Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 321

[Abduction 5. Dream Drinker (4) feat. Iril & Schlieffen ]


“The 2 servings of potato stew you ordered are here!”

Illil exclaimed. Her silvery white hair draped under the sky of the Isles. Humming a song, she approached and set down two bowls of potato stew on the outdoor table.

“Ehehe, enjoy your meal!”

Kim was blooming in the freshly boiled potato stew. It was a dish that came after a long wait, but the two men who came as guests just stared blankly at the dish, not thinking about opening a spoon.

“…it was good to be alive.”

“Can I really eat this?”

Suddenly, water welled up in the men’s eyes. They waited for two full months to eat at Nimburton’s Table, a restaurant run by Irill.

When I waited after hearing rumors, I wondered if this was worth it, but the moment I saw Ilil’s face, my doubts melted away like snow in the spring. Erill smiled.

“sure. It’s a dish I made for you to enjoy.”

“Ah, how gracious…!”

“I will definitely come back…”

They were about to say something while sobbing. Suddenly, a chilling murderous sound spread from a corner of the restaurant. The men stiffened at the sensation of a chill in their bones.

“This is…”

They simultaneously turned their heads to the origin of the killing. In the far away restaurant, a sculptural-looking young man wearing an apron was peeling potatoes. Schlieffen sent the whole note without taking his eyes off the potato.

[The mouth is an organ for putting food in.]

The low voice was intimidating. He wore an apron instead of a uniform and held a small kitchen knife in his hand. Next to it was a pile of new potatoes that had been airlifted from the Grancia estate yesterday.

As Schlieffen gripped the hilt, the sword body changed into the form of wind and disappeared. Chow! Hundreds of potatoes were peeled at once. He raised his head, glared at the men, and continued.

[Especially in a restaurant.]


The men sighed. The spoon fell from his hand and fell into the stew. Barely coming to their senses, they hurriedly ate the stew as if they had starved for three days.

“Let’s eat well!”

“Oh, you must be very hungry. Eat slowly.”

Schlieffen finally took his life. After serving a few more times, Iril entered the restaurant. A middle-aged man with dark blue hair had just finished eating and was wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.

The handkerchief made of the finest silk was embroidered with gold thread of a knight stepping on a dragon. It was a crest symbolizing the Grancia family. Seeing the empty bowl, Iril put his hands together in admiration.

“Wow, you cleaned it up. Does it suit your taste, Duke?”

“Uh heh, it tastes better than the tenderloin of a Rustang water buffalo. And call me Father.”

The middle-aged man chuckled. It was Josef Sinivan de Grancia, the current head of Grancia and Schlieffen’s father. Schlieffen, who watched the scene, narrowed his brows.

“My lord. Please keep your dignity.”

“I don’t want to hear from you who uses an aura to peel potatoes. No matter how much I think about it, I passed the fail load too early.”

“Miss Iril is having a hard time since you keep occupying your seat. Did you know it’s already the fifth bowl?”

“Know. And this will be the sixth bowl. Sweetheart, is it possible to have just one more bowl? I will pay you tenfold, not a hundredfold.”

After saying that, Josef let out another laugh. Charisma, which reminded me of a lion, had long since drowned in potato stew. It was hard to believe that he had once opposed Schlieffen’s marriage along with members of the family.

Joseph was ruined after meeting Iril who visited the Grancia mansion about a year ago.

By the end of the three-day introduction to the family and territory, all members of the Grancia family, including Joseph, had become ardent followers of Iril. Ronan, who visited for the purpose of discipline, was embarrassed, so he said everything. Illil, who received an additional order, nodded happily.

“sure! I’ll bring it to you right away!”

“…Ms. Lee.”

Schlieffen, who was silently peeling potatoes, twitched his lips. To be honest, he didn’t like Erill’s sweaty work at all. Of course, I was willing to help if I wanted to.

Illil went deep into the kitchen and disappeared. Joseph, who put down his handkerchief, opened his mouth.

“He is such a good kid. I wonder every time I see how a blunt guy like you brought a woman like that.”

“That’s right.”

“Seeing that you do not deny it, it seems that I have taught you well. Yes, it has been almost 2 years since you proposed, when are you planning to have the wedding? “

After defeating Jaifa and ascending to the position of Imperial First Sword.”

Schlieffen answered without hesitation. Joseph, who was silent for a moment, shrugged his eyebrows.

“When exactly is that?”

“It is this summer.”

“This is the time when the Sword Saint battle is taking place. Do you need to be in such a hurry?”

“yes. Unless you become the strongest swordsman in the world, you are not qualified to guard this sheep.”

Even though he said the top, his dark blue eyes remained aloof without wavering. The corners of Joseph’s mouth went up slightly.

“Please be diligent. Because that kid has a subtly smart side, and he doesn’t seem to call me father until he officially marries you.”

“That’s a pitiful reason.”

“Don’t deny it. But this is also not what you want to hear. It’s been almost two years since we started dating, and you’re afraid to cross your arms.”


Schlieffen’s face turned red. Putting down the cleaver, he sparsely spoke.

“That…what’s wrong…”

“You’re a genius son. However, I am worried that he is not suffering from a disability in the field of giving and receiving love because his talent is concentrated on the sword. You resemble me a lot, but there is a difference between heaven and earth in that part.”

