Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

A Divine Sword for a Magic Sword (1)

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I didn’t think long.

Since I already knew the structure of how this type of magic stone changes, I simply thrust my sword into it.

“M-Master? What are you doing?”

Lim Hyun was bewildered by the sudden action of stabbing the magic stone with the sword.

However, it didn’t take long for his bewilderment to turn into amazement.

Swoosh- Swish-


Once again, darkness is sucked into the sword.

The deep darkness that enveloped the magic stone and the light that was uniquely leaking from the [Sword of Penitent].

The two opposing qualities seemed to try to devour each other, but soon became one, losing color and disappearing.

‘It’s exactly the same as before.’

Who made who disappear?

A phenomenon where it’s unclear what consumed what.

I’m not sure what this means, but anyway, the ominous energy within the magic stone had disappeared.

Perhaps the divine power contained in the [Sword of Penitent] resonates in a special way with the Death Knights’ magic stones… That was just my speculation.

But then.


Something strange happened.

The [Sword of Penitent], which had swallowed the energy of the magic stone, suddenly began to emit a dazzling light, illuminating the surroundings.

Then, an enormous amount of divine power burst forth from within.

…And a parade of information windows filled up in front of me.

It was really.

Such a sudden event.

[Amazing achievement! You have reformed the forgotten comrades of your kind. After Kelbilid left, they had been buried in endless darkness, allying with Ludenark. Cleansing their darkness is a noble act that only Kelbilid, a warrior of Termen and a fervent penitent of Sednilen, could perform.]

[The ‘Madness of Faith’ rune and the ‘Silver Moonshadow’ rune react violently! Having met all the necessary conditions and achieved the feat, the tightly locked seal is unlocked.]

[The hidden story contained within the item awakens. The ‘Sword of Penitent’ item changes to ‘Kelbilid’s True Repentance’.]

<Item Information>

◎Name: Kelbilid’s True Repentance

◎Type: Sword (Divine Sword)

◎Grade: Myth

◎Creator: –

◎Special Effects: –

1) Strength +3 Toughness +3 Recovery +10

2) Can exert 20% additional performance when fighting against cursed forms. The higher the Holder’s Recovery stat, the more powerful the sword becomes.

3) Contains the power of Sednilen, the God of Mercy. The merciful Sednilen does not desire the offerings that believers wish to make. When manifesting divine power through the sword, the desired amount can be manifested with only 10% of the input.

4) Can reform those who have made the ‘Oath of Darkness’. The form of reformation may vary depending on the target, and as the number of reformations increases, the compatibility with the divine power contained in the sword increases rapidly. (Reformation count: 2)

*The divine sword reacts when reformation targets are nearby.

◎Derived Skills: –

◎ [Divine Slash]

◎ [Divine Mercy]

: By thrusting the sword into the ground, create a divine protective area around you. Those within the area receive Sednilen’s divine mercy for 10 minutes, increasing their resistance and immunity to dark attributes, and increasing all abilities by 10%.

◎Detailed Information:

: A sword containing the repentant heart of Kelbilid, once a warrior of Termen who committed evil acts while intoxicated by darkness. It was reborn as a holy sword when Sednilen, the God of Mercy, breathed power into it. The one who has risen from the depths of darkness now bestows the mercy of reformation upon those touched by death.


I was at a loss for words at the vast item information spread out before me.

I just thrust the sword into the magic stone, just like when I killed the Death Knight called Neilid earlier, but…

What’s all this?

“M-Master. The light from the sword….”

I wasn’t the only one surprised.

LiIm Hyun, who was watching the scene right next to me, the master who had been conversing with me until just now, and the other clan members resting nearby.

Everyone focused their attention on this strange sight.

And for good reason, as anyone could see that the sword I was holding was shouting ‘I’ve got something!’ while being drenched in intense light…

As a Holder, it was impossible not to be interested in this unusual phenomenon.

Of course, I was probably the most surprised of all.

‘No way, this is a divine sword.’

It’s exactly as the item description says.

A divine sword imbued with the power of a god named Sednilen.

The [Sword of Penitent] had been reborn as a mythical item called [Kelbilid’s True Repentance].

I’m not sure about the exact details, but… It seems that thrusting my sword into the dark magic stone acted as a trigger, and in the process, my [Madness of Faith] and [Silver Moonshadow] runes reacted, unlocking the seal on the sword.

‘I’ve really become a Knight….’

Bewilderment filled my mind.

Lately, I have been using divine power frequently and acquiring related runes bit by bit, but I never imagined a scenario where I’d obtain a divine sword.

However, it was also a much-needed coincidence.

With its changing performance against dark attribute opponents and its completely devouring type of compatibility.

There’s no item more effective than this divine sword when fighting against Hwang Seong-yeon, the owner of the demon sword.

While it’s not always good for a main weapon to have a biased nature, in the current situation, it’s the most optimized weapon.

‘Plus, the effects and skills are too good.’

Although the stat increases are somewhat small for a mythical grade item, it increases the Recovery stat by 10.

Also, the second special effect, which was also present in the original [Sword of Penitent] effect.

