as one could see it reforming, building its way up from a single cell.

Isaac's skin could be seen darkening, his pupils dilating.

Meanwhile, Xavier raised his hand once again, not waiting for Isaac to finish whatever he was plotting.


In his hand, what appeared to be a void-like ball with faint blue outlines grew larger at a rapid rate. It wasn't long until he flicked his wrist, tossing it.

Despite the weak flick, like a bullet, it shot toward Isaac, the space around it distorting and curving as it neared Isaac.



The ball of void seemingly stopped in mid-air, coming into contact with a long, sleek black tendril.

As this happened, Isaac had already healed, his skin tone completely changing and his eyes dangerously dilated.

Xavier watched this all. One would assume his expression would be that of shock or confusion.

But no.

Veins bulged in his neck and forehead as he bit his lip, staring with a dangerously piercing gaze at the shadowy tendril that blocked his attack, protruding out from Isaac's lower back.

As the tendril blocked the attack, one could see the ball of void slowly dissipating, being sucked in by the tendril as simultaneously, Isaac's skin could be seen returning to normal.

[Status: Intense Hunger -> Satiated]

Isaac grinned as he returned to normal.

'This…is better than I thought.'

[Kitsune's Pall]

The shadowy tendril shrunk, retracting to a smaller tendril of three that protruded out from the end of Isaac's spine…no, tendril wasn't the right word to describe it.

Three sleek shadowy tails danced in the air as Isaac pulled his head back, carefully placing his fingers on his eyeball.

"You know, Xavier…" 

Isaac was the first person to break the silence as his thumb and index finger grabbed onto a translucent material over Isaac's pupil.

"...you can't fool me with your colourful floral shirt and quirky personality." 

Isaac did the same to his other eye as he now held a pair of what seemed to be contact lenses in his hand, discarding it as he threw it to the side.

With his eyes still closed, waiting out the stinging sensation to pass, he continued.

"I know what kind of man you are." 

Isaac slowly opened his eyes, revealing mesmerising scarlet pupils that looked as though there was a never-ending galaxy trapped within it.

Isaac's vision cleared as he witnessed Xavier's red face as if he were at his boiling point.

Xavier's lower lip had started bleeding due to how hard he'd been biting it and he seemed so emotional that he didn't notice Isaac's Scarlet Eyes.

'No, he noticed. It just made him all the more angrier.' 

Jealousy, envy, scorn.

To a regular man, these emotions would hold them back. Act as obstacles and block their path in life.

But to a weak man, it would be their demise.

"And it's because of this reason that you won't be leaving this forest today."



I promise, the next chapter will be worth the wait.

Next chapter title: Kitsune's Pall [2]

NNext chapter title: Ego

NNNext chapter title: Superiority

If you don't wanna put up with these cliffhangers you can head to the /JustMYSTERY

And as usual (It almost feels wrong to ask at this point)...


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