Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 309

[ 309. End (1) ]



Abel muttered. If only the two legs were properly attached, it wouldn’t have taken this long, but it took longer than expected. Almost no sensations remained in his cold body.

‘I’ll have to finish it quickly.’

Evacuating from the headquarters, he had arrived in the world of giants before he knew it. A sphere as gigantic as the imperial palace was pulsating in front of Abel’s eyes.

The identity of the sphere was a lump of energy that the giants called ‘source’. Abel was putting one of his remaining hands in there. An indescribably powerful energy was spreading throughout his body.

“It’s great power…”

There was a reason why the giants served. The white cloud, which had only flowed quietly, was swirling wildly around the source. A low, deep voice echoed incessantly all around.

『Foolish mortals, get out of there right now.

』 How can a person who has sworn allegiance commit a taboo!”

Every word was so loud that it sounded like it would tear the eardrum, but Abel didn’t react. Giants, apparently numbering in the thousands, surrounded him.

“How dare you touch his heart!”

cried a giant. Even the ones who were always calm couldn’t hide their bewilderment this time. It was necessary to bring Abel out immediately, but they were not able to approach it in case the source was damaged.

“How are you feeling? bald heads. This is mortal strength.”

Abel, who was examining the faces of the giants, giggled. The frantic fluttering of the wings revealed their urgent feelings. There was nothing more fun than watching the arrogant guys fall into despair.

Abel planned this operation a long time ago. It was for this very moment that he bowed his head to the giants even while going through death threats and trembling insults.

This lump, which serves as the heart of the entire race of giants, could only be touched when the king was not present. Chew-! Taking one more step, Abel put his arm fully into the source.

[What are you doing!]

The giants’ faces contorted once more. Instead of answering, Abel smiled.

The things I had given up for this moment were passing by before my eyes. Lastly, while reminiscing about his memories with Cain, he spoke sternly.

“Keep an eye out there. As we move toward immortality.”



The King of Giants sighed. He was seeing Abel through their shared senses. The filthy traitor had reached the source in the blink of an eye.

He was slowly pushing his body into the source. I didn’t know what to do, but I didn’t feel very good. The children of the stars were unable to attack for fear of damaging the source.

『How dare you… a worm that is less than the dust of the universe…』

The king gritted his teeth. Suddenly, a memory from a while ago came to mind. Abel, who came to his world, provoked him by saying that he was afraid of descending to this planet.

In fact, that one word was the beginning of the situation. The king, who was wary of the disappearance of the former king and originally would not come down, came down in response to the provocation. Kwaaang-! Eight wings spread at once.

『Get out of the way!』

“Even run away!”

The people who watched the battle exploded in astonishment. The king ignored them and soared into the sky. It was embarrassing, but I had to stop Abel first.

“Where are you going to bounce instead of fighting!”

Ronan, who was fighting swords with the king, shouted out loud. I thought I couldn’t fly because I was so injured, but it seemed that I still had energy left.

It was unfortunate for the king, but people including Ronan did not intend to let him go. Ronan’s mana-enhanced thighs swelled to burst.


Ronan kicked off the ground and leaped vertically. Having caught up with the king by a narrow margin, he inserted a broad backing sword. hooked! The tip of the sword pierced the flesh and lodged in the king’s wing bone.


The king’s body staggered greatly. But he didn’t stop gaining altitude. Ronan cursed at the unexpected reaction.

“This bastard…”

Kwaaa! The king, who ascended with Ronan hanging, reached right under the magic circle in the blink of an eye. Now there were only two or three flaps of wings left to enter. A sudden, dizzying pain overtook him.


It was a pain that couldn’t be ignored at all. The king’s brow crinkled at the feeling of his body becoming heavy.

When I turned my head, I saw two huge ice spikes growing through one wing and one thigh. Asher, who confirmed the hit, shrugged and was frightened.

“Damn right!”

『You… Wizard.』

The king looked down at the ground and grabbed the hilt. The red-haired wizard had been familiar with sensory sharing. A shameful thing for a mortal to dare to steal and use the power of the stars.

I should have torn it apart, but I couldn’t afford it. The part hit by the magic was slowly freezing. The king, who had managed to overcome the pain, was about to fly again.

Faaaaang-! A black comet-like thing that came from a blind spot passed through his right third wing. At about the same time, a dark shadow flying from the other side completely severed the fourth wing on the left.

【Even a trash man would have shown me a fantasy like that!】

【Blood must end with bloodshed.】

It was Orsay and the Grand Duke of Shadow. Waking up from the hallucinations seen by Erill, they were angry to the core. At that time, a great invisible force pressed the king down from the sky.


was a pressure he had never experienced before. The king, who had fallen almost 100 meters, managed to balance and come to a halt in the air. Seeing the scene, Lorhorn sighed as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

“It was such a spleen number.”

I couldn’t stop it even though I pressed it with all my strength. However, it was not a pointless attempt. The king, unable to bear it, burst into anger.


Hwaaaaagh! The five remaining wings spread out as if they were about to explode. A wind so strong that it uprooted the mountain threw the bodies of Orsay and the Archduke of Shadow.


『I swear, no matter what happens, I will definitely destroy this planet!』

shouted the king. It was too late to turn now. An irrepressible rage was seething in the depths of his chest.

