A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 119: Chapter 119 - Elora's plans and desires

Elora's answer caused Emily to scoff as if annoyed at Elora's claim to superiority. "That still doesn't explain why you'd not only want this but apparently actively work towards it."

The fairy sighed and shrugged as if the answer was obvious. "And why wouldn't I? You and Emma are both talented and have rare affinities. Unfortunately, our current deal only lasts for ten years, which is barely a speck in our hopefully long lives."

An Arcanist's lifespan would increase exponentially with each rank they reach, and so, presumably, would a Runebound's. They couldn't actually be sure about shape-shifters and vampires yet, as aetherium hadn't been around long enough for them to reach such an age.

Still, considering the power of a Runebound body compared to that of an Arcanist, the assumption was that they would live even longer than Arcanists.

Suddenly, Emily's eyes widened as she appeared to come to a realization. "But if we become Erik's wives, we'd basically become your permanent servants, especially because, according to you, you'd always hold a higher position in this, what… harem? Of his?"

Elora smiled conspiratorially at her master plan being exposed. "More or less. I want Erik and myself to conquer and rule together, and the more powerful people we have supporting us, the better. Luckily, love is a powerful binding and motivational force."

She shrugged as a lustful grin appeared on her face, "Of course, the added benefit of giving Erik some more women to play with is not insignificant."

Hearing Elora's admission, a furious scowl appeared on Emily's face as all of Elora's dismissive behavior in the past few weeks came to the surface. "So, what? Assuming there was some magical, pretend universe where I would actually want to be a part of that pervert's harem, I'd still be nothing more than your little whipping girl!?"

It was nearly impossible for Emily to continue calling Erik boss when they were standing a mere handful of meters away from him, ravaging some blond woman.

Elora chuckled with amusement, "Of course not. Master would never allow that, and I wouldn't want it either. Besides, you're the one who mentioned servants; I said support."

Emily was starting to lose the plot as she stared at Elora with suspicion and confusion. "I suppose I could believe that about Erik, but I find it hard to believe it wouldn't be what you want."

Smiling indulgently, Elora shook her head. "I suppose I should clarify, lest you use this as a reason not to enter our little family." She turned to Emily. "You see, despite what things may appear to be like, I am not actually a complicated person."

She continued with a thoughtful look on her face. "I put all the people in existence into two brackets: family and non-family. Of course, those brackets still hold degrees of importance, mainly related to power for non-family members.

But for the most part, all those in the non-family bracket are tools to be used or discarded as needed. On the other hand, I would never see my family in such a way."

She pointed at Emily and then at Emma, who was still lost in her own world. "You two are currently non-family and thus tools. But my fellow sister-wives would naturally be family."

She turned back to Emily with another conspiratorial grin. "What I really want, in my heart of hearts, is to find like-minded women to myself, who not only love Erik but also want to see him ruling at the top."

She shrugged. "Of course, as his first wife and closest partner, I would lead those women." Her expression turned serious, "But they would be family, not tools."

Then she raised an eyebrow as a playful grin appeared on her face. "If you became family, for example, I would not only stop treating you dismissively, but I would also start to teach you every single thing I know about sigil crafting rather than just the basics."

Usually, Elora would never be this candid and serious with someone who technically still fell in the non-family bracket. But she recognized the need to be a little flexible when needed. After all, she wanted these sisters to eventually join her and Erik permanently.

Emily looked at Elora as if she was insane and thought, 'Who would actually look at the world that way? And not only that, but she also expects to find others who are willing to follow along with her plans?!'

Her thoughts were a whirlwind, each one leading to the next when suddenly, a new realization dawned on her. "Wait a second. That still doesn't make sense. I know you never wanted Erik to…" She trailed off, a lump forming in her throat as the magnitude of Erik's actions began to truly sink in.

Back in London, she had been too angry and defiant to fully realize it. Then, after coming to accept Erik's lead, she still hadn't really taken the time to think about it.

Now, in a sudden moment of clarity, she recognized the extent of his help. Erik had not only put his own goals and desires on hold but also went against Elora's wishes and put himself in danger when the Iron Sentinel showed up.

Sure, that last part was also for himself, but it could have been avoided if he had never bothered with them in the first place.

That time in Kirkenes, where he helped her mend the chasm between her and her sister, also sprang to mind again.

She felt a warmth flood her system that began to stoke the fires of the feelings she had denied herself, causing her to realize that, subconsciously, she had known these things all this time, and that is where those feelings stemmed from.

Yet, when she looked over at Erik with that same warmth in her eyes and saw how he was currently choking Nora with his dick, she turned back to Nora with an angry huff. "Damn pervert." She mumbled softly.

Yet, despite her words, the warmth stayed.

Elora had just been watching Emily's reactions with interest and curiosity, somewhat knowing what she was thinking.

Emily shook her head to get rid of distracting thoughts and continued. "A- Anyway, as I was saying. I know you never wanted Erik to help us, so why do you suddenly want us to become his wives?! You say you want us for our affinities, but it's not like those changed since London!"

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