Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 297

[ 297. Schlieffen ]


“Miss Lee.”

Schlieffen said. No answer came back. Iril was sleeping soundly, buried in the middle of a huge chair. Seeing her appearance, Marja muttered involuntarily.

“…like a princess.”

“Huh, this is really… dazzling.”

Braum, who was next to him, also nodded. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. She was beautiful even when she was wearing a mat, but today her class was different.

A gorgeous and elegant dress that could only be seen at an imperial ball was draped over her body. The white dress, like the first snow, seemed to be made just for her.

“Is this a crown? It’s pretty…”

A beautiful tiara was placed on top of her well-combed hair. It was said that she was brought here to make her a saint, and it seemed that she was treated appropriately.

Indeed, Schlieffen’s brain stiffened at the fatal beauty for a moment, but he soon regained his reason and began to examine Iril’s condition. Before long, Schlieffen let out a sigh of relief.

“…that’s good.”

Upon closer examination, no wounds could be found. His breathing was steady, and he did not appear to be terribly ill.

However, it bothered me that he didn’t wake up no matter how many times I called. It must have been put to sleep with some kind of sleep magic. I thought I should hurry up and take him to the army doctor. Then Marja, who noticed Schlieffen standing there doing nothing, tilted her head.

“Why suddenly? Aren’t you moving?”


“I? Wouldn’t it be better to pick it up yourself? I think Leeil will like it even more.”

“I…no, just listen.”

Schlieffen averted his gaze and shook his head. For the first time, a blush appeared on his face, which had not changed even after slashing three-digit enemies. It wasn’t too difficult to figure out why. Marja snorted.

“Hahang. It’s incongruously cute.”

“…shut up.”

“How are you going to propose to me if you can’t even hold me? get out of the way anyway Because this sister will do it for you.”

“Hug me gently. Like handling a glass marble.”

Schlieffen sighed. Marja complied with his request. Iril’s body was as light as a feather to Marya, who wielded a greatsword larger than her body with one hand. Iril, who was suddenly asleep, let out a bashful laugh.


“Ah, unnie is smiling. You must be dreaming of something good.”

Marja smiled in unison. It was a peaceful smile like a baby whose heart is warmed just by looking at it.

But I still couldn’t let go. Rescue was an act of taking hostages and escaping from enemy camps. Moreover, they still had the task of stopping the ritual of the descent of the giants. said Marja.

“Now what? consciousness?”

“If you haven’t found it so far, it’s probably going on up here. I will take care of them, so you guys take the sheep and escape somehow.”

Schlieffen extended his index finger and pointed up. Marja’s eyes widened.

“Dealing with the archbishops alone?”

“They are defenseless during the ritual. And I’ve already caught two archbishops. I think it’s a reasonable decision.”

“That’s true…”

Schlieffen answered calmly. In fact, he had observed the ritual of summoning a giant in Adren. Since it was an act that consumed a lot of energy, it would have been easy to find a gap.

Furthermore, the archbishops Schlieffen had captured were Pantasion and Alon, who were said to be the strongest forces. I thought that if I approached carefully and succeeded in the surprise attack, I could finish it surprisingly easily. Braum nodded slowly.

“Certainly…that sounds like the best.”

“…okay. Don’t get hurt.”

Marja followed and sighed. She hugged Iril, who was soundly asleep, a little tighter.

I had a plan, now it was time to put it into action. It was the car they were about to step into. Schlieffen, feeling the frightening energy, exclaimed urgently.

“Everyone is in danger!”


The group stopped. At that moment, the ceiling in front collapsed with an intense explosion. Kwaaaang-! Dust poured down and covered the room.



Marja and Braum vomited in bewilderment. All of them reflexively covered themselves with mana shields, so they did not take any damage. In the meantime, Illil was soundly asleep.


Suddenly, a terrifying voice rang out. Five figures emerged from the dust. The three instinctively sensed that they were the Archbishop. A woman stepped forward with the sound of her feet clattering.


Marja met her eyes and sighed. The gorgeous robes and beautiful appearance were impressive. It was a face I remember.

【You can do that. Rats.]

said Archbishop Le Tancier. Earlier, the three of them had met her at the beginning of the war. It was the archbishop who gave despair to the allied forces by laughing on the wall.

However, the atmosphere was quite different from then. The aura that bloomed from his body was incomparably stronger than before. Even the gesture of graciously brushing her hair behind her ears sounded menacing.


“What did you do?”

Braum shrugged. It was like facing a giant, not a human. He was a completely different being from the archbishops he had met during the clearing operation.

It was to the point where I had no idea how he had acquired such strength. Then another man stepped forward.

【Leave the saintess right now. I will kill you painlessly.]

Like the others, it was Verminion who held the position of archbishop. Letansie shook her head.

【Go with others Verminion. I’ll kill these mice. Originally, it was my duty to take care of the saintess.]

【Don’t do that, just share some. You don’t even need to be conscious anymore anyway.]

Verminion said in an angry tone. Marja gritted her teeth. These bastards didn’t even see us as opponents in a fight. The other three archbishops didn’t speak either. Schlieffen, who had been silent, spoke for the first time.

“What do you mean you don’t need to do a ritual?”

【Eavesdropping like a rat…well, that’s literally it. Because the connection with the sky was suddenly cut off.]

“The connection with the sky…?”

【okay. but never a bad thing The power of the starlight has become stronger.]

Verminion nodded. He told me the current situation as if it was not a big deal. As Schlieffen guessed, the archbishops were holding a ceremony to summon a giant.

The ceremony, which had been going smoothly, came to a halt at some point. Suddenly, all the magic circles collapsed and began to merge into one. The reason was unknown. However, the release of the power of the stars that traveled between the heavens and the earth served as great luck to the archbishops.

