Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 337

[Episode 108: Demon Ship (1)]


A snake with eyes as white as a snow field.

The moment I saw that snake, my whole body went crazy.

It was surprising that there was a snake inside the body of a normal person, but I had seen this snake in the past.

No, to be exact, I saw it before the regression.

I remember it clearly.

This is the snake that appeared in the room of the underground wheat tower in Xinjiang Cheonsan, where Geomseonbirok was hidden, and then suddenly disappeared.

The thing I was holding in my hand had the same eyes as the snake I saw back then.


A normal snake would struggle to escape when caught in the hand.

But this snake was strangely staring at me.

It's like making eye contact.

At that time, the brain being held by the neck laughed with a red-faced face.


“.......What is this snake?”

To my question, he answered like a fellow student.

“Master is watching everything.”

“Answer me without talking nonsense!”



I put more pressure on the hand I was holding.

The blood on his face stood out as if he was about to suffocate, but even so, the smile on his face did not fade.

He spoke with difficulty, glaring at me with his blood-filled eyes.

“Now….it’s soon…..to…..monk…..stand…..rise….. ..Once.....your....you....are....finished....and.....that’s it.”

“I would have said that wouldn’t happen.”

The guy raised the corner of his mouth and said slyly.


Where on earth does this confidence come from?

“That’s how it comes out. good.”

Rather than forcing him to open his mouth directly, I think I should kill him and absorb the spirit.

It seems impossible to find out this way.

I increased my strength.

It was then.

-Knock knock!


The snake in my hand suddenly twisted its head.

It was so tight that I couldn't move, but my bones were twisting.

Then the snake and the brainiac looked at each other as if looking into each other's eyes.

It was that moment.


The head of the brainchild that was being held in one's hand exploded.

It happened so quickly that there was no time to do anything.

Moreover, when the guy's head exploded, the blood drops came rushing in sharply as if they were memorized, but I quickly threw my body back and blocked them with my magic.

-Papa papapak!

But this wasn't the end.

Noejang's body also swelled and soon burst.

The power was on a completely different level than when my head exploded just moments ago.


Wherever the brain's blood touched, the walls of the cavity were pierced, corroded, and everything was destroyed.

As a result, the tomb collapsed and collapsed.


There was only one thing I could do in that split second.


I used the Chukji method to get out of King Pyeong’s tomb.

When we got out, we saw that the middle of the tomb was collapsing as if it had caved in.


“Le Lung is about to fall!”

The government soldiers guarding the tomb flocked to the sudden incident.



I once again moved the location to Chukjibeop.

A dark forest far away from King Pyeong’s tomb.

There I took a breather.

Rather than being exhausted, I was just embarrassed by what happened so suddenly.

I looked at the snake I was holding with my left hand.

The snake, whose bones had completely turned due to the twisting of its head, was lying limp and dead.

But one thing had changed.


The snake's eyes were no longer white.

The light changed to brown.

I threw the dead snake on the floor and thought about it for a moment.

‘Is it witchcraft?'

That seemed highly likely.

Maybe it was the work of the demonic being that he called his teacher.

I, too, am able to control people through my sword.

If you keep that in mind, this snake could also be a part of it.

‘Wait a minute then…’

[Master is watching everything.]

That means…

“Damn it!”

There is no time to stay like this.

We must immediately head to the place pointed to by the map in the stone chamber.

If that entity called Demon Sun really watched everything through the snake's eyes, then it also knows its location.

* * *

Taihu Lake, Jiangsu Province.

Several islands are located within the third largest freshwater lake in the Central Plains.

One of them is a small island called Wondujeo (黿頭渚).

This island is called Wondujeo because it resembles a large turtle sticking its head out of the lake.

I'm heading there now, riding the Namcheoncheolgeom and using the Geogeom Flying Technique.

Since I had never been there before and my method of contact was limited by distance, I had no choice.

-I see it over there. There doesn't seem to be anything other than a forest of trees?

I also agree with what Sodamgeom said.

The island is so small that it seems to be hiding something. Is this really the right place?

The map on the floor of the stone chamber clearly pointed to this place.

‘You'll understand once you get there.'

After landing on the island, I searched the small island to see if there was anything hidden.

The surrounding scenery is so good that it can be called a scenery, but I don't know if there is a special place here to hide something.

When you see that there is even a place where you can dock a ferry here, you start to wonder if this is really the place.

Isn't it impossible for the secret to achieve immortality to be within human reach?

-Hey. Is there something like an underground cave on the island?


I looked closely, but there was no such place.

If there had been, I would have known as soon as I touched my feet.

This island must be where the map is pointing, but why can't I see anything?

It was a moment when I was wondering.


The ground of the island trembled subtly.

I could tell clearly by seeing the trees and bushes shaking.

A resonant sound heard amidst the shaking.

I focused on that.


And then he launched the new model towards the place where the sound was heard.

-Where are you going?


A resounding sound is clearly heard.

Just as a sound spreads like an echo inside a cave.

Eventually, I discovered that the large trees were tied together like forks.

There wasn't anything special so I passed by it, but I saw a small gap-like space between the branches.

The gap was large enough for a child to fit through.

-Surely there?

If my ears weren't wrong, I heard that ringing over there.

Since time was running out, I didn't hesitate and immediately cut down the large tree.

-Okay! Kiiiiii! thud!

When the tree fell, the gap soon became much larger.

And through the gap, there was a hole leading to the floor, and its depth was unfathomable, as if it were an abyss.

I think it must be this place.


First, I jumped inside.

My body was falling deeper than I thought.