Joseph clicked his tongue. Growing up in a conservative family culture, the love between Schlieffen and Iril was too childish.

When I accepted the secret agents’ report, I almost lost my mind. The most daring act of love in six months was leaning her head on her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he continued.

“I’m not talking about putting your hand first. I know you’re not a bastard who would do such a thing. However, it would be better to develop the courage to kiss the sheep in front of everyone from now on.”

Schlieffen, who understood the meaning, bit his lower lip. Joseph was talking about a wedding that would happen someday. There could be nothing more unsightly than if the groom failed to kiss his bride in front of thousands of guests.


Schlieffen drooled. Looking back, he had never really done anything other than propose. Even that was said in a state where his soul was half lost due to the shedding of a lot of blood.

In fact, he was also very alert. Schlieffen, who started dating Irill and read three-digit love books, knew that many women were attracted to dominant men.

However, he was paralyzed just by looking at Iril’s face, and there was no way he could do anything about it. At times like this, I envy Ronan. Schlieffen, who had struggled to shake off his thoughts, was about to pick up the cleaver again.

“Lee Ik… Mr. Schlieffen! Can you help me?”

“I will go now.”

Iril’s voice came from inside the kitchen. Schlieffen immediately got up and moved on. As I turned the corner, I caught Iril, who was struggling on tiptoe in front of the shelf.

“I put it on too high…I can’t reach it.”

“hmm. I do.”

Schlieffen nodded. Making Erill stand aside, he set down the plates on the top shelf. Seeing how he got off so easily unlike himself, Iril scratched his cheek.

“Ehehe, thank you.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Schlieffen is very kind. Is it because he resembles the duke?”

Erill laughed. A smile reminiscent of the sun made Schlieffen’s heart twitch again. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

‘for a moment. Maybe now.’

It wasn’t intentional, but it was a very good situation to make progress. Just in time to help with the work, I bought a good impression, but I didn’t have eyes to see.

Joseph’s words that you must develop courage and the words of dating masters that you must take the initiative were spinning around in your head.

Miraculously regaining his sanity, Schlieffen looked down at Iril. His own face was shining in the sunset-colored eyes. The fact that their breaths were touching each other was closer than expected.

Wouldn’t it be okay to kiss the back of your hand? Schlieffen, who had made such a judgment, was in the midst of drawing courage from his bones.

“Hey, Mr. Schlieffen.”


Schlieffen tilted his head. Iril, who had been quietly looking up at him, suddenly lifted his tiptoe. side. Her lips touched Schlieffen’s cheek and then dropped.


Schlieffen’s time stopped. Trembling, he raised his arm and placed his hand where his lips had touched. Erill continued with his hands behind his back.

“I know you always care.”

“Uh uh uh hmm? uh…?”

“thank you. Mr. Schlieffen.”

Schlieffen could not answer. The only thing he could do right now was to use his mental strength, which was rapidly disappearing, to endure the loosening of his legs. Illil, who had been smiling, murmured softly.

“Hehe… I’m a bit embarrassed as well. It’s the first time I’ve done this to someone other than my brother.”

Iril’s white face was as red as a ripe apple. Schlieffen tried to say something, but Erill didn’t give him a chance. side. She raised her tiptoe again, this time kissing him on the other cheek.


“Since the guests are waiting, I will go first. Come slowly.”

Iril left those words and turned his back. It was at that moment that she turned the corner and disappeared. dump. Schlieffen, whose legs were weak, sat down.


Schlieffen, who had been doing so for a long time, let out a breath like a person who came up from a dive. He realized now that he wasn’t breathing.

As my numb senses returned, I began to hear sounds around me. It was before he even enjoyed the reverberation of the historical event. Someone’s cheerful voice echoed from the hall.

“Iril sister!”


Erill’s screams followed. Schlieffen’s intelligence, which had been downgraded to that of a dog or cat, returned to normal. It was the moment when he reflexively jumped up and reached the hall.

“Miss Lee! What is this…!”

Schlieffen’s eyes widened. A little boy of unknown gender was burying his face in his chest while hugging Leel. Erill was stroking his hair and smiling.

“Ahaha, it tickles me! So, who is the little guest?”

“Hey, try guessing.”

The attention of all the guests was focused, but the unidentified kid was rubbing his cheek against Iril. The corners of Schlieffen’s eyes trembled, who had no way of knowing that he was Sheeta transformed into a human. Barely coming out of a panic, he shouted as he picked up a knife.

“this guy!”

Hey profit! The wind that gathered in an instant began to whirl along the blade of the transition. Surprised by the momentum, Joseph rose from his seat.

“Sch Schlieffen. for a moment…!”

“Don’t interfere!”

He urgently tried to intervene, but in vain. The enraged Schlieffen was about to punish the yellow scoundrel. Wow! Suddenly, the dining hall door was thrown open with a crushing force.



The startled guests choked in the sand. Schlieffen’s motion paused for a moment. A stout young man appeared through the slowly creaking door.

“Nimiral… Huh Eok finally found it.”

The young man’s body was wet with sweat. It was like someone who had sprinted around the entire island. Schlieffen recognized him and raised his eyebrows.



The wind around the knife died away. After pushing Schlieffen, Ronan strode into the store. Sheeta turned her head and her eyes widened.

“Oh, I heard you!”

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