Only then did Schlieffen realize why the archbishops suddenly became stronger. Like the Dragon King I saw in Adren, they must have absorbed the power of the overflowing starlight. Verminion groaned.

[We plan to find out more about it from now on. Of course, before that…]

Verminion’s hand suddenly went up. The group’s faces hardened. The moment he swung his arm, a half-moon-shaped sword shot towards the three of them.

“Everyone is dangerous!”

Braum, who hurriedly blocked his way, raised his great shield. The sword was about to collide with the shield. Instinctively, Marja stretched out her arm and pulled Braum by the back of the back.

“Avoid you fool!”


bang! An explosion rang out as Braum fell backwards. The shield fell a step too late and landed on his stomach.

“Heh uh uh…!”

Braum’s face turned white when he saw the shield. The part that was directly hit by the sword blade disappeared as if it had been cut with scissors. My body almost got cut in half. Verminion continued.

[I’ll have to kill all of you, but.]

Goooh… A curtain of bizarre colors came up from his feet. The protection of the stars, which he had seen so much, seemed hard on a different level from what the party had dealt with so far. Le Thanxie, who was watching the scene from behind, sighed.

【Fu…then let’s get rid of it quickly.】

She was like a mother with a bad boy. The other three archbishops stepped forward. They, too, were strong if stronger than Verminion, but did not look weak.

“…Is it the end?”

Marja laughed. I couldn’t see any chance of winning. It was doubtful whether Jaifa, who was wandering around the castle, could win even if he came to help. Suddenly, Schlieffen looked back at her.

[hey. Is there any blood left?]


Marja raised her eyes. Schlieffen’s voice suddenly resonated in my head. When there was no answer, the electric tone came again.

[I asked if there was Ronan’s blood left.]

[That’s it… There’s a little bit left.]

Marya nodded. Quickly, she noticed that Schlieffen was plotting something. Is there something wrong with it? Marja, with a bit of hope, touched the blood bottle hanging from her waist.

sudden! Suddenly Schlieffen reached out and grabbed the blood bottle hanging from her waist. And poured it all into his own sword. Marja’s eyes widened.

[What are you doing?!]

[You take the sheep and run away. I’ll do my best here.]

[It’s not an opponent who can’t be done with hard work!]

Marya screamed internally. Unless you’re an idiot, you know. The Archbishops in front of me were not opponents that they could do anything with. Schlieffen, who was silent for a moment, continued.

[We’ve come to help Miss Irill escape.]

After saying that, Schlieffen glanced at the wall. Realizing the meaning, Marja bit her lower lip. The archbishops had to make a quick decision because they were approaching even now.

is this correct? Is this really correct?

The head and heart were making different claims. Even though I already knew the answer, it was not easy to decide. After coming to a conclusion, Marja lowered her head.

“…okay. Don’t die until I come back.”

Marja said in a voice. Schlieffen did not answer. After receiving the strategy from her, Braum raised his eyebrows.

“Wait, what is that…”

“Shut up!”

bang! Marja suddenly grabbed Braum by the back and leaped off the ground. It was toward the wall, not the gate. Sensing what she was about to do, Le Tancier hurriedly reached out her hand.

[Wait a minute!]

Seven invisible spears were fired at the two. But it didn’t happen that they pierced Marja’s back. Kagagak! All seven spears were cut off with a series of ruptures. It was Schlieffen’s sword technique fired from a distance.

“thank you!”

cried Marja. At the same time, she collided with the wall, making a loud noise. Kwaaang! The outside scenery unfolded beyond the broken wall like an explosion. Marja hugged Iril even tighter and jumped out of the hole.

【Oh no!】

Le Thanxie’s face hardened. I didn’t expect to miss this one. The moment she hurriedly tried to throw herself, a whirlwind surged in front of her. Aaaah-! The whirlwind of bladed wind completely blocked the hole in the wall.


Letansier glared at Schlieffen. Not only her, but all the Archbishop’s eyes were focused on him. An extraordinary amount of life that a normal person would not be able to endure and would break his mind began to oppress his whole body.

【You’d better not think about dying gracefully.】

【This is completely insane. Am I missing the subject?]

Schlieffen said nothing. Suddenly, I remembered the day I first met Illil. The moment I bumped into her as I turned the corner was probably something I’ll never forget. Blocking the front door, he muttered in a low voice.

“…I thought I met an angel.”


Verminion tilted her head at the sudden chanting. Schlieffen gently swung his sword. Awesome! At the same time, blood flowed from the neck of Verminion, who was standing in the front.



Verminion fell down on one knee. Blood gushed from the severed artery. Of course, a wound like that would heal quickly, but Schlieffen’s purpose was to buy time.

Holding the sword upside down, Schlieffen plunged the tip of the sword into the floor. Kwajik! A curtain of wind that rose with a faint shattering sound wrapped around the room. It was a storm barrier that did not disappear until he died or was canceled.

【How dare you!】

【Stupid. Locking yourself up.]

Various reactions came back. Some were outraged, others laughed. However, despite being imprisoned, no one was afraid. What Schlieffen did was so reckless.

Schlieffen said nothing. He knew too. There was no chance of winning. A question kept popping up in my mind that was burning with fear.

Do you really think you can do it?

Do you think someone like you can protect the daughter of a star?

Perhaps it was hallucinations. Otherwise, your voice wouldn’t be the same as your own. The archbishops were preparing to tear themselves apart, each pulling out their own weapons. After being silent for a while, he grabbed the hilt of the sword.


The trembling stopped. A storm was entwined around the bluish blade. Schlieffen aimed his sword at the archbishops and continued.

“I can protect you.”

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