Absolute Necromancer

Chapter 159

Absolute Necromancer Chapter 159

“The second test is to look at the blueprint and make a weapon.”

“…Didn’t you say there was no production process? “Even if it’s me, it certainly seems unfair.”

Jinhyuk frowned slightly at Melton’s words and looked at Muyoung.

Contrary to the fact that he had been treated with a certain level of respect, Muyoung laughed and responded to the sight of his true personality naturally coming out as the difficulty level of the test rapidly increased.

“Because I thought you were that good. Well, if you want, you can do something easy.”

“…Tsk, just do it. Instead, you should give a proper explanation or a way to do it.”

“That’s natural. “Are you going to tell a guy who hasn’t even held a hammer before that he’s even an apprentice to make weapons right away?”

“Then it doesn’t matter.”

The universal word, ‘jjol?’ At one word, Jinhyeok had no choice but to click his tongue and accept the test.

Still, Jinhyeok nodded, succeeding in getting a proper explanation and even instructions on production methods in order to reduce his disadvantage even a little.

Melton smiled slightly as he saw Jinhyuk return to his respectful tone and opened the production book in front of Jinhyuk.

“This is the recipe for a long sword. The grade is rare. First, check the materials for this and explain in words how to make it. “That is the first test of the second test.”

“Hmm, it’s a long sword…It sure is easy.”

Looking at the scroll of production book spread out in front of him, Jinhyeok nodded at the obviously low difficulty level of the test.

[Common – Rare – Epic – Unique – Legendary]

Among these, it is a sword that is easy to make and is not only a recipe for rare items.

Among them, a recipe for the long sword, the most common sword.

Except for the fact that it is rare, this is a manual for making weapons that even a novice blacksmith can make.

“If this is the first round, then the second round will be produced as I explained, right?”

“That is correct. Instead, just remember that if you don’t come up with a satisfactory answer in the first round, it’s over.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Jinhyuk nodded and began to delve into the production book.

Muyoung asked Melton while looking at Jinhyeok, who was instantly immersed in the production book.

“What do you think?”

“Did you ask me if I thought the rude guy who spoke informally and sneered when I said I wouldn’t teach him skills would pass the first test?”

“…I didn’t say anything afterwards. Well, okay. Let’s say that. Do you think you’ll pass?”

Seeing Melton constantly complaining about whether he still harbored resentment toward Jinhyeok, Muyoung asked a question but didn’t think he would get a good answer.

‘There’s no way that friend with high self-esteem could forget the memory of being ignored. Especially if it’s the attitude of a guy like now who treats you like an elder just to learn skills.’

Muyoung is also aware of Melton’s eccentric personality.

It was inevitable that my personality would become hotter and more eccentric as I spent time in front of the fire.

Muyoung himself didn’t have a very good personality.


“…I don’t know. That monster bastard passed the first test easily. We might be able to easily pass the second test with something we don’t know. “I don’t want to feel embarrassed if I give a definite answer.”

“…It’s surprising. “I thought you would definitely say that you wouldn’t pass even if you knew that.”

Melton gave a vague answer.

The reason was simple.

This is because Jinhyuk’s performance in the first test was so overwhelming.

It was amazing to see Jinhyeok not even sweating in the 3,000-degree heat, which would put most blacksmiths in trouble.

Perhaps it could be said to be close to what blacksmiths dream of.

“Maybe if he passes all the tests. Then, we might be able to raise the recipe given by the electric being called Baal by one level, or two.”

“…I admitted it.”

“Sniff, what kind of recognition is this? Damn you. Remember, this is only valid if he passes all three tests! “Now I’m just a loser who’s never even held a hammer!”

“Okay, okay, I get it, I get it. For now, just watch quietly. Because it’s finally time to get an answer.”


Although he was nervous, Melton snorted and kept his mouth shut when he realized that Jinhyuk would come with an answer.

Quietly, very quietly.

For a short period of time until Jinhyeok came up with the answer, the workshop was filled with silence.

* * *

“2.5 kg of steel. After heating at 1,583 degrees, the strength is improved by folding, and then reforged by hammering with mana.”

“…Yes, that is correct.”

