Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 333

[Episode 106: The Hidden Power of the Imperial Family (3)]

“Golden Award!”

Hearing my shout, he raised one eyebrow and then opened his mouth.

“It’s you, after all. “A descendant of Geomseon.”

Although he was changing his appearance using physical transformation, he seemed to be convinced that I was a descendant of Geomseon, and his whole body was shaking as if he had chills.

Is it because he met a being who gave him fear over 300 years ago?

Or did you feel a thrill at meeting like this?


I tried to throw a new weapon at him.

But Biseon Noong blocked it with his quick movements.


“We have to catch that guy.”

“For Nobu, Your Majesty’s safety comes first!”

The emperor's well-being seemed to be the priority for Noong, a secret servant bound by an oath.

The position was different from mine, where it did not matter if the emperor died.

In any case, if you can't subdue him here and your faith in everything is taken away, it will be difficult to deal with it in the future.

At that time, Geumsangje opened his mouth.

“I am truly grateful that everyone followed Jim’s wishes.”


The emperor, whose back was being held by the bastard, was in pain but did not lose his composure and asked back.

At this, Geum Sang-je chuckled and said.

“Still, he’s very resolute, as befits Jim’s descendant.”

“descendant? What on earth are you talking about? Biseon Noong! “I command you with the royal seal…you…dang…kkeuuuu!”

As Jin Sang-je's hand was strained, the emperor was in pain and could not say anything.

It seems that the emperor is trying to say something without worrying about his own safety, but it seems that Emperor Jin Sangje blocks this.

At that moment, someone came out like lightning from the pillar behind the throne.

He was a middle-aged eunuch of Naehaengchang and the best expert in the palace.


He was looking for an opportunity and was about to cut Geumsangje's neck with a soft sword like lightning

- spear!


Geumsangje lightly grabbed his soft sword with two fingers.

Then, when he lightly applied force with his fingers, the flexible soft sword broke and immediately pierced the eunuch's neck.



The eunuch of Naehaengchang stumbled, blocking his neck, and soon

fell to the floor,

“Your Majesty...”

The expert who overcame the wall was defeated in just a few days.

“How can you be such a genius!”

Biseon Noong shouted at his surprising inaction.

I made the same decision as you.

Jin Sang-je also practiced the middle and middle battles and possessed the original Qian Qi, so he was not affected in any way by the inner palace's golden emperor.

Geumsangje said to Biseon Noong.

“In some ways, Jim is no different from a distant Taesangje, but Biseon Noong’s attitude is truly wanton.”

Biseon Noong snorted and said at his words.

“I found out what you were planning to do. Do you think Nobu would approve?”

“But, since I am also a member of the royal family, I would not be able to raise a finger without commanding you with the royal seal.”


Biseon Noong bit his lip at those words.

It is truly embarrassing that being bound by an oath can cause behavioral restrictions to such a degree.

It seems that I am the only one here who can step forward without these restrictions.

I gave Biseon Noong a glance.

It meant that I would step forward.

At that time, Geumsangje spoke to me this time.

“What a bitter affair. “I thought you might interfere with my luggage this time too, but I guess I was right.”

I snorted at those words.

“There’s a lot to be said about a subject who disappeared because he was so scared.”

Geum Sang-je's eyes became sharp at my provocation.

It's not that he lost his composure, but he must be very uncomfortable because I'm bringing up his shameful memories.

The guy opened his mouth again.

“I’m warning you. You'd better not lift a finger. “If that happens, God’s will in all things will lose his only family because of you.”


What does this mean?

Could it be that the woman on the right side of that long-bearded official is the adopted daughter of God of All Things?

The God of Mansa, who was being suppressed by the bandaged man, shouted with a heavy face.

“Didn’t you say you would save that child?”

I frowned at the shout of God’s will in everything.

It was the worst situation.

I didn't expect that he had already come into contact with the God of Everything.

Geumsangje spoke to Mansa God without taking his eyes off me at all.

“Did you keep your promise?”

“...I protected it.”

“Nothing will happen unless that person steps forward. However, if he does something foolish, the entire responsibility is his.”

Hearing Geumsangje’s words, the God of Mansa looked at me with a sorrowful face.

It's as if he's asking me not to do anything to prevent his foster daughter from doing anything wrong.

It's really embarrassing.

In a short moment, I made complex calculations in my head.

‘What do we do?'

You have to consider numerous variables and choose the best option.

If you ignore his warning and use the Jeongyao Hwanyi Sutra, you can save the Empress and the adopted daughter of the God of All Things, but you may also kill the Emperor.

‘Would that be better?'

If the emperor dies anyway, the restrictions on Biseon Noong will be lifted.

Even though he couldn't protect the emperor.

Even though he may feel resentment, he also admits that it is the best option in this situation...

Then Geum Sang-je spoke.

“Heh. Making suggestions doesn't work. “Because Mongju can’t hear the sound.”


Ha...have they already taken action?

“You shouldn’t be given even the slightest chance. Biseon Noong. “Kill the descendants of Geomseon.”


Biseon Noong asked back as if it was absurd.

I, too, found it absurd that he would give such an order.

