Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 149: Late Mid Term Exams [3]

As for the 2-star spell, it was called the 'Aetheric Resonance Barrier'. This spell required a delicate balance of aether manipulation and control.

I took a deep breath and focused, drawing in a deep concentration of aether and shaping it into a protective barrier around me. The barrier shimmered with a faint, blue glow, and I could feel the resonance of the aether vibrating in harmony.

Instructor Lyr observed carefully, his expression inscrutable. "Hold it steady," he instructed. I nodded, maintaining the barrier and making sure the energy remained consistent.

"To truly assess its strength, I will now test your barrier," Lyr said, his voice even.

I braced myself as Lyr stepped forward and delivered a powerful physical punch to the barrier. The barrier rippled slightly but held firm. Next, he channeled aether into his hand and struck the barrier again. The impact was stronger, causing the barrier to shimmer more intensely, but it still withstood the attack.

"Impressive," Lyr murmured. "Now, for the final test."

He stepped back and raised his hand, summoning a bolt of fire—a basic yet potent elemental attack. The fireball hurtled towards the barrier, and upon impact, the barrier vibrated violently. The shimmering blue glow intensified before finally shattering into tiny particles of light, dissipating into the air.

"Good. You can take your seat." The instructor allowed me to return.

I nodded and returned to my seat under the gazes of my classmates.

The practical exam continued with each student showcasing their abilities. Aria, my sister, and Lyra all performed exceptionally well, demonstrating their respective elemental affinities with impressive skill. And just like the first lesson, Aurelius became the center of attention because of his brilliant performance.

He had pretty much learned to control every element more efficiently than before and showcased a 1-star spell for each element and 2 2-star spells for the fire and lightning elements.

The next class was one of my favorite ones this semester - Weapon Mastery. Thankfully, just like instructor Valerie, instructor Darius announced he wouldn't take an exam but evaluate the students based on their performance in the individual combat events of the championship tournament.

However, he also mentioned it wasn't mandatory to participate in the event, they could still take the exam from him if they wanted. But what he didn't know was most of the students didn't want to take the test from him so they already signed up for the event or were going to do it.

After the announcement, the class went like usual, with us dueling with each other and practicing the techniques of our respective weapons.

After the class ended I returned to the dorm and prepared for the two courses I would attend today - Beast Taming and Aether Control and Manipulation.

Thankfully, the courses didn't take exams or else they would probably take them today too.

So they went as usual.

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Thursday was also a day of taking tests.

Thankfully, the first one was interesting and not dull like written exams. In the Beastology class, we had to identify magical creatures based on their images or descriptions. While challenging, it was also intriguing.

As the exam progressed, we encountered a variety of creatures, from the common yet fascinating fire lizards to the rare and dangerous spectral wolves. The questions required not only identification but also knowledge about their habitats, behaviors, and unique traits.

After everyone finished, Instructor Elara gathered us around.

"Good effort, everyone," she began, her voice carrying easily across the area. "Your performance in this exam will be a significant part of your grade. However, there's another opportunity to showcase your knowledge and skills."

A murmur of curiosity ran through the class.

"The Beast Tamers Challenge event in the championship tournament," She announced. "This event will test your practical knowledge and handling of magical creatures. It's an excellent opportunity for those who excel in this subject to demonstrate their abilities."

She paused, letting the information sink in. "However, there's a requirement. Only those with companion beasts may participate."

All eyes naturally turned to Irithel and a few other classmates who had their companion beasts accompanying them. Irithel, with her proud and arrogant Fire Salamander, seemed particularly composed and ready for the challenge. Others had creatures like shadow panthers and sky hawks.

I still couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and disappointment as I watched them. My egg still hadn't hatched, and without a companion beast, I wouldn't be able to participate in this event. I tried to push the feeling aside, focusing instead on the fact that I had other strengths and events to look forward to.

"Those of you interested in participating, please sign up by the end of the day," Maren concluded. "Now, you're dismissed."

As we left the classroom, Irithel caught up with me. "Don't worry, Adrian," she said with a kind smile. "Your egg will hatch when the time is right. Until then, there are plenty of other ways to shine."

I nodded, appreciating her words. "Thanks, Irithel. Good luck in the event. I'm sure you'll do great."

Thankfully, Aria was beside me this time so she didn't misunderstand us.

The next lesson was PotionCrafting. This class had always been one of the more demanding but also rewarding ones. Today, we were scheduled to take the practical test since we had already completed the theory test about two months ago right before we started concocting potions by ourselves.

The test sounded rather simple - One needed to concoct one basic potion of their choice and one intermediate potion as assigned by the instructor. However, the true challenge lay in the precision and expertise required to craft these potions perfectly.

Professor Lucious, a strict but fair alchemist, began the session with a brief overview. "Remember, the quality of your potions will be closely examined. Precision, timing, and understanding of the ingredients are crucial. Now, you have two hours. Begin."

I chose to start with the basic potion, a Healing Draught. It was a potion we had brewed several times in class, so I felt confident in my ability to create it without any issues.

I gathered the ingredients: aetherroot, moonflower petals, and essence of mandrake. Each step required careful measurement and timing. The aetherroot needed to be finely ground and mixed with the moonflower petals at just the right moment to catalyze the healing properties.

I worked methodically, focusing on the process. The potion turned a brilliant emerald green, indicating it was of high quality. I carefully poured it into a vial and set it aside, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Next, I moved on to the intermediate potion, the Aetheric Fortitude Elixir. It was designed to temporarily enhance one's aether control and endurance, making it a valuable asset in both combat and prolonged spellcasting sessions. Though it wasn't the most difficult potion, its complexity required precise attention to detail and timing.

Professor Lucious had provided each of us with a set of three materials, allowing three attempts to perfect the potion. I was determined to succeed, even if it took all three tries.

I carefully laid out the ingredients: essence of starflower, powdered roots of Lennyroot, and a vial of concentrated aether extract. Each component had to be handled with care, as the balance between them was delicate and could easily be disrupted.

My first attempt started smoothly. I combined the essence of starflower with the powdered roots of Lennyroot, stirring the mixture with a glass rod. As I added the aether extract, the potion began to emit a faint, shimmering glow, indicating the process was progressing correctly. However, as I continued, the glow intensified too rapidly, and the potion began to bubble uncontrollably.

Despite my efforts to stabilize it, the mixture erupted into a harmless but disappointing cloud of vapor.

Undeterred, I moved on to my second attempt. This time, I adjusted the ratio of starflower essence, hoping to create a more stable base. The potion glowed steadily, and I cautiously added the aether extract. For a moment, it seemed I had achieved the right balance. But then, the glow faded too quickly, and the potion lost its potency, leaving a dull, ineffective liquid.

'Damn, they say the third time is a charm, right?'

Taking a deep breath, I approached my third and final attempt with renewed focus. I reviewed my notes, carefully considering where I had gone wrong in the previous tries. I decided to grind the roots of Lennyroot more finely, hoping to achieve a smoother integration with the other ingredients.

Slowly and methodically, I combined the starflower essence and the finely powdered roots of Lennyroot, stirring gently to create a consistent mixture. As I added the aether extract, I watched the potion closely, ensuring the glow remained steady. This time, the shimmer held, and the mixture began to emit a soft, steady hum—a sign of successful aetheric infusion.

With careful precision, I completed the final steps, and the potion transformed into a vibrant, pulsating blue liquid. I poured it into a vial and capped it, feeling a surge of relief and pride.

"Time's up," Professor Lucious called out. "Please bring your completed potions to the front for evaluation."

Ha, finally it ended.

"The results will be announced the next week, now the class is dismissed."

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