Jinhyeok had an accurate understanding of the materials needed for production and the direction they should go as indicated in the production manual.

“But this is just the basic of the basics. Put 2.5 kg of steel into a furnace maintained at 1,583 degrees, fold it, maintain the temperature, and repeat the folding. “It is written in broad strokes that it is a hammering with mana, but the appropriate force and how many times it must be struck depend entirely on the qualifications of the blacksmith.”

Of course, the first test was literally just the first test.

The most basic thing you can do to become a blacksmith.

The quality of the equipment is determined by how many times it is hammered or not.

“There are even cases where the grade itself falls or increases beyond the level where the quality of the equipment decreases or increases. That’s why it’s important for a blacksmith to use the production book as a basis, but he puts effort even when making an ordinary hoe to create his own masterpiece. “I’ll show you a demonstration now before we start the second test.”

The production book is not an eternal truth.

It is nothing more than a signboard explaining the way to proceed or materials.

What was more important than anything else was the blacksmith’s skills.

Even if it is the first weapon you encounter, you can use your senses and abilities to create something that is superior to the original recipe.

Of course, the most important ability of a blacksmith was to create weapons that were at least close to the recipe.

In the world of metallurgy, the effort to make a better product becomes a plus, and the plus soon turns into a minus, so you can be called a blacksmith just by making a product that is the same as the recipe.

“So, open your eyes wide and look, because this is the work of a thousand craftsmen, maybe less than a hundred in the entire tower.”

It is safe to say that among such blacksmiths, he has reached the pinnacle.

Dwarven artisan, Melton.

A hammer was placed in his hand.

* * *

earth! Taaang! earth!

The rough sound of hammering filled the workshop.

Even though my ears were ringing and the heat from the furnace melting the steel in the workshop was hotter than a sauna, the sound of hammering did not stop.


One last time.

The final hammering sound, louder than all the hammering sounds so far combined, echoed through the workshop as if it would be shattered.

Melton came in front of Jinhyeok holding a completed long sword with a sound loud enough to make him nod his head.

“Look, it came out reasonably well.”

As he spoke, Jinhyeok was able to see the long sword with elegant patterns engraved on the smooth sword body placed in his hand.

‘…This is rare? No way, that can’t be possible.’

Jinhyeok couldn’t believe that the long sword was so special that it was hard to believe that it was a weapon made from a rare-grade recipe.

[Melton’s Long Sword]

Rating: Epic.

A long sword made by dwarves, especially blacksmith Melton, who has reached the level of a craftsman.

Although it was made of ordinary steel, near-perfect fire control and expert hammering created an object that exceeded the limits of the production manual.

* Mana conduction rate + 50%, strength + 38, stamina + 34.

And in reality, it wasn’t a rare grade.

Even someone who is not good at metallurgy would not know that Melton’s ability to easily obtain a higher grade even though it is only a lightly made weapon is ridiculous.

“…That’s amazing. This is a craftsman….”

The same was true for Jinhyuk.

Until now, he had only treated his teacher with respect based on the attitude of learning from his teacher, but now the respect he gave with the longsword in his hand was a sincere respect that came from his heart.

“Hmph, I won’t even tell you to make it. I won’t even tell you to make it rare according to the recipe. But if you can’t even make the general grade, the test is a failure.”

If someone else had heard Melton’s gruff voice telling him to start the second test, he might have been trembling, thinking, ‘What am I going to do?’

However, it was a story that did not apply to Jinhyuk, at least to Jinhyuk now.

[··· I witnessed the high-level ‘Yajang’ skills right before my eyes.]

[You can get a job, ‘Yearmaster.’]

[There is a higher level occupation, ‘All Master’, of ‘Yardmaster’.]

[The occupation, ‘Field Leader’ is absorbed into the higher-level occupation ‘All Master’.]

[From now on, you can use all modifiers for the job ‘Yardmaster’.]

[The current correction level is ‘Beginner Field Manager’ level.]

“…Let’s get started right away.”

All Masters.

In the face of a profession that masters everything, Yajang was just one of the many professions to master.

Jinhyuk smiled as he felt all the basic things he needed to have as a light field leader gradually enter his mind.