Even if he had the emperor captured, there was no way he would do what he wanted.

“Do you think Nobu will follow your wishes? Nobu only.....”

“Yes. If it is the order of the emperor who holds the Jinmyeong Jade Seal, I will listen. Emperor. From now on, it is the era of burden.”

“Jim’s... era?”

As soon as Jin Sangje finished speaking, the emperor's eyes became blank.

It was different from before.

‘no way?'

At that time, the emperor opened his mouth with a blank face.

“It is commanded by the oath of the royal seal. Biseon Noong, kill that person.”


The emperor followed his orders.

I saw the God of Everything next to me biting his lip and closing his eyes.

So did he use illusion poison on the emperor?


Biseon Noong could not hide his embarrassment.

At that moment, a jade-colored light flowed from the chest of the emperor's dragon robe, and soon the same light flowed from the secret master Noong.

Then Biseon Noong swung his staff at me.


It was a proper blow, unlike the fake fights he had been doing up until now.



I quickly dodged his attack, but the tension from the staff caused all the pillars behind me to shatter.

“Biseon Noong!”

I called him to come to his senses, but Biseon Noong's eyes were colored jade green.

He spoke to me as if he were possessed by something rather than a suggestion.

“I can’t refuse the oath. “Please forgive Nobu.”

With those words, Biseon Noong threw a new weapon at me.

The length of the staff created dozens of afterimages and put pressure on me, but each one was aimed at the blood vessels, so I couldn't deal with them lightly.

-Papa papapak!

I also blocked this by unfolding the grilled manhwajang knife.

Biseon Noong's power was so strong that it was difficult to compare it with those who had surpassed the wall of superhumanity.

In the first place, wasn't he a Taoist along the same lines as the teachers of Dohwaseon?

“What is this?”

King Gyeong’s voice was heard from behind.

Since there were enemies before and after Daejeon, he couldn't escape from my surroundings.

It was truly the worst situation, having to deal with a master of the eight levels while protecting King Gyeong.

“Step back!”

I urgently pushed King Gyeong, who was behind me, to the side with an empty object.

-Poof! Buuuuung!

“omg! “Yeonsaeng-ah!”

King Gyeong himself must be out of his mind.

As if this situation wasn't enough, he had to keep moving around with my hand gestures.

But the problem was actually me.

While spreading the grass with both hands, a gap appeared when one hand was removed.



The stroke of the cane pierced through the grilled manga and struck my chest and abdomen.

My body was thrown backwards.

If you are pushed further from here, you will end up moving away from King Gyeong.

The tension on the cane, which distorted my five organs and six parts, was painful, but I circulated the tension that had penetrated my body with the congenital stimulator and released it through my feet.


The floor of Daejeon I was standing on cracked.

It was the number of grafts.

But before he could pull it all out, Biseon Noong raised his staff upward and then brought it down

- Hwiiiiing!

The wind pressure struck me down, creating a whirlwind like a dragon fist wind.

The floor of Daejeon caved in under tremendous pressure, as if hundreds of thousands of pounds were being pressed down, and my body was crushed underneath.



It is also different from the general martial arts.

The basis of Biseon Noong's martial arts is using wind, or the power of wind.

As I continued to be pressed down on the floor, I quickly put my hand into my chest and took out the Namcheon Iron Sword from my pocket, which can fit anything.

Then he stepped on the ground and stretched his sword upward.


‘The 6th second type of Shinro Seongmyeong Sword Technique, Chuk-a Gwanghoegeom (逐亞廣回劍)!'

Another whirlwind was created with the Axis Light Sword.

Then, the wind pressure that had been weighing me down soon weakened, as if I had entered the center of a typhoon.

At that moment, I launched the new model upwards.

As soon as I did that, Biseon Noong hit me on the head with his cane.

In a rogue spirit, I raised the Namcheoncheolgeom and unleashed the 4th second type of Shinro Seongmyeong Sword Technique, Hoeryong Seunggeunggeom (回龍昇格劍).


The staff penetrated through the blade of the Hoeryong Ascension Sword.

Because they were already overwhelming in terms of aerial power, it seemed like they were in ruins.


As the herbivorous force penetrated through the sword blade, I spread the spear blade of the Geumchang Jingyeong and bent the staff with a sword sword motion to let the force flow away.

It was a level of herbivory that most experts could not even dream of.

However, as I let go of the herbivorous food like this, Biseon Noong’s techniques rushed into my heart like a thunderstorm.

-Papa pa pa pa paak!


As I was hit repeatedly in the chest, fresh blood spurted out from my mouth.

It could be dangerous if you don't counterattack here.

As he drew a large circle with the Namcheon Iron Sword, the air rippled, and soon it bounced back to become Biseon Noong's angle, hitting his shoulder and abdomen.

The method of Lee Gi-jin-gyeong (移氣眞經), which I learned through Ja-gyeong-jeong's Baek, worked.


Biseon Noong's new type was pushed back.

But that was only for a moment, and Biseon Noong threw a new blow at me again.

From the beginning, they were of a different class from vigilantes and such people.

There was no damage from any attack.

[Unhwi. What is he doing?]