It was nerfed from the original 50% to 20%, but since the sword’s performance itself became heavenly as it became mythical grade, it was actually better.

The third effect was an ability that increased the efficiency of using divine power, and the new skill [Divine Mercy] was… Just by reading the description, I could tell it was an overpowered skill.

A mythical grade item.

The weight that the name carried was enormous.

“The issue is with this fourth effect…”

I swung the divine sword back and forth while reading the description of the fourth effect.

Setting aside the vague explanation about being able to reform those who have fallen into darkness, the result obtained through this process is important.

As the reformation stacks accumulate, the sword’s performance continues to increase.

In other words, this meant it was a kind of ‘growth-type item’.

It’s already a mythical item with an unbelievable level of performance, but I couldn’t even imagine what kind of monster would be born if it grew even more from here.


Then a voice called out again from beside me.

When I turned my head, I saw the clan members full of questions.

To that, I showed them the sword with an Ah- expression.

“This is a divine sword.”


And the clan members fell silent for a moment.

Their reactions burst out a beat later.


“A, a divine sword?!”

“No way, what’s this all of a sudden…!!”

Questions bordering on shock poured out.

In fact, ‘divine swords’ are well known in the Holder world.

This is because a mythical item called a divine sword had already appeared once in the undiscovered dungeon <Abandoned Temple of Reclin> that came out in the United States.

Its name was [Reclis’s Warm Touch].

It was a divine sword with the power of Reclis, the god of healing, which had a stronger tendency to heal allies rather than combat power, and in some sense, it was an item that contained the inherent power of a divine sword.

It’s one of the few mythical items in the Holder world, and it also has symbolic meaning as the extreme of divine items.

Such a divine sword has appeared ‘again’.

And not through dungeon conquest or special crafting, but just by the seal on one of my swords being suddenly lifted.

Naturally, everyone couldn’t help but have expressions of disbelief.

“Well then, let’s depart now.”

But unfortunately, there was no time to explain that.

Our clan was still rushing to conquer this <Land Touched by Death>, and the break time was almost over.

“Wait, wait, Master. Please explain more… No, putting that aside, which direction are you planning to go?”

This time, Kim A-reum, the leader of Team 4, stopped me.

Suddenly departing, but where to?

She looked at me with eyes full of such meaning.

To that, I smiled brightly and raised [Kelbilid’s True Repentance].

And the divine sword began to move above my hand.

It spun around by itself…

Then stopped with strong pressure.

Like Choi Arin’s compass, it was pointing to where we needed to go now.

“I’ve got a good compass. We just need to follow this direction.”

It was the moment a path appeared in what had been a daunting area to conquer.




The divine sword’s compass function was certain.

Within 10 minutes of setting out, we discovered another undead legion.

“3rd team mages, all attack! Pour everything you’ve got!”

“2nd team archers, stand by! Detect any undead approaching from the rear!”

“Full assault! All members of 5th team, follow me!”

The team leaders’ shouted orders rang out chaotically.

<Evil Hunter>’s battle strategy in this area is quite simple.

After the head Holders like me, Yoo Eun-seol, and Park Ji-hwan draw the big picture and formulate a strategy, each team leader carries out those orders in their own style.

Because there are many high-ranking Holders with excellent performance, and accordingly, many clan members with ample opportunity to shine… Even in this chaotic battle, they were faithfully fulfilling their roles.


Clang clang- Swoosh-!!

And the need for me to give directions as the clan master, reduced…

In other words, it meant that I too had the chance to play an active role as a field player.

I wielded [Kelbilid’s True Repentance], newly evolved into a holy sword, and swept through various parts of the battlefield.

Ability stats already close to S-grade Holder.

Divine-type rune settings effective for undead hunting.

Finally, a mythical item that was cheating just by existing.

I was now the one most optimized to face those bearing the energy of death.

[‘You have reformed an evil person who made a ‘Dark Covenant’. The divine mercy of Sednilen touches the sword. The performance of the divine sword ‘Kelbilid’s True Repentance’ increases.’]

I also definitely reaped the rewards for hunting.

The [Dark Covenant] rune is a common rune possessed by most members of the Ludenark School or affiliated undead.

Therefore, hunting them continuously stacked reformation points on the holy sword, and accordingly, the divine sword kept growing.

Moreover, the growth of the divine sword was quite visible.

<Item Information>

◎Name: Kelbilid’s True Repentance

◎Type: Sword (Divine Sword)

◎Special Effects

1) Strength +4 Toughness +3 Recovery +11

The first special effect of the divine sword, stat correction.

Originally, it had an effect of +3 Strength and +10 Recovery, but now it’s +4 Strength and +11 Recovery.

The special effect has visibly grown according to the accumulation of reformation stacks.

And that’s not the end.

For now, only the stat correction effect has increased… But if I reform more or make more evil beings repent, perhaps the second or third effect could grow as well.

It was truly a growth-type item with limitless potential.

‘This is insane.’

Thanks to this, I slaughtered the undead with the feeling of striking gold.

These bastards…

They were becoming experience points for my newly acquired divine sword.

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