And so the second round of the second test began.

And the result was something no one expected.

* * *

earth! Taaang! earth!

“…The posture…It’s okay.”

“Seeing that the hammering sound is even, it seems like the force control is perfect…It makes me wonder if this is really my first time holding a hammer.”

“Did you get a job? “No, isn’t it even weirder to have a job when we haven’t taught you anything?”

The sound of hammering fills the workshop.

It could be said to be noisy compared to the Melton era, but it could not be denied that it was still a pretty good sound to the blacksmith’s ears.


This is a level of skill that would be unbelievable unless they achieved the job they have been working on their entire life in just a few minutes.

“No, this isn’t something that can be done just by getting a field book.”

“Yes, you are right. If you get a job as a field manager, even if you gain some corrections and knowledge, it is only a very immature ‘low level’ job. There must be something else.”

Of course, the two knew that they did not show the same level of skill just by obtaining the Yajang.

When you get a job, a correction value is added, but the correction value is not that large.

Of course, even if Jinhyeok gets a job, he can’t show that level of hammering skills.

That was actually the case.

Right now, Jinhyeok is based on the knowledge of the ‘low-level master’ in his head, but his hands, which become more skillful the more he hammers and the more he uses the bellows, contain something else.

‘It’s been a while since I benefited from ‘versatility’.’

The characteristic, ‘versatility’, was the reason for the difference.

At the time of the tutorial, this was a trait that allowed Jinhyeok to have an unprecedented job called ‘All Master’.

It was now demonstrating its abilities again in the second test.

The result of ‘versatility’ supplementing the laxity of the ‘Yajang’ that has just been acquired.

“…It is complete.”

[Cha Jin-hyuk’s long sword]

Grade: Rare.

A long sword that is so perfect that it is hard to believe that it has just become a field weapon.

A long sword made by following the recipe perfectly is strong, does not break easily, and helps conduct mana well.

* Mana conduction rate + 30%, strength + 25, stamina + 28, agility + 13

“…Huh, what kind of nonsense is this….”

“It’s true that you became a field captain. That’s surprising too…The other parts are lower than what you made, but it has a new stat called agility. “This would be semi-epic level.”

Mana conductivity, strength, and stamina were all lower than the long sword made by Melton.

However, considering the difference between epic and rare, it is natural.

In addition, Jinhyuk’s longsword had a new stat called agility, so someone may need Jinhyuk’s longsword more than Melton’s.

It may be rough to think of something that belongs to someone who has just picked up a hammer, but does it compete with something made by a craftsman?

From there, the answer was no different from what was already given.

“…Damn it, I passed.”

Annoyed voice.

However, what it contained was ‘affirmation’.

Passed the second exam.

It was the moment when Jinhyuk passed Melton’s second test following his first test.

Of course, Jinhyuk had no intention of being satisfied there.

“What is the third test?”

“Are you going to do this without stopping?”

“The last one was minerals. If that were the case, it wouldn’t take much effort…It doesn’t matter.”

“Confidence…good night. “Then let’s get started right away.”

Melton snorted at Jinhyuk’s confident attitude, but kept a smile as if he was happy about the current situation, and immediately prepared for the third and final test.

And soon after, preparations for the final exam were completed.

In fact, there was nothing to prepare for the third test.

“Now, choose the highest quality of these three iron ores.”


Along with the words, three pieces of iron ore that had retained the characteristics of a rough ore were placed on the table.

Three iron ores of the same size and appearance.

A simple test to choose one outstanding thing among them.

“It’s easy.”

Jinhyuk smiled at that.

“…Remember, you only get one chance.”

Melton warned Jinhyuk, who acted as if he knew the answer as soon as he saw the mineral.

In fact, there was no need for the third test.

‘The guy has proven his qualifications. At this level, it’s worth growing. No, if you directly participate in the weapons production, you may be able to produce better weapons.’

Melton already thought that Jinhyeok would become the center of his disciples and weapons production.

It’s a bit immature right now, but I thought that with a little refinement, it would become a brilliant diamond.

In other words, even if he fails the test now, Jinhyuk will still receive lessons from Melton and Muyoung.