At the voice of Namcheoncheolgeom, I looked sideways toward the throne, blocking Biseon Noong's storm-like attack.

Emperor Geumsang was taking something out of the emperor's arms.

‘A seal?'

It looked like a fancy seal, but it seemed to be a royal seal.

Geumsangje took it out and placed his palm on the seal, and the seal on the seal became red.

Geumsangje stamped it on the back of the person who was suppressing all things.



A groan came out of the mouth of the person wearing the bandages along with the heat.

Then something surprising happened.

‘Cheer up?'

The energy of the man wearing the bandage soared, and before he knew it, he had reached the level of an expert who had overcome the wall.

“As expected. If you do that...”

This time Geum Sang-je pushed it into his chest.

However, he went beyond the level of stamping the seal and had it pinned to Ae's chest.


As the seal burrows into his chest

- Gooooooo!

At that moment, the energy of the Golden Sangje exploded to an extent that could not even be compared to before.

Until now, he had only been able to use the Seoncheon Jinji, but the moment he put the Jade Seal into his chest, it seemed like the ban on inner strength had been lifted.

“Hehehe. “Jim’s guess was right.”

The corner of Geum Sang-je's mouth turned up in a sly tone.

The guy who was lightly warming up by moving his neck, probably feeling refreshed at being released from the ban, soon slapped me with a new punishment.


Even without that, they were barely able to stop Biseon Noong's attack, but even Geumsangje attacked them with new weapons, so they had no choice but to be put on the defensive.

When I met him for the first time since I met him 300 years ago, his inaction has risen to an incomparable level.


The sword he was spreading moved strangely and soon dug into his shoulder.

I rushed backwards.


In a short moment, Geumsangje’s sword rose upward.

If I had been a little late, my left arm would have been cut off by that sword.

But there was no time to rest.

-Papa pak!

Without missing that moment, Biseon Noong's staff struck my ribs three times.


I think my ribs are broken.

Even though I sent the energy through the water of peach blossom grafting, it was so strong that I couldn't block it all.

But that doesn't mean you can be defeated easily.

-Blah blah blah!

I spread the second herbal formula of Seoleumjibeop, Jongho Hallan (從虎寒亂), between the eyebrows of the old lady in the secret field.

Biseon Noong quickly tilted his head back, but

- Tatak!

What I was aiming for was the chest, not the forehead.

As Byeoncho changed Chosik's direction and hit Seoleumji's Ji Gong, which was full of chills, Biseon Noong's new form was pushed back.


A haze rose from Biseon Noong’s chest.

Even without Yang Kang's strength, he was able to easily defeat him at this level.

“Hehehe. Even if it's not perfect, I can send you to the underworld today. “A descendant of Geomseon.”

Geumsangje must have thought he had the complete upper hand and said to me with a sneer.

I grabbed my ribs and straightened my stumbling body.

“You prepared a lot.”

“It’s pretty good even though it can only be used as a mid-game. You really can't let down your guard. “A descendant of Geomseon.”

I sighed at that guy’s words.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a corner like this.”

While being held hostage, it was really difficult to deal with an expert who had overcome the wall of superhumanity and reached the extreme and a person who had reached the same level as the eight Daoists at the same time.

Moreover, as he said, we had to deal with him with half our strength.


His voice was not good, as if he thought the situation in Gyeongwangdo was the worst.

His only source of salvation was me.

I was cornered.

Geumsangje approached me and said.

“Starting with your death, the era of burden begins.”

“The times...sigh....”

I sighed.

Like Geumsangje, Biseon Noong, who had driven away the chill, was also approaching me.

They were like messengers of death.

So I opened my mouth.

“Your Majesty...”

King Gyeong looked at me in confusion at my call.

I told him that.

“Just survive on your own from now on.”


Unlike King Gyeong, who was embarrassed, Geumsangje burst into laughter and spoke to me.

“Hahahahahaha, I’m so disappointed. “It was really foolish of me to worry about someone like this.”

With those words, he threw his sword at my neck.

“If you gave up, just accept death like this…”


At that moment, I grabbed his sword with my bare hands.

Geumsangje twisted the body of the sword and tried to forcibly remove the sword, but it did not move.

“Kill him!”

Biseon Noong swung his staff at me at Geumsangje's shout.

But this too was caught in my hands.


As the sword and staff did not move, Geumsangje's eyes trembled.

“Your strength...”

I guess he can feel it too.

My air power soars rapidly.

At that time, Geumsangje's eyes turned to the back of my left hand, which was holding the blade of his sword.

Before I knew it, something that looked like a circular pattern was engraved on the back of my hand.

Geumsangje’s eyes widened when he saw that.

“A seal?”

I said to him who was surprised.

“Thank you for teaching me something good.”

I also had no idea that it was possible to create scars like this with physical transformation.

But does that work?

Geumsangje was not embarrassed and spoke to me calmly, raising his energy.

“.......Don’t you understand the situation? That won’t change anything.”

“So from now on, I won’t worry about everything else and will just kill you.”



At the same time, red lightning surged from my entire body along with a haze.

At that moment, Geumsangje and Biseon Noong jumped out at the same time.

? Hanzhongwolya

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