The king, who shook off all the hinders, soared toward the magic circle again. It was time to go back. It was the moment he was about to stick his head inside the magic circle.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him.

“I am still here.”


Then, for the first time in his life, the king felt the emotion of fear. The feathers on all the wings bristled at once. I was so distracted that I forgot about it. Ronan was still clinging to his back.

“So…you should have forgotten what to forget.”

Ronan murmured bitterly. La Mancha, which was deeply embedded right up to the front of the hilt, was dyed in an intense red color that had never been seen before.

Inside the thin sword, all the power Ronan had been saving so far was contained. The moment the power was released, the condensed sword energy would tear the king’s heart apart.

『You bastard…You dare!!』

“This is the end. It took a long time.”

The king growled, but Ronan ignored it. It was the moment he was about to release the power he had been gathering. Faaaah-! A dazzling wave burst out from the inside of the magic circle that suddenly covered the sky.


Ronan frowned at the unknown phenomenon. The white halo of light rippled and spread across the battlefield. All of a sudden, the power drained from the body of the king who was driving the sword.



Ronan was puzzled by the sudden feeling of the rocks turning to mud. why is this Have I not done anything yet?

“Why the fuck is this?”

The king fell to the ground before he could say anything. Wow! The gigantic body crashed into the ground and let out a roar.

The remaining giants began to fall one by one. bang! Quaang! A crash sounded continuously. The soldiers who watched the final battle from the ground began to hum.

“The oars are going down!”

“…Did I win?”

The change didn’t end there. The magic circles that were connected to the world of giants that completely covered the sky were slowly disappearing. The scenery of the head temple, which had been entirely covered in eerie white, was also changing.

“Hey, this is where we started!”

“The scenery changes…”

Grass and flowers seemed to emerge from the melted snow. The sky and the earth soon regained their original colors.

The allied forces were standing on the ground where they had marched toward the headquarters. The surrounding dark green forest swayed in the blowing night breeze.

“Hey look over there!”

Then someone shouted. The king’s body, which had been sprawled out, was disappearing. The sight of him changing into light and disappearing from the extremity of his body was like burning ashes being crumbled by the wind.

So did the other giants. The corpses of the giants covering the ground were turning into particles and flying away. Before long, Ronan rose from the spot where the king’s corpse had disappeared.

“What the hell happened?”

“Ro Ronan!”

His friends who saw him covered their mouths in amazement. Even after falling from that high place, Ronan’s body did not have a single wound left. Asher, who ran first, cried and said.

“You worked so hard… I really thought I could do it…!”

“Awesome, you are really…”

Tears were pouring from Marja’s eyes as well. They thought Ronan had killed the King of Giants. Ronan twitched his lips without answering.

‘I didn’t kill him.’

It was very dubious. An unidentifiable ominous feeling was creeping up. Why did this happen all of a sudden? People who had no way of knowing the truth of the incident were just rejoicing.

“Ooh we won!”

“hurray! hurray!!”

Thunderous cheers erupted from everywhere. It was so loud that it seemed like it could be heard even from the island. After confirming that each other was not dead, the soldiers were crying out loud as they hugged their comrades. It was in the middle of such a joyous atmosphere.

[Everyone, wake up! Watch out for the sky!]

Adeshan’s electric sound suddenly resonated in everyone’s heads. People frowned at the intensity of the volume, which was incomparable to the previous transmission. Ronan’s gaze, which was looking around urgently, reached Adeshan.


Her face was white. The gray gaze stayed on the sky where the magic circle had disappeared. An indescribable ominous feeling made the hairs on my body stand on end. As Ronan was about to approach her, the black night sky turned white.

“What is this…”

Ronan’s eyes widened. It was as if the whole world had been struck by lightning. Then, before I had time to say anything, the sky began to fall.


Ronan could feel it. The attack of the Ark, like the spear of light that the giants were throwing, was coming down. However, the range was absurdly wide.


Everyone present had a gut feeling of death. However, only Ronan could move in the moment. In the slowed down time, he was watching the elements that make up the landscape disintegrate into particles.

Clouds floating in the sky, followed by the lofty Baidian Mountains. The light pouring overhead was erasing the beings in high places. The upper part of the battleship Dynhar was destroyed, revealing the interior made up of mechanical devices.


Ronan gritted his molars. First of all, since the giants’ attack and the chest were the same, it could be offset by cutting them. But there were too many people to protect. Surely more than 70% would die.

“Such a bitch…!”

Of course, apart from the calculation, Ronan’s body was already moving. Even the people around me had to live. It was the moment when he gathered all his remaining strength and was about to pull the hilt.

A familiar voice rang out from the corner of the field of vision.

“Save your strength.”


Ronan turned his head in the direction of the sound. The savior stood there. He held his arms high in the sky, as if he were trying to get something.


Ronan’s eyes widened. The savior was also moving in slow time. A faint, inexplicable smile crept across his lips. A hemispherical shield that appeared all of a sudden covered the entire Allied Forces.

“What are you doing now…!”

The savior was not receiving the mana of others. Ronan, who witnessed the reckless behavior, was about to shout something. The white light that finally arrived collided with the protective film.

Quaaaaaa-! The entire world turned white with a roar that seemed to turn the world upside down.

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