However, it was only Melton’s pride that prompted him to take the third test.

However, only the sight of Jinhyuk made Melton frown.

‘Arrogant guy. Minerals are the very first. I’ll have to properly scold you later. No, it actually went well. I needed a distance to scold him, but he gave me distance.’

Minerals are the most basic materials for making good weapons.

No matter how good you are at making fire or how skilled a blacksmith is, you cannot make a proper product from trashy minerals.

Therefore, Melton was hoping that Jinhyuk would get seriously hurt this time.

“I’ll take this.”

“The opportunity to change….”

“No need.”

“Hahaha! “You idiot!”

And that opportunity came quickly.

Jinhyuk even passes up the opportunity to pick up and exchange minerals without hesitation.

The mineral he held was-

“That is the most trashy thing. It is an ore that is significantly inferior to the other two. “You must have great insight to choose that.”

Because he was the most trashy of the three.

Melton, who was snickering and happier than ever, smiled and opened his mouth.

“Well, the rest wasn’t bad. It’s enough to raise your eyes by your side, and judging from your advanced abilities, you can join us….”

“I am right, old Melton. “You are wrong.”


However, Jinhyeok did not accept the result.

Jinhyuk denied Melton’s thoughts by even cutting off Melton’s words when he tried to say that he would be together even though he did not pass the third test.

Melton stopped laughing and rolled his eyes.

“Do you know what you just said?”

“I know. But you are wrong.”

“…Here, if you just tell us you’re wrong, you’ll be with us regardless of the test. But if you keep insisting like that…If you can’t prove me, you won’t even be able to set foot in the attack.”

Living a rough life.

No matter how much Jinhyeok’s ability to ignore his own eyes and not accept the outcome was, Melton had no intention of letting it into the battle.

Jinhyeok did not back down even when the tests he had done so far could have failed.

“There will be no change in what I say is correct.”

Calm tone of voice.

In the end, Melton snorted, exhaled, and returned to his seat.

“Explain. Convince me, convince us.”

“…I said you didn’t have to do that.”

“Be quiet, Muyoung. “Because he betrayed my mercy.”

Muyoung ate his food with regret, but Jinhyuk quietly looked at the iron ore he was holding and muttered.

“What you say is wrong because what I have is the best iron ore.”


“Chajinhyeokryu, Chapter 1 – Coin creation, Devil Coin.”

Jinhyuk immediately summoned a pile of coins with condensed magic energy at the words of Melton, who tilted his head.

Coins containing Jinhyuk’s magic energy piled up in Jinhyuk’s hands, filling the workshop with magic energy.

“What are you doing now?” They can do anything to us with their power….”

“Just be quiet and watch, old man.”

Jinhyuk was smiling and speaking informally, but Melton couldn’t say anything.

Couldn’t speak because of extreme anger? That wasn’t the reason.


Quad deuk-

It was because of the eerie sound that resonated when the devil coin held in both hands touched the iron ore.

Of course, I wasn’t scared by the eerie sound of the coin breaking.

However, the iron ore remains where the coins disappeared.

No, the reason was black ore that can no longer be called iron ore.

“Magic iron….”

“Is the one I picked the most trashy? Inspiration?”

Magic iron.

It was the name of the black ore placed on Jinhyeok’s hand as he smiled and asked.

An extremely rare mineral that is created when iron ore absorbs demonic energy.

Melton and Muyoung’s answer was decided after seeing one of the few minerals more expensive than adamantium or mithril being made in the hands of a climber.

“…I passed the damn pass, so bring that right now!”

“A parasol of magic iron! Oooh! oh my god! “God of furnaces and hammers!”

It was really only for a moment that the workshop became noisy.

Seeing the two people making a fuss asking them to quickly bring the magic iron, Jinhyeok chuckled and slowly walked over, throwing the magic iron lightly towards the two people.

“It’s easy.”

The three short but intense tests have ended.

And Jinhyuk’s joining was the same.

Now, there are three blacksmiths participating in making Baal’s recipe instead of two.

Melton, Muyoung.

Jinhyeok, a blacksmith among prominent blacksmiths, was able to stand side by side for a moment.

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