Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Chapter 188 188 - Crushed Lies

As the dead rose to their feet, the elves shrieked in horror all around Moriyana and her group. Instantly, they knew something was wrong, but it wasn't until they saw one of the corpses rise in front of them that they began to comprehend what was happening.

"Zombies!" Moriyana and Rose both exclaimed at the time.

Being the only ones familiar with the creatures, they were the first ones to react. Spanning her wings Rose flew towards the rising zombie and landed a kick right onto its face. Hitting the elf zombie down, she stood over him, watching as it flailed around before trying to get back on its feet.

"Leave it to me," using her vines, Moriyana bound the zombie to the earth with a noose around its neck tightening downwards.

'Is this really happening?' Watching it all unfold, the female general was having a hard time believing the sight in front of her.

The dead elves that she was supposed to protect were rising from the dead, and attacking their friends and family. How could she have let this happen? How could she fail the ones who'd placed their trust in her hands? Nothing from this whole incident made the slightest sense in her eyes.

"We need to help them," hearing Margarette call onto her, she was snapped out of her lamentation.

Quickly trying to drive those parasitic thoughts away, she violently shook her head before raising her sword once again.

"Forward!" She yelled, despite feeling her heart bleed for making her fellow elves attack their families and friends. "They're dead, don't let your eyes fool you."

Although she tried to convince the rest with her words, she herself wasn't convinced at all. Still, she marched ahead of everyone wondering just what kind of god they had upset to be rained down with such tragedy one after the other.

'Or maybe it's just like always, it's these humans that are the cause of our problems.' Her eyes fixed on Margarette's back, Amara, the ginger-headed elven general, was highly suspicious of her and her group. 'The elders should never have accepted you people in.'

"Engage the enemy!" Giving out that order, she clutched onto her sword's handle and zapped toward an elven zombie.

Slashing through its head, she left a trail of blood showering behind her. Determined not to let any more of her people die, she steeled her heart and kept moving like a strong gust of wind toward each and every enemy.

For a while as the zombies were whittled down in numbers everything was on its track to be normal once more, but as someone had designed their village for doom, a war horn could be heard blowing from right outside the entrance to the village.

"What in tarnation?" Amara mumbled, drawing her blade out from the last zombie she could find.

Done with apprehending the zombies so the elves can take them out, Moriyana and the rest turned to the sound while covered in blood and guts. In their minds, each member of their group knew that the village was far from saving, and the fact that their presence in the place caused all this made them wanna leave this place as soon as possible.

"Rose, can you teleport us away? We can't keep acting as the village guards, none of this is worth it even if that elf is helping us find that library…" Standing by Rose, Moriyana urged her to take them far away from this place.

"Wait…" Moving her hand in front of the two, Margarette pointed towards a guard approaching the general from the cave entrance. "Let's see what's happening first."

Standing at a distance, their eyes were fixed on Amara as the guard hastily brought her some urgent news. By the end of it all, the guard as well as the general turned directly to look at Moriyana and the others with a look of pure rage.

"She knows…" Margarette whispered, knowing exactly why Amara was looking at them. "The twins said that Damien was holding one of the messengers to the city hostage remember?"

And that's when it hit for all of them. The war horn that was blown just now was often used by the empire's military for negotiation with monsters or demi-humans in case there was some mutual benefit to be had, and given that the only reason the mercenaries were attacking the village was them, it wasn't had to figure out what kind of demands that hasty hard had been asked of.

"Still think not hypnotizing them was a good idea?" Moriyana complained as they all saw Amara approaching them with her blood-stained saber.

"M-maybe, I was wrong…" Margarette reluctantly admitted.

"Can you not do it now?" Hiding her anxiety with a smile, Athena jumped into the conversation. "Or would you rather wait until she uses that blade on one of us?"

As if Athena's words were prophesies, the elven general picked up her sword and began charging toward the group. Yelling at the top of her lungs, she managed to throw off Athena, Alice, and Margarete while Rose and Moriyana were still high on their senses.

"What the hell fuck it!" Having her wings tear out from the back of her dress, Moriyana shifted into her demonic form. "You want a fight, well guess what? I'm an illusionist, not a barbarian!"

Flying up high, she managed to get Amara's as well as everyone else's attention on her. Giving up on hiding her identity, Margarette shifted into her demonic form as well and using holy chain bind pulled the flightless demi-cats high up in the sky beside Moriyana.

"You fucking bastards! Come down here!" Visibly fuming with her face reddened in anger, Amara raised her hand to get the arches to shoot them out of the sky. "Bring those demons down!"

While the battle inside the village intensified, the Lamenian army outside was preparing to storm the city since the elves had not surrendered the demons to them. Much like the mercenaries, the army was under the delusion that the elves were housing demons in their village just to spite the human populace of their cities.

"Where are the others?" Asked one of the messenger mercenaries who'd been sent back to the city.

"They're all dead, the demons…They're really strong," the necromancer replied.

"I guess that means more reward for us, ahaha!" The only other two from the original group burst out into laughter, completely unaware of the fact that the necromancer had plans to take care of them as well while the army marches in.

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