-Something eerie?

I think it's more because I can't see a single light.

As I focused my eyes on Seoncheonjingi, I could see the surroundings surrounded by cliffs.

At that time, Namcheoncheolgeom’s voice rang in my head.

-You can see the bottom of Unhwi.

Just as he said, I could see the floor with a hole in it.

But green light was coming out of that hole.

I slowed down my falling speed and turned towards the hole.


The moment I passed through the hole, a large cavity appeared, with the cave ceiling full of stalactites and luminous lights illuminating all directions.

There was something like a large tombstone standing in the middle of the place, and in front of it stood a being whose whole body was sealed with iron chains with golden letters engraved on them.

-Is that you?

I guess it seems like that.

Fortunately, seeing as it is still in that state, it seems it is not too late.

Then there is no need to hesitate.

-Pachichichik! Shoooo!

I immediately started practicing blood magic, brain energy compliance, and jinhyeolgeumche.

A red thunderbolt enveloped the entire body, and the cave, which had been illuminated with luminescent lights, became illuminated with red light.

If I use Noebyeokcheondun, the cave may collapse, so I will have to use the last 7-second style of the Shinro Myeongseomgeombeop, the secret technique of the Myeongseonggeombeop, which is one of the best martial arts I have, the Twelve Heavenly Swordsman (十二天景劍).


In addition to the speed of the fall, an exquisite sword filled with red thunderbolts unfolded.

The twelve sword elements skillfully came together and drew a splendid trajectory without any gaps, rushing towards the being standing in front of the monument.

-Click! Crack!

As I rush towards him, I hear an annoying sound.

I don't know what it is, but we have to deal with it immediately.

The guy lifted his head up.

I saw the snake's eyes, which were completely different from those of humans.

Those eyes were creepy, as if they were penetrating everything, but they focused on only one thing.

‘Cut him down!'

At that time, the man's bony hand moved.

And that too very slowly.

I tried to cut down his entire body along with his hands with the Twelve Thousand Swords.

It was that moment.


The man's hand held the Namcheon Iron Sword covered in red lightning.


The sword power contained in the sword was not something that could be grasped carelessly, as it contained many powers.

But surprisingly, the sword was caught in the guy's hand.

-Quarrrrrrr! Blah blah blah!

A crack appeared in the floor where the guy was standing, and soon the floor split and more than a dozen pieces caved in.

Even with this level of power, the hand holding the sword did not move at all.

I aimed a sharp attack at the guy's head to make him let go of the sword.

But then he moved his hand lightly

- wow!

A large wave appeared in the air, and I was not only thrown away by the force of the Namcheon Iron Sword.


I flew like a cannonball and soon ended up being thrown against the wall of the cavity.



It seems like there are more than five pieces stuck together.

I felt wetness from behind.

I felt pain as if the bones in my back had been crushed, but I endured it and managed to move my body.

- Push shoo shoo!

When I got up from where I was stuck, water came out from behind me.

Perhaps because it was located deep underground on the island of Taiho, this cavity seems to be surrounded on all sides by the fresh water of Taihu.

After getting out from where I was stuck, I looked at the guy in front of the tombstone.

-are you okay?

It's not okay.

I feel nauseous and feel like throwing up.

Although I didn't fully awaken my magic, I attacked him with all my might, but I was hit instead.

I never thought such a monster existed.

-What are you going to do?

What should I do?

As long as it's like this, I don't care if the community collapses.

I will have to use all my might to kill this guy.

If such a being is resurrected as immortal and goes out into the world, no one will be able to stop it.


In this state, I even achieved the awakening of magic.

The thunderbolt turned dark red and its capabilities increased explosively.

-Pot! Pachichichichik!

As soon as I fired the new weapon, I extended the sword towards the guy.

Then, black thunderbolts rushed towards him in a straight line.

The speed was so fast that even experts could not perceive it with the naked eye, so the lightning pierced the man's chest in an instant.

-Papa papapak!

-It worked!

I know.

You can't miss this opportunity.

I stretched out the test paper toward the floor.

-Pachichichichik! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

At that moment, a dark red thunderbolt erupted from the floor, creating the shape of lightning striking in reverse.

It was the third second of the Daedo Cheondun Sword Technique, Noebyeok Cheondun (雷霹天遁), reverse heavenly lightning (逆天光雷).


The figure of the man who had been pierced through the chest was caught in a black and red thunderbolt surging in reverse, making his image appear blurry.


Just then, fresh water came gushing up through the cracked floor.

It seems to be because the ground at the bottom cracked due to a lightning strike.

As the water rose, the entire floor sparkled with dark red lightning.

-Gurrrrr! thud! thud!

The stalactites on the ceiling of the cavity fell down as a result of the lightning that struck the ceiling.

It seems like a natural disaster has occurred in this plan.

Even though his new form became invisible in the dark red lightning, I did not stop until the end.

-The water is rising very quickly.

As Sodamgeom said, the water was already up to the knees.

It looks like it won't be long before it goes past my thighs.

However, this can only be stopped if it is completely destroyed.

Even if this place collapsed anyway, all I had to do was get out of the way.

-Tough win!

Since I was giving it my all, my body was definitely overloaded.

It feels like all my veins are about to explode.

It was that moment.

-Shoot! Sigh!

It happened in the blink of an eye.

I stumbled and fell to my knees on the floor.

-with a splash!

The water splashed and wet my entire body.

-Woo Unhwi!

Namcheoncheolgeom’s voice rang in my head.

The body of his sword pierced the exact center of my chest.

? Hanzhongwolya

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