After Rebirth, the Miracle Doctor Wife Is No Longer Humble!

Chapter 13: Move Away

Chapter 13: Move Away

Not long after, Liu Lin returned to the dormitory and pushed open the door. She saw two boxes next to Ye Ling's bed and was taken aback. "Lingling, what are you doing?"

Ye Ling sighed and said helplessly, "The village chief asked me to move to Willow Village."

"Why?" Liu Lin asked, showing a surprised expression.

"I don't know," Ye Ling said, looking puzzled. "The village chief said it's for my good. I think he wouldn't harm me."

Of course, Ye Ling wouldn't explain the real reason to Liu Lin. She would let her guess!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the other two roommates couldn't help but look over and speculated about the village chief's motives for making Ye Ling move.

There was another knock on the door. Ye Ling knew it was the person from Willow Village who had come to pick her up. She looked at the empty table and bed and said to her three roommates, "Then I'm leaving."

After Ye Ling left and closed the door, the other two roommates immediately started discussing.

"Why did the village chief ask Ye Ling to move?"

"Could it be because of her relationship with Wu De? Maybe the village chief thinks her reputation is too bad and it affects the image of Stone Village, so he asked her to move."

"That seems unlikely."

Liu Lin sat on the bed, her face pale. She knew that wasn't the real reason.

Who was the village chief? That old man had so many things to take care of, so why would he go through the trouble of arranging for Ye Ling to move? Someone must have pressured the village chief.

Could it be that the police gave a hint to the village chief? It was very possible!

Liu Lin's heart raced, and her mouth felt dry.

If the police asked Ye Ling to move, there was only one possibility, they suspected someone around Ye Ling might have harmed her!

Did they suspect her? But they didn't have any evidence, so why would they make Ye Ling move out?

Could it be that she missed something, and they found out?

The more Liu Lin thought about it, the more uneasy she became. She looked at Ye Ling's empty bed and clenched her lips tightly.


"Alright, this is where you'll be staying. It has been cleaned up. The toilet is on the left side of the corridor, and the sink is on the right side. By the way, your situation is a bit special, so you don't need to register with our village's production team for now," The person responsible for bringing Ye Ling to Willow Village said.

Ye Ling nodded and expressed her gratitude.

She didn't have much money at the moment, but she wouldn't starve. So, it wouldn't have a big impact on her if she didn't work with the production team for a while.

These few days would be a good opportunity for her to study the small world and the medical books her ancestors gave her, and to plan her future.

Ye Ling had been living in a collective dormitory in Stone Village, but now she was assigned a single room in Willow Village. Although it was less than seven square meters in size, it was still a single room!

She was an ordinary intellectual youth. It was already quite good for her to have her own private space here.

Ye Ling opened the suitcase and placed the items into the cabinet. Then, she made the bed and lay down on it, letting out a long sigh of relief.

In the evening, Min Nan crossed the stone bridge over the river and returned to Sun Li's house.

At noon, he went to the old locust tree west of Stone Village and met those three children. He handed them a bag of candies and once again reminded them to keep the scene they witnessed that day a secret.

The three children stared at the bag of candies, their eyes widening, and nodded their heads vigorously, resembling little chicks pecking at grains.

Min Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He then returned the firearms he had borrowed from the local army and went to the town to buy some things.

When he arrived home, Sun Li had already prepared dinner. There were four dishes and a soup laid out on the table.

Sun Li dried her hands and called her three children and Min Nan to sit down and eat.

Sun Li had four sons, with the eldest, Wan Shan, already married and moved out. The remaining three still resided in the old house.

Wan Hai, the second son, was around the same age as Min Nan. He currently served as the leader of the inspection team in the production brigade. Upon seeing Min Nan's return, he smiled and said, "Dai Wei came by half an hour ago. When he saw you weren't back, he left."

Min Nan took a seat and asked, "What did he come for?"

Could it be that Ye Ling's investigation had yielded results?

"He didn't say. It was quite mysterious, but it seemed like a good thing. He had a radiant face," Wan Hai replied.

As they conversed, Wan Feng, the third son, pulled up a chair and sat down. He grabbed a corn bun from the plate, took a bite, and after slightly easing his hunger, he suddenly remembered something. Excitedly, he said, "We have a new intellectual youth in our village! A woman!"

Wan Hai glanced at Wan Feng and scoffed, "Haven't you seen a woman before? What's there to get excited about..."

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