Adorable Twins: My Mother Is a Cool Miracle Doctor!

Chapter 556 - 556: Listen to the Guardian Princess!

Chapter 556: Listen to the Guardian Princess!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Tran slation

“We’re not leaving!”

“What Guardian Princess says is right! The Salvation Hall is currently the safest place for us! If we go elsewhere, we’ll be shunned, and if we re truly infected with the plague, we’ll have no choice bur to await death. Only the Salvation Hall can save us!”

“Guardian Princess is willing to vouch for us. How can we let her down and increase her risk?”

“That’s right! Guardian Princess has established the Salvation Hall for us, saving countless lives. Are we the kind of ungrateful people who forget kindness? We can’t trouble Guardian Princess! We’re just staying here, that’s all. I’ve slept on the streets plenty of times before; if I can sleep on other streets, why nor here?”

“Guardian Princess, we re nor leaving! We’ll do whatever you say!”

“Yes, none of us are leaving!”

The crowd shouted in unison, “We’re not leaving!”

Li Yun looked at Gu Qingluan in astonishment, never expecting that a few words from her would stabilize these agitated commoners so effectively.

Except for the dozen or so who insisted on leaving, this outcome was close to perfect!

Gu Qingluan smiled and said, “Very well! Since everyone trusts me like this, I won’t let you down. 1 promise that everyone present here today will leave this place safely and unharmed!”

As her words settled in, the entire crowd erupted into cheers.

Gu Qingluan gestured for everyone to quiet down, and once they had, she continued, “Now, everyone please line up in an orderly manner. We will conduct individual health assessments. In addition, one hour from now, the Salvation Hall will distribute a preventive medicine soup to everyone..,”

Her words acted as a soothing balm, calming the fearful hearts of the people.

After attentively listening to what she said, a look of delight appeared on everyone’s faces.

They knew that listening to Guardian Princess was the right choice.

After giving her instructions, Gu Qingluan turned to Li Yun, who wore a complex expression.

“Were you worried about those dozen or so people running off?” she asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Li Yun pursed his lips,

“Rest assured, they are all under control.”

As she spoke aloud, she had also used her divine consciousness to convey orders, directing the guards from the Salvation Hall to discreetly move through the back doors and block off several nearby alleys and streets. Anyone attempting to leave the Salvation Hall from the outside would be apprehended by the guards.

Li Yun looked at her in amazement. “I didn’t expect…”

The Guardian Princess to go back on her words.

“Sometimes, a little white lie is necessary,” Gu Qingluan replied calmly. ‘You don’t need to be so surprised, Master Li.”

“Of course.” Li Yun nodded, appearing as if he had learned a valuable lesson.

Gu Qingluan continued, “Although everyone is willing to stay, we can’t rule out the possibility of regrets. So, Master Li, you and your subordinates will need to keep watch here.”‘

Li Yun nodded again, saying, “You can rest assured, Guardian Princess. His Excellency, the Magistrate, has ordered us to guard this place. We won’t leave our posts.”

“Later, when it’s time to distribute the medicine soup, make sure to have a bowl,” Gu Qingluan said.

“We wouldn’t want those who came seeking help at the Salvation Hall to be fine while the officers and soldiers on duty here fall ill first.”

“Thank you for the reminder, Guardian Princess. I will remember.”

After their conversation, Gu Qingluan signaled for the carriage driver to accompany her to rhe Salvation Hall.

The people who gathered outside the gates had organized themselves into a long queue, following Gu Qingluan s instructions. When they saw Gu Qingluan’s carriage approaching, they cleared a wide path for it.

At the entrance of the Salvation Hall, Gu Xiaonan and Peng Yuanxi got off the carriage, and Gu Qingluan instructed the Salvation Hall staff to carefully carry the patients from the carriage.

The onlookers couldn’t help but glance at the unconscious man in the carriage a few times.

The group entered the Salvation Hall, which was also crowded with people seeking refuge.

Gu Qingluan furrowed her brows slightly and asked the hall manager who had approached, “Where is Third Lady Tang?”

“Third Lady Tang is unwell and is resting in an inner room.”

Gu Qingluan’s heart sank.

Could it be that Shijun had already contracted the plague?

There were many urgent matters to attend to, and she couldn’t spare the time to check on her.

Suddenly, Gu Xiaonan spoke up, “Mother, may I go and check on Aunt Tang?”

Gu Xiaonan had seen his mother save lives, and on rhe way here, she explained the symptoms and treatment methods to him. It seemed like the right moment for him to visit.

Gu Qingluan cautioned, “Alright, but be careful. If you find it too challenging to handle, call for me.”

Everyone knew that Gu Xiaonan had medical skills, so they weren’t surprised that Gu Qingluan agreed to let him approach Third Lady Tang, who was suspected of having the plague.

One of the Salvation Hall staff members guided Gu Xiaonan to Tang San’s location.

The rest of the people remained by Gu Qingluan’s side.

However, there weren’t many of them.

The Salvation Hall had received an overwhelming number of patients seeking help, and its staff were working tirelessly, barely able to keep up.

Gu Qingluan glanced at rhe crowded hall and instructed the hall manager, “There are too many people here, and the ventilation is poor, making it easier for the virus to spread. Have someone open all the windows on the ground floor of the hall.”

“But, if we open the windows and let the wind in, won’t it worsen the patients’ conditions?”

“It won’t be that severe. If someone’s condition worsens due to this, let me know, and I will provide medical treatment.”

As long as there was still breath in them, she could save them.

The hall manager nodded. “Very well, I’ll take care of it. Is there anything else you’d like me to handle?”

Gu Qingluan said, “Wait a moment. There are a few more things I need to mention, and then you can attend to them..”

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