A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 116: Chapter 116 - The sisters' curiousity

The thing was, after Nora had shown up, Elora removed the soundproofing they had put in place for their intimate fun.

Something she had done on purpose, with the inttion of giving a show to a particular pair of sisters.

And now, that part of her plan was finally paying dividds, as there was no way the Ashcroft sisters hadn't heard Nora's screams by now.

Naturally, she was correct.

In fact, they had heard the screams earlier but had be attempting to curb their curiosity so far, somewhat uncertain they ev wanted to know what was going on down there.

Yet, evtually, curiosity and a hint of concern won out, so they were now tiptoeing down the basemt stairs.

By now, Nora's creams had stopped tirely and transitioned into pleasured moans as her powerful body quickly adapted to the intrusion. Yet, those moans were a little harder for Emma and Emily's human Arcanist ears to pick up through a door and from this distance.

Emma gulped as they snuck down the stairs. "T- The screams have stopped. It sounds… differt now. W- What do you think is happing down there?"

"I think he's being a pervert…" Emily frowned as complicated emotions flickered through her eyes. Some fury, curiosity, and apprehsion, but, most of all, there was jealousy that she desperately tried to dy, ev to herself.

Aware of what her sister meant, Emma's face wt red, "B- But, those earlier screams sounded painful!"

Emily paused upon hearing her sister's statemt, causing Emma to do the same as she was behind her.

Emily turned a to look at Emma with a serious gaze. "You know the boss is not exactly a kind person, little Em. Ev if he treats us well, I don't doubt there will be others he will treat much worse now or in the future. This might be one of those times. Are you sure you want to see it?"

On the other side of the door, Elora grinned at Emily's astutess. Despite her dismissive treatmt of Emily, she could appreciate the girl's attitude and intelligce.

Emma gulped, and some anxiety appeared in her eyes, but it was quickly wiped out by loyalty and ev some devotion. Her eyes harded with determination, and she nodded. "Sir will always be Sir, no matter what he's doing there, and the more I know about him, the better I can serve him."

Emily gave her little sister a look of concern, "You've really got it bad for him, don't you, little Em… I just hope he continues to live up to your ideal."

"He will!" Emma said, full of conviction.

Emily shook her head in exasperation before turning a to continue moving down the stairs. Despite her newfound trust in Erik, she still promised herself to keep a close eye on both of them, just in case.

Wh they finally reached the door, they carefully oped it and peeked a the corner. Yet, wh they saw the debaucherous sce betwe Erik and Nora, they quickly pulled their heads back with burning cheeks.

Their reactions were very differt as Emily scowled and cursed, "Pervert!" and Emma just looked embarrassed and a little anxious for some reason.

Finally, having satisfied their curiosity, they planned to run back upstairs quickly wh Elora suddly appeared behind them with a grin. "Stop!" she said; her words resonated in the air, filled with the power of the covant that existed betwe them.

Immediately, the marks on the sisters' hands flashed, and they stopped in their tracks, Emily with an annoyed scowl and Emma with anxious embarrassmt.

Now, considering Elora's personality and past, one might expect her to try and get the girls involved in this situation. Yet, instead, her inttions were surprisingly innoct in comparison.

She just wanted the sisters to understand a little more about Erik, herself, and the sisters' possible future with the two of them.

Seeing the sisters had stopped, Elora ordered them to turn a before beckoning them closer. Something they did, if a little reluctantly.

Now standing inside the basemt, filled with the sounds of Erik and Nora's activity, and the lust-inducing smells of his body, Emily turned towards Elora, putting the intimate sce behind her and desperately trying to ignore it.

"What do you want?" Emily growled, clearly unhappy about being forced to stay here and also feeling very suspicious about what this woman might want from them.

Elora giggled playfully, "Don't look at me like that, little Emily. There's really no need to be so suspicious of me. I love Erik, and as long as he cares for the two of you, you have nothing to fear from me."

Th she waved her hand dismissively, "But never mind that." She glanced betwe the two sisters with a mischievous grin. "I want you two to turn a and look at what is happing back there."

With varied emotions and expressions, the two sisters turned a to gaze at the sce of wild and primal sex behind them.

Naturally, Erik noticed their presce, but he trusted Elora to handle it in a way that didn't damage the work he had done on them so far, nor the fact that he cared for them.

Luckily, he was right to trust her with that.

Despite their inhertly differt expressions, both the sisters had red faces as their eyes were locked on the display in front of them.

Elora wt to stand in betwe them with an uncharacteristically thoughtful expression. "Let's start with you, Emily. What do you think wh you look at this? And tell the truth. I'd rather not have to use the covant to force the truth out of you, but I will."

Emily was a little surprised Elora called her by her name again rather than simply saying pet. Yet, she was mostly still annoyed and a little confused about what Elora wanted.

Emily gnashed her teeth but knew trying to evade the question was pointless, so she answered. "Anger and embarrassmt."

Grinning knowingly, Elora shook her head. "You're lying to me, Emily."

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